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      • 短時調의 中國人物素材 受容 硏究

        Yu, Changliang 忠南大學校 大學院 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247695

        This thesis researched the types of Chinese-character-topics showed on short Si-jo. On this typical study, the Yu-ga likely characters, the Do-seon likely characters, and the features of characters are covered. There are all thirty-seven Yu-ga likely characters, including 13 scholars, 3 filial sons, and 21 vassals. Among them there are lots of works based on Gong-ja, Maeng-ja, and Ju-hee. Among the Do-seon likely characters, there are nine hiding shcolars, three beatiful women and three characters in drunken delight; fifteen in sum. The most shown characters on the convivial Si-jo are also I-baek and Yu-lyeong. The Do-ga thought effects show: first, they arouse hiding scholar sprit; second, it is considered the life of fun of being drunk; third, sometimes Do-ga thought leads to Sin-seon thought. Lastly, the features of Chinese-character-topics short Si-jo are followed. ①. The names of scholars appear a lot; chronologically they were only Chun-chu era and Song time characters. ②. Besides of scholars, the names of kings and vassals appear a lot. This may be considered Do-tong theory unfolded by Ju-hee. ③. The names of writers also appear a lot, chronologically they were spread out between Han to Song era the time when Do-ga thought were popular. ④. The names of hiding scholars also appeared a lot. Hiding scholars can be divided into pure hiding scholars and impure ones. ⑤. Yu-ga thought in Joseon dynasty was thought that loyalty is more considered than filial duty. On the old Si-jo, the Yu-ga likely characters and Do-ga likely characters appear a lot, especially the Yu-ga likely characters are given weight. This can be explained, in Joseon-jo which took Confucianism, Si-jo works were mostly created.

      • Reconstruction of neutrino event in the KNO water cherenkov detector

        Yu, Seonghyeon Sungkyunkwan university 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        The KNO (Korean Neutrino Observatory) project has been proposed as a next-generation water Cherenkov neutrino detector because it is expected to make important discoveries such as CP violation, proton decays, and supernova neutrinos for the next several decades. In order to understand the performance of the KNO detector, simulations and event reconstructions are developed. In this thesis, we report the preliminary results on neutrino energy reconstruction and their implication on sensitivities of CP violation measurement at KNO. 시피 깨짐, 양성자 붕괴, 초신성에서 오는 중성미자 관측과 같은 차세대 중요한 중성미자 실험들을 위해, 체렌코프 복사 한국 중성미자 검출기 연구 과제에 대한 논의가 계속되고 있다. 이를 위한 한국 중성미자 검출기의 효과를 이해하기 위해서 시뮬레이션을 이용한 중성미자 사건 재구성 도구가 개발되었다. 또한, 한국 중성미자 검출기의 시피 깨짐에 대한 민감도를 보여주는 예비 결과를 보여준다.

      • Amorphous Pharmaceutical Solids: Surface Enrichment of Components and Control of Liquid-Crystalline Order

        Yu, Junguang The University of Wisconsin - Madison ProQuest Dis 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        This dissertation contributes to two areas of glass science: (1) surface enrichment of components in a multi-component glass and (2) glasses with tunable liquid-crystalline order. Glasses have liquid-like uniformity and compositional flexibility and crystal-like strength, with numerous applications in optics, electronics, food science, and pharmaceutics. Amorphous drugs are more soluble and sometimes more bioavailable than crystalline drugs, providing a general tool for the delivery of poorly soluble drugs. In the first area, we show that the surface composition of an amorphous drug formulation can be vastly different from its bulk composition. A surfactant, a key formulation ingredient, can enrich strongly on the surface up to near purity and the degree of enrichment is controlled by the relative surface activities of the components. A polymer, another key ingredient, can also be surface-enriched with an enrichment rate governed by the rate of polymer diffusion through the bulk. The surface enrichment phenomenon impacts the stability and performance of amorphous formulations. In the second area, we demonstrate that organic glasses can be prepared in which the liquid-crystalline (LC) order can be systematically controlled. For rod-like and discotic mesogens, the LC order in a glass is controlled by the kinetic arrest of a slow relaxation mode (end-over-end rotation for rods, head-to-tail flip for discs). As a result, each glass has not one, but two internal (fictive) temperatures, with the higher value associated with the regularity of molecular packing and the lower value with the spacing between molecules. Our finding helps understand the complex structure of a glass. Together these two contributions expand the tool box of glass engineering for applications in pharmaceutics and organic electronics.

      • 중국 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션의 제작 현황 고찰

        An Yu 세종대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        중국 애니메이션의 대안을 모색하는 과정에서 웹 소설 IP의 팬덤 기반과 각색은 애니메이션의 중요한 시나리오 원천이 됐다. 웹 소설을 바탕으로 한 애니메이션이 주요 트랜드로 되었다. 웹 소설 원작 애니메이션의 작품이 증가하고 있지만, 그 발전은 아직 시작 단계여서 끊임없는 연구가 필요하다. 웹 소설 각색 애니메이션의 작품은 현재 주로 무협·마법 판타지 장르, 프로게이머 E-스포츠 경연장르, 브로맨스 장르를 위주로 하고 있는데, 그 중에서도 무협·마법 판타지 장르가 다수를 차지하고 있다. 브로맨스 장르의 작품 수는 최근 몇 년 사이에 점차 증가하고 있다. 전반적으로 웹 소설의 애니메이션 원작이 늘고 시청의 폭이 넓어지고 있지만, 각색과 심미적 욕구 충족에 유의할 필요가 있다. 본 논문은 중국 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션의 발전 과정을 고찰하였으며, 이론의 기초 위에서 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션의 장점을 분석하였다. 2015년부터 2020년까지 중국 웹 소설 애니메이션을 대상으로 영웅의 여정 이론과 팬덤 문화 이론을 활용하여 문화적 가치 제고 및 장르별 전략을 제시함으로써 웹 소설 애니메이션의 제작 현황을 연구하고, 여기에 웹 소설을 원작으로 한 애니메이션이 지속적으로 발전할 수 있다는 연구문제를 제시한다. 우선 이론적 배경과 선행 문헌에 대한 고찰을 통해 웹 소설 기반의 애니메이션의 등장과 발전 현황을 설명하고, 현재 웹 소설 기반의 애니메이션의 주요 장르를 분석했다. 마지막으로 웹 소설의 내적 요인과 팬덤의 외적 요소로 웹 소설의 흥행을 분석했다. 최근 몇 년간 고전문학 기반 애니메이션 내용과 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션 내용을 분석해 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션의 특징에 대해 두 가지 측면에서 분석했다. 첫째, 성장형 구조, 수용자 성인화 트랜드, 여성 캐릭터의 중시 경향 등 세 가지 측면에서 웹 소설 애니메이션의 캐릭터 구조를 분석한다. 둘째, 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션 장르의 확대로 볼 때, 시대 변화로 인해 프로게이머 E-스포츠 경연장르의 애니메이션이 긍정 에너지를 갖는 작품이 되었다. 또한 여성 시청자가 늘어나는 가운데, 여성의 시각을 위주로 한 브로맨스 장르로 한 작품들이 등장하기 시작하여 여성 시청자의 심미에 영합하게 되었다. 마지막으로 최근 몇 년간 고전 문학 기반 애니메이션의 내용과 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션의 내용을 고찰하여 현재 주소비자의 시각에서 어떤 내용 장르가 더 유행하는지 분석하고 웹 소설 기반 애니메이션의 주의할 만한 각색을 제안하여 웹 소설 기반의 애니메이션의 미래를 제안한다.

      • Study on the catalytic activity of surface-modified anatase TiO2 nanocrystal

        Yu Xiaomei 아주대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Anatase TiO2 nanosheets with large {001} facets are synthesized in a hydro thermal process by using HF as a shape-controlling agent. A successive post treatment with either H2 or NH3 gases is carried out under a gas flow at elevated temperatures of 500 – 800 °C. The photocatalytic performance of these prepared TiO2 catalysts is evaluated from a photodegradation of methylene blue in an aqueous solution under light irradiation. A shape effect is observed from the as-synthesized aTiO2 for higher photoactivities with the optimized ratio of crystal facet {001} close to 60%. Further enhancement on photoactivity is also achieved after the chemical etching treatment of the as-synthesized aTiO2 in a dilute NaOH (or HF) solution to remove the surface layers with significant changes in the surface defects as well as the surface morphology. The changes, especially in the surface defects which favor the formation of surface O- species under ambient condition are considered to play an important role in improving the photoactivity. Furthermore, post treatments of aTiO2 with reducing gases such as H2 may change the concentration and distribution of the intrinsic Ti3+ defects, which including the oxygen vacancies and Ti3+ interstitials in between the surface and bulk of nanocrystals. We find that the enhanced photoactivity after hydrogenation is closely related to such changes in defects. Compared with aTiO2, in our case, about 10 times higher photoactivity is obtained with hydrogenated TiO2 (H-TiO2) at 600 °C for 16 h treatment which is suggested due to a high surface-to-bulk defect ratio and a no uniform distribution of defects between the bulk and surface. Here we can see that the surface/bulk defects can be controlled by kinetically controlling of hydrogenation conditions, which in turn, will improve the photocatalytic performance of aTiO2. Other dopant element such as N is also introduced by annealing of aTiO2 under NH3 flow, which is investigated to have a promoting effect on photoactivity especially under visible light (Halogen lamp) irradiation. The optimized doping condition (temperature, time, gas flow rate) with generally enhanced photoactivity observed in our research is considered attributed to the detailed distribution of doped N species within the TiO2 matrix. A N-rich shell is obtained near the surface of N-TiO2 and proved by dramatic decrease in photoactivity after removing of this shell layer through post-chemical-etching in HF aqueous solution. While, the enhancement of photoactivity is favorable with the presence of no uniform distribution of N dopants which may improve the charge separation in TiO2 nanocrystals. The thermal catalytic performance of our as-synthesized aTiO2 nanosheets in CO oxidation reaction is also studied with the TiO2-supported Pt catalysts over a wide range of reaction conditions such as pressures of 1 – 100Torr and temperatures of 300 – 500 K. Well prepared TiO2 nanocrystals with 1 – 3wt% Pt loading are oxidized and reduced at 300 °C before being exposed to the reactants of CO and O2 gases in a well-defined ratio. The reaction rate changes based on the systematic measurements and the temperature-dependent reaction rates are observed to follow Arrhenius behavior. We observe that the initial stage of reaction is strongly influenced by the initial surface condition. Also, two distinct temperature ranges with different kinetics are investigated to show different slopes in Arrhenius plot. The partially oxidized Pt particles are characterized in a form of mixed phase of metallic Pt, PtO and PtO2 which provide various active sites for catalytic CO oxidation. The sudden change in the slope of Arrhenius plots is considered due to the formation of Pt oxides at high temperatures under oxidizing condition which is proposed to switch the reaction channels over new reaction sites at the boundary of Pt oxides. For the conversion of ubiquitous solar energy into clean chemical fuels such as H2, SnS has also been studied as a strong potential candidate as a photocatalyst in applications such as water splitting for its appropriate band gap and high optical coefficient. In our study, a two-dimensional orthorhombic SnS thin films in shape of nanodisk are prepared by dissociation of SnS2 particles in Ar plasma followed by sulfur reduction. The thickness of the SnS films varies from 10 – 200 nm in a controllable way and a thickness-dependent effect is observed on its physical properties such as the optical band gap, the absorption coefficient and the flat band potential. A photoelectrocataltytic water splitting is carried out in a three-electrode system with SnS as the working electrode, Pt as the counter and Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode. The hydrogen evolution rate is determined from the gas chromatography (GC) measurements. We find that with positive bias voltage of ESnS/(Ag/AgCl)=0.4 V, enhanced H2 evolution occurs over Pt while O2 production is suppressed over SnS surface under UV irradiation. However, the opposite bias voltage of -0.56 V leads to about 4 times higher of H2 evolution rate which obtained from the SnS surface, the current flow is suppressed. We propose band alignment models for our water splitting system for the explanation of the underlying mechanism.

      • Engineering Si-compatible materials based on transparent nitrides and conductive oxides (TNCOs) for broadband active plasmonics and metamaterials applications

        Wang, Yu Boston University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        Alternative plasmonic materials of Transparent Nitrides and Conductive Oxides (TNCOs) including Indium Tin Oxide (ITO), Al-doped ZnO (AZO) and Titanium Nitride (TiN), have been proposed as novel material platforms for Si-compatible plasmonics and metamaterials, showing enhanced light-matter interaction over a broad spectral range. It has been recently shown that these materials feature reduced optical losses compared with conventional noble metals such as Au and Ag in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. However, it is still an open challenge to tailor the structural and optical properties of these materials, and to further reduce their optical losses, in order to effectively utilize them in photonic devices. In this thesis work, I demonstrate wide tunability of the optical and structural properties of ITO, AZO and TiN thin films, by using post-deposition annealing treatments, enabling significant reduction of their optical losses. By measuring the optical bandgaps of the investigated materials, I show that the tunability of the optical properties originates from the modulation of the free carrier concentration induced by the annealing treatment. Moreover, I perform XRD characterization of the fabricated films, indicating that the annealing also effectively tunes the grain size, which is consistent with the change of the optical properties. Eventually, I investigate the role of the annealing gases for ITO and AZO, demonstrating that free-carrier modulation in ITO and AZO is due to the change in the density of oxygen vacancies after post-deposition annealing. In particular, TNCOs possess epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) condition in near-infrared range with optical loss epsilon"<1, thus providing enhanced internal fields in the medium at the ENZ condition. In collaboration with Prof. Nader Engheta and the previous post-doc in our group Dr. Antonio Capretti, we demonstrate enhanced second-harmonic generation (SHG) and third-harmonic generation (THG) from ITO thin films driven by ENZ condition. It results that the SHG generation efficiency is comparable with that of a crystalline quartz plate of thickness 0.5 mm, and that the THG generation efficiency is ∼600 times larger than crystalline silicon. As an application for the fabricated TiN material, I investigate PL intensity and lifetime in Hyperbolic Metamaterials (HMMs) coupled with emitting Si Quantum Dots (QDs). In collaboration with Hiroshi Sugimoto in Prof. Minoru Fujii's group and the previous post-doc in our group Dr. Sandeep Inampudi, we demonstrate up to 1.6-times enhanced decay rate of QDs emission. Photonic devices based on TNCO plasmonic materials offer an effective approach for the engineering of novel Si-based photonic devices with enhanced light-matter coupling over a broad spectral range. As an application for the fabricated ITO, in collaboration with Hongwei Zhao in Prof. Jonathan Klamkin's group, electro-absorption modulators are numerically investigated to show high extinction ration of greater than 6dB, while insertion loss is less than 1.3dB for wavelength range from 1.25 mum to 1.42 mum. Additionally, we demonstrate tunable optical properties of ITO thin films in mid-infrared spectrum by thermal annealing of ITO in oxygen environment. In collaboration with Sajan Shrestha and Adam Overvig in Prof. NanFang Yu's group, we fabricate 2D periodic arrays of ITO and show wide tuning of plasmonic resonances of ITO nanostructure from 4 mum to 10 mum. Combining with the tunability of ITO thin films in near-infrared, the ITO material platform provides a promising method for the control and engineering of Si-based tunable plasmonic and metamaterial devices in the infrared spectrum. Finally, in collaboration with my colleague Ren Wang, we experimentally demonstrate silicon nanodisk arrays with tunable anapole mode excitation in the visible spectrum. The proposed high index nanostructures can be used to enhance absorption rate for applications in semiconductor photodetector.

      • The Changing Impacts of El Nino and Arctic Warming on Mid-latitude Climate Variability

        Liang, Yu-Chiao ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        Remote forcing associated with El Nino and Arctic warming are two mechanisms capable of producing variability in the mid-latitude climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Such variability can give rise to abnormal and extreme events in mid-latitudes. The center of the warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) associated with El Nino has shifted from the tropical Eastern Pacific (EP) to tropical Central Pacific (CP) during the most recent two to three decades. This dissertation finds this shift ha. Arctic warming began to accelerate in the early 1990s, resulting in an increase in the importance of Arctic forcing on the mid-latitude climate variability. This dissertation also demonstrates how changing Arctic conditions affect the inter-basi. The findings of this dissertation contribute to a better understanding of how the forcing of mid-latitude climate variability has changed in recent decades and of the relative importance of the tropical Pacific (i.e., El Nino) and Arctic (i.e..

      • A Newly Commissioned Work for Cello, A Recording and Performance Practice Guide

        Tseng, Yu-Ting Arizona State University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        The introduction of a new instrumental piece---specifically Taiwanese---into the cello repertoire is as exciting as it is important. Currently, the majority of works for cello and piano include predominantly Western compositions that is repeatedly taught and performed. Reflections, by Taiwanese composer Ming-Hsiu Yen (Ms. Yen) is a response to this saturation. It is a piece that is both demanding for the performers and entertaining for the audience. Brilliantly written by a composer who has intimate familiarity with both the cello and piano, it is highly suitable for scholarly study and performance. This document details ensemble issues, interpretative suggestions for both cellist and pianist, and general concepts about the music. The composer further adds to these concepts and suggestions. Reflections is a programmatic work comprised of four movements, each with a descriptive title: "Gear," "Tears of the Angel," "Spintop," and "Transformation." Because the composer's intentions were driven by pictorial ideas and not by a formal harmonic structure, this paper concentrates on ensemble issues and interpretation less than harmonic analysis. Secondly, the project includes the premiere recording of Reflections, as performer by Yu-Ting Tseng, cellist, and Dr. Jeremy Peterman, pianist. This audio documentation provides other cellists and pianists the opportunity of hearing the piece as originally conceived by the composer, as an aid to their own future preparation of this work. This recording, combined with the interpretative analysis, will assist in bringing Reflections into the cello repertoire and public eye.

      • Essays on behavioral finance

        Yuan, Yu University of Pennsylvania 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        The thesis consists of two essays on behavioral finance. The first essay is titled, "Attention and Trading." This study empirically explores the effects of attention levels on investors' trading behavior and on market price dynamics. Specifically, we analyze the ability of market-wide attention-grabbing events---record-breaking events of the Dow index and front page articles about the stock market---to, predict the trading behavior of investors and market returns. The empirical results show that the impact of attention is pervasive across the market. High attention causes individual investors to reduce their stock holdings dramatically when the market level is high and to increase their stock holdings modestly when the market level is low. The aggressive selling by individual investors induces institutional investors to trade and has a negative impact on market prices, reducing market returns by 19 basis points on days following attention-grabbing events. The second essay is titled, "Investor Sentiment and the Mean-Variance Relation," with Jianfeng Yu. This study documents the influence of investor sentiment on the market's mean-variance tradeoff. We find that the stock market's expected excess return is positively related to the market's conditional variance in low-sentiment periods but unrelated to variance in high-sentiment periods. These findings are consistent with the presence of sentiment traders who, during high sentiment periods, undermine an otherwise positive mean-variance tradeoff. We also find that the negative correlation between returns and contemporaneous volatility innovations is much stronger in the low-sentiment periods. The latter result is consistent with the stronger positive ex ante relation in such periods.

      • Biophysical Neuron and Synapse Circuits in Reconfigurable and Scaleable Analog VLSI

        Yu, Theodore Ernest University of California, San Diego 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        In this work we model and implement detailed and large-scale neural and synaptic dynamics in silicon integrated circuits. The aims of this work are to accelerate neuroscience research through analysis by synthesis, and to explore scaleable, hierarchical, sparse event-driven, computing architecture inspired by cortical structure for efficient information processing. In one approach, we implement biophysical Hodgkin-Huxley based membrane dynamics with reconfigurable parameters governing detailed generalized channel kinetics in NeuroDyn, a four neuron, twelve synapse continuous-time analog VLSI programmable neural emulation platform in 0.5mum CMOS chip measuring 3mm x 3mm, and consuming 1.29mW. We present experimental results from the chip characterizing single neuron dynamics, single synapse dynamics, and multi-neuron network dynamics showing phase-locking behavior as a function of synaptic coupling strength. In the same architecture, we implement extended Morris-Lecar dynamics to demonstrate various neural spiking dynamics over a wide range of time scales extending beyond 100ms neglected in typical silicon models of tonic spiking neurons. In a second approach, we design and implement large-scale neural arrays for modeling the spike-based dynamics of cortical neural systems. Towards this end, we present three alternative realizations for highly compact and low-power designs of complex conductance-based models, where each conductance is implemented using a single MOS transistor operating in subthreshold. We present and characterize a mixed-signal VLSI event-driven neural array with 65k two-compartment integrate-and-fire neurons each with four time-multiplexed facilitating conductance-based synapses in a chip measuring 5mm x 5mm in 130nm CMOS and consumes 252 muW from 1.5V supply at 5M event/s synaptic input rate resulting in 50pJ/spike power efficiency. The array implements general spike-based neural models with dynamically reconfigurable synaptic connectivity through hierarchical address-event routing of synaptic events. We encode each synaptic event with parameters governing synaptic connectivity, synaptic strength, and axonal delay with additional global configurable parameters that govern neural and synaptic temporal dynamics. We demonstrate this architecture for spike-based event-driven coincidence detection in neural synchrony.

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