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      • Identifying the most suitable renewable technology for electricity generation in Kazakhstan

        Kairat, Izbassov Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Kazakhstan has significant reserves of oil, gas, coal, uranium, and others, among which coal accounts for about 70% of electricity generation. Moreover, the country is an exporter of these energy resources. At the same time, the extraction of fossil resources for the production of electricity can have a serious impact on the environment. One of the types of such impacts are greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Considering this, Kazakhstan, like most countries in the world, following the Paris and other environmental agreements, considers such energy consumption to be unsustainable in the long term due to its depletion and has recently been actively pursuing a policy in the field of renewable sources. For this reason, this study made a comparison between renewable energy sources wind, solar, biogas, and waste, which are characterized by mobility for independent use in regions where there is a shortage of electricity. At the same time, for the first time, the choice was made only among the options for renewable sources, taking into account a new source of energy for Kazakhstan, obtained from waste incineration. Hydropower with a share of 10% in the country's energy sector, which is already quite developed, and therefore is not considered in this study. The AHP model is built of four criteria for assessing environmental, social, economic, and technical and the corresponding fourteen sub-criteria that are relevant to the energy policy of Kazakhstan. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted of the opinion of experts working in Kazakhstan in the field of energy, ecology, and renewable energy sources, the purpose of which was to determine the most suitable renewable technology for generating electricity in Kazakhstan. The survey results indicate that solar energy is perceived as the best alternative for renewable electricity generation in Kazakhstan, followed by wind energy, biogas, and waste. At the same time, it is confirmed that AHP, as one of the multi-criteria methods, is a suitable tool when choosing from a variety of criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives, helping to plan a sustainable energy system of the country. Compared to a similar study conducted earlier for Kazakhstan in 2017 (Ahmad, S., et al., 2017), the 2020 study highlights the increased impact of environmental and social criteria, with economic and technical criteria, when choosing suitable energy sources. And this was significantly influenced by the step-by-step decision by the state of legislative, financial, and other issues arising from the introduction of renewable energy. Based on the foregoing, the study provides officials, as well as other decision-makers, the opportunity for detailed consideration and analysis of technologies for the production of renewable electricity, taking into account the specifics of Kazakhstan.

      • Real exchange rate on economic growth : evidence from post?Soviet States

        UMARGALIYEV, Kairat KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247342

        This study investigates the relationship between the real exchange rate and economic performance for 15 Post Soviet states from 1991 to 2015. Using fixed effects method together with a dynamic panel data technique, this paper provides empirical evidences for the positive growth effects of the real exchange rate appreciation. The impact is robust after using an alternative measurement of the real exchange rate and upon applying different identification strategy.

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