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      • Fremdwo@rter und Fremdsprachen bei Thomas Mann

        Choi, Kaung-Eun Christian-Albrechts-Universita@t 1993 해외박사

        RANK : 247358

        독문학에서 토마스 만은 많이 연구되어 왔다. 그러나 이 작가의 언어예술 특 히 특이한 문체론적 능력에 대한 연구는 놀랍게도 아주 미비한 상태에 그치고 있다. 더군다나 토마스 만이 사용한 언어와 문체에 대해 언어학적 입장에서의 연구는 거의 전무한 상태이다. 그래서 본 논문은 이 작가의 언어학사적 의미 를 규명할 목적으로 이루어졌다. 그것을 위해 본 논문은 이제까지 토마스 만 연구에서 거의 언급되지 않았던 외래어와 외국어의 사용을 주제로 선택하고 있다. 본 논문의 자료로서 필자는 약 2400쪽에 이르는 토마스 만의 세 장편소 설[부덴부르크 일가](1901),[마의산](1924),[파우스트 박사](1947)에 쓰여진 8000여개의 외래어를 사용하고 있다. 물론 이 자료들은 필자에 의해 정확히 정의된 외래어의 개념을 바탕으로 수집되었다. 필자는 외래어의 개념에 대한 언어학적 고찰을 한후 독어사에서 외래어 문제와 언어정화운동을 특히 토마스 만이 생존했던 시기(1975-1955)를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 토마스 만의 언어사용 특히 외래어 사용을 살피기위해 그가 살았던 시대의 언어사적 배경을 간략하게 언급한 후 필자는 외국어에 대한 작가의 지식을 전 기적으로 살피고 있다. 그런 다음 필자는 토마스 만 자신의 외래어 사용에 대 한 입장과 동시에 비판가들에 대한 작가의 반응등을 살피고 작가가 내린 결론 을 이차연구문헌과 작가 자신의 언급 등을 토대로 재구성하고 있다. 그 다음 장에서는 8000여개의 외래어를 토대로 언어통계학적 연구를 했다. 작 가가 외래어를 얼마나 자주 작품에 사용하였는지를 알아보기위해 그의 작품을 동시대 작가인 헤르만 헤세와 프란쯔 카프카의 작품과 비교하였으며,또한 문 학에서 외래어가 자주 사용되는지를 알아보기 위해 신문과 편지 등에서 쓰인 언어와 비교하였다. 4장에서 필자는 품사론과 조어론에 입각하여 외래어에 대 한 언어학적 분석을 시도하였다. 특히 외래어와 본래어로 구성된 합성어의 유 형을 자세히 밝혔고,문학언어에서의 일시조어 (Ad-hoc-Bildung)의 역할을 살 폈다.

      • 순천향대학교에서 근무하는 한국인 직원의 금연, 우울증, 사회적지지 및 니코틴 의존도에 대한 자기효능감의 영향

        Kaung, Nyo 순천향대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        Background: This study examined the influence of depression, social support and nicotine dependency on self- efficacy for smoking cessation among the staff working at Soonchunhyang university. Methods: This survey design was adopted by 31 staff working at the Soonchunhyang university. Data was gathered from 1st April 2022 — 21st April 2022. The data was analyzed for descriptive statistics, one sample t-test and Pearson correlation. Results: There was a significant positive correlation between depression and nicotine dependency. There was a significant negative correlation between self-efficacy for smoking cessation and nicotine dependency and between social support and nicotine dependency. The significant factors influencing nicotine dependency were self-efficacy for smoking cessation and depression. Conclusion: This study examined the influence of depression, social support and nicotine dependency to self- efficacy for smoking cessation among the staffs working in the Soonchunhyang university. We try to identify the influencing factors on the self-efficacy for smoking cessation. We found out that nicotine dependency and depression have negative effects and social support have positive effect on self-efficacy for quitting smoking. The findings can be said to be the significance in this study. Therefore, when applying the smoking cessation intervention program for smoking college students’ strategies to increase efficacy and reduce depression may reduce the subject's dependence on nicotine.

      • A Study of teachers' reflective teaching practices on students' academic achievement in Myanmar

        KAUNG, Pyae Pyae KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        Recently, the quality of government schools is questioned and criticized due to evidences on students’ academic achievement data. According to the current educational transformations in Myanmar, teachers’ capacity building and in-service professional development became prioritized areas to develop for students’ quality education. However, the existence of various developmental constraints makes the system to find out the suitable method for teachers’ in-service professional development. Reflective teaching has been regarded as a valuable, convenient and effective practice for in-service teachers. In this regard, it is needed to explore which reflective teaching practices are useful for teachers in current practice and ultimately improve students’ academic achievement and learning. To give implications to policy makers in education field for in-service professional development of the teachers in Myanmar, this study investigated the reflective teaching practices which have effects on students’ academic achievement and therefore can be advantageous for the teachers by applying them in classroom context. This study set up the model and conducted a survey to verify the model. Regression analysis was carried out to find out the effective reflective practices. The findings presented reflective teaching practices of teachers currently in practice which have positive impacts on students’ academic achievement and observable academic competencies. Policy implications have been provided based on the research results, for further development and nurturing teachers’ reflective teaching and also some recommendations for future research limitations to improve.

      • Practical Approach on Pseudonym Changing Strategy for Urban Environment in VANETs

        KAUNG MYAT SAM Pukyong National University 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        Vehicle privacy and untraceability are important requirements in VANET. Although vehicular public key infrastructure seems to protect the vehicle privacy for certain degree, there are other privacy concerns regarding on safety messages so called heartbeat (in America) messages or beacons (in Europe). These messages used by many safety applications provide a constant stream of location data, and without any proper protection measures, they make tracking of vehicles easy even for a passive eavesdropper. One publicly accepted solution is to transmit heartbeat messages using the changed pseudonyms according to the desired period. However, if the pseudonyms are changed in an improper time or location, such solution may become the threat for vehicle privacy. In order to enhance these challenges, we present more practical method of changing pseudonym under the urban environment. Precisely, this thesis studies on the capabilities of adversary attack on pseudonym and develop the pseudonym changing analytic model by performing a simulative study of the strategy using the open source simulator VANETsim

      • Gender differences in political interest in South and Southeast Asia

        WINT, Kaung Phyo KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247342

        Numerous socioeconomic variables, including educational attainment and labor force participation, have witnessed a decline in gender disparities in recent decades. According to numerous international research studies and surveys, women appear to be less politically active and less interested than men. In this context, women in Asia have traditionally been underrepresented in politics, home, economics, and society. Therefore, this study aims to observe gender disproportion in South and Southeast Asia, generate comparative data, and test existing theories. This study utilizes data from the seventh phase of the World Values Survey (WVS) for Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. This paper is different from previous research in that it measures political interest, contentment with democracy, and non-institutionalized involvement in a greater number of nations. Quantitative techniques were used to gather and analyze data, such as descriptive analysis and regression. The OLS regression was used to find the relationship between political interest and other independent variables, and the multi-Level regression model was used to predict the political interest by gender in terms of country level democracy. The results of this study also show that socioeconomic factors and other country-level variables, like the Human Development Index, the Gross Domestic Product, and the number of women in parliament, don't have a big effect on the rise of women's interest in politics. Given these facts, this study suggests the level of liberal democracy, not resources or a patriarchal society, is the leading cause for the gender differences in political interest in South and Southeast Asia.



        RANK : 247342

        Ferromagnetic or superparamagnetic particles as MRI contrast agent present many advantages for bringing about soft tissue contrast as compared to single-ion complexes. Based on the dynamic frequency scale 1/τ and the magnetic frequency scale δω (perturber strength) of the system the relaxation behavior is categorized into five diffusion regimes. Two empirical models are proposed, one for the spin echo and the other the gradient echo sequence, to account for the relaxation dependence of such variables as sphere radius R, δω, and diffusion coefficient D in these regimes. The models are verified with the results of our spectroscopic measurements as well as simulations and experiments in the literature. Through proper scaling of the sphere radius and the relaxation rate normalized models are obtained, which maybe used to quantitatively estimate 1/<italic>T</italic><sub>2</sub> for various combinations of the variables. The models are then extended to account for effects of sphere size change upon relaxation rate of surrounding spins. The predicted 1/<italic>T</italic><sub> 2</sub> are close to simulation points for small R but not for large R. Experimental approaches were used to investigate NMR physical properties of the interior of gel network for polyacrylamide gels. Longitudinal relaxation time <italic> T</italic><sub>1</sub>, <italic>T</italic><sub>2</sub>, and D of proton spins trapped within polymer network decrease as gels reduce in size during the volume phase transition. The values fall sharply around acetone concentration of 30% to 40%, at 50% the gels appear to complete the phase transition. For gels in the contracted state T<sub>1</sub> is one order and D and <italic>T</italic><sub>2</sub> less than two orders of magnitude smaller than when in the swollen state. The internal component therefore contribute very little as compared to the external component to the total relaxation, making this situation resemble to that of the impermeable polystyrene beads where our extended empirical models seem to apply well.

      • Health AI : AI-Based Approach for Improved Healthcare Services

        Sithu Kaung Set 동국대학교 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247342

        We propose an Artificial intelligence-based approach for improve healthcare services that enables confidential use of personal health records from distributed data silos, using HL7 FHIR standard format and emerging technologies like blockchain and homomorphic encryption to ensure transparency and user control. In addition, we designed the adaptive inference scheme, that allows to predict on the edge device without the help of any server to avoid the degradation of user experience according to the time-varying network delay. We fully implemented the proposed system architecture using open sources, e.g., HAPI FHIR, Tensorflow, Microsoft TenSEAL, and Hyperledger Fabric.

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