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      • Analysis of small-scale renewable energy options for electricity supply in remote rural areas of Nepal

        Surya Kumar Sapkota Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 233023

        For sustainable development of remote rural areas of Nepal, improving access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy services is one of the most critical factors. Considering the high cost of grid extension to the remote areas of the country, where the population densities are low and terrain is mountainous, small-scale renewable energy technologies can be feasible and alternative options for providing electricity. This dissertation explored techno-economic and sustainability aspects of small-scale renewable energy technologies for electricity supply in the remote rural areas of Nepal. The first study of the dissertation (chapter 2) conducted multi-criteria decision analysis for four renewable energy options to suggest the most suitable electricity supply technologies to the remote areas of Nepal. The result of an analytic hierarchy process from 25 experts showed that micro and mini hydro is the most preferred option followed by solar PV, biomass energy and wind energy for electricity supply in remote areas. The economic factor turned out to be the most important in selecting the small-scale renewable energy technologies in the context of remote rural areas of Nepal. This implies that economic feasibility and value-creating business model were considered more important than other technical, social, political and environmental factors. The study also identified key barriers for deploying small-scale renewable energy technologies using an analytic hierarchy process method. The result showed that economic and financial barriers were the most critical determinants. The nature of small-scale particularly requires appropriate financing and policy supports. Since the economic factors were found to be a major determinant for deploying the renewable energy technologies in remote areas of Nepal, the techno-economic assessment of off-grid hybrid renewable energy in Saptami village, Panchthar district of Nepal, was conducted in the second part of the dissertation (Chapter 3). Using Homer software, the study explored an optimum size and combinations of the hybrid system considering solar photovoltaic, wind turbine, diesel generator, and batteries which makes the system most economical. The result showed that hybrid energy system consisting of 131 kW solar PV, a 10kW wind turbine, 68 batteries, and 35.1 kW converter is the most economical to meet the peak electricity load and daily load of the Saptami village. The net present cost and levelized cost of electricity are $296,634 and $0.451/ kWh respectively. The net present cost and cost could be reduced further by increasing annual capacity shortage from 5 % to 10%. However, techno-economic optimization of the hybrid energy system does not always ensure sustainability. In the third study (Chapter 4), a case study was carried out to assess the five dimensions of sustainability for renewable energy hybrid systems installed and operated in two districts of Nepal - Dhaubadi, Nawalparasi and Narakot, Jumla. From economic sustainability, both systems turned out to have poor performance, failing to balance supply with the demand. However, the Narakot hybrid system was found to have better technical performance in terms of its technical quality, the capacity to meet electricity demand, the compatibility with the grid, promotion of productive end uses. On the other hand, the evaluation of the Dhaubadi system was poor across all five dimensions of sustainability. This study showed that comprehensive sustainability evaluations, considering technical, economic, environmental, political and social factors are needed when developing, deploying, and operating renewable energy systems. In the case of deploying small-scale renewable energy systems in the remote rural areas of Nepal, the government should particularly focus on developing financial incentives and appropriate business models. Furthermore, the sustainable development and operation of off-grid hybrid energy systems require accurate assessment of the energy resources, the adaptation of qualified technical standards, and the involvement of local human resources.

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