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      • Designing across ages: Multi-agent-based models and learning electricity

        Sengupta, Pratim Northwestern University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        Electricity is regarded as one of the most challenging topics for students at all levels -- middle school -- college (Cohen, Eylon, & Ganiel, 1983; Belcher & Olbert, 2003; Eylon & Ganiel, 1990; Steinberg et al., 1985). Several researchers have suggested that naive misconceptions about electricity stem from a deep incommensurability (Slotta & Chi, 2006; Chi, 2005) or incompatibility (Chi, Slotta & Leauw, 1994; Reiner, Slotta, Chi, & Resnick, 2000) between naive and expert knowledge structures. I first present an alternative theoretical framework that adopts an emergent levels-based perspective as proposed by Wilensky & Resnick (1999). From this perspective, macro-level phenomena such as electric current and resistance, as well as behavior of linear electric circuits, can be conceived of as emergent from simple, body-syntonic interactions between electrons and ions in a circuit. I argue that adopting such a perspective enables us to reconceive commonly noted misconceptions in electricity as behavioral evidences of "slippage between levels" -- i.e., these misconceptions appear when otherwise productive knowledge elements are sometimes inappropriately activated due to certain macro-level phenomenological cues only -- and, that the same knowledge elements when activated due to phenomenological cues at both micro- and macro-levels, can engender a deeper, expert-like understanding. I will then introduce NIELS (NetLogo Investigations In Electromagnetism, Sengupta & Wilensky, 2006, 2008, 2009), a low-threshold high-ceiling (LTHC) learning environment of multi-agent-based computational models that represent phenomena such as electric current and resistance, as well as the behavior of linear electric circuits, as emergent. I also present results from implementations of NIELS in 5th, 7th and 12th grade classrooms that show the following: (a) how leveraging certain "design elements" over others in NIELS models can create new phenomenological cues, which in turn can be appropriated for learners in different grades; (b) how learners' existing knowledge structures can be bootstrapped to generate deep understanding; (c) how these knowledge structures evolve as the learners progress through the implemented curriculum; (d) improvement of learners' understanding in the post-test compared to the pre-test; and (e) how NIELS students compare with a comparison group of 12th grade students who underwent traditional classroom instruction.

      • A Study on Unintentional and Intentional Sources of Variability in Nanometer Scale Digital Circuits

        Sengupta, Deepashree ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Minn 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        As technology has scaled aggressively over the past 50 years, device reliability issues and escalated power dissipation have become growing concerns in digital very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. Today's integrated circuits, which imple. Unintentional reliability failures due to circuit aging pose serious threat for safety-critical and security applications, and must be mitigated. Intentional errors, on the other hand, can be introduced to a limited extent in circuits pertaining. Temporal variations are injected into circuits due to aging during the normal operation of a chip. The predominant aging effects that cause circuit delay shifts over time are bias temperature instability (BTI) and hot carrier injection (HCI), bo. On the other hand, numerous applications related to recognition, mining, and synthesis, especially those from image and audio processing domains, are error tolerant, since they pertain to the inherently limited human perception. A new design par. For applications where aging-related errors are a critical problem, the first half of the thesis proposes efficient aging sensor schemes that enable system adaptation for error-free operation. On-chip ring-oscillator-based (ROSC-based) structure. For error-tolerant applications, the second half of the thesis proposes algorithms for error analysis, and design of approximate circuits. The proposed analysis algorithms generate the distribution of the error injected into a computation when i.

      • Technology-independent CMOS op amp in minimum channel length

        Sengupta, Susanta Georgia Institute of Technology 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The performance of analog integrated circuits is dependent on the technology. Digital circuits are scalable in nature, and the same circuit can be scaled from one technology to another with improved performance. But, in analog integrated circuits, the circuit components must be re-designed to maintain the desired performance across different technologies. Moreover, in the case of digital circuits, minimum feature-size (short channel length) devices can be used for better performance, but analog circuits are still being designed using channel lengths larger than the minimum feature sizes. The research in this thesis is aimed at understanding the impact of technology scaling and short channel length devices on the performance of analog integrated circuits. The operational amplifier (op amp) is chosen as an example circuit for investigation. The performance of the conventional op amps are studied across different technologies for short channel lengths, and techniques to develop technology-independent op amp architectures have been proposed. In this research, three op amp architectures have been developed whose performance is relatively independent of the technology and the channel length. They are made scalable, and the same op amp circuits are scaled from a 0.25 mum CMOS onto a 0.18 mum CMOS technology with the same components. They are designed to achieve large small-signal gain, constant unity gain-bandwidth frequency and constant phase margin. They are also designed with short channel length transistors. Current feedback, gm boosted, CMOS source followers are also developed, and they are used in the buffered versions of these op amps.

      • Computational studies of correlated electrons in one-dimension

        Sengupta, Pinaki University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        We have studied the extended Hubbard and the Peierls-extended Hubbard models in one dimension using primarily computational methods. We discuss the derivation of the models and the computational methods used to study them, focusing primarily on our extensions over existing numerical methods. In particular, we present the construction of “operator-loop” updates for spin-½ fermions and the inclusion of electron-phonon interactions in the Stochastic Series Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo method and the use of Quantum Parallel Tempering to improve the quality of the numerical data. For the extended Hubbard model at half-filling, we have confirmed the existence of a recently reported bond-order wave phase for the ground state in a small region of parameter space between the well-known charge- and spin-density wave phases. We have studied in detail the nature of the associated quantum phase transitions between all the phases. Upon doping away from half-filling, the doubly-degenerate, spin and charge gapped long-range-ordered ground states of the model are shown to evolve to a Luther-Emery liquid with no charge gap but a finite spin gap. For the Peierls-extended Hubbard model, which includes both electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions, we have studied the dimerization transition of the half-filled system in the presence of fully quantum mechanical phonons. We show that the transition to a dimerized state occurs only when the electron-phonon coupling exceeds a finite critical value that depends on the bare phonon frequency. This is in contrast to previous studies in similar models with adiabatic phonons that had predicted a dimerized state for arbitrarily small values of the electron-phonon coupling.

      • Academic English readiness: A qualitative study on the thoughts, perceptions, and experiences of current and former ESOL graduate students from six American universities

        Sengupta, Anuradha Washington State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of former English speakers of other languages (ESOL) graduate students who have successfully completed a graduate degree from a North American graduate school where the language of the instruction and curriculum was English. The study investigated issues related to ESOL graduate students' experiences with respect to their academic language abilities and the importance of social and academic language as a factor in their graduate school experiences. The primary purpose was to develop a highly emic understanding regarding former ESOL graduate students' perceptions of how well prepared they were with respect to their level of academic English and its impact on their ability to pursue a graduate program of study. The study also examined the type and availability of second language support programs, as well as the thoughts and perceptions that the graduate students had about their academic English language experiences. Eight findings emerged from the data. The findings may not be generalizable to the experiences of all ESOL graduate students studying in American graduate schools but the findings provide insight and may be helpful to researchers and graduate school administrators. In summary, the findings suggest that many ESOL graduate students' concerns about their English language skills stem from their experiences and knowledge gained during their English as a foreign language (EFL) programs. Lack of direct instruction with pronunciation, listening comprehension, oral presentation skills, Anglo-English rhetorical patterns, cultural conventions guiding English language usage in an American setting, and an inadequate development of oral argumentation skill and linear argument development in written discourse, were all areas of academic English language fluency that participants found to be somewhat deficient. Changes to the curriculum in EFL programs and additional English language support during graduate school were two critical concepts that emerged from the data. Findings also suggest that despite their shortcomings, ESOL graduate students were highly motivated and industrious in obtaining the language skills necessary for their academic successes and social survival. A "learn as you go" method of acquiring and learning language skills along with trial and error language learning were implemented by all participants. For some participants in the study, external language support systems such as peer tutoring and extra assistance/feedback from advisors were needed. In contrast, a system of excessive written language assistance termed the "silent system" became one of the principal and controversial findings in this study. All participants agreed that excessive academic language assistance does not benefit ESOL students and is a practice that is disadvantageous and harmful for graduate students and graduate schools alike.

      • Factors affecting African-American participation in AIDS research

        Sengupta, Sohini The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this study was to examine a multidimensional construct of distrust and other factors that might affect willingness to participate in AIDS research. <italic>Sample</italic>. A total of 301 African Americans (ages ≥18) with at least one year of residency in Durham, North Carolina participated in the study. Non-probabilistic sampling techniques were used to recruit from both the poor and non-poor subgroups in the Durham African American community. <italic>Data collection</italic>. The research design was a cross-sectional survey. A survey instrument was constructed for the purpose of this research. In-person interviews, 20–25 minutes in length, were conducted. <italic>Data analysis</italic>. Structural equation modeling was used to develop models exploring distrust and other factors affecting willingness to participate in AIDS research among African Americans. <italic> Results</italic>. African Americans who were distrustful of scientists and research institutions were less willing to participate in AIDS clinical trials. Distrust, however, was not significantly associated with willingness to participate in AIDS surveys and educational programs. Altruism, facilitators/barriers, religiosity, and economic group membership (poor/non-poor) were also significantly associated with willingness to participate in AIDS clinical trials. Only altruism was directly associated with willingness to participate in AIDS surveys and educational interventions. <italic>Conclusion</italic>. Distrust in research institutions is a significant barrier to recruiting African Americans in AIDS clinical trials. Issues of distrust need to be acknowledged by researchers in the development of better recruitment and retention strategies when conducting AIDS clinical trials in African American communities. Furthermore, distrust, as well as some of the other factors examined, may be culturally relevant for other minority groups, and may play a role in other clinical trial research.

      • Environmental toxicants and unsaturated fatty acids alter toxicant sensitivity and allocation of polar lipids in Daphnia magna

        Sengupta, Namrata ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Clemson University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Daphnia is a commonly used test organism in toxicology, ecology, and evolution. HR96 is a CAR/PXR/VDR ortholog in invertebrates, and a promiscuous endo- and xenobiotic nuclear receptor involved in acclimation to toxicants. Daphnia HR96 is activated by chemicals such as atrazine and linoleic acid (LA) (n-6 fatty acid), and inhibited by triclosan and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (n-3 fatty acid). HR96 is also a key regulator of Magro, Niemann Pick genes, and other genes involved in cholesterol and triacylglycerol uptake, metabolism, and transport. We hypothesized that Daphnia magna exposed to HR96 activators will increase their lipid resources and in turn either develop a tolerance towards starvation or demonstrate increased reproduction relative to untreated animals or animals exposed to HR96 inhibitors, and this phenotype would be associated with the retention or production of certain lipids. Exposure of late adolescent daphnids to fatty acids (DHA and LA) reduced the starvation survival of their offspring. However, DHA exposed juvenile daphnids typically survived following reproduction during starvation indicating greater nutrient stores and overall health of these animals than the other treated groups. Interestingly, the HR96 inhibitor, triclosan, significantly increased offspring survival compared to all other groups except the untreated daphnids. Additional experiments demonstrated that juveniles exposed directly to triclosan also showed increased survival but did not mature and therefore never reproduced. Lipidomic analysis comparing starved adults and neonates showed that neonates have relatively more sphingomyelins and relatively less phosphatidylcholine than adults. The HR96 inhibitors, DHA and triclosan significantly increased sphingomyelins, and DHA down-regulated magro and a sphingomyelinase; two HR96-regulated genes crucial in producing sphingosine from the sphingomyelins. It is interesting to speculate that a drop in sphingosine, a key developmental lipid, may be associated with greater longevity and slow/no development. In conclusion, fatty acids and toxicants can cause sublethal effects by altering the resource allocation of lipids and in turn perturbing starvation survival, reproduction, and juvenile development.

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