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      • Relationships between traumatic exposure, family connectedness, and posttraumatic stress among children and adolescents

        Mcguire-Schwartz, Miranda Z ProQuest Dissertations & Theses New York Universit 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2863

        McGuire-Schwartz, M. Relationships between traumatic exposure, family connectedness, and posttraumatic stress among children and adolescents. New York University, PhD, May, 2016. Objective: Given the high prevalence of trauma exposure among children and adolescents in the United States and the risk of negative outcomes for people exposed to traumatic experiences during youth, it is very important that we continue to develop our understanding of conditions and interventions that can contribute to improved outcomes for children and families who have experienced trauma. Methods: This study consisted of the analysis of secondary data collected by the Child and Adolescent Trauma Treatments and Services Consortium (CATS). Multivariate analyses were conducted using SEM. Results: Within the multivariate model, family involvement did not serve as a moderator between exposure to potentially traumatic events and posttraumatic stress symptoms. For some youth, particularly those who have experienced multiple potentially traumatic events, family involvement may not play a significantly protective role in buffering youth responses to potentially traumatic events. Instead, other contextual factors may play larger roles. This may be particularly true in the cases of potentially traumatic events that occurred within the family, such as domestic violence and physical abuse. Conclusions: This study reinforces the need for trauma-informed care. More specifically, it highlights the need for effective treatment for youth who have experienced potentially traumatic events, related to domestic violence and otherwise, in order to decrease posttraumatic stress symptoms. There is a need for both systemic and clinical interventions to reduce the prevalence of potentially traumatic events among youth and the effects of these events on them. This is particularly the case for urban youth and most urgently for African American/black youth. It is important for practitioners to understand that exposure to potentially traumatic events may have long term outcomes, particularly in the case of increased arousal symptoms. These symptoms may also vary over time. Finally, this study supports the need to complete a thorough, multicontextual assessment, with the understanding that strengths related to family connectedness may not be protective for all youth.

      • Depression Screening by Nurses in Hospitalized Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients

        McGuire, Anthony William University of California, Los Angeles 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Acute Coronary syndrome (ACS) coupled with depression is a deadly combination and has been the subject of a large body of research literature over the past decade. A scientific advisory was published by the American Heart Association in 2008 calling for the screening, referral, and treatment of depression in cardiac patients. At issue is the best way to do the screening of cardiac patients so that referral for further follow and treatment can be done. This dissertation explores the phenomenon of depression in ACS patients with an emphasis on screening by bedside registered nurses (RNs) and explores the symptoms of depression in ACS patients. Three manuscripts were written for the dissertation and are included as Chapters 2, 3, and 4. Manuscript One: "Depression Screening in Hospitalized Post-ACS Patients: What can Nurses do?" The first paper is an in depth literature review of depression screening in ACS patients. Main points from the review include: Cardiac patients who suffer comorbid depression are known to have poorer health outcomes than similar cardiac patients without depression. Screening of cardiac patients prior to hospital discharge holds promise to improve detection of depressive symptoms and clinical depression. Detection of depression in cardiac patients followed by appropriate referral for follow up may lead to improved depression diagnosis and/or treatment, which in turn is likely lead to improved secondary prevention and HRQOL outcomes. Nurses are encouraged to stimulate meaningful research and facilitate change in collaboration with mental health professionals, primary care providers, and cardiologists in order to increase the recognition and potential treatment of depressed cardiac patients. Manuscript Two: "Depression Screening: Utility of the PHQ-2 when used by RNs in Patients Hospitalized for ACS." In this study 100 patient were enrolled after being admitted to a cardiac unit for an ACS. They were screened by bedside nurses after a structure interview for the diagnosis of depression was done by an advanced practice nurse. Receiver operator characteristic curve analysis was done to assess the ability of RNs to utilize this brief tool that may be used to screen depression in the ACS population. This study demonstrated that the PHQ-2 administered by bedside RNs is a sensitive and specific means to screen hospitalized ACS patients with excellent operating characteristics. This together with previous research that reported the PHQ-2 as feasible and non resource intensive, suggest that it could be used for depression case finding in the hospitalized ACS patient. Manuscript Three: "Depression Symptom Clusters in Hospitalized Cardiac Patients." A hierarchical cluster analysis was done on a sample of 323 cardiac patients with depression. Three distinct clusters were identified and included; cognitive/affective, somatic/affective, and somatic. Logistic regression analysis revealed depression is 1.4 times more likely in patients with cognitive/affective symptoms. Particular attention should be paid to the cognitive/affective cluster of symptoms identified: anhedonia, dysphoria, guilt, suicidal symptoms and nervous irritability. Heightened awareness of this cluster of symptoms may improve case finding for depression in hospitalized CHD patients so further assessment, referral, and treatment can be considered.

      • The dynamics of self-determined motivation, passion, and athlete satisfaction over one competitive season in intercollegiate athletes

        McGuire, Roy Kaipo University of Northern Colorado 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of relationships among motivation, passion, and satisfaction over one competitive season in Division I athletes. Self-determination theory was the theoretical framework for this study. A mixed-methods approach was used to capture the athletes' sport experience. A questionnaire was completed by athletes from a Division I women's soccer team (31 females) and men's football team (87 males) three times over the course of their competitive seasons. Two athletes from each team were selected for follow-up interviews based on their responses to gather additional information not obtained from the questionnaire data. A RM ANOVA was used to assess change over time in the motivation variables. Amotivation was found to increase over time for the women's soccer team, F (2, 20) = 4.09, p = .03, partial eta squared = .29, and extrinsic motivation was also found to increase for the men's football team, F (2, 63) = 8.93, p < .0001, partial eta squared = .22. Correlational analyses were used to investigate the relationships among the variables of interest. For both samples, higher levels of satisfaction were present when higher levels of harmonious passion (HP) and intrinsic motivation were present coupled with lower levels of amotivation. Hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to identify motivational profiles that emerged. Four distinct profiles emerged with the women's soccer team: A Highly Motivated cluster characterized by high levels of intrinsic motivation and low levels of amotivation; a Low Motivation cluster characterized with low levels of extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation; an Unmotivated cluster characterized by high levels of amotivation; and an Extrinsically Motivated/Obsessive cluster characterized by high levels of extrinsic motivation and obsessive passion (OP). The football sample was classified into three different profiles (top quartile, middle two quartiles, bottom quartile) based solely on their satisfaction levels. The top quartile group was characterized by high harmonious passion and intrinsic motivation and low amotivation. The middle quartiles group was characterized by close to the mean values for all variables. The bottom quartile had the lowest values for harmonious passion and intrinsic motivation and the highest amotivation.

      • Valleys in a silicon/silicon-germanium quantum point contact

        McGuire, Lisa M The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This thesis develops a method for performing spectroscopy on a quantum point contact and extracting the energies that contribute to the spectrum, most notably in this case, the valley splitting. Valleys in silicon are of interest from a materials point of view when implementing quantum computing in silicon, because quantum computing relies on the existence of two well defined states, and the presence of valleys possibly interferes with that requirement. While silicon is of great interest for this application due to its low spin-orbit coupling and the abundance of an isotope with zero nuclear spin, two of the main sources for decoherence, silicon also has a near degeneracy in the conduction band minimum (valley), possibly leading to another source of decoherence. Recent measurements have shown the valley splitting to be acceptably large in the presence of confinement. This thesis builds on those results by investigating the fundamental mechanisms of valley splitting by taking into account the coupling of the valleys in different transverse confinement modes of a quantum point contact and the dependence of valley splitting on the relevant properties of the substrate and material, namely the miscut angle and device orientation. Also included are estimates of the uncertainty and explanation of how we defined the uncertainty and the methods we used to calculate it. A comparison between previously published results and those presented in this thesis shows that they are consistent with each other and the valley splitting is indeed larger than the spin splitting.

      • Neural mechanisms underlying the evaluation of intrinsic cognitive costs

        McGuire, Joseph T Princeton University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        It has routinely been assumed that cognitive effort carries a subjective cost. This assumption is both intuitive and explanatorily convenient, yet the relevant evidence is predominantly indirect, and little is known about neural processes responsible. The present research pursued a hypothesis that intrinsic cognitive costs arise from the engagement of executive control functions. An initial series of behavioral experiments confirmed that decision makers avoided courses of action with high control demands, including demands for working memory and task set reconfiguration. Neuroimaging experiments then examined neural correlates of the evaluation of cognitive costs. These studies were guided by an existing theory of prefrontal function, which identifies distinct computational roles for lateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (LPFC and DMPFC). In the first fMRI experiment, cognitive costs were assessed at regular intervals via a subjective rating method while participants performed a sustained set-switching task. Activity in numerous brain regions fluctuated with performance errors and behavioral reaction times, but only in LPFC did brain activity predict ratings independently of these factors. A second, complementary fMRI experiment focused on individual differences in demand avoidance. The same LPFC region showed greater task-related activity in high-avoidance individuals, again implicating it in the registration of cognitive costs. Next, reanalyses were conducted of a previously published experiment, which had shown that cognitive costs caused neural reward responses to be discounted. On the basis of functional connectivity, the reanalysis identified LPFC as a potential source of the discounting effect. A final fMRI study focused directly on DMPFC. Participants made perceptual categorizations based on ambiguous evidence. Ambiguity level influenced activity in both DMPFC and striatum, and these neural responses directly predicted participants' avoidance of ambiguous trials. Overall, evidence suggests that cognitive costs involve both DMPFC and LPFC, and are related both to bottom-up (performance monitoring) and top-down (control engagement) signals. This research program explores how subjective disutility might emerge from cognitive information processing. Normatively, cognitive costs may guide agents toward efficient strategies, but may also impose soft limits on performance. This work advances our mechanistic understanding of this seemingly ubiquitous influence on behavior.

      • Tigers on the air: A case history of University of Missouri sports play-by-play, 1948--2003

        McGuire, John University of Missouri - Columbia 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation examined the evolution of University of Missouri sports play-by-play between 1948 and 2003. For this study, a theoretical framework of system theory was applied, using DeFleur's model for the generation of mass media content as a point of reference. The study identified six major components within the system generating Missouri sports play-by-play, including (a) control, (b) network distribution, (c) advertising, (d) audience, (e) local affiliates, and (f) announcers. The control, network distribution, and advertising components were found to possess significant influence over the system's structural and functional interactions. This study also found that the system has successfully maintained dynamic equilibrium---generating University of Missouri play-by-play content even as the system's individual components evolved over time.

      • The reform of Holy Week, 1951--1969: Process, problems, and possibilities

        McGuire, Anne Christine University of Notre Dame 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The liturgical reforms of Holy Week officially began in the 1950's, before the Second Vatican Council. The unique experimentation and official pre-conciliar reforms of Holy Week prompted a double question: why were specific changes to Holy Week made in the 1950's and what prompted further changes in the 1960's?. A thorough investigation was conducted of the writings of the leaders of the liturgical movement, including calls for specific reforms; official church documents dealing with liturgical reform of Holy Week; and minutes of Coetus 17, the post-conciliar study group devoted to “Particular Rites of the Liturgical Year,” whose work resulted in the Holy Week portion of the 1969 <italic>Missal</italic>. Along with these writings, a comparative study was conducted of the three stages of reform: before the reform (prior to 1950), the first reforms (Easter Vigil, 1951; Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday, 1955), and the 1969 final reform. These comparisons provided concrete data as to whether the results at any stage reflected the primary wishes of the reformers, based on their own historical and theological studies. Conclusions pointed to a general loyalty to the primary foci of the liturgical movement, and some deviations from the early work of reform due to compromises made at committee levels. The foci permeated all Holy Week liturgies: active participation of the faithful, simplification of the rites, and return to emphases found in the early church. The historical research necessary provided not only specifics regarding liturgical rituals, it returned the theological focus of Holy Week to the paschal mystery. These paschal mystery days of Holy Week are at the heart of the liturgical expression of the Church. They should be given consideration, scrutiny, and evaluation so that the liturgical expressions and experiences of these days can be as faithful and honest as possible to the Church's early expressions and experiences. The integrity of the liturgy is best expressed by a community that is honestly and faithfully participating, but that is also led by the liturgical experience to a deeper and fuller understanding of the paschal mystery.

      • Fascism's Mediterranean Empire: Italian Occupation and Governance in the Dodecanese Islands (1912--43)

        McGuire, Valerie New York University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation investigates how a relatively small and sparsely inhabited territory, with no clear economic value, was nevertheless critical to ideological constructions of Italian empire. From the Liberal period and throughout the Fascist ventennio until the 1943 armistice, when Italy was forced to relinquish all claims to colonies abroad, fantasies of the Dodecanese Islands as at the crossroads of the ancient and the modern and of the Orient and the Occident, within a vital Mediterranean space, conveyed myths of national and racial regeneration. The thesis argues that these fantasies were central to maintaining consensus and enthusiasm for Fascist Italy's expansionist programs as well as for determining how the regime constructed its mandate and praxis of rule over the inhabitants of the islands. The dissertation is interdisciplinary, structured according to different types of sources. The first chapter analyzes travel literature in the creation of an imagined economy of racial and national rejuvenation in the eastern Mediterranean. The second chapter turns to photography, guidebooks and architecture in the development of organized tourism in Rhodes. The third chapter investigates Fascist governance and the citizenship program that the regime used to partially integrate Dodecanese subjects into the Italian Metropole. The last chapter draws on oral sources to assess the impact of modernization programs and cultural initiatives aimed at controlling Dodecanese subjects.

      • Generative precising as a reading comprehension strategy for adult ESL learners

        McGuire, Kathleen Marie University of California, Los Angeles 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        <excerpt><italic>Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand</italic> – <italic>Chinese Proverb</italic></excerpt> This dissertation reviews a study supporting the research done in generative reading comprehension theory, in particular that which deals with précising. In a population of adult ESL learners in an English for Professional Purposes program, strategies including rereading, underlining or signaling, and generative précising were applied to the task of understanding reading comprehension passages accompanied by multiple choice questions. The generative précising group yielded reading scores that were significantly higher than those in the rereading, underlining, and control groups. The précis strategy effectively enhanced reading comprehension, particularly in the case of students of lower reading ability, and its effect was not due to chance nor confounded by the practice effect. In the discussion section, I address implications having to do both with standardized test preparation for international and second language learners and with distance learning on a global scale, particularly with online, computer-based instruction. Suggestions for future research include (a) the duration of a student's exposure to the English language prior to the study which may be a more salient factor than language of origin in measuring the effect of instruction on reading, (b) a longer pretest and posttest which may enable students higher in reading ability to reap more favorable effects from the précis strategy instruction, and (c) instruction in a combination of the various strategies which may prove to be even more effective in enhancing reading comprehension performance. In its narrowest implication, the positive effects of the study's précis reading curriculum makes a significant contribution to generative learning research by successfully applying the curriculum to the ESL population. The study can also be applied to test-preparation education and the related field of standardized admissions testing. In its broadest sense, the study's results may be even more applicable to the growing field of distance learning research, particularly with online, computer-based instruction for international and second language learners.

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