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      • Caregiving, attachment, and cooperation in interactions between maltreating caregivers and young children

        Olsen, Kristin Dell University of Virginia 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Patterns of caregiving and attachment behavior were examined for interactions of 36 dyads, referred for evaluation by DSS due to alleged maltreatment. Standard procedures included Preschool Strange Situation, toy clean-up task, and interviews. IRB granted permission to use clinic evaluation and background file information. Criteria for inclusion were children ages 24--80 months, history of alleged abuse or neglect by the primary caregiver, and ongoing CPS involvement. Attachment and caregiving behavior were originally coded for clinical purposes. Reliability was determined through recoding and conferencing all tapes using the Marvin-Britner Caregiver Behavior System. Caregivers were rated on sensitivity, affection, rejection, overinvolving, pressuring, role-reversing, support, delight, and flat and negative affect. Child attachment classifications were also double-coded, using the Cassidy-Marvin Preschool System. Behaviors including indiscriminate friendliness, fearfulness, and compulsive compliance were noted. Clean-up interactions were coded for caregiver structuring, positive and negative regard, child compliance, and dyadic cooperation. Background information included maltreatment allegedly perpetrated by caregivers. Dyads were placed into physical abuse, verbal abuse, neglect, and failure to protect groups. Other variables examined were caregiver maltreatment histories, psychiatric diagnoses, substance abuse, domestic violence, and CPS interventions. Associations among background variables, behavioral ratings, and classifications were examined through descriptive and inferential analyses. One dyad had a secure relationship in this high-risk sample. Two children had avoidant attachment, and the remaining 33 exhibited non-ordered attachment, 12 with "D" or role-reversed behavior, and 19 with "I/O" or a mixture of non-ordered behaviors. All but one caregiver exhibited non-ordered caregiving, with 14 role-reversed, 9 a confusing mixture, 7 disengaged, and 5 controlling/threatening. Caregivers and children had significantly concordant classification patterns. Verbally abusive caregivers, often overlooked in other studies, appeared less sensitive, more rejecting and more overinvolving with their children than the other groups of caregivers. The failure to protect (FTP) group, typically grouped with neglecting parents, exhibited more delight and role-reversal and less overinvolving and pressuring. They reported significantly more abuse in childhood, violence in adult relationships, and difficulty structuring the clean-up task. These results and others were discussed in light of previous research on attachment, caregiving, and maltreatment. Implications for intervention and future exploration were described.



        RANK : 247343

        High-vector density planar velocity fields were obtained for an incompressible mixing layer and a weakly compressible mixing layer using particle image velocimetry (PIV). For the incompressible case the velocity ratio was 0.58, and the velocity fields were obtained at a location where Re<sub>x</sub> = 1.8 × 10<super> 5</super>, <math> <f> <rm>Re</rm><inf><g>d</g><inf><g>w</g></inf></inf></f> </math> = 1.1 × 10<super>4</super>, and the pairing parameter was Rx/λ = 31. The velocity vector fields indicate the existence of large, two-dimensional Brown-Roshko roller structures with a variety of shapes, orientations, and interactions. Spatial correlations of velocity fluctuations were determined, and these were used to find linear stochastic estimates of roller structures and braids. The linear stochastic estimate of a roller is slightly elliptical with the major axis oriented in the streamwise direction, and the linear stochastic estimate of a braid is obliquely oriented. For the weakly compressible mixing layer, the velocity ratio was 0.53, the density ratio was 0.67, and the convective Mach number was 0.38. At the location where the PIV images were obtained, Re<sub>x</sub> = 3.7 × 10<super>6</super>, <math> <f> <rm>Re</rm><inf><g>d</g><inf><g>w</g></inf></inf></f> </math> = 1.8 × 10<super>5</super>, and Rx/λ = 18. The planar velocity fields obtained in this study fall into three regimes characterized by the size and number of large-scale structures present. The large-scale rollers are either circular or elliptical, with the elliptical rollers having, in general, horizontal major axes. The transverse velocity fluctuations and Reynolds shear stress are suppressed for the weakly compressible mixing layer as compared to the incompressible case. The spatial correlations of velocity fluctuations are also smaller than those for the incompressible case. The linear stochastic estimate of a roller structure in the weakly compressible mixing layer is elliptical with the major axis oriented in the streamwise direction and with an eccentricity greater than for the incompressible case. The linear stochastic estimate of a braid suggests that the braids are vertically oriented, as opposed to the oblique orientation seen in the incompressible mixing layer. In addition, the braids in the weakly compressible case have a vertically oriented stagnation line, as opposed to the braids in the incompressible mixing layer where stagnation occurs at a point.

      • Experimental Characterization of Plasma Detachment from Magnetic Nozzles

        Olsen, Christopher Scott Rice University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Magnetic nozzles, like Laval nozzles, are observed in several natural systems and have application in areas such as electric propulsion and plasma processing. Plasma flowing through these nozzles is inherently tied to the field lines and must separate for momentum redirection or particle transport to occur. Plasma detachment and associated mechanisms from a magnetic nozzle are investigated. Experimental results are presented from the plume of the VASIMRRTM VX-200 device flowing along an axisymmetric magnetic nozzle and operated at two ion energies to explore momentum dependent detachment. The argon plume expanded into a 150m3 vacuum chamber where the background pressure was low enough that charge-exchange mean-free-paths were longer than experiment scale lengths. This magnetic nozzle system is demonstrated to hydrodynamically scale up to astrophysical plasmas, particularly the solar chromosphere, implying general relevance to many systems. Plasma parameters were mapped over a large spatial range using measurements from multiple plasma diagnostics. The data show that the plume does not follow the magnetic field lines. A mapped integration of the ion flux shows the plume may be divided into three regions where 1) the plume briefly follows the magnetic flux, 2) diverges quadratically before 3) expanding with linear trajectories. Transitioning from region 1→2, the ion flux departs from the magnetic flux suggesting ion detachment. An instability forms in region 2 driving an oscillating electric field that causes ions to expand before enhancing electron cross-field transport through anomalous resistivity. Transitioning from region 2→3 the electric field dissipates, the trajectories linearize, and the plume effectively detaches. A delineation of sub-to-super Alfvenic flow aligns well with the inflection points of the linearization without a change in magnetic topology. The detachment process is best described as a two part process: First, ions detach by a breakdown of the magnetic moment when the quantity |v/fcLB| becomes of order unity. Second, the turbulent electric field enhances electron transport up to a factor of 4+/-1 above collisional diffusion; electron cross-field velocities approximate that of the ions and depart on more centralized field lines. Electrons are believed to detach by breakdown of magnetic moment further downstream in the weaker magnetic field.

      • Experimental investigation into catastrophic failure of pressure vessels due to hypervelocity impact

        Olsen, Gregory Dana The University of Texas at Austin 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The threat of hypervelocity impacts from the meteoroid/orbital debris environment has been a concern for spacecraft designers since the early days of orbital flight. With the development of the International Space Station Alpha and its unprecedented size and mission duration coupled with the increasing orbital debris flux, the probability of impact is high in relation to past spacecraft. This probability of impact leads to a need for quantifying the survivability of the International Space Station given a penetration. A large factor in determining this survivability is to ascertain whether a hypervelocity impact from an orbital debris particle will result in a catastrophic failure in which rapid crack propagation will occur. This effort conducts a hypervelocity impact test program to investigate the structural response of a thin walled, shielded pressure vessel to an orbital debris impact. Detailed surveys of existing fracture mechanics tools and hypervelocity impact data are conducted and show that this problem has not been adequately addressed. In response, a systematic hypervelocity impact test program is conducted to provide insight into impact induced failure due to rapid crack propagation. Thirty-nine hypervelocity impact tests are conducted and the results are presented. Of these tests, seventeen are performed against dual-wall flat aluminum sheet targets, twelve against shielded, unpressurized aluminum vessels and ten on shielded, aluminum gas filled vessels. The pressure vessel tests are the highest fidelity targets representative of spacecraft design conducted to date. The results of the shielded, aluminum gas filled vessel tests are coupled with previously performed tests and subjected to fracture analyses. The data is then examined to determine implications for assessing spacecraft survivability. It is concluded that the International Space Station is not at risk to suffer a catastrophic failure given the expected orbital debris environment.

      • Pulling out the pins: A reassessment of American literary Voudou (Ishmael Reed, Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Gloria Naylor, Zora Neale Hurston, Barbados)

        Olsen, Nancy Sue University of California, Davis 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Using fictional texts from twentieth century American literature, this study examines why Voudou, an autochthonous US religion, remains misunderstood into the twenty-first century, even as other previously-maligned faiths have come to be accepted. Recognizing that Voudou's African origins make it suspect in what is still a race-conscious culture, I move beyond issues of race to explore other cultural bases for Americans' attitudes regarding this religion. In "Chapter One: The Hexing of America," I outline how Americans came to the negative sense of Voudou that persists today, and in the four chapters that follow, I analyze works of fiction thematically, covering nearly one hundred years. "Chapter Two: The Spirit in the Word" demonstrates how the revered word-text acts as a type of fetish object to the Western reader. Employing E. M. McCallum's theory of the fetish (Object Lessons: How To Do Things with Fetishism, 1999), I analyze Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo (1972), and its search for the supposedly-missing Voudou text. "Chapter Three: Conjure Carnival" covers Charles Chesnutt's conjure tales (The Conjure Woman, 1899), demonstrating that Voudou lies beneath the hoodoo Uncle Julius promotes and that Voudou overturns established Western hierarchies within the world of both the tale and the storytelling. "Chapter Four: Memoryless in America" addresses Gloria Naylor's Mama Day (1988) focusing on the central figure of George, a Voudou-outsider trapped in his Western institutional memory. Working with Erving Goffman's institutionalization theory (Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates, 1961), I show how George's upbringing creates a chasm between the values of America's institutions and those of his ancestors. With "Chapter Five: Conjure Capitalism," I examine a group of texts---Ishmael Reed's The Last Days of Louisiana Red (1974), Chesnutt's conjure tales, Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937), and Paule Marshall's Praisesong for the Widow (1989)---to show how female authors present Voudou-centered values as viable alternatives to those favored by "good" capitalists, whereas their male counterparts have their protagonists work within the system to alter it according to Voudou principles. In sum, these thematic chapters demonstrate the methods used by various African American authors to subvert and overturn entrenched and derogatory images of Voudou.

      • Teacher orientation to social studies: A phenomenological study

        Olsen, Jeffrey A Utah State University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Textbooks, curriculum packages, standards, professional development and pre-service education, and national advocacy groups all utilize orientation terms to identify the pedagogical approaches, though no model for orientations has currently been validated against the lived experience of teachers. The purpose of the dissertation is to research a practitioner-informed orientation model for social studies, utilizing the lived experiences of teachers including their connections to and with technology. As a preliminary investigation to explore and understand the construct of orientations, the initial set of participants was bound to three secondary social studies teachers from an urban, suburban, and rural district, respectively. Data collection was completed through a series of detailed interviews including three modified narrative identity protocols, one elicited response interview, and one observation interview. Phenomenology formed the epistemological lens and the method that utilized various instruments as a pathway into the teachers' perceived life worlds. Research was conducted from a transcendental or psychological approach to phenomenology with a grounded theory approach to analyzing the data to generate theoretical themes rooted in the narratives. A detailed description of each case narrative along with the phenomenological essence of each teacher is provided individually before cross case analysis is presented. From this combined case data, a constructed model that captures the narratives, trends, and overlaps was created. Evans' orientation model was utilized as exemplary of the field for comparison. There existed overlaps present with the utilized model yet current models explored failed to encompass all elements of teacher-held orientations and an emergent model is presented that includes the following orientation constructs: social efficiency, a social sciences core, a transformative role, and personal improvement. The findings also included four themes: the role of storytelling as a central concept in practice, the role of film and television representations of history in sustaining engagement, the value of the classroom environment and students in creating a sense of equity, and a close level of uniformity in orientation reporting out of step with current frameworks. Implications for learning environments, particularly in relation to the utilization of technology, are discussed in addition to necessary future research suggestions.

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