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      • Nonlinear Feedback Controllers and State Estimators: Theory Applications, and Real-time Implementation

        King, Ethan Andrew North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        This work presents research within three topics: state estimation, feedback control, and mathematical biology.Proximal Point Moving Horizon Estimation: This work explores use of the proximity operator for constructing moving horizon estimators, which successively fit model trajectories to recent system outputs in order to construct state estimates of dynamical systems. In the presence of both modeling and measurement noise a general convergence result for state estimates using a proximity operator is given for nonlinear systems. Stronger convergence results are shown for linear systems using both least squares and modified least squares fitting functionals. Use of linearization with proximal point moving horizon estimation for nonlinear systems is explored and shown to compare well to the extended Kalman filter on a numerical example. The approach is also found to perform well compared to a low pass derivative filter for supplying state estimates for online stabilization of a double inverted pendulum on a moving cart, in laboratory experiments.Relaxed Projection Feedback Control: For affine input stabilizing feedback control of nonlinear systems, a family of feedback controls is proposed. The controls are parameterized by a symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix P, and for discrete dynamics they can be understood as a projection with respect to the P norm. If the projection control is stabilizing for a system, then it is shown that a relaxation for appropriate choices of a parameter γ is also stable. Therefore if a stabilizing P can be identified, weights can tune the relaxed projection control for a particular implementation. An analogous control is also developed for continuous nonlinear systems. To construct controls a control synthesis methodology is proposed using an ensemble Kalman search procedure to find stabilizing P over selected subsets of the SPD cone. On numerical examples, the control is shown to perform well in comparison to LQR control for both linear and nonlinear dynamics. The control is also shown to perform well for online stabilization of a double inverted pendulum on a cart in laboratory experiments.An Optimal Innate Immune Response At The Onset Of Infection: Optimal control of viral infection in a domain of host cells is explored as a means of comparison to experimental observations of the dynamics of the immune system. The immune response and control action studied can induce an antiviral state in cells which protects them from the infecting virus. Optimality of a response is approached in a framework common to the study of vaccination, using the measurement R*, the expected number of infection progeny of an infected cell in a fixed population under the intervention regime, to quantify the intervention efficacy. This work defines a protection control that achieves a target value for R* while protecting the least number of cells for the least amount of time, as optimal. It is shown that a cell autonomous response where protection is initiated when viral density is above a threshold in the neighborhood of the cell, can coordinate optimal regions of cell protection.

      • The Earth Memory Compass: Dine Educational Experiences in the Twentieth Century

        King, Farina Arizona State University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247391

        This dissertation explores how historical changes in education shaped Dine collective identity and community by examining the interconnections between Navajo students, their people, and Dine Bikeyah (Navajo lands). Farina King investigates the ongoing influence of various schools as colonial institutions among the Navajo from the 1930s to 1990 in the southwestern United States. The question that guides this research is how institutional schools, whether far, near, or on the reservation, affected Navajo students' sense of home and relationships with their Indigenous community during the twentieth century. The study relies on a Dine historical framework that centers on a Navajo mapping of the world and earth memory compass. The four directions of their sacred mountains orient the Dine towards hozho¸, the ideal of society, a desirable state of being that most translate as beauty, harmony, or happiness. Their sacred mountains mark Dine Bikeyah and provide an earth memory compass in Navajo life journeys that direct them from East, to South, to West, and to North. These four directions and the symbols associated with them guide this overarching narrative of Navajo educational experiences from the beginning of Dine learning in their home communities, to the adolescent stages of their institutionalized schooling, to the recent maturity of hybrid Navajo-American educational systems. After addressing the Dine ancestral teachings of the East, King focuses on the student experiences of interwar Crownpoint Boarding School to the South, the postwar Tuba City Boarding School and Leupp Boarding School to the West, and self-determination in Monument Valley to the North. This study primarily analyzes oral histories and cultural historical methodologies to feature Dine perspectives, which reveal how the land and the mountains serve as focal points of Navajo worldviews. The land defines Dine identity, although many Navajos have adapted to different life pathways. Therefore, land, environment, and nature constituted integral parts and embeddedness of Dine knowledge and epistemology that external educational systems, such as federal schools, failed to overcome in the twentieth century.

      • The Norman Kingdom of Africa and the Medieval Mediterranean

        King, Matthew ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Minn 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        During the twelfth century, the Mediterranean Sea contained a complex array of economic, political, military, religious, and social networks. My dissertation explores the relationship of two dynasties that were at the center of these networks: the Norman lords of Sicily and the Zirid emirs of Ifriqiya (roughly modern-day Tunisia, eastern Algeria, and western Libya) in the years leading up to the Norman conquest of Zirid lands and the formation of the Norman Kingdom of Africa (1148--1160). Previous scholarship, particularly work written by French colonial historians, has emphasized the triumph of the Christian Normans over their Muslim foes and disregarded the agency of the Zirids. I show that the medieval sources tell a different story. Latin and Arabic texts attest to the importance of the Zirid emirs of Ifriqiya to larger networks in the Mediterranean. In 1123, for example, the Zirid emir al-Hasan ibn 'Ali united a group of Arab and Berber (indigenous North African) tribes to defeat the navy of the Norman lord Roger II. Several years later, al-Hasan ibn 'Ali formed an alliance with the Almoravids of Morocco to raid cities along the coast of Sicily. Zirid power in Ifriqiya only waned in the wake of a decade-long drought, which allowed the opportunistic Normans to seize Zirid lands. The Normans under Roger II and his son William I ruled the coastline of Ifriqiya for twelve years, during which time they made small changes to its society that favored Christians over Muslims while occasionally proclaiming themselves "King of Africa." Arabic chroniclers writing about the Norman conquest of Ifriqiya did not acknowledge the legitimacy of the Normans' kingship in Ifriqiya and instead presented the Normans as one prong of a Mediterranean-wide "Frankish" assault upon the lands of Islam, one that warranted jihad on all fronts.

      • IGE and B Cell Repertoires in Human Allergy and Immunotherapy

        King, Jasmine ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Stanford Universit 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        Here you will learn more about IgE and molecular basis of allergic disease. The overarching goal of this work has been to better understand the characteristics of human B cell antibody repertoires, the role they play in the pathology of allergic disease and their contribution in modifying allergic symptoms, and leading to the acquisition of tolerance during allergen specific immunotherapy.In Chapter 2, (previously published as Levin and King, et. al, (2016) in JACI), we examine how IgE repertoire persistence and evolution may hold promise as markers for events accompanying specific immunotherapy of allergic disease. In this chapter, we have combined the use of use phage display technologies to determine IgE specificities, along with high throughput sequencing of blood and tissue B cell repertoires. In this way we were able to identify and track the fates of allergen-specific clones over the course of immunotherapy. We discovered that members of the same allergen-specific B cell clones could be found in both nasal mucosa and the blood, and found evidence of large clonal expansions, persistence, and isotype switching of members of allergen specific IgE containing clonal lineages as immunotherapy progressed.Chapter 3 follows up on this study presented in Chapter 2. In this chapter, we ask what happens in the B cell repertoires of the patients over a longer term of treatment. We look at the fates of allergen specific clones 3 years after the start of immunotherapy, when patients are expected to have reached the optimal improvement of symptoms and are preparing to go off treatment. In our data from this timepoint, we observed a trend toward detection of fewer IgE expressing cells as members of the known allergen specific clones, and more detection of non-IgE expressing clone members, including IgG4, supporting the idea that specific immunotherapy can give rise to IgG4-expressing members of allergen-specific B-cell clones in allergic patients, in a time frame associated with the therapeutic effect of the treatment.In Chapter 4 we discuss more generally the characteristics and differences in B cell repertoires between the blood and nasal biopsy. We found that B cell repertoires in nasal mucosal tissue differed from those observed in the peripheral blood in many ways, which we describe in this chapter. We detected, for instance, distinct antigen experienced IgD and IgM cell populations in tissue, not previously described, and saw a higher proportion of IgG3 usage in nasal tissue, with less IgG2 present. Specific immunotherapy did not appear to elicit global changes in the B cell repertoires in either the nasal tissue or blood.Chapter 5 (previously published as Hoh, et. al, (2016) in JACI), on patients with food allergies and compliments many of our findings from patients with sensitivities to aeroallergens. Investigating allergen-specific B-cells in peanut allergic patients, we found that these cells usually tended to express mutated antibody genes, were typically of switched isotypes, and were often able to bind to both linear and conformational epitopes. Even well-characterized linear epitopes of allergen proteins could be recognized by multiple independent B-cell clones within a single patient. We saw that oral immunotherapy was associated with increased frequencies of allergen-binding B-cells in the blood, and, in one example, progressive somatic mutation of IgG4, but not IgE, members of an allergen-specific clone. Peanut allergen-specific B-cell clones in allergic patient blood typically expressed mutated isotype-switched antibodies, including IgE, and target common epitopes. Oral immunotherapy increased frequencies of specific clones and may also preferentially induce IgG4 somatic mutation.

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