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      • Inconceivable Saviors: Indigeneity and Childhood in U.S. and Andean Literature

        Metz-Cherne, Emily University of Pittsburgh 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation explores the question of indigenous development and its literary representation through an investigation of depictions of growth in novels from the United States and Peru where boys mature, perhaps, into men. I find that texts with adolescent characters intimately connected to indigenous communities challenge western concepts of maturity and development as presented in the traditional Bildungsroman. Specifically, I read José María Arguedas’s Los ríos profundo s (1958) and Sherman Alexie’s Flight (2007) as parodies of the genre that call into question the allegory of a western civilizing mission with its lineal trajectory of growth in which the indigenous is relegated to an uncivilized time before modernity. I describe the protagonists of these novels as inconceivable saviors; inconceivable in that the West cannot imagine them, as indigenous, to be the saviors of the nation (i.e., its protectors and reproducers). They are border-thinkers who live in-between epistemological spaces and the stories of their lives serve as kinds of border- Bildungsromane, narratives of growth that arise in the blurred time/space of a border culture, or Bil(dung)sroman, stories of the abject or expelled. Arguedas’s and Alexie’s narratives confront the issue of race, a problem that allegories of the consolidation and development of the nation (e.g., Bildungsroman and foundational fictions) evade through magical means by turning the form into a fetish and presenting fetishized fetal origins that offer reassurances of legitimacy for the western narrative of modernity and the nation-state. That is, the traditional form acts like a talisman that magically disappears the fragmentation of coloniality by providing a history to hold on to, creating an origin that does not really exist. Instead of conforming to the model of the genre or rejecting it, Arguedas’s and Alexie’s texts yield to the power of the original form, appearing to tell the familiar story while carrying a subversive message. Their power derives from the uncertainty inherent in this mimesis. In this way, these novels encourage readers to question the maturation process as conceived and represented in the west and in western literature and to consider alternative paths and formations of self.

      • Systematics within the Therevinae (Insecta: Diptera: Therevidae)

        Metz, Mark Andrew University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The 50 species currently in valid combination with <italic>Psilocephala </italic> Zetterstedt are reviewed and their generic placement hypothesized. Four new genera; <italic>Argolepida</italic> gen. nov., <italic>Manestella </italic> gen. nov., <italic>Nigranitida</italic> gen. nov., and <italic> Notiothereva</italic> gen. nov. are described. The monophyly of the higher Therevinae is supported relative to the nearest outgroup taxon, the <italic> Anabarhynchus</italic> genus group. The Chilean and Australian <italic>Anabarhynchus </italic> genera are a monophyletic clade outside of the higher Therevinae and the Chilean <italic>Taenogera</italic> genus group taxa are not part of the monophyly that includes the higher Therevinae and the <italic>Anabarhynchus </italic> genus group. The relationships among the genera of the higher Therevinae is proposed with a phylogenetic analysis including 99 ingroup taxa and the outgroup <italic>Anabarhynchus tristis</italic>. The species <italic>Schoutodenomyia antennata, Megapalla undulata, Schoutodenomyia superba, Stenopomyia angulata </italic>, and <italic>Lindneria wintertoni</italic> form a basal ladder outside of a large polytomy containing the genus <italic>Insulatitan trishae</italic> and five monophyletic genus assemblages; the <italic>Litolinga</italic> group, <italic> Chrysenthemia</italic> group, <italic>Thereva</italic> group, Cyclotelini, and <italic>Pandivirilia</italic> group. The evolutionary origin of the Therevidae and the biogeography of the higher Therevinae are discussed. The evolution of the Therevidae is estimated to be prior to the breakup of Gondwana, but the major lineages radiated during the Gondwanan breakup. The current distributions of the higher Therevinae are explained as major dispersal events through the Americas and across Beringia to Asia as well as another major lineage dispersing northward through Africa until it contacted the Arabian Peninsula. A new genus, <italic> Ambradolon</italic>, is diagnosed from Dominican amber. A new genus, <italic> Insulatitan</italic>, represented by four new species: <italic>I. romaynae, I. trishae, I. watsoni</italic>, and <italic>I. youngi</italic> and the described genera, <italic>Lindneria</italic> Kröber and <italic>Penniverpa</italic> Irwin and Lyneborg, were also shown to be monophyletic lineages. <italic> Lindneria</italic> was previously represented by a single species, <italic> L. splendida</italic> Kröber. <italic>Psilocephala platyptera</italic> Kröber is here placed in the genus <italic>Lindneria</italic>. Six new species of <italic>Lindneria</italic> are described: <italic>L. bellingeri, L. browni, L. dicosta, L. penelopae, L. thompsoni</italic>, and <italic>L. wintertoni</italic>. <italic>Psilocephala brunnipennis</italic> Kröber was recognized as belonging to the genus <italic>Penniverpa</italic> Irwin and Lyneborg and is so placed as a new combination.

      • Molecular and genetic mechanisms of plant disease resistance and pathogen virulence

        Metz, Matthew Alexander University of California, Berkeley 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Plant <italic>R</italic> genes mediate resistance to virulent phytopathogenic bacteria by recognizing specific avirulence (<italic>avr</italic>) genes of the pathogen. Recognition activates defense responses and cell death manifested as the hypersensitive response (HR). Absence of an <italic>R</italic> and/or <italic>avr</italic> gene permits a virulent pathogen to cause disease. In <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, mutually exclusive sets of <italic>R</italic> genes rely on either <italic>EDS1</italic> or <italic>NDR1</italic> gene functions to effect resistance. These two signaling pathways are distinguished by <italic> R</italic> gene structure rather than pathogen class. <italic>R</italic> genes containing a TIR domain (similarity to <italic>Drosophila</italic> T&barbelow;oll and mammalian I&barbelow;nterleukin-1 R&barbelow;eceptors) depend on <italic> Eds1. R</italic> genes that depend on <italic>NDR1</italic> contain a CC domain (C&barbelow;oiled C&barbelow;oil). Additional signaling pathways are indicated since some CC containing <italic>R</italic> genes are independent of <italic> EDS1</italic> and <italic>NDR1</italic>. The <italic>RPS4 R</italic> gene of <italic>Arabidopsis</italic> specifies resistance to bacterial pathogens bearing the <italic>avrRps4</italic> from <italic>Pseudomonas syringae</italic> pv. <italic>pisi</italic>. The <italic>Arabidopsis</italic> ecotype RLD, which lacks <italic>RPS4</italic> function, and <italic>eds1</italic> mutants are susceptible to <italic>P. s.</italic> pv. <italic>pisi</italic> isolates and <italic> P. s.</italic> pv. <italic>tomato</italic> DC3000 bearing <italic>avrRps4 </italic>. I purified AvrRps4 protein and used it to generate polyclonal antisera from rabbits that specifically detects this bacterial protein. A dexamethasone inducible promoter system driving expression of <italic>avrRps4</italic> was transformed into <italic>Arabidopsis</italic> in order to enable chemical activation of an <italic>RPS4</italic> dependent HR. Low level expression of <italic>avrRps4</italic> in plants with <italic>RPS4</italic> function activates enhanced resistance to virulent DC3000 and <italic>Peronospora parasitica </italic> (downy mildew), but also stunts plant growth. Screening of 32,000 EMS mutagenized M2 plants for susceptibility to DC3000 bearing <italic>avrRps4 </italic> generated at least 35 mutant alleles of <italic>rps4, pad4, rpr2 </italic>, and two new loci. The <italic>avrRx5</italic> gene from <italic> Xanthomonas campestris</italic> pv. <italic>vesicatoria</italic> that is recognized in <italic>Nicotiana benthamiana</italic> was cloned and found to act as a virulence factor. <italic>X. c. v.</italic> strains lacking <italic>avrRx5 </italic>, while not recognized by <italic>N. benthamiana</italic> remain unable to cause disease, indicating that host susceptibility factors are required for the establishment of disease. <italic>Agrobacterium</italic>-mediated transient expression of <italic>avrRx5</italic> in planta cannot provoke an HR unless the Type III secretion dependent <italic>avrH</italic> activity is provided from <italic>X. c.</italic> pvs. <italic>vesicatoria</italic> or <italic>campestris</italic>.

      • Factors contributing to locus of control and self-concept in adolescents who are hearing-impaired and their relationships to young adult outcomes

        Metz, Kurt University of Kentucky 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study tests hypotheses that center on two theoretical constructs of interest: locus of control and self-concept. The study's population of interest is youth who are hearing-impaired (HI) and educated in public school settings. Greater likelihood for high school dropout and unemployment and lower average incomes among young adults who are HI when compared to their peers without HI is predicted. To estimate between-group differences, modeling and estimation methods were applied using the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) data set. Estimates were developed for demographic profiles and other characteristics. When controlling for demographic and environmental variables, models show that HI significantly predicted dropout but not unemployment; in addition, qualified support for lower annual incomes for young adults with HI was found. Separate models for dropout, unemployment, and income for each group were entered. After controlling for other covariates in the models, locus of control was significantly related to dropout and unemployment such that internally controlled students with HI were 70% and 83% less likely to report having dropped out of school or not worked for pay in the year 2000. Incongruously, higher levels of self-concept were significantly associated with an increased risk of dropping out of school and unemployment for the group with HI. The group without HI, however, reported self-concept levels that fell in the expected direction such that lower self-concept was associated with dropout and unemployment. Finally, both locus of control and self-concept did not associate with 1999 income levels for the group with HI; however, income was positively associated with locus of control and self-concept scores for the group without HI. These estimates call attention to changes for consideration in general and special education policy and to the mental health service provisions for adolescents and young adults who are HI. Future research implications are discussed.

      • Estimating the tax shelter value of commercial office real estate: Consequences of the Tax Reform Act of 1986

        Metz, Albert Diederich The University of Chicago 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In the late 1980's, the bottom fell out of the commercial office real estate market. Accepted wisdom among many real estate investors is that this crisis was brought about by myopic overbuilding. This paper takes a contrary view, namely that investors were perfectly rational in their development decisions, but that these decisions were distorted by perverse tax incentives. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 86) was designed to substantially reduce the purely tax shelter value of real estate. This paper develops a structural model of the commercial office real estate market, separately identifying landlords, tenant firms, and property developers. The model is estimated using a panel of data from 24 U.S. markets, spanning a period of (roughly) 1985:4 through 2001:1. We then perform the counterfactual of applying the tax regime that obtained before 1986 to estimate the tax shelter value eliminated by TRA 86. Economically significant values would suggest that the construction was not irrational, but instead motivated by tax considerations.

      • A study of the record of ancient sedimentary rocks on Mars using MER, HiRISE and CRISM images

        Metz, Joannah M California Institute of Technology 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Many processes that operate on a planetary surface have the potential to create sedimentary deposits which when preserved as rocks can provide clues that allow past environmental conditions to be reconstructed. This work combines several studies using data from the Mars Exploration Rover and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft to examine the structure and sedimentology of the sedimentary rock record of Mars. The first study supports the dune-interdune model proposed for the formation of the deposits at the Opportunity landing site in Meridiani Planum and provides evidence that liquid water was involved to a greater extent in the formation of outcrops in Erebus crater. The next study identifies two depositional fan complexes on the floor of southwestern Melas Chasma and suggests that they may be sublacustrine in origin, which suggests the former presence of a significant body of water stable for at least 100 to 10,000 years. Furthermore, the basin containing the fans may be a complete source-to-sink system. The third study examines the geomorphic channel patterns present on analogue terrestrial submarine fans and deltas. The last study characterizes the extent and styles of deformation of sedimentary rocks in Valles Marineris and finds that subaerial or subaqueous gravitational slumping or sliding and soft-sediment deformation are potential mechanisms that may have caused the deformation.

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