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      • The representation of the Brazilian Indian in literature and cinema from Hans Staden to the indigenous media

        Prata, Monica Nadler The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The present work undertakes the representation of the Brazilian Indian in literature and cinema beginning with the travel narratives from the sixteenth century to the indigenous media in the late decades of the twentieth century. The image of the first inhabitants of Brazil carry contradictory meanings, varying from the most amicable to the most savage in the travel accounts: <italic> Duas Viagens</italic> by Hans Staden (1557); <italic>Viagem à terra do Brasil</italic> by Jean de Léry (1578), and in their adaptations to the cinema: <italic>Como era gostoso o meu francês</italic> (1972), by Nelson Pereira dos Santos and <italic>Hans Staden</italic> (1999), by Luís Alberto Pereira. The nineteenth century novel <italic>Iracema, lenda do Ceará </italic> (1865) by José de Alencar portrays the Indian as a symbol of national identity. One hundred years later, the Indian becomes an outcast in the short-story “Hoje, como amaña, como depois” from <italic> Caminhos and descaminhos</italic> (1965) by Bernardo Élis; and in the films: <italic>Iracema, uma transamazônica</italic> (1974), by Jorge Bodansky and Orlando Senna, and <italic>Índia, a filha do sol</italic> (1981), by Fábio Barreto. Produced in the last decades of the twentieth century, the films—<italic>Raoni</italic> (1979) by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux and Luís Carlos Saldanha, and <italic>Vídeo nas Aldeias</italic> (1989) by Vicent Carelli—present the self-representation of indigenous groups through the use video technologies. The manipulation and appropriation of their own images promotes the reflection of these communities in their distinctive insertion in the national context and, in the new perspective of relationships within the Brazilian state and society.

      • Air-Carbon Ablation for Hypersonic Flow Environments

        Prata, Krishna Sandeep ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Minn 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Recent molecular beam experiments of high-velocity O, N, and O2 impacting carbon material at high temperatures produced detailed surface chemistry data relevant for carbon ablation processes. New data on O and N reactions with carbon has been published using a continuous molecular beam with lower velocity (2000 m/s) and approximately 500 times higher beam flux than previous pulsed-beam experiments. This data is interpreted to construct a new air-carbon ablation (ACA) model for use in modeling carbon heat shield ablation. The new model comprises 20 reaction mechanisms describing reactions between impinging O, N, and O2 species with carbon and producing scattered products including desorbed O and N, O2, and N2 formed by surface-catalyzed recombination, as well as CO, CO2, and CN. The new model includes surface-coverage-dependent reactions and exhibits non-Arrhenius reaction probability in agreement with experimental observations. All reaction mechanisms and rate coefficients are described in detail and each is supported by experimental evidence or theory. The model predicts pressure effects and is tested for a wide range of temperatures and pressures relevant to hypersonic flight. Model results are shown to agree well with available data and are shown to have significant differences compared to other models from the literature.A preliminary step towards validating the ACA model required simulating the plasma flows in the plasma chamber of von Karman Institute's (VKI's) Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) facility called Plasmatron using US3D, a 3D unstructured Navier-Stokes equations solver developed at the University of Minnesota. First, a parameter study of transport properties and the wall-catalycity of a catalytic probe used to characterize the plasma flow was conducted. It was found that the Gupta-Yos mixing rule with collision cross-section data performed better than Wilke's mixing rule with Blottner curve fits and Eucken relation to compute mixture viscosity and thermal conductivity. Also, the wall-catalycity had a strong effect on the boundary layer edge properties along the stagnation line for lower pressure flows in the Plasmatron. It was also found that the Self Consistent Effective Binary Diffusion (SCEBD) model predicted higher stagnation line enthalpy at the boundary layer edge for a flow over a non-catalytic wall when compared to the Fickian diffusion model that attributes a single diffusion coefficient to all the species in the mixture.Then, a series of iterative US3D simulations were performed to characterize the plasma flows over a fully-catalytic wall for seven air-plasma experiments in the Plasmatron. The simulations matched the experimentally measured cold wall heat flux and agreed relatively well with the boundary layer edge properties predicted by VKI's own analysis, giving confidence that the plasma freestream was well characterized in the seven experiments. Then, preliminary simulations of carbon ablation using the seven plasma flows were performed. Two ablation models called the ZA model and the MURI model gave comparable carbon mass loss rates with the experiments. However, the ZA model predicted lower surface heat flux than the MURI model due to the presence of spurious gas-surface reactions. Further experiments of carbon ablation measuring the surface heat flux are suggested in addition to mass-loss measurements.Finally, an analytical framework was developed that characterizes a flight mission or an experimental condition as reaction-limited or diffusion-limited with respect to carbon ablation. The framework uses the flight conditions such as the velocity, altitude, nose radius of the vehicle, and the surface temperature of the ablating heat shield to calculate time scales for diffusion and gas-surface chemical reactions. A new Damkohler number for ablation, defined as the ratio of diffusion time scale to the time scale for gas-surface chemical reactions was proposed. The framework was applied to several flight conditions in the existing literature. It was found that ablation of larger heat-shields like the Stardust re-entry capsule and Orion space-crew vehicle falls under a diffusion-limited regime, while the ablation of smaller objects like the nose tip of the Re-entry F vehicle falls under a reaction-limited regime. Future CFD simulations of ablation on various heat shields using the existing ablation models in the literature are recommended to establish a reference Damkohler number for the classification of the ablation regimes.

      • Women's movements, the state, and the struggle for abortion rights: Comparing Spain and Portugal in times of democratic expansion (1974--1988)

        Pereira, Ana Maria Prata Amaral University of Minnesota 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247340

        The formal transition to democracy in Spain and Portugal was followed by a decade of democratic expansion in which various groups struggled to participate and find representation. In both countries, the women's movement actively engaged in this process. They made claims for several issues, one of which was abortion rights. Informed by comparative and narrative approaches, this project aims at explaining why the women's movements produced very distinct outcomes in abortion rights policies and services, despite the similar conditions found in the two countries. I argue that a longitudinal analysis of the interactions between social movements, the state, and political parties is more adequate to analyze the process of democratic expansion because such an approach is able to include and focus on the groups to whom democracy is being extended. Using historical research and interviews, this research seeks to explain the differences in outcomes regarding reproductive rights' service-provision, legislation, implementation and discourse. These interrelated arenas speak respectively to the participation, representation, and impact of women's movements in public life. Namely in the way they impact the community (through service-provision), in policy (through gaining access and reaching favorable outcomes), and in the media (through placing their preferred frames in the public debate). I conclude that through the work of Spanish women's organizations at the community level, these organizations had a significant impact in terms of gaining organizational strength, visibility, and political legitimacy for the women's movement. But movements from below also need allies in legislative decision-making and implementation processes, or otherwise policy achievements may remain symbolic and fail to produce effective social change (as in Portugal). Furthermore, the analysis of these two cases highlights the need for a re-conceptualization of a 'woman's right to choose' to expand beyond abortion laws and abortion talk, and to include policy outcomes in practice. Finally, I also outline some new avenues for policy, social movement organizing, and research.

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