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        RANK : 247694

        This dissertation presents the argument that the prominence of the idea of home in late eighteenth century literature reflects a convergence between English nationality and the component qualities of the private home. Home provides a new lexicon for the expression of middle class affluence, the anchoring of civic order, and the representation of a prospering England. During this period the word 'home' itself acquires an indelible semantic equivalence to England. My study seeks to explain the material force of the figure of home through its capacity to embody authority in a rhetorical form; home translates regulation into an English mutual ethic of safety, comfort and propriety. What is beneficial to the middle class home is beneficial to England, and vice versa. The novelists to whom I give most attention are Ann Radcliffe, Frances Burney, Jane Austen, Walter Scott and James Hogg. I also examine a variety of non-fiction works, including Edmund Burke's <italic>Reflections on the Revolution in France</italic>, treatises on architecture and manuals for the picturesque tourist. In each I uncover rhetorical and thematic resonances indicative of what I call the public figuration of home. I insist that etymology and developing codes of literary genre bespeak historically identifiable shifts in the epistemology of political power and interpersonal discourse. Novels participate in the establishment of home as an encompassing ground or framework for writing and speech. My first chapter unearths some conceptual backgrounds to the emergence of the modern home, and deals with theories of space, reactions to the French Revolution, and the refiguring of the English landscape. Chapter two concerns the rise to dominance of home in novels, exemplified by works of Ann Radcliffe and Frances Burney. It is between 1790 and 1814 that I find the most complete expression of home's totalising model of English social life and labour. Chapter three assesses the revision of home undertaken in Walter Scott's historical fiction. The explicit difference between national spaces which must be suppressed leads Scott to formulate home as the recovery of nation space and domesticity from explosive and destructive confrontation between political power and antiquated forms of domesticity.

      • Romance Auctoritas in Le livre du cuer d'amours espris and Jehan de Saintre

        Miller, Jared Scott ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Penn 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        This dissertation asks whether, by the end of the Middle Ages in France, the romance genre had gained literary authority, or auctoritas, and, if so, how it had gained it and what the social impact of this auctoritas was. This line of questioning is executed through a study of two mid-fifteenth-century romances: Rene d’Anjou’s Livre du Cuer d’Amours espris and Antoine de la Sale’s Jehan de Saintre. These two works, written near the end of the Middle Ages when romance was at the height of its popularity and influence, heavily imitate and cite earlier romances, and in so doing, offer an insightful response to the genre and its position in French courtly society. They confirm that while the genre may not have had a traditional scholarly auctoritas, it certainly had a level of courtly auctoritas, exemplified by the literary traditions of the Roman de la Rose and Prose Lancelot. These literary traditions exerted cultural auctoritas as they came to functional as behavioral and moral guides in the courtly disciplines of love and chivalry. Furthermore, this study argues that two principle writing strategies served to establish romance auctoritas despite the fictionality of the genre. The first, exemplified by the Roman de la Rose and imitated by the Livre du Cuer, was to present the romance’s fictions as allegory, with the argument that they covered hidden moral truths. The second, exemplified by the Prose Lancelot and imitated by Jehan de Saintre, was to deny the fictionality of the romance, and to instead present it was a work of historia. The two late-medieval works at the center of this study each employ one of these two romance strategies in an attempt to build their own auctoritas, even while criticizing the socially harmful influence of romance ideology. In so doing, they confirm the genre’s courtly auctoritas and reveal the strategies employed to achieve it.

      • The implications of sustainable development for happy neighborhoods

        Cloutier, Scott A ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Cornell University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247630

        A potential solution to some of our major societal challenges is to develop sustainably, while setting human happiness as the ultimate objective. This dissertation investigates relationships between community development and self-reported happiness and suggests potential associations between the two. A Sustainable Neighborhoods Index (SNI) is developed in response to calls for a measure of happiness for our cities. The SNI is a tool to assess and compare how well individual cities, towns, neighborhoods and communities embrace sustainable practices. The hope is that these practices, in turn, create opportunities for their residents to pursue happiness. Furthermore, a Sustainable Neighborhoods Distribution (SND) is created; representing a distribution of 50,000 community scenarios based on measurements of sustainability for assessment and comparison of communities. The SNI was applied to two cities (Ithaca, NY and Athens, GA) and to nineteen coastal cities. Cities such as Portland, San Francisco and Seattle score well, while cities like Virginia Beach and Detroit score poorly on the SNI. Finally, a "Happy-Centric" framework and the acronym "PERSPECTIVE" are outlined with the intention of guiding the planning, retrofit and design of future communities to move toward sustainability and greater opportunity for happiness. This dissertation puts happiness into the realm of community development and sets happiness as the ultimate outcome, now and into the future. All humans relate to a desire to be happy and those communities that set sustainability and happiness as ultimate objectives could attract and sustain future generations of residents, while improving the life of current residents. Cities are the future of our civilization and they must be developed in a way that contributes to a lasting relationship with the natural and social environment. Developing our communities with the intention of providing residents with the greatest opportunities for happiness may be the key to a sustainable future.

      • Synthetic applications of tertiary alpha-aminoorganolithium reagents generated by reductive lithiation

        Wolckenhauer, Scott Alan University of California, Irvine 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        This thesis details studies applied toward the generation and utility of tertiary alpha-aminoorganolithium reagents. These highly reactive intermediates are readily prepared by the lithium di-tert-butylbiphenylide (LiDBB) mediated reductive lithiation of alpha-aminonitrile precursors. The compatibility of tertiary alpha-aminoorganolithium reagents with a variety of useful electrophiles was established. A study of reductive lithiation diastereoselectivity in various 2-cyanopiperidines and configurational stability of the derived tertiary alpha-aminoorganolithium reagents was conducted. Development of several reductive cyclization reactions utilizing tethered phosphate electrophiles established the synthetic utility of these methods. Synthetic studies toward the spirocyclic core of the alkaloids halichlorine and pinnaic acid utilizing attempted reductive spirocyclizations are also presented.

      • Three-Dimensional Structure Combined with Electrochemical Performance Analysis for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes

        Cronin, J. Scott Northwestern University 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Today's energy concerns have never been more dire and the need for increases in energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable resources is important for global health. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are highly efficient, fuel flexible, and low-emission electricity generation systems that can operate directly on natural gas using current infrastructure and readily available fuels. These systems can achieve much higher efficiency than current natural gas power plants, but unfortunately, have seen only limited commercialization due to issues of cost, durability, and performance. In this thesis, investigation of the relationship between SOFC electrode structure and performance is quantified, allowing detailed understanding of the underlying phenomena that limit performance and durability. This is accomplished through the recent development of sophisticated three-dimensional structural analysis techniques: Focused Ion Beam—Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) tomography and X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT). Structural quantification is correlated with electrochemical performance analysis to gain insight into electrode behavior. First, optimization and automation of reconstruction techniques are discussed, including a look at methods developed for rigorous error analysis. Next, the techniques are applied to SOFC electrodes and compared with structures simulated via stochastic Monte Carlo methods. The comparisons demonstrate the importance of the three-dimensional reconstruction techniques to properly quantify SOFC electrode structure. Experimental work includes a novel reconstruction of an entire working solid oxide fuel cell. Limitations in the full device are understood through one-dimensional electrochemical modeling and lead to suggested improvements for electrode design. Cathode processing conditions are also varied, leading to large differences in structure and performance. These are again correlated through modeling and lead to quantitative understanding of performance limitations in ceramic powder processed cathode materials. Finally, an accelerated degradation testing protocol is developed and implemented on SOFC anodes. Structural changes are observed in three-dimensions and demonstrate a unique behavior in the electrode porosity which is partly responsible for the performance degradation observed.

      • Leaves of grassroots politics: Democracy, the swarm, and the literatures of the Americas

        Henkel, Scott Michigan State University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        When the phrase "grassroots politics" is used in the literature and scholarship of the Americas, it is meant to imply a division between a class of people "above" other people who are "at the grassroots level." At best, this division implies a hierarchy, and at worst, it reinforces the idea that people "at the grassroots level" are powerless compared to the people "above" them. This project challenges this traditional interpretation of grassroots politics. Because to be concerned with the root or the roots is to be radical, I argue that grassroots politics should be reinterpreted as a synonym for radical democracy. This reinterpretation helps to unpack the problems and possibilities of deeper, more meaningful ideas of democracy---ideas that have motivated many writers in the Americas. Walt Whitman writes in Democratic Vistas that "democracy is a word the real gist of which still sleeps, quite unawaken'd [...]. It is a great word, whose history, I suppose, remains unwritten, because that history has yet to be enacted." In response to how Thomas Carlyle mocks the idea that the electoral franchise should be expanded to include what Carlyle calls "the swarm," Whitman argues for "democracy in all public and private life, and in the army and the navy." What would the democratization of "all public and private life" entail? What would it mean to democratize schools, the workplace, and the community? What political movements would it take to realize such a proposal? Perhaps most importantly, how can literary study contribute to these problems? This project considers some of these problems, such as questions of free speech in Herbert Biberman's suppressed film Salt of the Earth, questions of free association in B. Traven's six novels of the Mexican Revolution, and questions about how the literature of the contemporary Zapatista movement in Mexico can help to imagine new democratic vistas.

      • A multimedia/DVD approach to training clinicians in two psychotherapy modalities

        Bledsoe, Ted Scott Azusa Pacific University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247614

        Training therapists can be challenging when considering they must effectively develop a strong therapeutic alliance and obtain a clear assessment of the patient's problems, often in a limited number of sessions. This study seeks to present two different models of psychotherapy to address these needs. Psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral theories are combined to provide one model. A family psychology model is presented to provide a more systemic and global perspective. The training tool offered for implementing these models is a multimedia environment with DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) technology that combines multiple learning factors including pictures, text, video, and audio in an easy-to-use format.

      • 『위대한 개츠비』의 등장인물의 가치관 연구

        강경희 단국대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247390

        F. Scott Fitzgerald는 The Great Gatsby를 통해서 제 1차 세계대전 후의 미국사회에 만연된 가치관의 혼란, 기존의 윤리 도덕과 가치체계의 와해 등, 그 당시의 시대적 배경을 잘 나타내고 있다. 이 작품 속에서 F. Scott Fitzgerald가 날카롭게 지적하고 있는 것은 미국문화를 형성하고 있는 이원적 요소 곧 Idealism과 Materialism의 숙명적인 충돌과 화합이다. 미국의 역사는 시작부터 이 두 가지 요소가 공존하면서도 또 복합적으로 얽혀있었던 나라였다. 즉 미국은 청교도들에게는 새로운 에덴으로서, 또 불행한 사람들에게는 꿈과 이상의 나라로서 시작되었다. 그러나 그와 동시에 미국은 물질적인 성공을 바랐던 사람들에게도 꿈과 이상의 나라였고, 그래서 어쩌면 그 두 가지요소는 처음부터 뒤섞여 있었으며, 그것이 바로 The American Dream의 숙명적인 본질이었는지도 모른다. 이런 미국적 면모는 미국의 독특한 역사와 미국인 특유의 가치관이 작가가 살았던 당대의 여러 사회 상황들과 복잡하게 얽히면서 등장인물들의 특정한 행동이나 사고방식을 통해 드러나고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이런 시대적 배경과 환경을 통해서 각각의 주요 인물들이 추구하는 가치관에 초점을 맞추었다. 정신세계에 가치를 둔 Jay Gatsby는 도덕적으로 타락한 물질주의를 추구하는 사람들의 잔혹성에 직면하여 그의 순수한 이상이 무참히 짓밟힌다. 그러나 자신의 이상을 키우고 꿈을 이루기 위해 삶을 바친 인물로서의 Gatsby는 그의 꿈이 좌절됐음에도 불구하고 위대하다고 할 수 있다. 그는 뿌리 깊은 역사는 없었지만 하나의 목표를 향한 부단한 노력으로 부유함이라는 성공을 이루었고, 현실에서 이루어지진 않았지만 마지막까지 그 부유함의 진정한 목적인 이상실현에 대한 믿음을 간직하고 있었다는 사실이 Gatsby를 위대한 인물로 만들어주고 있는 것이다. Gatsby에 비해 물질을 유일한 삶의 근본으로 삼는 Tom Buchanan은 도덕적으로 타락한 인물이라고 할 수 있다. 정신가치를 추구한 이상주의자인 Gatsby가 생산자이며, 창조자이고, 미래지향적인 인물이라면, 물질주의자인 Tom은 낭비자이며, 현실탐닉적이고, 삶의 뿌리가 뽑힌 향락주의자이다. 도덕주의자로서의 Nick Carraway는 이 소설의 스토리가 전개되는 내내 객관성과 평정을 잃지 않고 성공적으로 진술해 가는 도덕적 심판자로서 묘사되고 있다. 결국 이 작품은 1920년대 물질주의적 시대를 배경으로 하는 등장인물들을 통해 미국적 정신의 현주소를 점검하고 진정한 미국적 정신과 그 가치관이 무엇인가를 탐색한 작품이라고 볼 수 있다. F. Scott Fitzgerald는 Tom과 같은 엄청난 부를 소유하고 무자비한 인격을 가진 자가 지배하는 물질만능주의 세계에서 Gatsby의 감상적이고 낭만적인 정신세계가 어떻게 파멸되는가를 등장인물들의 가치관과 행동양식에 의해 보여주고 있다. 동시에 "결국 Gatsby가 옳았다"는 Nick의 마지막 진술을 통해 Gatsby의 꿈이 가지는 가치를 인정함으로써 American Dream이 정신적 가치와 건강한 Materialism이라는 이원적 요소간의 적절한 균형임을 시사하고 있다. 더 나아가 Nick의 도덕적 판단과 자아발견을 통해서 인간의 가치기준과 미래의 삶의 목표를 제시하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, Nick의 중서부 행을 통해 미래에도 인간의 고귀한 정신이 이어져 내려갈 수 있음을 암시하고 있다.

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