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      • Investigations of the effects of impact shock, water and oxidation on SNC (Martian) meteorites, magma petrogenesis and spectral properties

        Minitti, Michelle Elaine Brown University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The research contained in this thesis utilizes data from planetary missions and from the SNC (<bold>S</bold>hergotty-<bold>N</bold>akhla-<bold> C</bold>hassigny) meteorites to answer questions about igneous processes on Mars. Two broad themes encompass the chapters: (1) investigation of the amount and role of water in Martian magmas; and (2) exploration of connections between chemical and mineralogical data from planetary missions and the SNC meteorites. The potential amount of water was investigated indirectly by studying the effects of impact shock on water loss and H isotope fractionation in hornblende. Combined results from petrography, water extraction and mass spectrometry analyses of unshocked and shocked hornblende suggest that impact shock potentially leads to losses of ∼1 wt% H<sub>2</sub>O and H isotopic fractionations of ΔD ≈ +100‰. This finding implies that impact shock was an important factor in establishing the low water contents and H isotopic character of the SNC kaersutites. The role of water was investigated more directly by studying the effect of water on the crystallization of a SNC basalt, with the goal of understanding the origin of the andesitic “sulfur-free” rock composition established from measurements at the Mars Pathfinder landing site. We determined that water (1–1.5 wt% H<sub>2</sub>O) is required in the formation of the sulfur-free rock from a SNC parental basalt and that water facilitates extraction of such andesitic liquids. Further connections between the SNC meteorites and planetary mission data were investigated by establishing the effects of glass content and oxidation on spectra of SNC basalt compositions. We then determined if SNC basalt spectra affected by one or both of these factors could reproduce Mars remote sensing data. We found that the relative amounts of glass, pyroxene and plagioclase that change with crystallinity lead to progressive changes in spectral character of SNC basalts at both visible and near-infrared (VISNIR) and mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelengths. We also determined that oxidation products, largely hematite, alter the spectral character of SNC basalts in the VISNIR and mid-IR and that the combined effects of oxidation and glass content produce SNC basalt spectra with characteristics resembling Martian spectra at VISNIR and mid-IR wavelengths.

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