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      • Impacts of Korean NGO on the Philippine rural development : a case study of sorok uni foundation

        Delos Reyes, Rhean Ramos 한국외국어대학교 국제지역대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 2606

        Impacts of Korean NGO on the Philippine Rural Development: A Case Study of Sorok Uni Foundation February 2012 Rhean Ramos Delos Reyes, B.A., University of the Philippines - Diliman M.A., Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Directed by: Professor Ekra Miezan The main objective of this research study was to investigate the plausible impacts of South Korean NGO (hereinafter referred to as ?DKorean NGO\) on the Philippine rural community, with emphasis on Sorok Uni Foundation. Three research questions were then formulated to frame the study, such as: How is the Korean NGO helping the Philippine rural community in development areas such as health and sanitation, basic education, and livelihood? What are the setbacks and challenges faced by the Korean NGO in implementing their programs in the Philippines? Does the Korean NGO apply Participatory Development Theory in carrying out their programs in the Philippine rural communities? Participatory Development was operationally defined as ?Da process through which stakeholders can influence and share control over development initiatives, and over the decisions and resources that affect themselves.\ A survey was employed to collect the data through a questionnaire, which was sampled to Filipino respondents (and program participants of Sorok Uni Foundation, Inc. or V SUFI) to measure their perception, feelings, or attitude toward the impacts of the Korean NGO in their community. Overall findings show that Income after participating the SUFI program is the strongest indicator among all the demographic variables, and against all the dependent variables. This signifies that respondents with low income who have previously participated SUFI program tend to agree on the indices of program participation, perception, implementation, evaluation and participatory development, as opposed to those with high income who have previously participated SUFI program. Explicitly, the findings from this investigation project reveal that SUFI provides beneficial socio-economic impacts to the participants of the program. The association between perception of, and participation in, the SUFI program is an indication that the Korean NGO is effectively implementing its poverty alleviation programs to the rural community in the Philippines.

      • Invasion potential and colonization dynamics of Fusarium proliferatum

        Reyes Gaige, Andres Jose Kansas State University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The trade of food, plant, and animal products has increased the worldwide movement and establishment of exotic pathogens with dramatic negative impacts on plant systems. Fusarium proliferatum is a broad host-range pathogen and among the most common maize pathogens globally. It is often seed-borne and symptomless in maize, making it a high risk for introduction in maize and other grains. Considering the global distribution of maize and the wide host range and production of mycotoxins by F. proliferatum, a better understanding of its life history is needed. To provide markers for tracking F. proliferatum in laboratory experiments, strains of F. proliferatum were transformed to express a green fluorescent protein (GFP). Active dispersal (at least 1.5cm at 25°C and -50mb soil matric potential) and colonization of organic matter in nonsterile field soil was demonstrated in soil microcosms. Fusarium verticillioides is commonly isolated from maize seed also colonized by F. proliferatum. A red fluorescent (mRFP) F. verticillioides transformant was developed to study competition with F. proliferatum. For quantification in host tissues, a TaqMan multiplex qPCR protocol was developed using primer and probe sets targeting fragments of the green and red fluorescence genes to detect F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides, respectively. Prior colonization of maize tissues by F. verticillioides (p=0.6749) and other seed-borne microorganisms (p=0.1910) did not affect subsequent colonization by F. proliferatum. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) was used to identify genetic markers in F. proliferatum. Primer sets based GBS markers were designed to allow detection of specific isolates in field experiments. F. proliferatum populations were characterized from maize seed prior to planting and again after harvest. End-point PCR identified F. proliferatum isolates containing the GBS marker. AFLP-fingerprinting indicated that 23 of the 817 F. proliferatum isolates contained the molecular marker and were genetically related to the original isolate. Based on the subclade and percentage similarity in UPGMA phylogenetic trees, and the population grouping observed in STRUCTURE and Principal Coordinate Analysis, these isolates could have a single origin and be clonal. Understanding the life cycle of F. proliferatum is critical for learning more about the risk of introducing seed-borne exotic isolates into new environments.

      • Presidentas, Power and Pro-Women Change

        Reyes-Housholder, Catherine ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Cornell University 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Under what conditions do women in office leverage their power on behalf of women? Despite Latin America's deep gender inequalities, women have democratically won the presidency more times here than in any other region in the world. Presidentas could have a major impact on these inequalities because Latin American presidents enjoy vast formal powers. Though similarly situated, Presidents Michelle Bachelet in Chile and Dilma Rousseff in Brazil dramatically diverged in their use of these prerogatives to advance pro-women change. This dissertation solves the Bachelet-Rousseff puzzle with a novel, constituency-centered theory. I argue that female politicians are most likely to deploy their power to promote change favoring women when they have (1) successfully mobilized women on the basis of gender identity (core constituency); and (2) extensively networked with elite feminists and other female politicians (personal constituency). The theory explains why female politicians overall are more likely than their male counterparts to use their power to advance pro-women change, articulates the conditions under which female politicians will make a difference and predicts the kinds of pro-women policies they are most likely to pursue. It therefore provides fresh insights on the benefits and limitations of women's presence in political office. To illustrate and test this constituency theory, I employ newspaper archives to trace the formation of constituencies of all viable candidates in Chile's and Brazil's presidential races from 1999-2010. I then measure the use of legislative and delegative power to advance pro-women change by the winners of these elections with three original databases. Challenging existing theories of representation, the results of the qualitative and statistical analyses support my argument that gendered and sex-related characteristics of presidents' core and personal constituencies largely determine the extent to which and how they use of power to promote pro-women change.



        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        <italic>I</italic>. The ratio of the rate constants (k<sub>i</sub>/k<sub> r</sub>) for the formation of bicyclopentanes in the deazatization of 2,3-diazabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene-<italic> exo</italic>-<italic>exo</italic>-5,6-d<sub>2</sub> has been determined as a function of pressure in supercritical propane and carbon dioxide. The behavior was found to be consistent with the postulated idea that the reaction mechanism involved two different populations of the same intermediate: one that behaves statistically and produces a 1:1 ratio of products and one that behaves nonstatistically that only yields the inversion product. Fitting the data to different models to determine the collision frequency of the supercritical fluids lead to the best-fit lifetimes for the nonstatistical population in both supercritical solvents. The models suggest that at least two thirds of the reaction occur through nonstatistical trajectories. The synthesis of 9,9-dicyanobicyclo[6.1.0]nona-2,4,6-triene was achieved. The thermolysis of the labeled compound was studied to provide evidence for the importance of dynamic effects in the analysis of reaction mechanisms. The roles of temperature and nature of the solvent were investigated and the results seem to indicate that this system is another example of a dynamically controlled reaction. Attempts to carry out the reaction in supercritical fluids were unsuccessful due to solubility problems in these solvents. <italic>II</italic>. Attempts to determine the nature of the mechanism of the thermal addition of electron-deficient multiple bonds to quadricyclane was investigated. Synthesis of several quadricyclane derivatives were carried out, but the results of the experiments were inconclusive. The activation parameters for the addition of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate to quadricyclane was carried out and the results showed an activation enthalpy of 16.7 <math> <f> ±</f> </math> 0.6 kcal/mol and an activation entropy of –29.1 <math> <f> ±</f> </math> 1.1 cal/(mol K).

      • The Relationship Between Client Interpersonal Factors and Relational Efficacy Beliefs and Their Impact on Working Alliance Within Vocational Rehabilitation

        Reyes, Antonio Robert ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Working alliance (WA) is an important part of the rehabilitation counseling process, and yet there has been little research regarding predictors of WA. Given that strong WA facilitates successful outcomes in rehabilitation counseling, rehabilitation counselors need to better understand predictors of the development of WA. Client factors have been widely researched in the counseling and psychotherapy literature as predictors of WA. This study used the interpersonal circumplex (Wiggins, 1979) along with the tripartite efficacy beliefs model (Lent & Lopez, 2002) to better understand the relationship between client factors and WA in vocational rehabilitation counseling. The purpose of the study was to examine a.) to what extent demographic covariates, interpersonal factors, and the tripartite efficacy beliefs model predict WA.

      • The ethics of diaspora and the aesthetics of immanence: The diversification of bodies and perspectives in Spinoza, Proust, and Joyce (Benedictus de Spinoza, Marcel Proust, France, James Joyce, Ireland)

        Reyes, Carlos Victor University of California, Berkeley 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Performing a genealogy of the philosophy of immanence, my dissertation explicates the constructive role of diasporic experience in the genesis of an ethics of immanence and an aesthetics of experimentation. I show how Spinoza's Marrano background is implicated in his radical concept of composition, both corporeal and perspectival: the former emphasizing the interdependence of individual and collective liberation, the latter emphasizing the necessity for democracy of the production of knowledge and the free exchange of ideas. 250 years later, Joyce, in <italic>Ulysses</italic>, revisits the connection between diaspora and immanence. Drawing out the links between the Jewish and the Irish diasporas through the nomadic adventures of Leopold Bloom, Joyce uses nomadism as a structuring formal principle. The displacement of ideas and perspectives is implicated in the keywords “metempsychosis” and “parallax”—concepts which play a critical role in the formal construction of the novel. Writing around the same time as Joyce (who universalizes the problematic of diaspora by presenting Bloom as an Everyman), Proust unfolds, in the <italic>Sodom and Gomorrah</italic> volume of the <italic> Recherche</italic>, some striking parallels between the Jewish diasporic experience and the experience of homosexuals in turn-of-the-century France. Ultimately, the parallels between these two persecuted groups diasporize everyone in society. Proust—like Joyce—makes the radical claim that, in modernity, everybody is diasporic. Within this context, I argue that Spinoza's ethics of immanence and Joyce's and Proust's aesthetics of experimentation produce valuable knowledge about the now global problematic of diaspora. Both Joyce and Proust perform genealogies of the collective imaginings that determine prevailing social relations as well as ethological explications of the power immanent in compositions of diverse bodies and perspectives: specifically, in <italic>Ulysses</italic>, a genealogy of sociability in the Irish colonial context and an ethological explication of the politics of parallax, and, in the <italic>Recherche</italic>, a genealogy of inversion and an ethology of polymorphous individuality and collectivity. I am arguing that Joyce and Proust express not only an ethical aesthetic of immanence in their work, but also a politics of immanence, which seeks to transform oppressive social fictions and to valorize the diversification of bodies and perspectives in society.

      • The culture of ethics: Determining how three academic departments socially construct research ethics regarding the protection of human subjects

        Reyes, Julie Anne Michigan State University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The primary focus for this dissertation is to determine how formal and/or informal mechanisms are used to understand and transmit information regarding research ethics and the protection of human subjects. In other words, how the norms regarding research ethics within three departments are developed, maintained, and changed. Therefore, the main objectives for this dissertation are to examine: the ways in which faculty understand and ultimately apply the concepts of research ethics involving the protection of human subjects; whether informal mechanisms, as suggested by the Acadia Institute's survey, are an effective way of transmitting the knowledge of research ethics between faculty members; whether informal communication, such as mentoring relationships between faculty members is valued as an effective tool in teaching research ethics and addressing ethical issues; how the formal institutional mechanisms of ethics education, such as university policies are perceived as effective for addressing practical issues of ethics education; and, whether faculty members perceive formal methods as an effective way of imparting research ethics and professional values. Two anthropological perspectives, praxis and the theory of structuration, informed this research, and qualitative field methods and direct observation were used resulting in a total of 33 in-depth open-ended interviews with faculty members and graduate students from three departments in the social sciences and allied health fields over a period of two years at Midwestern Research University<super>1</super>. To measure the effectiveness of understanding and training of research ethics, ten criteria were used to determine the level of knowledge faculty and training faculty members had received regarding research ethics involving human subjects. The findings of this research indicate that faculty members rely more upon informal mechanisms of knowledge transmission and training than formal mechanisms for imparting information relating to research ethics and the protection of human subjects. For example, 78% of faculty said they relied upon first hand experience, 52% of faculty indicated that they used informal mentoring, and 57% said they used informal networks as mechanisms for obtaining information about research ethics and the protection of human subjects. Only 1% of all faculty received any training in graduate school on research ethics and the protection of human subjects. In this analysis, I argue that the distinct culture of each department is reflected in the ways that informal networks or relationships are (or are not) utilized thereby embedding this action (or non-action) into the culture of ethics. This study enhances existing scholarship because I embraced previously under utilized ethnographic methods and theoretical perspectives to reinvigorate notions about how research ethics are best studied. <super>1</super>Midwestern University is a pseudonym to protect the privacy of the subjects involved in this study.

      • The impact of lead exposure on crime and health, and an analysis of the market for physicians: Three essays

        Reyes, Jessica Wolpaw Harvard University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Childhood lead exposure can reduce IQ, cause attention impairment, and increase impulsive and aggressive behavior. These childhood deficits are strongly associated with a higher likelihood of criminal behavior in adulthood. Chapter 1 uses sharp reductions in lead exposure resulting from the removal of lead from gasoline under the Clean Air Act to identify how childhood lead exposure affects adult crime rates. I find that the reduction in childhood lead exposure in the late 1970s and early 1980s accounts for approximately one-third of the drop in crime in the 1990s. The effect of the removal of lead from gasoline is identified with detailed data on gasoline consumption and is validated with independent data on air lead concentrations. The estimates of the paper imply that the total removal of lead from gasoline under the Clean Air Act may eventually cause large declines in crime rates between 1993 and 2013. Chapter 2 investigates how prenatal lead exposure affects reproductive outcomes. I find that prenatal lead exposure increases infant mortality and the likelihood of low birth weight. The complete phaseout of leaded gasoline is associated with 3–4% reductions in infant mortality and low birth weight. I conclude that even moderate levels of prenatal lead exposure can significantly harm infant health and that the removal of lead from gasoline produced small but significant benefits for reproductive and infant health. Chapter 3 analyzes how the imperfectly competitive market for Obstetricians and Gynecologists (OB/GYNs) clears in the face of an excess demand for female OB/GYNs. This excess demand results from the convergence of three factors: (i) all OB/GYN patients are women, (ii) many women prefer to be treated by a female OB/GYN, (iii) only a small portion of OB/GYNs are female. I find that both money and non-money prices adjust, and that these effects are mediated by institutional structure. In contract settings in which money prices are rigid (i.e. managed care), waiting times are more likely to adjust, and in settings in which money prices are more flexible, the reverse occurs. Lastly, female OB/GYNs do close the gender gap in weekly income significantly.

      • Deshechos: Masculinidades y espacios alternos en la literatura mexicana del nuevo milenio

        Reyes Giardiello, Giannina The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This work explores the relationships between the creation and representation of diverse masculinities in Mexico and their link to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). It specifically focuses on the relationship between the economic and political crisis of the Mexican State that started during the nineties and the emerging narratives that questioned the construction of normative masculinities. It analyzes three Mexican novels written during these years: Salon de Belleza by Mario Bellatin (1994), La cresta de Ilion by Cristina Rivera Garza (2002), and El fin de la pornografia by Ricardo Chavez Castaneda (2006), considering their settings as heterotopic spaces inhabited by men who contravene the hegemonic masculinity. It also suggests that the political and economical changes helped to fracture the walls of these spaces giving visibility to those who were secluded behind them.

      • Statistical graphical models for scene analysis, source separation and other audio applications

        Reyes Gomez, Manuel J Columbia University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The problem of separating overlapping sound sources has long been a research goal in sound processing, not least because of the apparent ease with which we as listeners achieve perceptual separation and isolation of sound sources in our everyday experiences. Human listeners use their prior knowledge of all the sound classes that they have experienced through their lives to impose constraints on the form that elements on a mixture can take. Listeners use the information obtained from partial observation of the unmixed context to disambiguate the components where the energy is locally swamped by interfering sources. Researchers working on this problem (Ellis 1996) argue that just as human listeners have top-down knowledge, prior constraints on the form that the mixture components can take is the critical component to making source separation systems work. In this thesis, we propose to encode these contraints in the form of models which capture the statistical distributions of the features of mixture components, using the framework of statistical graphical models, and then use those models to estimate obscured or corrupted portions from partial observations. Our overarching goal is to explain composed data as a composition of the models of the individual sources. After reviewing the basic statistical tools, this dissertation describes three models of this kind. The first uses multiple-microphone recordings from reverberant rooms combined in a filter-and-sum setup. The filter coefficients are optimized to match system output against a model of speech taken from a speech recognizer. The second model addresses the more difficult case of a single channel recording, and handles the tractability problems of the very large number of states required by decomposing the signal into subbands. The final model provides very precise fits to source signals without an enormous dictionary of prototypes, but instead by exploiting the observation that much of a real-world signal can be described as systematic local spectral deformations of adjacent time frames; by inferring these deformations between occasional spectral templates, the entire sound is accurately described. For this last model, we show in detail how a mixture of two sources can be segmented at points where local deformations do not provide adequate explanation, to delineate regions dominated by one source. Individual sources can then be reconstructed by interpolation of the deformation parameters to reconstruct estimates of the mixture components even when they are hidden behind high-energy maskers. Although acoustic scene analysis and source separation are used as motivating and illustrative applications throught, the intrinsic descriptions of the nature of sound sources captured by these models could have other, broader applications in signal recognition, compression and modification, and even beyond audio in other domains where signal properties have the appropriate nontrivial local structure.

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