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      • Research on the Operation and Management Mechanism and Strategy of Chinese dance New Literature and Art Group

        WU WEIFENG 가천대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 231983

        The new Chinese dance art groups is an important part of the Literature and Art Groups with Chinese characteristics for a New Era. By Chinese characteristics, it means that the Art and Literature groups are divided into two categories by modes of operation: within or outside the public institution. Traditional art groups are within the public institution, they benefit from national financial allocations, their productions and lives are under unified management and deployment from government departments. The new Chinese dance art groups are developed by freelance art workers outside the public institution, representing a nascent culture ecology phenomenon. They are distinguished from traditional art groups by their popularization, contemporariness, independence, and innovativeness. Although these special groups exist individually, they are part of a larger collective of the society’s art and literature system. Their art work of various forms covers various industries, and their artistic activities extend to different spaces in society, including grassroots villages, communities and streets. The development of the groups is mainly operated by individuals or teams. As the groups’ operation and management is self-run and self-sustained, and managers are mostly dance professionals who lack professional knowledge, cultivation and ability for operation and management, many problems related to this aspect begin to appear such as product positioning, organization and management disorder, performance and production department insufficiency and lack of management talents etc. This study is therefore necessary as it aims to provide solutions to these problems. This study takes Chinese dance new art and literature groups as research object and thinks about their operation and management mechanism and strategy from multiple dimensions, angles and elements. It overlooks the development of Chinese dance new art groups nationwide, reviews their historical development and current situation of operation and management, analyzes their current problems and status of individual and group operation and management mechanisms based on representative cases in the capital, and focuses on their current development dilemma. The research summarizes the Chinese dance new art groups’ experience for development, proposes specific strategies for the operation and management of individuals, teams and communities, and explores management policies and implementation paths for the growth of Chinese dance new art groups for the New Era. The research is divided into six chapters: Chapter one is the introductory section. It mainly outlines the overall framework of the study, including research background, research content, research innovation points, research methodology and research significance. The introductory section provides the overall background and framework for the study of the mechanism and strategies for the operation and management of new art groups in Chinese dance. Chapter two is a theoretical overview of new art groups, operation and management, and management innovation. The basic concepts and characteristics of new art groups, theories related to operation and management, and theories related to management innovation are explained. Chapter three is about the development of Chinese dance new art groups and the current situation of the industry. The analysis in this chapter includes six aspects: the Chinese dance new art groups’ historical background, development context, industry status, industry groups, management status and development trend. From a historical perspective, the historical reasons for the formation and development of Chinese dance new art groups are explained, and their history of development is sorted out. From the perspective of space, it analyzes the current situation of the industry, the characteristics, current situation of management and development trend of individual and team operations in the industry. It tries to find the inner root of the development of Chinese dance new art groups and the crux of the current group operation and management problems. Chapter four is a case study of Chinese dance new art groups in China's capital city. This chapter studies active and typical new art groups in the capital city with Wang Ge as an individual case and Tao Body Theatre as a team case. The individual case is Wang Ge, who, as Vice President of the China Dance Artists Association, is the highest-ranking representative of the new dance art groups elected by the Chinese government. The team case is Tao Body Theatre, a dance company based on its successful overseas market expansion, box office rate and product recognition. By analyzing and organizing the artistic characteristics of the works of these typical cases, the operation mechanism and organizational structure of the individuals and teams, the internal and external factors affecting the development of the individuals and teams, and the Chinese government's policies on the management of individuals and teams of new dance art groups, combined with comparison with the problems and shortcomings of negative operation and management cases, this chapter focuses on specific problems to find out the operation and management rules of new dance art groups in the capital and provide detailed research basis for the proposal of specific strategies. Chapter five is about the construction of operation and management mechanisms and strategies for new dance art groups in China. This chapter explores implementable strategies for the further development of the operation and management mechanism of China's new dance art groups from individual, team, and community perspectives, and provides problem-solving ideas for operation and management of related individuals and teams as well as for community management on a national level. From the level of individual operation and management, it includes the rational use of individual resources; attracting high-quality talents and playing the role of organizational leadership; cultivating innovative talents and realizing talent echelon construction; strengthening policy support and promoting talent development; and improving talent incentive mechanism and strengthening political absorption. The strategic deployment aspect of team organization contains suggestions such as formulating development concept and clarifying development direction; respecting talent development and ensuring talent succession; broadening development channels and enhancing economic benefits; and innovating output of group content. The strategic management aspect of community operation contains community personnel management system; financial domination of community operation; internal management mechanism of group; improving external norms and efficiently avoiding risks, etc. Chapter six is the conclusion. It summarizes the core issues of the study and reflects on the limitations of the current research on the operation and management mechanisms and modes of new Chinese dance arts groups. It looks into the future development of new dance art groups in China. It explores effective ways for the balanced operation and management of new Chinese dance art groups, and to fully demonstrate the charm of Chinese dance art and culture. It aims to convey correct values and aesthetic enlightenment through dance-related art products, and show the long-standing culture and national spirit of Chinese nation to global culture. There is still room for improvement in the operation and management of new Chinese dance art groups. In order to avoid affecting the normal survival and value of the groups, it is necessary to update their management and operation concepts, promote modernization, and form a scientific and reasonable operation and management mechanism to maximize the real needs of the groups. A scientific and reasonable operation and management mechanism can guide individual goals to overall goals of the whole organization or community, turn numerous sub-forces to a unified direction of advancement, and help truly establish a united, intelligent and innovative professional team.

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