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      • A qualitative investigation of the college choice experiences and reentry expectations of U.S. American third culture kids

        Thurston-Gonzalez, Sara J Loyola University Chicago 2009 해외공개박사

        RANK : 247343

        The focus of this qualitative study is on U.S. third culture kids (TCKs), youth who have grown up abroad because of their parent's work, and their college choice experiences and reentry expectations. Through a background questionnaire and personal interviews with eleven students transitioning from two international secondary schools in a Spanish-speaking Latin American country to a U.S. college, I invite students to tell their stories in order to begin to understand this process. Further, I interview the schools' college counselors, in order to gain more insight. Previous research on U.S. third culture kids and college choice is quite limited and retrospective. This dissertation offers a new perspective to the topic by exploring this process while the research participants are experiencing the college choice process first hand. Further, this study is the first to explore U.S. third culture kids' expectations of college in their home country. Findings regarding college choice reveal numerous patterns. Parents were the biggest source of influence on students when considering individual college choice. Other family members and friends also influenced the process. Findings also indicated numerous organizational characteristics that influenced choice including the pre-college international location, pre-college school guidance, access to college recruitment activities, availability of academic major, and familiar location. Findings on expectations and predicted challenges revealed a range of responses. Expectations were for the most part vague, though realistic. Predicting challenges was an easy task for the students. Most recognized adjustment issues to be one of the challenges they would have to face. Conclusions from this study include: (1) International location influences numerous aspects of the college search process; (2) Strong student ties to the "familiar" play an important role in their college choice process; (3) Adjusting to U.S. culture is an expected challenge; and (4) College orientations are extremely important to third culture kids. Recommendations for practice are offered to international secondary schools, U.S. colleges, and other invested parties which include third culture kids, sponsoring organizations of families, and EducationUSA offices. Additionally, numerous recommendations are offered for future research to even further expand the scope of literature on third culture kids.

      • Laughter on the Grassland: a Diachronic Study of a Mdo Tibetan Comedy and the Public Intellectual in Western China

        Thurston, Timothy O'Connor ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Ohio State Uni 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The post-Mao reform era brought massive social and cultural changes to the Northeastern Tibetan region of A mdo, located in Western China. New technologies, policies, sociocultural ideas, and discursive practices appeared in waves on the Tibetan Plateau during this period. In response, minority intellectuals modeled a uniquely Tibetan engagement with modernity through the unexpected vehicle of comedy.Performed on state-sanctioned stages and broadcasts, A mdo Tibetan comedies—and their messages about modernity—do not remain constant, but adapt to emergent conditions through the first three decades of China's reform era (1980-2010). This dissertation traces the development of Tibetan-language comedy from dialogues to sketches in a shifting constellation of popular discourse, lived experience of social changes, state frameworks, and minority intellectual concerns. Chapter One takes Tibetan comedies as a point of entry into the ethnolinguistic region of Northeastern Tibet, known as A mdo. The laughter these comedies inspire questions both Western perceptions of Tibet as a hermit kingdom solemnly working towards spiritual enlightenment, and Chinese state narratives of old Tibet as a hell on earth. The next three chapters proceed decade by decade through this comedic genre as the region experiences state-led modernization. Chapter Two, “The Early Years,” analyzes the rise of Tibetan comedic dialogues to cultural prominence in the 1980s, discussing the emergence of an intellectual field in China and A mdo in this decade, and also providing close readings of two early comedic performances. Chapter Three, “Ushering Society into Modernity,” examines the genre’s growth into a popular art form in the 1990s. A close reading of favorite sketches reveals top comedian Sman bla skyabs and his peers as proponents of a modernizing project that draws upon the state-supported Chinese version but posits language practice as a shibboleth for Tibetans. Chapter Four, “Leading Society into a New Political Consciousness,” details the role of 21st century sketches in fostering a distinctly Tibetan modernity based in culturalist discourses of linguistic purism, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation. Chapter Five examines the cumulative impact of these three periods, with performances from each period persisting, coexisting, and influencing cultural stances in the present. The comedies examined in this dissertation cover a variety of topics ranging from marriage to international encounters, and provide immense entertainment through witty banter and satire. Over the course of three decades, however, we find that language is at the center of comedian and intellectual concerns, shifting perceptibly from an initial concern with language maintenance in the 1980s to purism in twenty-first century.

      • An exploration of family interactions and male juvenile sexual offending: A qualitative study

        Thurston, Stephanie C Texas Woman's University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to explore family interactions and juvenile sexual offending. The participants were 20 male juvenile sex offender males who were between the ages of 13 and 17. A semi-structured, audiotaped interview was conducted on a voluntary basis with juveniles who were placed on sex offender probation and were currently attending court-ordered sex offender therapy. The participants were recruited via flyer notification and interviewed at a North Central Texas outpatient therapy clinic. Parental consent for participation of the juveniles was obtained prior to conducting the interviews. Audiotapes of the interviews were transcribed and coded for emerging themes. Trustworthiness and credibility of the study's findings were established by utilizing an internal examiner, a team of external examiners, peer reviewing, member checking, a pilot study, and thick descriptions of the experience. The following research questions were addressed in this study: (1) How do juvenile sex offenders experience family interactions? (2) What emotional needs do juvenile sex offenders experience regarding their family experience? (3) How is sexuality experienced in a juvenile sex offender's family interactions? (4) What themes emerge regarding juvenile sex offenders and experienced family interactions? An analysis of the data revealed the following seven themes: (1) Strained Parent-Child Relationship, (2) Limited Family Verbal Communication, (3) Unhealthy Parental Sexual Education, (4) Poor Parental Financial Management, (5) Little Family Substance Abuse or Mental Illness, (6) Family Participation in Criminal Behavior, (7) Juvenile Sex Offenders' View of Parental Contributions to the Offense, Two additional themes also emerged: (8) Focus on Parents Rather Than Siblings, and (9) Positive Impact of Therapy and Probation. The findings revealed that parental influence is significant in juvenile sex offender development. Parents, particularly fathers, tended to be disconnected and abusive. Families failed to verbally communicate well or foster healthy relationships. Parents also failed to adequately supervise their children and modeled unhealthy functioning to them. Such family interactions were reported to result in poor self-image, unmanaged emotional needs, and deviant behaviors contributing to sexual offending behaviors. The results of this study may help the juvenile criminal system address and manage juvenile sexual offenders, aid therapists in providing appropriate treatment for juvenile sexual offender families, and help family scientists in developing theoretical understanding of juvenile sexual offending. The findings have limited generalizability due to several delimitations of this study. Implications and recommendations were also made for future treatment and studies.

      • Experimental Considerations and Theoretical Treatment of Time Resolved Polarization Spectroscopy

        Thurston, Richard University of California, Berkeley ProQuest Disser 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The decay dynamics in molecular systems are important to consider for a wide number of phenomena and have implications across many fields of study. One common set of methods used to study these dynamics involve measurements of the time evolution of the excited state enhancement/suppression of nonlinear spectroscopic signals. Here we develop the novel technique of ultrafast transient polarization spectroscopy which allows us to measure decay dynamics in molecular systems using a polarization sensitive technique based on the optical Kerr effect. This is a three pulse technique where an exciting-pump pulse brings a portion of a sample into an electronic excited state and a pair of probing pulses measure changes in the sample's intensity dependent refractive index as a function of time delay. We then apply this technique to the study of neat liquid nitrobenzene where we measure oscillations in the dephasing time that we associate with oscillatory wave packet motion on the $S_1$ excited state. We then develop a set of theoretical methods that can be applied to study these polarization sensitive signals starting from a foundation in quantum chemistry. We also introduce a formalism for the projected density matrix which allows for an implicit transformation of lab frame signals into a molecular frame representation given a polarization sensitive measurement. These methods are then used to simulate the electronic response from a number of polarization sensitive signals with applications discussed.

      • Developments in Advanced Manufacturing Techniques: Impact Welding and Metamorphic Manufacturing

        Thurston, Brian Patrick The Ohio State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The work in this dissertation is focused on the development of new manufacturing technologies at the early stage. Two concepts are developed in the category of Impact Welding and two in the category of Metamorphic Manufacturing. Under the Impact Welding category two different welding processes are studied, the Vaporizing Foil Actuator Welding and the Augmented Laser Impact Welding processes. Both of these processes were demonstrated to produce impact welds between traditionally unweldable aircraft aluminum alloys which performed as well or better than comparable riveted joints without the need for the drilling of holes or removal of surface coatings. Additionally, basic engineering guidelines are established for the design of foils for the Vaporizing Foil Actuator Welding process and basic performance metrics are established for the Augmented Laser Impact Welding technique. Two new data analysis techniques were developed for the Augmented Laser Impact Welding process which were validated by the use of high-speed videography. Models of the impact conditions for both of these impact welding techniques were established. For the Augmented Laser Impact Welding process, a technique for accurately measuring the welding velocity during an impact event is developed and validated.Metamorphic Manufacturing refers to the agile use of deformation to create shapes and modify microstructure. In this area two concepts were developed where metallic components are transformed from one shape into a second more desirable and useful form. A device and process for bending medical fixation plates to match patient skeletal anatomy is developed. The method can make arbitrary controlled shapes and may save time in the operating room for reconstruction surgeries. The second concept is an approach for Robotic Blacksmithing, a process for incrementally transforming a malleable material into useful shapes by deformation. This concept was initially developed on a purpose-built desktop robotic system. Once successfully demonstrated at small scale, Robotic Blacksmithing was then used to produce an aluminum part which closely resembled the target geometry, albeit with some limitations. This Robotic Blacksmithing process may complement CNC machining and 3D printing as a common manufacturing technique.

      • Occurrence of human pathogenic microsporidia in irrigation water and ultraviolet light and chlorine inactivation of enteric adenovirus type 40 and feline calicivirus

        Thurston, Jeanette Ann The University of Arizona 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The occurrence and disinfectant effectiveness for pathogens which are known or thought to be important in waterborne disease was evaluated. In the first study, the occurrence of human pathogenic microsporidia, <italic>Giardia </italic> cysts and <italic>Cryptosporidium</italic> oocysts in surface waters used for the irrigation of vegetable crops was determined. Twenty-eight percent of the irrigation water samples tested positive for microsporidia, 60% positive for <italic>Giardia</italic> cysts and 36% positive for <italic>Cryptosporidium </italic> oocysts. Concentrations of <italic>Giardia</italic> cysts and <italic> Cryptosporidium</italic> oocysts detected in water samples collected in Central America compared to the United States were 559 cysts and 227 oocysts, and 25 cysts and <19 oocysts per 100 L, respectively. The presence of human pathogenic parasites in irrigation waters used for production of crops traditionally consumed raw suggests that there may be a risk of infection to consumers who come in contact with or consume these products. In the other investigations, the effectiveness of UV light and free chlorine on the inactivation of feline calicivirus (FCV) and enteric adenovirus type 40 (AD40) was assessed and compared to model viruses, poliovirus type 1 (PV-1) and coliphage MS-2. FCV was used as a model for members of the “Norwalk like virus” (NLV) group. The UV doses required to achieve 99% inactivation of AD40, coliphage MS-2 and FCV in buffered demand free (BDF) water were 108.6, 58.5 and 16.8 mWs/cm<super>2</super>, respectively. For chlorine reactions, higher Ct values for high pH and low temperature conditions was observed for FCV and AD40. Both viruses were more resistant to chlorine than the well-studied PV-1. FCV and AD40 were inactivated rapidly by ∼0.5 mg/L free chlorine by ≥4.00- and ≥2.54-logs at pH 6 and 5°C whereas, PV-1 was not inactivated by 4.04-logs until 10 min contact time. Experiments conducted with aggregated FCV and PV-1 and experiments conducted in treated groundwater had slower inactivation kinetics than dispersed viral suspensions in BDF water. The high disinfectant decay rate of some experiments was most likely due to the decrease in chlorine concentration throughout the experiment. However, low disinfectant decay rates of the AD40 experiments suggest that aggregation or clumping of the viruses may have occurred. The results of these studies provide information on the effectiveness of two common water treatment disinfectants in waters with different physical and chemical qualities. The results of this study may provide a basis for the establishment of guidelines for proficient application in drinking water treatment.

      • Conflicting decisions: Measuring group conflict management styles in a crisis decision-making environment

        Thurston, Cathryn Quantic George Mason University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The main hypothesis stated that a group's approach to conflict (resolve, avoid, or aggressive), combined with the decision rule (consensus or majority rule), would strongly impact the group final decision. The study proposed 4 types of decisions that these groups might make: dominant, subset, integrative, or deadlock. Small decision-making groups were studied in the context of crisis intervention using an experimental simulation. Participants included 296 students in 100-level basic communication courses at George Mason University. Three homogenous groups were built around each conflict approach (avoid, resolve, aggressive) and one diverse group included members from each conflict approach. Each group was divided between majority rule and consensus for a total of 8 groups of three people each. Groups were asked to decide whether or not to intervene in a fictional ethnic conflict in a neighboring country. The subjects answered a short questionnaire and tape-recorded their discussions. The main hypothesis was partially confirmed. A group's approach to conflict had a strong impact on the group final decision (F(3,3) = 25.31, p < .001). But the decision rule had no effect on the group final decision (F(1,3) = .03, p = .857). The type of group (resolver, aggressive, avoider, or diverse) did not determine the type of decision (dominant, integrative, deadlock, or subset). Most groups made dominant or low integrative types of decisions. However, 90% of the conflict resolver groups favored integrative types of decisions, as hypothesized. There was no difference between consensus and majority rule in the type of decision. However, consensus and majority rule did affect group process. For example, in a test of the group polarization effect at the .05 and .10 level of significance, aggressive and resolver groups in the consensus condition (t = 3.13, 70 df, p = .003; t = 1.83, 70 df, p = .07) and diverse groups in the majority rule condition (t = 1.99, 76 df, p = .05) became significantly more assured that their conflict roles were justified. This finding suggests that consensus causes extreme homogenous groups to become more extreme, but tempers opinions in groups with diverse views.

      • Wheeling: A diagrammatic analogue of the Duflo isomorphism

        Thurston, Dylan Paul University of California, Berkeley 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        We construct and prove a diagrammatic version of the Duflo isomorphism between the invariant subalgebra of the symmetric algebra of a Lie algebra and the center of the universal enveloping algebra. This version implies the original for metrized Lie algebras (Lie algebras with an invariant non-degenerate bilinear form). As an application of this isomorphism, we will compute the Kontsevich integral of the unknot and the Hopf link to all orders. At the core of the proof, we use an elementary property of the Hopf link which can be summarized by the equation “1 + 1 = 2” in abacus arithmetic: doubling one component of the Hopf link is equivalent to taking the connected sum of two Hopf links. This property of the Hopf link turns out, when suitably interpreted, to be exactly the property required for the Duflo map to be multiplicative. To compute the Kontsevich integral of the unknot, we use a property of the unknot that can be summarized by “<italic>n</italic> · 0 = 0”: the <italic>n</italic>-fold connected cabling of the unknot is again an unknot.

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