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      • Biogenic nitrogen gas formation as a soil improvement method

        Moura de Araujo Nobrega, Breno 한양대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Soil desaturation via microbial denitrification can be a cost-effective technique to prevent soil liquefaction. Since properties of soil are greatly affected by the amount of gas-phase existing on the porous media, it is essential to understand the consequences of the growth of a gas bubble in soil structure. The benefits of soil improvement via desaturation are related to the liquefaction strength and resistance of partially saturated sands. The liquefaction strength increases as the value of excess pore pressure reduces. This research explored the use of biogenic gas as a soil improvement technique. The microfluidic chip test presented an understanding of biogenic gas formation in porous media, and the shaking test table test verified the potential use of biogenic gas for liquefaction mitigation. The microfluidic chip test produced gas occluded in the form of a gas pocket. The gas pocket reached its critical size after 144 hours, and the degree of saturation of de media attained 81%. According to the shaking table test, excess pore pressure in the saturated specimen increased to its maximum, triggering liquefaction, after 5 to 6 seconds. Soil treated with biogenic gas significantly reduced the excess pore water generated during cyclic loading, and the liquefaction did not occur. The results obtained from this study confirm the potential use of bacterial denitrification as a method for liquefaction mitigation in sands. 미생물 탈질을 통한 토양 불포화는 토양의 액화를 방지하는 효과적인 기술이 될 수 있다. 토양은 다공성 매질이 존재하는 기상에 의해 큰 영향을 받기 때문에 토양 구조에서 가스 버블의 성장을 이해하는 것은 필수적이다. 불포화를 통한 토양 개선의 이점은 부분적으로 포화 모래의 액화에 대한 강도와 저항에 있다. 과잉 간극 수가 감소함으로서 액화가 증가하게 된다. 이 연구는 토양개량 기술로서 바이오닉 가스에 대해 연구했다. 미세유체칩 실험은 다공성 매질에서의 바이오 가스 형성에 대해 나타내었고, 진동대 실험은 액화 완화를 위해 바이오 가스가 잠재적인 사용이 될 수 있음을 나타내었다. 미세유체칩 실험에서 포켓 형태의 차단된 가스를 생성했다. 가스 포켓은 144 시간 후 임계 치에 도달했고, 포화도는 81%에 도달했다. 진동대 실험에 따르면, 약 5-6초 후 포화된 시료에서 간극 수가 최대로 증가하여 액화를 유발했다. 바이오 가스로 처리 된 토양은 상당히 과잉 간극 수를 감소시켰으며, 액화는 발생하지 않았다. 이 연구에서 얻은 결과는 모래에서의 액화 완화 방법으로 잠재적으로 사용될 수 있음을 확인했다.

      • In search for the wrong currency: A theory of metaphoric experience

        Moura, Vitor The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The etymology of "metaphor" associates metaphor to the notion of movement. In Greek, Metapherein means, literally, to "transfer, carry over," from meta---"over, across" plus pherein "to carry, bear." This thesis focuses upon the "pherein" aspect of metaphor and the association between metaphor and movement. This "pherein" is present in arguably all philosophical accounts of metaphor in two ways: (a) either through the common suggestion that metaphors involve the comparison, juxtaposition or projection of words and semantic domains onto each other; or (b) through the more pragmatic analysis of how the interpreter of metaphors is "carried by" them through an experience that prompts insight and is valuable per se. The dissertation explores the implications of that twofold association in a critical survey of three major trends in contemporary philosophical theories of metaphor: the comparativism of Robert Fogelin; the creationism of authors like Max Black and Carl Hausman, and causal accounts that derive from Donald Davidson's view. During this analysis, the concept of "pherein" is proposed as an essential component of metaphors and their experience. It is used to support Donald Davidson's defence of metaphor as a cause of experiences rather than a container of meaning and a criterion for assessing the shortcomings of comparativism and creationism.

      • ESG Investing and Mutual Fund Manager Behavior

        Moura Dantas, Manuela ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Cornell University 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        I explore whether managers of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds differ in their disclosure behavior as compared with conventional fund managers. Prior studies suggest that investors of ESG funds have long-term investment horizons, thereby encouraging fund managers to be less concerned about their quarterly portfolio disclosure. Using a database of third-party sustainability score of mutual funds, I find that funds that rank high on the score carry out less portfolio window dressing. Further, I provide evidence that ESG fund managers use long-term performance metrics in their investment decisions, aligned with their clients' long-term investment horizons. Moreover, I find that the heterogeneity in disclosure behavior is not due to the endogenous allocation of fund managers to ESG funds.

      • Techniques for Battery Health Conscious Power Management via Electrochemical Modeling and Optimal Control

        Moura, Scott J University of Michigan 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation combines electrochemistry-based battery models and optimal control theory to study power management in energy storage/conversion systems. This topic is motivated by the need to enhance the performance and longevity of battery electric systems. In particular, the rapid progress in battery material science and energy conversion presents a highly relevant opportunity to bridge the knowledge gap between electrochemistry and control. Ultimately, this dissertation elucidates the key physical phenomena in battery-powered systems which enable opportunities to improve battery performance and health through control. We address this topic in three phases. First we provide an overview of battery fundamentals and relevant degradation mechanisms. Then we develop mathematical models for the electrochemical battery phenomena, plug-in hybrid vehicle drivetrain dynamics, and stochastic drive cycle dynamics. A battery-in-the-loop experimental test system is fabricated to identify the electrochemical battery model. Second, we investigate the battery-health conscious power management problem for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). This effort designs controllers to split engine and battery power to minimize both fuel/electricity consumption costs and battery state-of-health degradation. Mathematically, this problem is formulated as a stochastic dynamic program. The degradation phenomena considered include anode-side solid electrolyte interphase film growth and the "Ah-processed" model. This work is the first to utilize fundamental electrochemical battery models to optimize power management. The final phase proposes a novel battery pack management strategy which investigates the potential health advantages of allowing unequal yet controlled charge levels across batteries connected in parallel. Mathematically, this problem is formulated as a deterministic dynamic program. The optimal solutions reveal that capacity fade can be mitigated through controlled charge unequalization if concavity properties exist in the health degradation dynamics. The sensitivity of these results are analyzed across various degradation models derived from existing literature and experimental data. In total, this dissertation utilizes physics-based battery models to optimize power management in energy storage systems. The unique overarching contribution is a systematic optimal control approach for elucidating the physical electrochemical properties one can exploit through control to enhance battery performance and life. The second and third phases described above demonstrate how this approach can be very useful for PHEV and battery pack management applications.

      • Dose ranging study of lutein supplementation in elderly with and without age related macular degeneration

        Moura, Fabiana Fonseca de University of Maryland, College Park 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among people over the age of 65. Epidemiological studies have indicated that people with a high intake of two dietary carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin that accumulate in the human macula, are at a reduced risk of AMD. Possible role of lutein and zeaxanthin in the prevention of AMD has been attributed to their antioxidant function and their ability to act as optical filters. The objectives of this study were to investigate the association between three doses of orally ingested lutein supplements and serum levels of this carotenoid in elderly with and without AMD: to evaluate the possible interaction between supplemental lutein and other dietary carotenoids, retinol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol; to correlate the serum levels of lutein with the total macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Forty-five subjects over the age of 60 were divided into 3 groups: subjects without AMD and subjects with middle and end stage of AMD. Subjects in each group were randomized to receive one of the three doses of 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/day of lutein (containing 5% zeaxanthin) for 6 months. Subjects were followed up for 6 months. Carotenoids and their metabolites in the serum of subjects were analyzed by HPLC at weeks 0, 1, 4, 12, 26, 38, and 52. The MPOD of subjects was measured by Heterochromatic Flicker Photometry (HCFP). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance and covariance with repeated measurements (SAS, version 8.2). The mean serum concentrations of lutein in all subjects increased with supplementation. Subjects receiving 10 mg/day of lutein had a 3--4 fold increase in their serum levels of lutein, while those receiving 2.5 and 5 mg/day dose had approximately 2 fold increase. In conclusion, the serum concentration of lutein appears to be dose dependent and the presence or the absence of AMD does not interfere with the serum levels of this carotenoid. Supplemental lutein does not interact with other dietary carotenoids, retinol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol. The results from MPOD measurements by HCFP were inconsistent and could not be used to reach any conclusion with regard to MPOD changes.

      • Carbon and water relations in Pinus taeda: Bridging the gap across plant physiology, genomics, and global climate change

        Moura, Catarina Fernandes Duke University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Plants respond to changes in their local environment and, at the same time, influence the environment at a global scale. The molecular and physiological mechanisms regulating this interaction are not completely understood and this limits our capacity to predict the response of vegetation to future environmental changes. This dissertation combined tools from genomics, physiology, and ecology to examine the response of plants to environmental change. Specifically, it focused on processes affecting carbon and water exchange in forest trees because (1) trees are long-lived species that might face repeated environmental challenges; (2) relatively little information exists about the genes and the molecular mechanisms regulating structural and physiological traits in adult, long-lived woody plants; and (3) forest trees exchange a significant amount of carbon and water with the atmosphere and are therefore major players in the global carbon and water cycles. Water flux through forests depends both on environmental conditions (e.g., soil moisture) and on the hydraulic architecture of individual trees. Resistance to xylem cavitation is an important hydraulic trait that is often associated with drought tolerance but potentially at the cost of reduced carbon uptake. The second chapter of this dissertation evaluated the variation in resistance to xylem cavitation, hydraulic conductivity, wood anatomy traits, and leaf gas exchange across 14 co-occurring temperate tree species including both angiosperms and gymnosperms. The relationship between vulnerability to cavitation (Psi50) and hydraulic conductivity within specific organs (i.e. stems and roots) was not significant when considering the phylogenetic association between species. However, even after phylogenetic correction, photosynthetic carbon uptake (A) was positively correlated with both stem and root Psi 50, and stomatal conductance (gs) was strongly correlated with root Psi50. These results suggest that there is a trade-off between vulnerability to cavitation and water transport capacity at the whole-plant level, and that this functional relationship reflects an adaptive response to the environment. Forests are an important component of the global carbon cycle that can be directly impacted by a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The third chapter of this dissertation investigated the effects of long-term exposure to elevated CO2 on the gene expression of mature, field-grown loblolly pine trees. Using cDNA microarrays, I compared the expression of 1784 pine transcripts in trees growing under ambient and those under elevated CO2 at monthly intervals throughout a growing season. Overall, more genes were upregulated than downregulated by elevated CO2, although the total number of genes differentially expressed varied throughout the season. The pattern of increasing number of differentially expressed genes until the peak of the growing season (July and August) followed by a decrease in that number, matched the seasonal trend of tree growth and photosynthetic response to elevated CO2 in this species. The seasonal trend also reflected the interaction among multiple abiotic factors intrinsic to field conditions and emphasized the relevance of evaluating the role of genes in their natural environment. Genes consistently upregulated by elevated CO 2 were functionally associated with environmental sensing, cellular signaling, and carbon metabolism, in particular the degradation of carbohydrates through respiration. An increase in carbohydrates degradation is particularly relevant in the context of carbon balance of forest trees because of the potential for enhanced leaf and tree respiration leading to a reduced sink capacity for CO2. Loblolly pine produces several flushes of needles throughout the year each with an average lifespan of 19 months. Each year, two age classes of needles contribute to the annual carbon sequestration of the loblolly pine forest. To address the impact of leaf age on the effects of elevated CO 2 in carbon metabolism regulation, I compared the gene expression profiles from trees under ambient and elevated CO2 conditions in two needle cohorts: one-year-old and current-year. Differential expression under elevated CO2 was seven times more frequent in current-year than in one-year-old needles. Despite differences in magnitude, many of the patterns within specific groups of genes were similar across age classes. For instance, there was a trend for downregulation of genes involved in the light-reactions of photosynthesis and those in photorespiration in both age classes, while genes associated with dark respiration were largely upregulated by elevated CO2 in both cases. The difference between the two cohorts was particularly evident in the group of genes related to energy production (ATP synthesis) and the group associated with carbon partitioning (sucrose and starch metabolism). Because sucrose and starch metabolism categories included many genes known to be important regulators of gene expression and plant physiological processes, this suggests that this stage of carbon metabolism might be an important control point in age-dependent foliar responses to elevated CO2. This dissertation examined both structural and physiological components of plant water and carbon relations (Chapter 2) across different biological scales of organization (whole-plant level in Chapter 2; gene-level response to ecosystem-level changes in Chapters 3 and 4) and reflecting adjustments at distinct temporal scales (life-span of the organism vs. evolutionary selection of traits). An integrative approach was used to advance our understanding of how plants acclimate and adapt to their environment, and to provide a mechanistic framework for predictive models of plant response to environmental change.

      • An essay on the effects of government deficits on equilibrium real exchange rates and stock prices

        de Moura e Silva, Marcelo Leite The University of Chicago 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        The thesis goal is to investigate effects of government budget deficits on equilibrium real exchange rates and stock prices. In order to study this effect I use both a theoretical and an empirical approach. The theoretical part modifies a two-country cash-in-advance model like in Lucas(1982) and Sargent(1987). The government pursues exogenously specified targets for fiscal and monetary policies and there is an exchange rate market in the end of the day. The implied result is that since government deficits raise expectations of future taxes and inflation, they are associated with real exchange rate devaluations and lower stock prices. This finding is strongly supported by empirical evidence for a selected group of 19 countries, which respond for 76% of the World production. Panel data regressions allow for some quantitative results. An increase of the government deficit by 1% of the GDP is associated with an approximate devaluation of the real exchange rate of 1.5% for high-income economies and 2% for Latin America economies. For stock prices, the 1% GDP increase in the government deficit accompanies a fall in stock prices, in real terms, in the order of 2.8% for high-income economies and 10.2% for middle-income economies.

      • Self-Management Support Needs of Youth With Type 1 Diabetes and Autism Spectrum Disorder and Families

        Fernandes Moura B. Batista, Annanda University of Illinois at Chicago ProQuest Dissert 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        This dissertation aimed to explore the experiences and self-management support needs of youth living with ASD and T1DM from the perspective of their caregivers. Two papers from this dissertation address this purpose. The first paper, Autism Spectrum Disorder Factors' Impact on Empowerment of Type 1 Diabetes Daily Care in Youth with Both Conditions: A mixed method study, sought to (1) explore how autism-related factors impact T1DM management and examine the self-management support needs among family-empowered youth with T1DM and ASD, and (2) examine whether youth with higher levels of autism severity will demonstrate greater challenges in meeting their needs for T1DM care compared to youth with lower levels of autism severity and require more support from their families. The mixed method was picked for the quantitative portion and a descriptive exploratory approach for the qualitative portion. The study foundation is the qualitative approach, which paralleled the quantitative approach (QUALI + Quant). Qualitative and quantitative data were collected at the same time, merged after analysis, and results were intercepted. This means they were compared to find associations, convergent, and divergent and complementary information. The aim of the second paper, Spectrum (T1): Wellbeing, family experiences, healthcare providers, and network support used to mitigate the burden of living with both Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), was to explore the experiences and self-management needs of youth living with ASD and T1DM from the perspective of their 24 family caregivers.This study has led to a greater understanding of the unique aspects of the self-management support needs of T1DM in youth with ASD; how these needs are affected by the levels of autism severity and factors such as individual, family, network, healthcare providers, and health policies. The first paper determined the impact of ASD on T1DM management and how families empower youth with autism in performing T1DM self-care activities. Also, the results showed that youth with level 3 of autism severity, which individuals have more restrictive behaviors that affect their independence in everyday activities, and they may be highly sensitive to sensory input, have more challenges in handling T1DM care. The second paper reported the self-management needs of T1DM related to parent's experiences with a child with T1DM and ASD; their well-being and hope for the future; longitudinal healthcare team care, insurance coverage, technology aides, and network support to the family and the youth with T1DM and ASD. This exploration helped to identify where more investigation is needed to explore diabetes self-management needs and challenges of parents and youth with T1DM and autism in sharing diabetes care responsibilities; educating the healthcare providers; and designing interventions to help parents share diabetes care according to self-efficacy, autonomy, and level of autism severity of the youth. Using objective measures, this dissertation has added to the breadth of knowledge about self-management support needs related to different ASD severity levels. This study provided a better understanding of the self-management support needs and optimal ways to deliver education, behavioral interventions, and technology-based interventions to improve T1DM self-care, T1DM control, and quality of life.

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