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      • We're All Fighting: Experiences of Black Women HBCU Graduates Enrolled in HWI Doctoral Programs

        Matthews, Dawn Yvonne ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Florida State 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The contributions of historically Black colleges & universities (HBCUs) go beyond degree conferrals and are displayed in the positive effects of community, support, and persistence of their students. For Black women at the intersection of race, class, and gender, the benefits of this environment can prove vital to their post baccalaureate success. Several studies have shown that Black women at HBCUs have greater satisfaction with the campus climate, more positive experiences with faculty and peers, and greater overall satisfaction with their college experience as compared to their peers at historically white institutions (HWIs) (Alexander & Bodenhorn, 2015; Mitchell, 2018). HBCUs provide an environment that is advantageous to the development of Black women and nurture the elements of cultural capital as outlined by Yosso’s (2005) conceptual model of community cultural wealth. This wealth creates a counternarrative to existing research on Black women in higher education that has labeled them as at risk due to their marginalized identities, or paradoxically exemplary based on their ability to overcome these deficits (Kaba, 2008). Thus, Black women’s cultivation of cultural capital in the HBCU environment produces an array of knowledge, skills, abilities, and relationships to help them succeed. However, the transition from an HBCU to an HWI for the pursuit of a doctoral degree can challenge the value of this cultural capital and negatively impact the doctoral socialization process. This qualitative dissertation used a Black feminist methodology to explore the experiences of ten Black women graduate students that earned their bachelor’s degree at an HBCU and transitioned to an HWI for a doctoral program. Community cultural wealth was applied as a conceptual lens to understand their experiences. Findings from this research suggest that Black women HBCU graduates enrolled in HWI doctoral programs cultivated community cultural wealth during their enrollment at an HBCU, and were able to apply the six types of cultural capital to help them navigate the distinctly different environment of an HWI doctoral program. Major takeaways included the significance of HBCUs in cultivating cultural capital for Black women, the existence of pressure to acculturate to dominant values of educational merit in HBCU and HWI environments, and an increased understanding of the many challenges faced by Black women in higher education and the tools they use as resistance. Implications of this research include the necessity for increased diversity and support in HWI doctoral programs for Black women, the need for HBCUs to reject damaging and counterproductive ideologies of white superiority, and an increased need for studies that investigate Black women’s postsecondary experiences that employ the use of methodological approaches that are akin to their cultural identity.

      • The Flute Music of Anna Bon di Venezia in the Context of Eighteenth-Century Flute Repertoire with an Emphasis on Pedagogical Use

        Matthews, Mary Elisabeth University of Hartford 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Anna Bon di Venezia distinguished herself as a professional composer and performer at a very young age. This study, through discussion of her life, music, and its modern day benefits, confirms that her compositional output and musical achievements are significant historically, theoretically, and pedagogically. Her compositions exhibit important developments and principals of musical evolution between the Baroque and Classical periods. Although she was young and just beginning her career when they were composed, her three published Opus numbers posses the inventive and artistic compositional qualities of a musician beyond her years. The theoretical analysis will focus on Sonata V in G Minor and Sonata VI in G Major from Opus 1, presenting them within the context of both progressive and traditional flute repertoire of the eighteenth century. The importance the sonatas hold today will also be explored through a presentation of the collection's pedagogical benefits. In addition to a written analysis with musical examples from Bon's sonatas and the sonatas of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Johann Joachim Quantz, a pedagogical grading system has been compiled. The grading system should be used as a tool for flute teachers seeking the appropriate Opus 1 sonata for their students. The study takes into consideration both technical and musical elements.

      • The comparative socioecology of white-fronted capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons) and the ethology of social learning in Cebus

        Matthews, Luke J New York University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Capuchin monkeys (genus Cebus) -- one of the most widely distributed New World primates geographically -- exhibit a female-bonded social structure that is unusual among platyrrhines. Their broad distribution is generally attributed to how their remarkable object manipulation abilities facilitate their very effective generalist foraging strategy. I studied these two aspects of Cebus biology in a wild setting in Amazonian Ecuador and in captivity at the National Institutes of Health. I incorporated over 650 hours of activity and ranging data that I collected on Ecuadorian C. albifrons into the socioecological model for Cebus. The results generally support the idea that C. albifrons exhibit highly variable group sizes, large home ranges, substantial home range overlap, and directed movement within the home range between ripe fruit trees. I conducted a phylogenetic character reconstruction analysis to assess the likely ancestral condition for Cebus courtship behaviors, including behaviors that I newly observed in C. albifrons. The results indicate that a courtship profile more similar to extant tufted capuchin monkeys is the most likely condition for the Cebus ancestor. Using focal data from Ecuador, I tested whether food interest behavior by C. albifrons could be an adaptation for social learning about food processing. The results support this hypothesis, but they can be explained equally well by selection for effective food scrounging. Using experimental data from captive C. apella and small amount of data from field experiments, I tested a model of how simple stimulus enhancement social learning could result in durable behavioral traditions. The results suggest that traditions like those observed in wild Cebus can emerge from an interaction of stimulus enhancement learning with reinforcement learning. Finally, building on methods developed by researchers of C. capucinus , I tested whether variable food processing techniques show traditional patterns in the focal data that I collected on wild C. albifrons. I developed a novel application of cluster analysis and social network analysis to process focal data on intragroup food processing variations. The results indicate that white-fronted capuchins exhibit traditional qualitative variations in food processing techniques.

      • Investigating the literature-based mock trial as a dramatic experience in the secondary English language arts classroom

        Matthews-McGovern, Diane New York University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of participants from an English Language Arts classroom who became involved in a literature-based mock trial. A mock trial based on literature asks students to assume character or litigation roles in order to engage in a dramatized legal process that investigates both the characters and the literature itself. In looking at the mock trial, it is essential to see it as a structured activity that involves creative progression. The mock trial demands implicit agreement among students that generates productive work, which warrants close attention and informed observation. The research reveals the mock trial as a teaching tool, performance mode, and an innovative approach to reader-response theory. The mock trial draws upon the work David Booth has done in the area of story drama, which asks students to create their own stories bases on shared experiences and investigation of a text. Discovering how teachers and students feel about utilizing mock trial drama to enrich the classroom experience is significant to the ongoing promotion of integrating drama into the curriculum. Case study methodology was used because it is capable of examining in an open and flexible manner the social action of drama in its negotiated and framed setting. This dissertation examined from a teacher as researcher perspective how a language arts classroom experienced the various phases of a mock trial from pre-text to performance and how the subjects responded to it. "Professionals need to develop the ability to identify and understand problems of practice as well as to develop the ability to hypothesize alternatives, place new actions into practice, and evaluate the results of their teaching action" (Flood 445-6). To sum up, this research study observed participants and their interactions in a dramatic activity and studied the mock trial as a process that encourages role-play and negotiation among student-created characters based on the literature. It should be used to inform and add to the related research that asks what kind of inter-play exists among the characters that are created through drama, and how this exchange becomes part of a learning experience.

      • Neuropsychological test performance of preschool children at risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

        Matthews, Paula Watson The University of Texas at Austin 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Behaviors of preschool children similar to those seen in older children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) are often dismissed as age-appropriate, and expected to disappear with time. A hesitancy to diagnose young children and troublesome behaviors exhibited by even those developing normally, make it difficult to delineate developmentally appropriate from disruptive behavior that signals a future diagnosis of AD/HD. Those preschoolers who will later be diagnosed with AD/HD often experience negative feedback and difficulty in acquiring pre-academic skills in the interim between first appearance of behaviors linked to AD/HD and eventual diagnosis. While results are mixed, older children have revealed a number of deficits on neuropsychological tests. A community sample of thirty (30) children between the ages of 3:0 and 4:11 were divided into two groups based on their behavior scale rating. Fifteen (15) children scoring at or below One Standard Deviation from the mean, scored significantly below the mean on a measure of digit recall. When compared to those scoring within the normal range on the behavior rating scale, these children were significantly lower on sentence repetition, verbal comprehension, pattern construction, copying, and attention/executive control subtests. In addition, several subtest scores were significantly correlated, including attention/executive function with digit recall. Specific deficits were related to those reported for older children. Further study is needed utilizing larger sample size, additional neuropsychological measures, a wider range of behavioral ratings, and an extended age range.

      • 2010 BLASTPol Observations of Magnetic Fields in Lupus

        Matthews, Tristan G Northwestern University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope for Polarimetry (BLASTPol) was created by adding polarimetric capability to the BLAST experiment that was flown in 2003, 2005, and 2006. BLASTPol inherited BLAST's 1.8 m primary and its Herschel/SPIRE heritage focal plane that allows simultaneous observation at 250, 350, and 500 mum. We flew BLASTPol in 2010 and again in 2012. Both were long duration Antarctic flights. The main result presented here is polarimetry of the nearby filamentary dark cloud Lupus I obtained during the 2010 flight. Despite limitations imposed by the effects of a damaged optical component, we were able to clearly detect submillimeter polarization on degree scales. We compare the resulting BLASTPol magnetic field map with a similar map made via optical polarimetry. (The optical data were published in 1998 by J. Rizzo and collaborators.) The two maps partially overlap and are reasonably consistent with one another. We compare these magnetic field maps to the orientations of filaments in Lupus I, and we find that the dominant filament in the cloud is approximately perpendicular to the large-scale field, while secondary filaments appear to run parallel to the magnetic fields in their vicinities. This is similar to what is observed in Serpens South via near-IR polarimetry, and consistent with what is seen in MHD simulations by F. Nakamura and Z. Li. We have performed a similar analysis for Lupus IV and present initial results. The Lupus IV cloud has no clear dominant filament and we make no attempts to interpret these initial findings. Finally, detailed discussions of two of the dominant sources of error in the 2010 data are presented.

      • Plasma aided finishing of textile materials

        Matthews, Suzanne Rodden North Carolina State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Surface modification of textile materials extends over a wide range of alterations to provide desired single or multi-features for various applications. It is a highly focused area of research in which alterations to physical and/or chemical properties lead to new textile products that provide new applications or satisfy specific needs. These processes, however, can involve numerous chemicals, some of which are toxic to humans and hazardous to the environment. In an effort to eliminate these harmful chemicals and waste products, surface modification and finishing via plasma treatment has become an attractive alternative, and is the focus of this work. Through analyzing and understanding plasma-substrate interactions, new and novel finishing applications have been developed. These processes include plasma-aided desizing of polyvinyl alcohol, and plasma-aided grafting of antimicrobial agents onto polypropylene nonwoven fabrics. Plasma treatment of PVA films has shown a significant amount of size removal through sputtering mechanisms, as well as increased solubility via chain scission, which further aids in ease of removal. Plasma treatment of PP fabrics has shown a viable pretreatment for free radical grafting of antimicrobial agents without the use of chemical etchants. In addition to new processing methods, this work has also provided an investigation into the development of a generalized solubility model for plasma exposed materials.

      • The adherence of superintendents to established personnel evaluation standards: A perspective from North Carolina's superintendents and personnel directors

        Matthews, Kim K The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study examines the perceptions of personnel directors in determining how closely their superintendents adhere to established personnel evaluation standards. These standards came from the work of the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (1988) as modified and applied by Carol Klenow (1996). This study also investigates how demographics influence the adherence of superintendents to personnel standards. Fifty-four superintendents and 58 personnel directors from the state of North Carolina responded to a 49-item questionnaire. The survey also contained an open-ended question about the evaluation of personnel administrators. The author then analyzed their responses to the questionnaire items, relying on the five-point Likert scale. The findings indicated that personnel administrators rated their superintendents' adherence to personnel standards in a positive direction when compared to the neutral point. Findings for the first question revealed that personnel administrators perceived superintendents as adhering to established personnel evaluation standards; superintendents' perceptions and the personnel administrators' perceptions agreed on 5 of the 6 subsets of the questionnaire—accuracy, propriety feasibility legal and policy. They did not agree on the subset utility. A study by Klenow (1996) found similar results when comparing personnel administrators to superintendents on this scale. The subscale in the Klenow (1996) study that did not show a difference between superintendents and the central office administrators was in the area of policy. Three interactions were found when comparing demographic information to the six subscales: Feasibility and race; utility and race; and finally propriety and gender. Overall, personnel administrators and superintendents indicated that superintendents adhered to personnel standards included in the survey. However, there is a difference when comparing the perception of superintendents to the personnel administrators as to how closely the superintendents adhere to these standards. Superintendents felt they adhered more closely than the reported results of the personnel directors.

      • Matter over Mind: Pietro D'abano (d. 1316) and the Science of Physiognomy

        Matthews, Sarah Kathryn ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation examines the Liber consolationis phisonomie by Pietro d'Abano (c. 1250-1316) and places the work both in the context of medieval psychological theories and of scholastic culture. Physiognomy, the practice of studying a person's physical appearance in order to discern his or her emotions, personality, moral character, and intellectual capacities, rests on the assumption that the physical body is somehow connected to the spiritual self. This study explores how medieval people conceived of that relationship through a broader examination of theories about emotion, personality, and intelligence. Pietro d'Abano was an unusual figure who bridged the occupational identities of physician and philosopher, just as the study of psychology bridged the disciplines of medicine and philosophy. Pietro was highly materialist in his conception of human nature. While scholars of Pietro's work have noticed this tendency in his more mature thought, especially his medical text the Conciliator, his Liber consolationis phisonomie, his earliest known work, has been largely overlooked. This is understandable, as it is largely an aphoristic summary of what physical traits indicate what mental ones. However, it provides valuable insights into the development of Pietro's thought as well as the role of physiognomy in medieval learned and popular culture. This study concludes with an examination of Pietro's legacy, namely the reputation he obtained in the Renaissance for being a magician. It examines medieval theories about magic, the role of spurious attributions in creating textual authority, and how Pietro's own materialist conception of the universe and human nature may have contributed to his constructed posthumous identity.

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