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      • Exploring a Sustainable Autonomy of Sport Organizations : A Study of Relationship between Government and Elite Sport Organizations in Colombia

        Laura Villarreal 서울대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 232223

        Exploring a Sustainable Autonomy of Sport Organizations A Study of Relationship between Government and Elite Sport Organizations in Colombia Laura Villarreal Global Sport Management, Department of Physical Education The Graduate School Seoul National University Autonomy constitutes relevant issues for international sports governing bodies and, therefore, directly affects conditions, needs, and aspirations of national sports organizations. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of autonomy from sports organizations’ perspectives, particularly based on four factors: political, legal, financial, and sociological. This study also took interactions of these factors with the unique situation in Colombia into account to determine the areas of concern and the best strategies to achieve a sustainable autonomy of sports organizations at managerial level. With a qualitative approach, a semi-structured in depth interview was used as a method to collect the data. The interviews were conducted to 10 people, those who have positions at high or medium level in sports organizations, decision making capacity, and with direct contact with the other two sports organizations. The interviews were conducted via skype and recorded through Eaver software. The data were analyzed through a 5 step method of McCraken which includes transcription and translation, categorization, coding process, division by basic themes, and a global analysis by groups. The code system was reinforced with the strategy of coding developed by Lofland. On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that sports organizations in Colombia have enjoyed a considerable degree of autonomy which has not been properly addressed. According to the analysis, the financial aspect constitutes the most important factor in the autonomy of sports organizations. A sustainable autonomy cannot be reached without updating and developing the national sports law, but above all the commitment of sport authorities plays the main role in any sport system. ____________________________________________________________ Keywords : Autonomy, Elite Sport, Government, and Sport Organizations Student Number: 2015-22354

      • Nontraditional students enrolled in a community university: Their journey from risk to resilience

        Villarreal, Laura M University of Houston 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231967

        A unique partnership between an open admissions community college and an upper-level university resulted in a "community university" with a vision of becoming a research institution, while still preserving the mission of a community college. The purpose of this research was to narratively account for the students enrolled in the mathematics program of the community university, focusing on nontraditional students and the factors that place them at-risk of not completing their educational goals. The first part of the study consisted of a questionnaire that was administered to all students enrolled in college-level mathematics courses. The second part included a narrative mode of inquiry that collected information through narrative writings and semi-structured interviews. The items in the questionnaire, plus the students' personal narratives, provided the foundation for the review of literature. Interwoven in the text are the participants' narratives of experience (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990) that provided personal dimensions of knowing in order to capture the challenges that students face (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). During the final stage of this research, inductive analysis stemming from the narrative inquiry, suggested that the nontraditional students exhibited resiliency as exhibited in their persistence to graduation despite the presence of barriers. Important resiliency factors that surfaced included a sense of community and support system from peers, teachers, and family, along with personal student attributes such as a strong determination to succeed. An important finding from this study was the extension of the definition of family support in resilience literature beyond the conventional sense of parental support to include the important role of children to adult students. This narrative inquiry was highly significant because it gave voice and lent credibility to the challenges nontraditional students face. Based on the findings in this study, the community university must examine its campus milieu (Schwab, 1971) and begin a process of change based on fostering resiliency. A positive inviting school environment must exist in order to minimize the effects of the barriers to persistence. It is through the listening of lived stories of successful students through which there could be a transformational change in the environment of this institution.

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