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      • Auditory Consonant Trigrams: Construct and Criterion Validity Update

        Lindberg, Katharine Elizabeth ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The Auditory Consonant Trigrams (ACT) has historically been used in research and clinical settings as a measure of working memory ability, though previous research has failed to identify the precise cognitive processes and abilities measured by the task. The ACT total score (ACT T) has been shown to be sensitive to numerous clinical neurological and psychological populations (i.e., TBI, ADHD, MS, MDD). Alternatively, little is known about the ACT perseveration score (ACT P), the current study aimed to identity the ACT T and ACT P’s relationships to other neuropsychological measures and their clinical utility within diverse clinical/neurological presentations. In a sample of patients referred for neuropsychological evaluation (N = 448), an exploratory factor analysis revealed a 2-factor model accounting for 49.54% of the variance within the sample. The ACT T and ACT P loaded on a factor with measures of higher-order executive functioning accounting for 9.99% of the variance within the sample. Further, the clinical utility of the ACT T and ACT P was found to be limited within the current sample with a trend of the ACT T discriminating the severity of brain damage within TBI, while the ACT P tended to discriminate diagnostic groups. These findings suggest that the ACT scoring methods may be too simplistic to identify subtle cognitive changes in clinical populations.

      • Peer Support among School Psychologists in Urban School Districts

        Lindberg, Tara ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Ohio State Uni 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        School psychologists frequently work independently of other school psychologists due to limited opportunities to interact and collaborate in school settings. Opportunities for supervision are fewer in comparison to related professions. Willingness to participate in structured peer support groups was investigated as well as the structure and functioning of current peer support groups. School psychologists employed by seven urban school districts in the Midwestern portion of the U. S. were surveyed using open-ended questions regarding supervision, peer collaboration at work, and peer support groups.Qualitative data were analyzed using grounded theory techniques. The analysis yielded themes of seeking guidance.

      • Minerva: an Adaptive Game for Programming Education

        LINDBERG RENNY SHAUL NIMROD 아주대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        Programming education is slowly being integrated at elementary school level around the world, with several countries in Europe having added, or being in the process of adding it to their curricula. South Korea is among these countries, with a plan to implement programing education at elementary school level from 2018 onwards. Programming education, however, has always been a relatively difficult subject for students to learn properly, even at university level. K-12 faces even greater challenges when approaching the topic, as the variety of students, learning preferences and interest towards the topics are going to diversified. Gamification could be a potential tool to enhance elementary school students learning of and motivation toward programming education. With diversified group of potential players a game that lacks adaptation to their personal learning styles and preferred play styles risks alienating some of them and thus lessening their interest towards the game partly or completely. This thesis’ contribution is twofold. Firstly, potential models were surveyed for use as the base for our adaptation model. A questionnaire made from two combined models, Bartle Player Types and Honey and Mumford Learning Style Questionnaire, was tested at a local Korean elementary school to see whether any promising results are gained. Secondly, a game, Minerva, built around the topic of programming education, with focus on adaptation to the two models, was created and tested at the same local elementary school. The evaluations of the questionnaire and Minerva indicated positive results that support the view that programming education game that uses adaptation could enhance students learning.

      • A torch borne in the wind: The cultural persona of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex

        Lindberg, Kevin David The Ohio State University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In February, 1601, Elizabeth's flamboyant favorite, Robert Devereux, 2<super>nd</super> Earl of Essex, led a brief revolt, and was tried and executed for treason. After his death, Essex emerged as a symbol of English heroism and resistance to Catholic imperialism, but by the century's end he was remembered as a romantic creature overwhelmed by Machiavellian politics. Recent historians have argued that before his blunders of the late 1590s, Essex used intelligence and a strong education in enacting his policies. Influenced by these reassessments, the author studies interactions between historical context, and literature from the 1590s to the 1680s, to understand how the earl's image developed into a form that has predominated for centuries. This research reveals that the image of Essex that remained after the seventeenth century has been colored by the politics of several generations of writers who employed it as part of their own agendas. The introduction reviews the symbolic heritage Essex gained from Walter Devereux, 1<super>st</super> Earl of Essex; Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester; and Sir Philip Sidney. Chapter one examines texts that reflect how, in the 1590s, Essex incorporated an intellectualism into his image that interacted with Catholicism, theories that required aristocrats to hold their monarchs responsible to divine law, and Tacitean historiography. Chapter Two investigates how writers used Essex's image to comment on Elizabethan politics around the time of his fall. Chapter three examines works representing the impact of Essex's son on his father's image in the 1620s. The final chapter explores how continental and English works about Essex and Elizabeth blurred history and fiction to transform Essex's story into a romantic myth in which courtiers dupe the queen into executing her “beloved” earl. This characterization dominated the way writers used the earl's fall to parallel the anxieties of life under apparently absolutist governments, like that of Charles II. The perception of Essex and his relationship to Elizabeth, solidified in the seventeenth century, continues to influence literary and historical works.

      • Legislating for American Empire The U.S. Congress and Territorial Policy

        Lindberg, Timothy State University of New York at Albany 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The United States has always administered territorial governments and the primary entity entrusted with this authority is the United States Congress. This dissertation, using an American Political Development framework, seeks to uncover the variety of ways in which Congressional decision-making over territorial policy has shifted. The goal is to understand how the United States Congress worked toward establishing and maintaining an American Empire via the use of territorial policy. A variety of causal mechanisms causing are investigated, including the demographic targets of policy, partisan conflicts, changing norms and rules of Congress, pressures from other branches or the states, national security challenges, emerging technology, and the tensions in protecting minority rights. This dissertation argues that there have been four eras of American territorial policy. During the Experimental Empire (1787-1861), the U.S. Congress awkwardly developed a system for territorial governance by adopting a tiered system that would slowly provide more autonomy to territorial residents. The Continental Empire (1850-1912) saw the desire for admitting states lessen. This was due to a number of factors including a slower pace of settlement in the arid mountain west, less desirable policy targets, such as Mormons in Utah and Catholic Hispanics in New Mexico, and a growing bitter partisanship over most political issues. The Insular Empire (1898-1959) era emerged with the acquisition of a variety of overseas territories. Most of these new territories were already populated by non-white people, used to non-republican governments, which led Congress to treat them more paternalistically than they had most other territories. Finally, the Informal Empire (1960-current) no longer requires the American political system to acquire new lands, but enforces a cultural, military, economic, and political influence over much of the rest of the world. This dissertation argues in the end that territorial policy has shifted and reflected various changes in American politics, both internal and external to the U.S. Congress which has operated to create and maintain an American empire throughout the country's history. The primary purpose of this project is to show how this has occurred through the use of territorial policy and how it operated during various periods of time and how and why it shifted.

      • Changes in endocannabinoid signaling contribute to the anti-hyperalgesic effect of URB597 in a murine model of persistent inflammation

        Lindberg, Amy Elizabeth University of Minnesota 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Modulation of endocannabinoid neurotransmission has a therapeutic benefit in the treatment of inflammatory pain. Studies in this thesis investigated endocannabinoid signaling in a murine model of persistent, peripheral inflammation. Specifically, the ability of URB597, an inhibitor of fatty acid amide hydroxylase (FAAH), which degrades the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide, to reduce mechanical hyperalgesia associated with inflammation was determined. The first study tested whether local injection of URB597 dose-dependently reduced mechanical hyperalgesia associated with persistent inflammation. Inflammation was induced by injection of Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA) in the hind paw of mice and mechanical hyperalgesia was determined using a series of von Frey filaments. The first part of the study resolved that local injection of URB597 dose-dependently reduced mechanical hyperalgesia associated with persistent inflammation and decreased mechanical sensitivity in naive mice. However, injection of URB597 did not result in increased endocannabinoid content in the plantar skin ipsilateral to the injection as would be expected based on the known mechanism of action of URB597. The second and third studies investigated the effect of inflammation on levels of FAAH, endocannabinoids and cannabinoid (CB)-1 receptor in naive and CFA-injected mice to understand the neurochemistry underlying the anti-hyperalgesic effect of URB597. Levels FAAH mRNA decreased and enzyme activity trended toward a decrease in the plantar skin of the inflamed hind paw compared to tissue from naive mice, but inflammation did not alter level of anandamide in plantar skin ipsilateral to the injections. In contrast, an increase in FAAH mRNA was accompanied by a decrease in the level of anandamide in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) ipsilateral to the inflamed hind paw compared to naive mice. In addition, there is an upregulation of functional CB1 receptors in DRGs ipsilateral to the inflamed hind paw in CFA-injected mice compared to DRGs from naive mice. Together, these data support a model in which reduced synthesis of AEA in the primary afferent neurons may contribute to the mechanical hyperalgesia associated with peripheral inflammation, and upregulation of CB1 receptors on the primary afferent neurons affected by inflammation may be a compensatory response to decreased basal activation of AEA.

      • Gender-role identity development during adolescence: Individual, familial, and social contextual predictors of gender intensification

        Lindberg, Sara M The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Despite frequent allusions to gender intensification in the research literature, only a few studies have examined longitudinal changes in gender-role attributes across adolescence. The set of studies presented here tests some of the fundamental assumptions of the gender intensification hypothesis (Hill & Lynch, 1983) by examining gender-role identity development during early adolescence. Study 1 tested the gender intensification hypothesis directly, by examining whether boys become more masculine and girls become more feminine across the transition to adolescence. Results from longitudinal data collected at ages 11, 13, and 15, indicated that contemporary adolescents' gender-role identity development does not conform to the pattern predicted by the gender intensification hypothesis. Rather, contemporary girls consistently report greater femininity than boys across ages 11-15, while contemporary girls and boys report equal levels of masculinity across ages 11-15. Given these surprising findings, study 2 examined the construct of gender-role identity as it has been operationalized in social science research. Specifically, it examined whether traditional thinking about what constitutes 'masculine' and 'feminine' behavior persists in light of secular trends toward more egalitarian gender roles and more acceptance of gender nonconformity. Results indicated that traditionally masculine attributes are still viewed as more socially desirable for men and boys than for women and girls. Likewise, traditionally feminine attributes are still viewed as more socially desirable for women and girls than for men and boys. Study 3 examined individual differences in gender-role identity development during adolescence and tested factors in children's individual development, family environments, and social contexts that might predict their propensity to adopt traditional or non-traditional gender roles. Results identified several factors that predicted children's gender-role identity development, as well as some factors that were thought to predict gender-role identity development but do not. Together, these studies contribute to our understanding of gender-role development during adolescence and suggest new directions for future research.

      • Playing Badly: The Heroic Cheat and the Ethics of Play

        Lindberg, Adam Douglas ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Minn 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation explains the work of hegemonic play in understanding what games are and what they do. This explanation is used to formalize a new theoretical and practical model for games criticism that can also be applied in literary, media. To contextualize my intervention, I explain the strengths and weaknesses of current views on game ontology within game studies and offer an alternative argument in favor of a game-specific ontology generated through the interaction of a game's s.

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