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      • Unequal Power Allocation Scheme Applying to the MIMO-OFDM System based on SVC Signals

        Xue Dong 경희대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        Unequal power allocation scheme applying to the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system based on Scalable Video Coding (SVC) signals to improve the bit-error ratio (BER) performance and enhance the multimedia video service quality reflected by larger peak signal noise ratio (PSNR). MIMO system, as a strong candidate due to increasing high data throughput in next generation wireless communications has been drawing much more attention in recent years. In addition, OFDM system due to its orthogonal multi-carriers could effectively overwhelm multi-path fading interference and thus enhance system throughput. Combining these two systems, we could satisfy the requirement of fast developing multimedia video service for large data rate. Scalable video coding is one of video compression technique which could reduce the bandwidth source rate and thus improve the data throughput in the limited bandwidth. To satisfy the large capacity requirement of multimedia service, we utilize MIMO spatial division multiplexing (SDM) technique to separately transmit SVC layer bit stream simultaneously. Unequal antenna power allocation (UAPA) scheme could provide SVC layers different protections (base layer has the best protection with largest power and the first enhancement layer gets better protection with higher power, and so on like this) to enhance video quality. In addition, we use varying power allocation scheme to OFDM subcarriers in order to minimize average BER. In this paper we will descript MIMO-OFDM system in details and explain how to transmit SVC signals to get PSNR diversity with unequal antenna power allocation scheme. We use L-path Rayleigh fading channel for system model. In addition, conventional channel coding is used to improve the system performance. Simulation results have proved that our proposed system with unequal power allocation scheme could get better BER performance and larger throughput, and the most importantly is to largely enhance the video quality reflected by PSNR simulation results, comparing with conventional equal power allocation system.

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