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      • Constructing public dialogue: A critical discourse analysis of the public discourse practices that shape civic engagement in Portland, Oregon's neighborhood association program

        Odell, Julie Beth Portland State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Deliberative democracy and civic renewal movement theorists claim that the basis of renewal for a declining and disempowered public sphere is new ways of understanding citizenship and governance structures that embrace participatory practices. They argue that public dialogue is a key form of social action through which participatory practices are engaged. While current practices of public dialogue are criticized, some scholars claim that democratic deliberative practices are emerging through locally based neighborhood associations. They identify Portland, Oregon's neighborhood association program as one exemplary model. This research examines public dialogue in nine workshops at Portland's 2002 Neighborhood Association Summit. It finds the regular practice of ten normative features of democratic deliberative public dialogue across the workshops. It demonstrates that the features were not practiced as individual, neutral civic skills and processes, but that they were practiced in five clusters that performed social and political work. Employing Fairclough's method of critical discourse analysis, this study compares patterns of discourse across the clusters to the discourses of the Portland Way, the dominant ideology that shapes civic engagement in this community. It examines how the patterns worked to transmit, maintain, resist, and/or transform the dominant ideology. The findings demonstrate that: (1) the orientation of the workshop presenters to the discourses of the Portland Way was a key indicator of whether the dominant practices were transmitted, maintained, resisted, and/or transformed; (2) emancipatory dialogue emerged in all of the clusters except practices of civic engagement; and (3) empowering dialogue was minimal in which the activities of neighborhood association activists were linked to political organizing and public policy development, despite regular resistance. The study concludes that the presence of model forms of deliberative and emancipatory dialogue does not necessarily achieve empowerment for civic activists, and that power relationships embedded in the hegemonic discourses of a dominant ideology must be accounted for in creating participatory practices of civic engagement. It demonstrates the constructive force of language; the role of ideological relations of power in everyday political discourses; the construction through dialogue of practices of civic engagement; and the Summit as a model for participatory forms of civic engagement.

      • Listening for Resistance: Stories Challenging the Binary in K-12 Educational Leadership

        Odell, Sarah Margaret ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        All gender identity is socialized, but anything gendered feminine is marginalized. In the United States, we live in a patriarchal culture that is bounded by binary gender identity. Up to this point, work on gender and education leadership has remained within the bounds of patriarchy, and thus been confined to binary, hierarchical gender definitions. This study pushes past prior work to advance a more complex and messy understanding of how identity impacts aspiring leaders in their careers. Using Carol Gilligan’s Listening Guide Method, this study forges a new framework for gender and K-12 educational leadership that exists beyond binary constructions, and fuses together gender, sexuality and racial identity.

      • Investigating the Connections between Rotating Updrafts and Surface-based Vorticity with New Theoretical Approach

        Odell, Luke E ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Supercell tornadogenesis is a complex multi-scale atmospheric process involving the interaction of storm-generated and environmental flow and in particular, the interaction of their respective vorticity fields. A number of outstanding questions remain regarding the development and maintenance of rotation on the sub-storm scale during the evolution of a tornadic thunderstorm hampering our short-term predictability of tornadoes. Techniques currently used to study rotation in supercells are reviewed and, through application of research in fluid dynamics, new diagnostic technique is applied to study numerical simulations of supercells during tornadogenesis. Results from the analysis suggest a potentially important helical interaction between a supercell's outflow-generated baroclinic vorticity and low-level environmental streamwise vorticity in the storm's inflow layer, which is theorized to dynamically couple a supercell's updraft with surface-based baroclinic vorticity during tornadogenesis. The results of this work are discussed in the context of the current state of the atmospheric sciences and fluid dynamics literature and details of ongoing applications of the work to supercell tornadogenesis research are provided.

      • Feelings as Heraldic Devices in Late Middle English Chivalric Romance

        Odell, Ross C ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This project argues that we can read feelings in medieval chivalric romance the same way one reads conventional heraldic imagery, and doing so shows us how feelings are a site for identity construction in ways that align with our understanding of identity today. The project finds clear evidence that late medieval romance writers thought of feelings as functioning similar to more conventional elements of heraldry, like a knight’s coat of arms, his device, his colors, or his battle cries, in the sense that feelings typically attach to specific knights but are also shared by knights within the same chivalric community. The dual nature of the chivalric device—both a stable, abstracted indication of allegiance and malleable ornament of individual identity—is what makes it productive for understanding how social selfhood is constructed in romance, and the project proposes the term ‘feeling-emblem’ to describe the highly public way in which emotional expressions are used to communicate different aspects of that selfhood. The project mainly tracks a category of weak negative emotions which Sianne Ngai calls “ugly feelings,” and it does so for two reasons: (1) these kinds of emotions are well-represented in the battlefield romances of late medieval Britain which I study most closely, and (2) emotions like irritation, anxiety, envy, and disgust are historically stable in a way that other emotions of medieval romance are not, meaning that focusing on ugly feelings helps us find lines of continuity between medieval and modern identity constructions. By focusing on feeling-emblems of weak negativity, then, the project aims both to better understand how medieval audiences imagined themselves through their period’s most popular literary genre and to explore how our own discourses around identity today are shaped and challenged by that process.

      • A Descriptive Existential-Phenomenological Study of Black Male Police Officers’ Experiences with a Racialized Deadly Force Incident

        Johnson, Benjamin Odell Grand Canyon University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2589

        The purpose of this descriptive-existential phenomenological study was to explore what it is like for Black male police officers to experience working in a department that has been involved in a high-profile racialized incident involving deadly force against a Black citizen in the United States. The sample included five Black male police officers from a Midwestern Police department. Data were collected by conducting individual, unstructured interviews using an analysis with Giorgi’s Five-Step Analytic. Critical race theory and symbolic interactionism provided the framework. The psychological constituents of working in a department involved in a high profile racialized incident are (1) Salient Sense of Racialization, (2) Felt-Sense of Historical Oppression by Law Enforcement, (3) Sense of Alienation and Ostracism, (4) Maintained Empathic Work Ethic, (5) Increased Racial Tensions When Deadly Force Shooting Involves White Officer and Black Citizen, (6) Understood Need for Self-Defense in Officer-Involved Shootings, (7) Disagreement with Tactical Soundness, (8) Deadly Force Shooting Viewed from a Black Male Perspective, (9) Interacialized Competence, (10) Polarization Between Black Protesters and Black Police Officers, (11) Valued Support During Crisis, (12) General Feelings of Nonsupport by Political Figures, (13) Overwhelmed by the Mass of Nonlocal Protesters, (14) Post-Protest Anxiety, (15) Distinct Feelings of Victimization, (16) Experienced Differentiation Between Black and White Officers, (17) Felt-Sense of Torness, (18) Felt-Sense of Dissociation with Blue Connotation. The participants experience a dualistic view of their lifeworld as they are members of the Black community and the police force, yet Black officers are polarized by both groups.

      • Optical Signal Processing for Manipulating and Characterizing Time-Frequency Entangled Photons

        Odele, Ogaga D Purdue University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1551

        Time-frequency entangled photons ("biphotons") exhibit joint spectral and temporal correlations that are unattainable with classical light. Besides being deployed for tests of quantum nonlocality, these photonic states are desirable for a unique.

      • The application of airborne shortwave spectral irradiance measurements to atmosphere and surface remote sensing

        Coddington, Odele M University of Colorado at Boulder 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1550

        We apply airborne shortwave spectral irradiance measurements to atmosphere and surface remote sensing. Spectral surface albedo and cloud optical properties (optical depth and effective radius) are retrieved by indirectly relating measurements of reflected sunlight from Earth's surface and from clouds to these parameters. The inversion techniques and the radiative transfer model used to simulate the measured upwelling and downwelling irradiance needed in the inversions are discussed. Results are shown from measurements taken during two field campaigns: The Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations (MILAGRO) and the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment (INTEX-A). The airborne-based retrievals are compared to satellite-retrieved quantities. Also discussed is a theoretical method for evaluating the contribution of uncertainty and error in measured and modeled irradiance to the accuracy and uniqueness of the retrieved cloud properties.

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