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      • Understading digital intimacy and personal well-being through sharing Memes : An analysis of international students in Korea

        Lentera Paramuswari 한국외국어대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        This study aims to explore the motivations behind international students' memes-sharing behavior with their significant others, examine the relationship between memes-sharing and personal well-being, also their digital intimacy with their friends. This study was conducted through semi-structured in-depth interviews and analyzed through thematic analysis. The author used snowball sampling as the sampling technique and 20 international students who are currently and had studied in Seoul area Universities. The study identified four motivations for sharing memes: fostering bonds, spreading joy, expressing emotions that cannot be conveyed by words, and altruism. International students share memes that reflect their life problems in Korea, serving as a healing instrument to release stress and elevate mood through laughter about their issues. Furthermore, sharing memes contributes to enhancing self-acceptance and providing social support, fostering a sense of belonging within a community that shares similar problems. Three criteria influence people's decision to share memes: familiarity, relatedness, and a similar sense of humor. By understanding and applying these criteria, participants remember and comprehend their friends, maintaining and strengthening their relationships, thereby demonstrating improvements in digital intimacy.

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