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      • Exploring a Sustainable Autonomy of Sport Organizations : A Study of Relationship between Government and Elite Sport Organizations in Colombia

        Laura Villarreal 서울대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 2862

        Exploring a Sustainable Autonomy of Sport Organizations A Study of Relationship between Government and Elite Sport Organizations in Colombia Laura Villarreal Global Sport Management, Department of Physical Education The Graduate School Seoul National University Autonomy constitutes relevant issues for international sports governing bodies and, therefore, directly affects conditions, needs, and aspirations of national sports organizations. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of autonomy from sports organizations’ perspectives, particularly based on four factors: political, legal, financial, and sociological. This study also took interactions of these factors with the unique situation in Colombia into account to determine the areas of concern and the best strategies to achieve a sustainable autonomy of sports organizations at managerial level. With a qualitative approach, a semi-structured in depth interview was used as a method to collect the data. The interviews were conducted to 10 people, those who have positions at high or medium level in sports organizations, decision making capacity, and with direct contact with the other two sports organizations. The interviews were conducted via skype and recorded through Eaver software. The data were analyzed through a 5 step method of McCraken which includes transcription and translation, categorization, coding process, division by basic themes, and a global analysis by groups. The code system was reinforced with the strategy of coding developed by Lofland. On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that sports organizations in Colombia have enjoyed a considerable degree of autonomy which has not been properly addressed. According to the analysis, the financial aspect constitutes the most important factor in the autonomy of sports organizations. A sustainable autonomy cannot be reached without updating and developing the national sports law, but above all the commitment of sport authorities plays the main role in any sport system. ____________________________________________________________ Keywords : Autonomy, Elite Sport, Government, and Sport Organizations Student Number: 2015-22354

      • The neglected of the neglected of the neglected: A case study of gifted English learners in two Austin elementary schools (Texas)

        Villarreal, Bruno Joseph The University of Texas at Austin 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2607

        The identification of gifted children---beginning with the landmark study of "genius" by Lewis Terman (1925)---has relied heavily on intelligence test scores to determine eligibility for gifted programs. Racial/ethnic minority students, especially Latinos and African Americans, however, continue to be underidentified as gifted (Chinn & Hughes, 1987; Harris & Ford, 1991; Valencia & Suzuki, 2001). Gifted English learners (ELs), coined "the neglected of the neglected of the neglected" by Valencia and Villarreal (2001), are even less likely to be identified as gifted. Valencia, Villarreal, and Salinas (2002) offered four promising best-case practices that might serve to increase minority representation in programs for the gifted, including gifted EL Latinos. Little research has been conducted to examine, however, if schools actually employ alternative practices, and to what extent schools are successful in increasing the number of ELs identified as gifted. This dissertation explored the question: How can the representation of EL Latinos in gifted programs be improved? Although this pervasive pattern of underrepresentation of gifted EL Latinos in most schools in AISD has been documented (Valencia & Suzuki, 2001; Valencia et al., 2002), some schools defy this pattern and identify ELs at relatively higher rates when compared to other schools. The purpose of this study was twofold. First, quantitative analyses of incidence data for the Austin Independent School District (AISD) revealed that, as a group, EL Latinos are underrepresented in gifted programs at rates above and beyond the rates of English-speaking Latino children. This study also explored the factors that contribute to the successful identification and placement of gifted EL Latinos in these schools. Interviews with school administrators, teachers, and assessment personnel and observations of selection committee meetings were conducted that validated two hypothesized factors that promote the successful identification and placement of EL Latinos in gifted programs.

      • Effect of environmental air temperature and composition on the development of the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus)

        Villarreal, Jill A Indiana University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        In the wild, Norway rats successfully reproduce in climates ranging from the arctic to the tropics. The offspring are born and reared in burrows that offer limited protection from the surface environmental temperature and generally have elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. Because the young are born with little insulation, poor motor coordination, and immature thermal and respiratory regulatory abilities, the air properties of the postnatal environment present considerable thermal and respiratory challenges for rat neonates. Yet, little was known about if, when, and how the air temperature and composition of the postnatal environment affects the development of the young. Therefore, the effect of these factors on the morphological, physiological, and behavioral development of rat pups was examined. Environmental air temperature (cool 17°C, moderate 25°C, and warm 33°C) affected the development of body mass, hair coat mass, tail length, body length, ear length, and hind foot length, as well as food consumption, metabolic rate, and thermal preference. Environmental air composition (0% CO2 and 5% CO2) affected body mass, body length, air composition preference, and blood pH. These results indicate that despite their relative immaturity rat young detect and respond to environmental air factors.

      • Enhanced greenhouse cooling strategy with natural ventilation and variable fogging rates

        Villarreal-Guerrero, Federico The University of Arizona 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        High-pressure fog (HPF) systems have advantages for greenhouse cooling compared to traditional systems, such as pad and fan. Such advantages include the potential of improving climate uniformity. Water is distributed throughout the greenhouse space thus reducing water use and energy operation costs, especially if used within naturally ventilated greenhouses. Fog cooling in combination with natural ventilation is difficult to manage, primarily because accurate estimation of air exchange rates is required to determine the precise amount of fog required. This limitation on automated control has been the main reason restricting the widespread commercial use of HPF systems. The goal of this research was to develop and implement a control strategy for a naturally ventilated greenhouse with a variable HPF system. The strategy that was developed included variable rate of fog introduced into the greenhouse, a dynamic control of the air ventilation openings, and it considered the contribution of cooling and humidification from the crop by evapotranspiration. Three evapotranspiration models, including Penman-Monteith, Stanghellini and Takakura, were calibrated and evaluated in terms of prediction accuracy. The Stanghellini model provided the best overall performance for several growing seasons and under two different evaporative cooling systems (i.e. pad and fan and natural ventilation with HPF), and was selected and implemented in the cooling control strategy. The strategy utilized enthalpy and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) of the greenhouse atmosphere for the control parameters. Using a calibrated greenhouse mechanistic climate model, a computer algorithm was created to simulate the capabilities of the proposed. The control strategy that was developed was able to maintain the greenhouse climate closer to the pre-established set points while consuming less water and energy, compared to a constant HPF system based on VPD control. Finally, the strategy was implemented in a single span research greenhouse. A four-day validation study provided good agreement for measured and simulated greenhouse climate values, as well as for water and energy use. Moreover, the strategy was able to maintain VPD around its set point for all the experiments and temperature remained around its set point when outside enthalpy was lower than the enthalpy set point.

      • The devotion to a living santo and his religious healing: An interdiscplinary study of El Nino Fidencio and his religious movement

        Villarreal, Jose Maria Michigan State University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation outlines a fresh approach to the inter-disciplinary study of El Nino Fidencio (the healer) and El Nino Fidencio religious movement as seen under the conceptual lens of an indigenized Christianity that distinguishes itself from mainstream Christianity. Apart from consulting an extended body of literature related to world religions, religious theory, curanderismo, popular religion and their analytical relationship to El Nino Fidencio, I also employed the inside research methodology to conduct my ethnographic work. My extensive fieldwork experience metamorphosed into a theoretical model centered on cultural rupture, and indigenous practices as symbolic resistance. The inside research methods allowed me to live among the devotees of El Nino Fidencio and participate in their rituals and ceremonies. Taking this into account, I posit the following theoretical framework: El Nino Fidencio and El Nino Fidencio's religious movement represent a cultural rupture from mainstream Catholicism and Western forms of Christianity as evidenced by Fidencista's belief in the spirit world and the belief that El Nino Fidencio is a living saint and at times seen as synonymous with Jesus Christ by hardline Fidencistas. El Nino is accessible through the intervention of a spiritual medium known as a materia.. El Nino Fidencio gained prominence as a popular traditional indigenous healer (curandero espiritual) since his appearance in the early twentieth century. This time period represents a period marked by turbulence and despair as Mexican President Elias Calles persecutes the Catholic Church, challenging its accumulated wealth and authority. At the same, El Nino Fidencio appears abruptly---becoming a messiah for thousands by addressing the material, spiritual, and health needs of the poor, needs that the nation-state and the Church had failed to fulfill after the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Subsequent to his death in 1938, Espinazo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, was transformed into a pilgrimage community that ultimately gave rise El Nino Fidencio religious movement, a religious insurgency that continues to persevere. The dissertation is organized into an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. I divide my work into five parts. The introduction provides an overview of the study of El Nino Fidencio and the literature review details the extensive scholarly literature related to this study. Chapter one presents a biography of the life of El Nino Fidencio and traces the interconnections of his emergence to the Cristero War. I delve into the Cristero War during the mid-twentieth century and examine State and Church relations. I analyze how a healer like El Nino Fidencio challenges these societal institutions. In chapter two, I present analysis of my ethnographic research, focusing on of El Nino's healings, traditions, rituals and ceremonies that shape his character. Chapter three untangles the participant's interviews and constructs conceptual analysis. I trace the participant's multiple views, challenging established mythologies and ultimately bring the Fidencista perspective to a conceptual model. In the conclusion chapter, I present theses to support the claim of El Nino Fidencio's distinctiveness by emphasizing his successful accommodations to gain religious space within mainstream religion.

      • The political economy of pension reform

        Villarreal-Diaz, Mario The Claremont Graduate University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation explores how political institutions and economic variables affect the likelihood and degree of pension system reform. Findings derived from an econometric analysis of a panel of 61 countries from 1975 to 2000 suggest the existence of a "policy feedback" effect, as higher social security expenditures relative to the size of the economy reduce the degree of privatization on pension system, i.e., the larger the public sector is relative to the size of the economy, the less likely is reform. The level of democracy does not contribute to the probability or degree of reform. Finally, the existence of a growing and salient pressure group (a growing share of population over 65 years old) appears to stifle reform. When the pressure group exerts its influence within a political structure with multiple veto players and a relatively high level of political constraints, the likelihood of reform is reduced and the degree of privatization of the pension system is tempered.

      • The short novel and the representation of subjectivity: "Manhunt" by Alejo Carpentier and "Memory of My Melancholy Whores" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

        Villarreal, Marlene Sofia The Pennsylvania State University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study examines the Latin American short novel, a poorly studied genre of Spanish American narrative. Although the dissertation focuses on the contemporary short novel, it presents an overview of the formation of this genre in romance literatures until today. The common denominator of the short novel is that this genre allows writers to explore issues in-depth related to the role of individual subjectivity in narrative discourse. Through the analysis of the Boom, Post Boom and contemporary reading of two of the major Spanish American short novels, Carpentier's Manhunt (1956) and Garcia Marquez's Memory of my Melancholy Whores (2004), as well as through the study of narrative techniques used in these short novels to represent the individual subjectivity in narrative discourse, the author of the dissertation arrives at interesting conclusions. Those conclusions prove the short novel efficacy in participating actively in social and cultural debates.

      • Heritage speakers of Chinese languages in Asia: Sociocultural factors that affect their proficiency in Mandarin Chinese

        Villarreal, Daniel Steve The University of Texas at Austin 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Heritage speakers of Chinese languages in Asia: Sociocultural factors that affect their proficiency in Mandarin Chinese discusses several of the reasons that some Asian ethnic Chinese are more proficient at Mandarin Chinese than others. This research was conducted in Taiwan between 2009 and 2011. Research subjects were of Chinese ethnicity, citizens of Asian nations and regions other than the People's Republic of China or the Republic of China (Taiwan), and present in Taiwan as students of Mandarin Chinese and/or various academic subjects. The research question consisted of an overarching question and three sub-questions; the overarching question was: What is the experience of heritage speakers of Chinese languages in Asian countries where Mandarin is not the dominant language?, and the three sub-questions were: 1.) What sociocultural factors result in heritage speakers' Mandarin learning/development being enhanced?; 2.) What sociocultural factors result in heritage speakers' Mandarin learning/development being suppressed/not enhanced?; and 3.) Why are ethnic Chinese from non-Chinese nations studying Mandarin in Taiwan? The researcher also unearthed what is possibly a new paradigm for a "heritage speaker of Mandarin Chinese" in an Asian context. Heritage Mandarin speakers in an Asian context may be a hybrid construct: speakers of a Chinese language with solid skills in the home language, a high degree of contact with Mandarin Chinese in the environment, and the capacity to rapidly acquire Mandarin and enhance one's skills readily via the advantage of scaffolding at a higher starting point due to already being versed in one or more Chinese language. Some of the salient sociocultural factors which were shown to enhance the Mandarin skills of this population were: similarity of home's or region's Chinese language to Mandarin, exposure to Mandarin in the environment, policies favorable to or accepting of this language group and culture, and Mandarin as a medium of classroom instruction. Reasons for studying in Taiwan included its low costs and authentic Chinese environment. It is hoped that this study will inform efforts in the teaching of Mandarin to heritage speakers. It is further hoped that stakeholders who deal with heritage speaker issues consider not only the sociocultural factors explored in this research, but also the importance of considering the effects of language contact between heritage languages and similar languages and dialects.

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