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      • Towards low carbon development : an analysis of Botswana's energy sector transformation

        Mareledi Gina Maswabi Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 233023

        The UNFCCC and global governments are working towards stabilization of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere to levels that will not harm the environment. In 2015, the governments collectively adopted the Paris Agreement with a goal to suppress global warming to temperatures well below 2°C. In line with this, the government of Botswana made a voluntary commitment to reduce emissions by 15% by the year 2030, against a 2010 base year. However, as a developing country, Botswana has to increase energy production to meet the increasing demand and for now, her current energy expansion plans are biased towards coal as it presents the least cost option. This will proliferate CO2 emissions and dissuade the country’s aspirations to reduce atmospheric emissions. In order to strike a balance, transitioning from reliance on coal towards increase in use of cleaner options such as solar and improved efficiency is vital. There seems to be a strong political will from the Botswana government in this regard, considering the ratification of various international environment and climate change treaties that promote low carbon development. On this note, the government can take a stance to power the currently non-electrified remote villages with solar and improve efficiency of the current system hence eliminate the need for additional electricity production from coal. A research framework was developed for this study and used to analyse Botswana’s existing policy and institutional frameworks to examine their likelihood to steer transformation of the energy system towards low carbon development. The framework analyses the impacts of external pressure (top-down) on the existing electricity regime as well as regime changes that come as a result of learnings from previous niche experiments (bottom-up). The review of documents has shown that global pressure exerted on governments has led to changes in the focus of Botswana’s energy policy instruments, which now support energy transition. Interviews with experts, on the other hand, revealed a number of barriers that can impede transformation of the energy sector. Currently, the use of solar in Botswana is very insignificant, constrained mainly by absence of clear policy instruments and/or clear roadmaps for scaling up of this resource. There is also a technology lock-in driven by the government’s subsidy on conventional power, which makes solar expensive and exorbitant. This study makes some recommendations for changes that can be effected in the current regime in order for Botswana to facilitate solar energy development. The recommendations are confined to energy transition in the electricity subsector and not transformation of the holistic energy system because electricity generation contributes the most to Botswana’s total emissions and electricity is an enabler for other sectors of the economy. Energy transition will not only assist the government to meet its global obligation of reducing GHG emissions, but can also attribute; (i) increasing energy access, (ii) facilitating local market for renewable energies, (iii) promotion of local renewable energy-related industries, (iv) job creation, and (v) provision of affordable energy from on-site production through decentralised systems.

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