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      • A Case Study of Teachers’ Implementation of Mass Customized Learning in the Classroom

        Seitz, Stacey L Indiana University of Pennsylvania ProQuest Disser 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        MCL unclearly defined for the teachers asked to implement it in the classroom. This study sought to determine how teacher’s implement MCL through the data collection of a mind map, which instructional components teachers used, the ideas that MCL has advanced and the idea that MCL made sense of. This qualitative case study analyzed six teacher’s interpretations of how they implement Mass Customized Learning (MCL) in classrooms. The participants provided teacher created mind maps, interviews and lesson plans. The data was analyzed as “mini cases” using thematic coding.The overall analysis developed themes from the gathered data of mind maps, interviews and lesson plans. There were six themes that can be used to help answer the research questions: diverse by design, learner-centered, options, instruction, what does not fit, and trial and error. The results from the analysis developed six themes related to how teachers’ implement MCL in the classroom. Diverse by design and learner centered help to establish how learning is studentcentered. The themes of options, instruction, what does not fit, and trial and error highlight the means that teachers to use to construct instruction in an MCL classroom. These themes work here to provide an uncommon picture of MCL. This study helps to expand the body of knowledge but leaves room for future research in secondary MCL implementation.

      • Mechanisms of rotator cuff disease: Alterations of scapular kinematics on subacromial space

        Seitz, Amee L Virginia Commonwealth University 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Rotator cuff disease is multi-factored and has been attributed to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors contribute to compression of the rotator cuff tendons. Intrinsic factors that contribute to rotator cuff tendon degradation with tensile/shear overload include alterations in biology, mechanical properties, morphology, and vascularity. Subacromial impingement is related to factors that encroach upon the subacromial space, while internal impingement affects the articular side of the tendons adjacent to glenoid. While the mechanisms of impingement are varied, further research is necessary to improve treatment and patient outcomes. Chapter 2 is a thorough review of literature on the mechanisms of rotator cuff disease. Alterations in scapular kinematics may influence subacromial space and either contribute to the etiology of subacromial impingement with rotator cuff tendon compression or serve as a compensation to alleviate compression. Furthermore alterations in scapular position may directly influence rotator cuff muscle strength. Chapter 3 compares the influence of the scapular assistance test on scapular upward rotation, posterior tilt, subacromial space, and shoulder strength between healthy individuals and subjects with subacromial impingement syndrome. Scapular upward rotation and posterior tilt induced with scapular assistance test appears to influence subacromial space, but not shoulder muscle strength; however, the influence of these scapular rotations do not differ between asymptomatic individuals and those with subacromial impingement. Furthermore scapular posterior tilt appears to have a greater influence on increasing subacromial space and should be emphasized in the treatment of individuals with subacromial impingement. In chapter 4, we examine the influence that obvious scapular dyskinesis and passive scapular correction with the scapular assistance test have on 3D scapular kinematics and subacromial space. Scapular dyskinesis did not alter scapular kinematics or acromiohumeral distance during active elevation in static positions, in the scapular plane, and without a load when compared to those without scapular dyskinesis. This suggests other contributing factors, such as pain, increased load, or fatigue is requisite to alterations in scapular kinematics or AHD. Passive correction with the scapular assistance test increased scapular upward rotation, posterior tilt, and subacromial space in individuals with and without dyskinesis. In patients with obvious dyskinesis, there was a greater increase in scapular upward rotation with passive scapular assistance. This increased scapular upward rotation had a negative relationship with change in the acromiohumeral distance. The scapular dyskinesis test increased acromiohumeral distance and therefore may be helpful identifying individuals where subacromial compression is producing symptoms, regardless of dyskinesis. The results of this research suggest scapular kinematics and subacromial space are altered with the passive maneuver of the scapular assistance test in all individuals, regardless of subacromial impingement syndrome or scapular dyskinesis. Scapular dyskinesis alone may not be detrimental to scapular position and subacromial space when evaluated in static positions of active arm elevation. Other potential factors may be required to alter scapular kinematics to reduce subacromial space including pain, dynamic movement, load or fatigue. Further study is necessary to determine the influence of the combination of these factors in individuals with scapular dyskinesis.

      • Specialized Learning and Memory Mechanisms for Foraging

        Seitz, Benjamin Michael ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The study of memory is commonly associated with neuroscience, aging, education, andeyewitness testimony. This dissertation explores how eating behavior is also heavily intertwined—and yet considerably understudied in its relation to memory processes. Both are influenced by similar neuroendocrine signals (e.g., leptin and ghrelin) and are dependent on hippocampal functions. While learning processes have long been implicated in influencing eating behavior, recent research has shown how memory of recent eating modulates future consumption. In humans, obesity is associated with impaired memory performance, and in rodents, dietary-induced obesity causes rapid decrements to memory. Lesions to the hippocampus disrupt memory but also induce obesity, highlighting a cyclic relationship between obesity and memory impairment. In fact, the interconnected nature between learning and memory and eating may reflect the fact that learning and memory systems evolved primarily to aid in animals obtaining food. The chapters presented here explore this position and present evidence of unique “design features” of learning and memory systems that appear specialized for foraging. In Chapter 2, I show behavioral evidence consistent with innate metabolic responses to novel flavors—putatively because flavors have historically been reliable signals of incoming calories and because an inadequate metabolic response to flavors could be costly. In Chapter 3, I show enhanced memory of eating relative to other similar but noneating behaviors and prioritized memory for eating high-calorie relative to low-calorie foods. Finally, in Chapter 4, I explore the neural basis of backward conditioning, a historically overlooked phenomenon that might be critical in allowing animals to learn relationships between food outcomes and related cues that can guide future foraging behavior. Using a range of animal models and experimental techniques, these chapters elucidate the ways in which the recurring struggle to obtain food has profoundly shaped learning and memory systems.

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