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      • A Study on Factors Responsible for the Ineffectiveness of Staff Training in the Federal Civil Service Commission of Nigeria : 나이지리아 연방공무원 훈련의 비효율적 요인에 관한 연구

        Nwaeze Offor Afam 한국기술교육대학교 테크노인력개발전문대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        나이지리아 정부의 공무원 교육에 대한 투자에도 불구하고 작업 효율성이 낮은 것으로 확인되었다. 이유는 직업 훈련 활동과 프로그램이 비효율적이라는 것이다. 이 연구의 목적은 나이지리아 공공 서비스 직원 교육의 비효율성에 대한 요인을 파악하는 것이다. 본 연구에는 위원회의 311 명의 직원 중 239 명이 참가하였다. 연구에 관한 문헌을 광범위하게 검토하고, 데이터는 전화 통화를 통해 설문조사로 수집되었다. 연구 그룹의 인구통계학적 상태를 결정하고 직접 교육 효과에 미치는 변수를 질문에 맞춰 조사하였다. 변수는 직원 교육 정책의 가용성, 직원 교육의 행위 분석을 필요로 한다. 실제 작업 환경 조건 ; 관리 지원의 가용성 ; 직원 동기 부여의 수준 ; 기회의 존재는 지식과 훈련을 통해 획득한 기술을 표현하고자 한다. 수집된 데이터 분석은 참가자의 응답의 백분율로 표현하였다. 연구 결과는 직원 교육 정책의 부재 혹은 비실현성, 직업 훈련을 하지 전에 직원 교육을 분석하지 않은 실태, 부족한 작업 여건과 자료 부족으로 인한 불충분한 작업 환경, 교육 동기부여에 대한 관리 지원 부족, 새로운 지식을 표현할 수 있는 기회 제공이 없는 교육 기관의 비효율성을 발견했다. 이러한 결과로 인해 부족한 서비스를 제공하고, 직원 교육을 위해 지출된 자원이 무용지물이 되는 것이다. 확인한 요인에 따른 연구결과는, 설계와 지속적인 검토 및 구현 또는, 업무에 배치되기 전에 직원 교육 수요의 지속적인 분석, 개선된 작업 환경, 교육 활동에 대한 향상된 관리 지원, 직원에 대한 적절한 교육 인센티브를 마련하고 자신의 지식과 훈련을 통해 획득한 기술을 표현할 수 있는 기회를 만들기 위한 향상된 관리지원이다. 또한, 미래의 연구를 위한 권고사항이 일반화에 영향을 줄 수 있을지에 대한 제한을 강조했다. 본 연구를 통해 나이지리아 연방 인사위원회의 직업교육 활동의 향상을 기대한다 It has been observed that despite the obvious investments on staff training of Public Servants by the Nigerian Government, their output has remained low. One of the reasons attributed to this is the ineffectiveness of training activities and programmes. The aim of this study was to identify the factors responsible for the ineffectiveness of staff training in the Federal Civil Service Commission of Nigeria. Those that participated in the study were 239 staff out of the 311 employees of the Commission. Various literatures relating to the study were reviewed and data were collected through questionnaires and clarifications made via phone calls. Demographic status of the study group was determined and variables examined in line with the research questions directly affecting training effectiveness were examined. Variables examined were: availability of staff training policy; the conduct of staff training needs analysis; conditions of the physical work environment; availability of management support; level of staff motivation; and the existence of opportunity to implement the knowledge and skills acquired through training. With the aid of tables and charts, the analysis of the data collected were done with a simple frequency distribution expressed in percentages of responses from respondents. Findings from the study indicate that the absence of staff training policy or its non-implementations, the practices of not analysing staff training needs before nominating them for training, the poor work environment due to the insufficiency of tools and materials for work, the lack of Management support for training and the poor training motivation factors as well as non-existing opportunity to express new knowledge are factors responsible for the ineffectiveness of training in the Commission. The implications of these are poor service delivery by employees as well as wastages in resources expended for staff training purposes. Consequent upon the identified factors, the study recommends the design and constant review and or implementation of staff training policy, constant analysis of staff training needs before nominating them for training so that training objectives will be in line with employees’ needs, improved work environment, improved management support for training activities, instituting adequate training incentives for staff and creating opportunity for employees to express/demonstrate their knowledge and or skill acquired through training. Also, recommendations for future study were made and the study briefly highlighted the limitations that may have impacted on the generalisation. It is hoped that with this study, improvements will be recorded in the training activities in the Federal Civil Service Commission of Nigeria in particular and other MDAs in general.

      • Analysis of sex stereotyping on women's positive evaluation and promotion to executive leadership roles

        Offor, Evelyn Enitan University of Maryland University College 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The need to improve gender equality in leadership roles has necessitated a critical review of the factors that may account for the low levels of female executive occupancy. This paper explores gender-related differences in evaluation and promotion rates of women to executive roles by specifically examining sex-stereotyping and role congruity theory of prejudice as frameworks for empirical findings on the perceived incongruity between the gender role and the leadership role. The central question is whether sex stereotyping is responsible for the low percentage of female executives and whether eliminating related obstacles can potentially lead to gender equality in the workplace. To validate this proposition, this paper provides a thorough literature review that corroborates an organizational need to achieve an ethos of improving the gender disparity in the workplace. From the review of role congruity theory, it is determined that the perceived incongruity between female gender role and leadership role leads to prejudice. Therefore, social roles form the basis of norms that affect valued behavior for men and women. Evidence from varied research of both descriptive and prescriptive studies show prejudice that are associated with gender in evaluating leaders when women possess agentic qualities of dominance that are inconsistent with the leader role. The processes that cause these outcomes and the procedures that possibly encourage them is identified and explored. Research has shown that sex stereotyping is an attitudinal barrier and views towards women that is embedded in the culture that hinder women's equality. Future research should include the study of the different conditions that affect the perception of the effectiveness of leaders in respect to their gender; the settings in which leader characteristics are analyzed; and the analysis of more specific job-related qualifications and experiences of applicants to the leadership positions.

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