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      • Community solar photovoltaic by crowdfunding in Malaysia : an effort to upsurge substantial public participation to achieve sustainable development goals

        Mohamad Hamzi Abdul Azziz Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 234047

        Electricity generation by solar photovoltaic (PV) technology have been increased over the years throughout the world. Cost of solar PV have also declined. Recent advancement of solar PV technology and the reduced cost should increase investments for the solar PV project especially in equatorial country such as Malaysia. Due to that, the Government have been actively promoting policies to increase solar PV development albeit at a controlled growth by introducing policies such as Feed-in Tariff (FiT) and Net Energy Metering (NEM). FiT have successfully encouraged investment for solar PV from entrepreneurs and individuals that resulted in the increased quota and subsequently closed in 2017 with total of 354 MW capacity installations. NEM also allows participation from individuals, however only total of 8 MW have been installed despite quota allocation of 50 MW that is opened until 2020. True to the objective of Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals that is to provide affordable and clean energy, the Government acknowledged that one of the primary indicator for Goal 7 is “proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology”. Since solar PV is still one of the best renewable energy technology that can be accessed by the public, crowdfunding for developing a community solar PV can be one way to encourage more public participation in renewable energy initiative. This will provide opportunity to general public from the middle to lower income in Malaysia to also invest in the fast growing solar PV technology. The Government may consider appropriate policy interventions to promote this concept. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the economic feasibility for developing community solar PV by crowdfunding in Malaysia and investigate public willingness to be involved in this effort.

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