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      • 한국중소기업 대 중국투자 장애요인의 대한 연구

        YUAN XIA 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        Study on the investment obstacle factors in China of Korean middle and small corporations YUAN XIA Department of Korean Studies Graduate School of International Area Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies China got great achievement by using direct investment for it obtained the biggest sum of direct investment among the developing countries in straight eight years after the adoption of the reformation and opening policy, especially of after 1990’s century. In 2004, China actually obtained 60.63 billion US dollars in direct in direct investment, an increase of 13.32% comparing with year 2004. Also, in 2005, the number was 60.325 billion US dollars. Korea invested to china as late as 1998 via Hongkong for lacking of diplomatic relations at that time. The sum of investment to China was 119 million in 1992, when Korea and China established diplomatic relations. The rapid increasing was seen in the following years, and sum was 2.142 billion, an annual increase of 78% when the Finance Crisis happened in south Asian countries in 1997. More than 11% of Korean investment went to china even though the sum decreased in the following years. The sum as increased swiftly in 2002 when China entered WTO, and by 2005, 40% of Korean investment flowed to china. China has been the biggest investing country for Korea by items. However, the invest are mainly concentrated in manufacturing industry at seaside cities. In recent years, investment environment has changed a lot. In economy, economy instability because the investment was too hot in recent years will give dangerous to Chinese soft-landing. Various favourable policies that in order to appeal foreign capital at the beginning period of China adopting reform and opening policy for investing corporations are decreasing gradually. Labor and manufacturing costs are increasing because of the rise of raw materials and minimum wage of workers. The value of RMB is increase and manufacturing trade policies of Chinese government is changing. Furthermore, in social culture, copy and patent invadations are serious, social demand is decrease because of the gap between the rich and the poor. These factors bring forward obstacle factors for Korean middle and small corporations investing in China. Especially because of the rise of labor cost and change of manufacturing trade policies of Chinese government, the profit of Korean middle and small that focus on manufacturing are decreasing sharply, or even hard to exist. As for the obstacle factors in Chinese market, Korean middle and small corporations, on one hand, should enforce the development of Chinese market demand, and on the other hand, the manufacturing corporations that invest in China only depend on saving costs should turn to Chinese middle and small cities or other new investing countries. The aim of this study is to forward solutions for middle and small corporations affront obstacle factors in Chinese market. In the paper, the chapter two analyzes the concept of oversea investment. Chapter three emphasizes the investment conditions of Koran middle and small corporations in China. Chapter four and five mainly focuses on the obstacle factors based on the successful and unsuccessful cases of Korean middle and small corporations invested in China. Chapter six presents the investing direction and suggestions for middle and small corporations affront the obstacle factors. 改革开放以来尤其是20世纪90年代以来,中国利用外商直接投资取得了举世瞩目的成就,中国已连续8年成为外商直接投资最多的发展中国家。名副其实的成为世界各国所青睐的投资热土。2004年全国外商直接投资实际使用外资金额达606.3亿美元,比2003年怎长13.32%,2005年实际使用金额也达到603.25亿美元。 韩国对中国投资起步较晚,开始于1988年,在处于中韩还未建交的情况下,韩国通过香港和日本对中国开始投资,到中韩建交的 1992年,韩国对中国的投资累计金额为1.19亿美元。之后,增长速度十分迅猛, 到东南亚金融危机爆发时的1997年,韩国对中国投资已达21.42亿美元,年均增长78%。随后几年韩国对中国直接投资度下降,但占韩国海外投资比重也维持在11%以上。在中国加入WTO的2002年又以迅猛的速度增长,到2005年,韩国对中国投资占海外投资的40%。以投资件数为标准,中国成为韩国最大的海外投资对象。但韩国对中国投资主要集中于中国东年沿海地区,制造业是投资行业的主体。 但近年来中国的投资环境发生了很大的变化。在经济方面,中国近年来,由于投资过热引起的经济不稳定性,在以后的经济发展中,中国是否能实现软着陆还处于未知数的状态。改革开放初期,为了吸引外资,对外商投资企业的各种优惠政策也在逐渐减小和变化。原材料价格和劳动者最低工资上涨导致的人工费以及加工费用的上升,人民币的升值和中国政府对加工贸易政策的变化。再加上,在社会文化方面, 仿制和专利侵权现象严重,贫富差距引起的社会需求减小。这些给韩国中小企业对中国投资带来了很大的障碍因素。特别是人工费的上升和中国政府对加工贸易政策的变化,使得以制造业为主在中国投资的韩国中小企业利润明显下降,甚至到了很难维持下去的地步。 面对中国市场存在的这些障碍因素,韩国中小企业一方面应该加强对中国内需市场的开发,另一方面单纯依靠节省费用在中国投资的加工制造业应该把投资矛头转向中国的中小型城市或者把投资市场转移到别的新兴投资国家。 本论文的目的在于,面对中国市场存在的各种障碍因素,韩国中小企业应该做出什么样的对应方案。本论文中,第二章分析海外直接投资的理论,第三章着重分析韩国中小企业在中国的投资状况,第四章和第五章主要以韩国中小企业对中国投资的成功和失败事例分析为基础分析韩国中小企业对中国投资中,中国市场存在的障碍因素。在第六章中,韩国中小企业对中国投资时,面对中国市场存在的障碍因素,针对韩国中小企业对中国投资提出投资方向和建议。

      • Sea-surface temperature and sea-surface wind-speed retrievals from spaceborne radiometer measurements

        Xia, Yuan University of Massachusetts Amherst 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        This dissertation presents the development of a prelaunch sea-surface temperature (SST) retrieval algorithm for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR), and validation of the GSW and GSWP wind-speed algorithms for the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS). Prelaunch SST retrieval algorithm work includes the selection of buoys, the simulation of the AMSR measured brightness temperatures, the D-Matrix approach to the prelaunch SST algorithm, and the validation of D-matrix approach with SSM/I, TMI, AVHRR measurements. The validation of the wind speed algorithms (GSW and GSWP) for SSMIS includes building matchup sets and residual analysis. In addition, a nonlinear wind-speed algorithm based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) improves wind-speed retrieval at normal wind speeds, as well as in high winds. The effect of wind direction on the wind-speed retrieval is also studied.

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