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      • Membrane electrode assembly (MEA) design for power density enhancement of direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs)

        Tse, Laam Angela Georgia Institute of Technology 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Micro-direct methanol fuel cells (mu-DMFC) can be the power supply solution for the next generation of handheld devices. The applications of the mu-DMFCs require them to have high compactness, high performance, light weight, and long life. The major goal of this research project is to enhance the volumetric power density of direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). A performance roadmap has been formulated and showed that patterning the planar membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to 2-D and 3-D corrugated manifolds can greatly increase the power generation with very modest overall volume increases. In this project, different manufacturing processes for patterning MEAs with corrugations have been investigated. A folding process was selected to form 2D triangular corrugations on MEAs for experimental validations of the performance prediction. The experimental results show that the volumetric power densities of the corrugated MEAs have improved by about 25% compared to the planar MEAs, which is lower than the expected performance enhancement. ABAQUS software was used to simulate the manufacturing process and identify the causes of deformations during manufacture. Experimental analysis methods like impedance analysis and 4 point-probes were used to quantify the performance loss and microstructure alteration during the forming process. A model was proposed to relate the expected performance of corrugated MEAs to manufacturing process variables. Finally, different stacking configurations and issues related to cell stacking for corrugated MEAs are also investigated.

      • Translation of DNA into a library of synthetic macrocycles for in vitro selection

        Tse, Brian Noel Harvard University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        A central focus of chemical research is the discovery of functional molecules. Nature's strategy, which fundamentally differs from that of a synthetic chemist, relies on an iterative process of translation, selection, and amplification with diversification. Applying this approach to synthetic small molecules necessitates the translation of encoded sequences directly into synthetic structures. DNA-templated synthesis accomplishes this feat by linking chemical reactivity directly to the Watson-Crick pairing of complimentary DNA strands. The properties of DNA-templated synthesis are conducive to synthesizing small molecule libraries. These libraries serve as potential sources of novel biochemical probes and drug candidates. In this thesis, we take advantage of the unique features of DNA-templated synthesis to produce a library of synthetic macrocycles for in vitro selection. The study begins with the synthesis of a pilot library of 65 macrocycles to demonstrate the translation, selection, and amplification of a combinatorial library of synthetic compounds. This also serves to validate our macrocycle synthetic route. We then expand on this work by performing an intense study into the relationship between sequence content and DNA-templated reactivity. Here, we reveal that a regime of maximal reactivity exists between the extremes of too much and too little secondary structure. Since secondary structure can be computationally screened, this work enables us to generate effective codon sets for future DNA-templated library synthetic efforts. We also improve upon our pilot library scheme by adopting a capping strategy; this increases the robustness and yield of our synthetic approach. After a detailed study of building block compatibility, we construct a series of sublibraries to evaluate the reactive efficacy and sequence fidelity of our template/reagent pairs. The effort culminates in the DNA-templated synthesis of a library of >13,000 macrocycles. This library will be used for in vitro selection against a variety of interesting biological targets. The sufficient diversity, size, and quality of the library suggest a favorable outlook for probe discovery.

      • Quality Control Mechanisms of Molecular Chaperones in the Folding and Degradation of Client Proteins

        Tse, Eric ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Mich 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Molecular chaperones are essential proteins that assist in the folding of substrate 'client' proteins to adopt their functionally active three-dimensional structures. The process of protein folding in the cell occurs in a highly concentrated cro.

      • The Study of Mechanical Properties of Cells as a Biomarker for Cancer Diagnostics

        Tse, Henry Tat Kwong University of California, Los Angeles 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The measurement of cellular mechanical properties can be impactful in many areas of biosciences due to the interdependencies of mechanics and cell state or function. Mechanical cues communicated via mechanosensing and mechanotransduction can regulate cellular behavior leading to biochemical and structural modifications; conversely, native cellular processes such as differentiation, activation, and malignant transformation triggered by biochemical cues have also shown to elicit significant changes to the cellular architecture. Measurement of these mechanical biophysical changes can therefore be used to infer cell state or function. To date, there are numerous approaches used to measure the mechanical properties of cells for biophysics research, yet these are limited in their translational ability as general research or clinical tools. The biggest challenges facing successful translation of these mechanical phenotyping tools are due to the technological complexity, manual sample handling and preparation requirements, and limited sample throughput. This dissertation focuses on developing a high-throughput, label-free alternative for mechano phenotyping termed deformability cytometry. For the first time in the biophysics field, the deformability cytometry platform achieves throughputs of more than 1,000 cells/second; a rate that is three orders of magnitude greater than previous techniques. Additionally, initial work involving platform validation and proof-of-concept applications for stem cell differentiation, leukocyte activation, and cancer diagnostics are explored. The dissertation also undertakes a major engineering challenge of this system - large dataset image processing - which has led to the development of process efficient image analysis algorithms to increase the utility and robustness of this mechano phenotyping technique. Lastly, a clinical proof-of-concept study consisting of 119 patient pleural effusion samples were collected and assayed using the deformability cytometry platform to determine the diagnostic performance of mechanical biomarkers for malignant effusions. Briefly, the result of this clinical study achieved an area-under-the-curve of 0.91 with sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 69%, respectively. The high diagnostic accuracy combined with the ease-of-use, minimal sample preparations needs, and large sample sizes, satisfies many translational hurdles for a label-free mechano phenotyping platform for applications in the biosciences community.

      • Electrical properties of nanostructured carbons in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes

        Tse, Kiu-Yuen The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Nanostructured carbons have many interesting and useful properties such as high surface area and excellent chemical and electrochemical stability. Due to these properties, nanostructured carbons have potential in a wide variety of applications such as electroanalysis, chemical/biological sensing, energy storage, and catalysis/electrocatalysis. This work reports investigations of the electrical properties of as-grown and chemically modified nanostructured carbon interfaces in various electrolytes. Particular emphasis is placed on two materials: (1) polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and (2) vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (VACNFs). Using a combination of surface analysis and electrochemical methods, the chemical, electrical properties and their interplay were studied. The influence of the atomic structure on the interfacial capacitance and electron transfer processes was investigated. Using electrical impedance spectroscopy, contributions from the individual components of the complex interface such as carbon substrate, the molecular layer and the electrolytes were separated. The results have implications for using nanostructured carbons as ultra-stable, chemically tunable substrates.

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