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      • Conspiracy theory and nationalism in liberal democracy

        Parker, Jeremy Charles 서강대학교 국제대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        The internet revolution has transformed the information environment. One of the more notable aspects of this phenomenon has been the apparent rise of the conspiracy theory. Many consider this to be a threat to liberal democracy, predominantly by causing skepticism and disengagement of the electorate. Using the events of 9/11 as its main focus, this thesis examines the reality behind the media hype, assessing the actual effects of conspiracy theories on liberal democracy. It finds that, whilst more accessible, conspiracy theories in the internet age have failed to gain any significant further traction and pose a very limited threat to liberal democracy. This study has found that it is the ‘liberal’ nature of liberal democracy (the existence of civil liberties within society rather than political liberties) that provides a check on the take-up of conspiracy theories. It also highlights the causal link between nationalism and belief in conspiracy theories. This thesis finds that political freedoms, education and debunking have a relatively limited effect on the number of adherents to conspiracy theories. It also finds that conspiracy theories more often reflect levels of nationalism already present within a particular nation or subset of society. This study hypothesizes that the key drivers hindering the challenge to dangerous nationalism are the close proximity or influence of hegemons and a poor level of successful integration of minority groups within a society.

      • On Love and Treason: Critical White Feminist Thought for Social Justice Praxis

        Parker, Amanda ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        This dissertation is a theoretical piece that examines the positionality of white women in upholding white supremacy and a framework for critical white feminist thought that will move white women toward a self-reflexive and self-implicating praxis. A white matriarchy (Parker, 2018) is fully conceptualized as part of a powerful subsystem that operates under white supremacy. Concepts, such as a race-gender bribe and white women’s negative solidarity (Combahee River Collective, 1977), are exposed and discussed as part of the workings of white matriarchy. White emotionality (Matias, 2015), intergenerational whiteness, and antiracist parenting are also analyzed. I also suggest possibilities for resistance and forging a path out of whiteness for critical white women.

      • (The) national image of China in the Republic of Korea during the THAAD dispute

        Parker, Elizabeth 서울대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        중국이 최근 해외에서의 국가 이미지 제고를 위해 수억 달러를 투자했음에도 불구하고, 중국에 대한 인상은 오히려 악화됐다. 극단적인 예로 한반도 내 고고도미사일방어 체계 (THAAD) 배치에 대한 중국의 대응을 들 수 있다. 이러한 미국의 체제에 대한 항의의 일환으로 중국은 한국을 대상으로 비공식적 경제 보복을 감행했다. 상황의 개선을 위해 한국 정부는 여러 측면에서 뒤로 물러섰으며 그 결과, 한국 대중의 중국에 대한 여론은 심각하게 나빠졌다. 본 논문은 중국일보(China Daily)의 THAAD 에 대한 권력자 차원의 담론 및 한국 일간지의 중국의 행동에 대한 프레이밍(framing) 분석을 통해 한국 내 중국의 이미지에 부정적인 영향을 미친 요인을 살펴보았다. 심리학 차원의 분석은 중국은 한국이 THAAD 를 포기하도록 압박하기 위해 간접적 위협을 가했다고 주장한다. 하지만 그렇게 함으로써, 중국에 대한 한국 대중의 신뢰가 감소하였고 부정적인 의견이 증가되였다. 이러한 대응은 결국 중국의 소프트 파워와 국가 이미지 관리 전략에 헛점이 있음을 드러나게 했을뿐 아니라, 향후 동북아시아의 국제관계에 있어 부정적 영향을 미칠 수도 있음에 따라 안보 전략의 실패로 볼 수 있다. 한국 대중은 중국에 대해 부정적인 이미지를, 미국에 대해서는 긍정적인 이미지를 갖게 됐다. 담론 분석 결과, 미국의 “전략적 균형(strategic balancing)”이 중국에 있어 가장 중요한 사안임에 따라, 미-중 간 긴장이 고조될수록 한국 대중의 중국에 대한 부정적 이미지는 심각한 문제가 될 수 있다. 이에 따라, 본 논문은 한-중 간 관계 개선을 위해서는 양국 간 새로운 “논쟁적 상호작용 (argumentative interaction)” 접근이 필요함을 주장한다. While China has invested billions of dollars in recent years to promote its national image abroad, public perceptions of China have become more negative in many parts of the world. This thesis examines this phenomenon through the recent case of the THAAD dispute between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea in order to understand how China’s strategic approach undermined its own image with the Korean public. Through an analysis of elite Chinese discourse and a framing analysis of Korean media it attempts to understand why China was ineffective in persuading the Korean public of its position on the deployment of the US anti-missile system and to examine the factors that led to the downturn in China’s image. Adopting Lee and Pinker’s psycholinguistic approach to indirect communication, it argues that China used an indirect form of threat to attempt to shift itself into a more dominant position in its relations with Korea in order to pressure it to drop its commitment to THAAD. However, in doing so and by using economic levers in the dispute, its perceived trustworthiness among the Korean public fell dramatically over the course of the dispute causing an increase in negative opinions of China. As well as highlighting flaws in the Chinese understanding of soft power and the importance of international audiences’ perceptions to its success, this represents a wider strategic failure which could have serious implications for the future of East Asia. Polling data shows that the dispute did not only sour Korean attitudes towards China, it simultaneously strengthened positive attitudes towards the US. Given that concerns about US strategic balancing was one of the main themes of Chinese discourse surrounding the THAAD dispute, this represents a serious strategic oversight as well as a potential threat should tensions between the two powers escalate. This thesis argues for a new “argumentative interaction” approach to relations between China and her neighbours to prevent similar issues in future and in order to avoid ramping up US-China tensions in the Asia Pacific region which would not be of benefit to either party.

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