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      • Study on the low cost and facile fabrication of flexible transparent electrode by using Copper nanowires

        Tran Nguyen Hung 인제대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 2861

        ABSTRACT Study on the low cost and facile fabrication of flexible transparent electrode by using Copper nanowires Tran Nguyen Hung (Advisor: Prof. Kim Hyun Chul, Ph.D) Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate School, Inje University This work describes a cost-effective, simple and green process to make flexible transparent electrodes (FTEs) with Copper nanowires (CuNWs). Firstly, we presented an edited EDA-mediated synthesis that produce high yields of high aspect ratio CuNWs in short time. Secondly, an improvement in preparation of Copper nanowires films was proposed by combining PVP solution, oven, acetic acid and mechanical pressing. The CuNWs were coated by 5% PVP ink which was harmless and low-cost. Additionally, oven heating, acetic acid treatment and mechanical pressing enhanced the quality of the CuNWs FTEs as post treatment. The Copper nanowires films fabricated by our method performed as an excellent transparent conductors for opto-devices with high transmittance, low sheet resistance and surface roughness.

      • Revalidation of the Hung Postpartum Stress Scale

        Hung, Chich-Hsiu University of Pennsylvania 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2639

        The postpartum period, or puerperium, is a transitional and potentially stressful time during which women need to face both the new tasks of the maternal role and physiological changes in their bodies. Along with these adjustments are changes in the quality of social support needed by new mothers. These changes may trigger postpartum stress, which it may make it difficult for postpartum women to function effectively in their new maternal roles. Postpartum stress may also affect maternal health adversely during the postpartum period. The ability to identify postpartum stressors early in the course of childbearing could facilitate the development of approaches to relieve postpartum stress and perhaps prevent more severe postpartum health problems. The Hung Postpartum Stress Scale was constructed over 16 years ago using a sample of Taiwanese postpartum women in a different social context. Since then, it has been used for research in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to revise and psychometrically test the Hung Postpartum Stress Scale for use in a greater number of contexts. Using a proportional stratified quota sampling of hospitals and clinics by birth rate, 861 women were sampled from clinics and hospitals in Kaohsiung City, in southern Taiwan, thereby providing an approximately 1 to 10 ratio of items to subjects to test the construct validity, discriminant validity, and internal consistency of the revised Hung Postpartum Stress Scale. Exploratory common factor analysis was done. In contrast to earlier versions of the instrument, five factors of postpartum stress were found: “concerns about maternal role attainment,” “concerns about activity changes,” “concerns about lack of social support,” “concerns about physical appearance,” and “concerns about body function.” The generalizability of the factors across the subgroups within the population showed high to moderately high coefficients of congruence by education level, employment status, planning status of the pregnancy, and number of children. The Hung Postpartum Stress Scale's use in practice and research is discussed.

      • 베트남의 대외개방정책과 베트남-한국의 수교

        Hung, Pham Viet 경희대학교 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 2607

        Vietnamese people's history is a story of war and challenges. Till the year AC 938-the year of first independent period-Vietnam was under-control of Chinese Emperors. During this time there were many independent movement but all of them were defeated by the Chinese army. Even after the yaer 938 Vietnamese people still had to fight with the enemy from the north for many times. That's why Vietnamese peoples have very high national pride and also they have a not good feeling with the interference from out side. This national pride protects the country and her peoples from the enemies but sometimes it led the country to the poor and the weakness. In 18th century, the conservative policies of Nguyen dynasty could be a good example. In the 20th century, after the long long war that finished in 1975 Vietnamese peoples tried to build they own country as strong as other powers in the areas. But the central mechanism system that has chosen by the party could not bring the country out of its underdeveloped status after the war. During the period 1979~1985 inflation rate was increasing nearly 40% per year and in the period 1986~1991 was nearly 200% while GDP growth rate was mines. Beside, the new change of the world order that depends on economic and globalization makes Vietnamese's government changing. Now almost of Vietnamese peoples understood that they could not live alone outside of the changing world. So that in the year of 1986 at the National Party Congress Communism had chooses the new way of economic mechanism. The way of market economy. In order to reach the economic target Vietnam need foreign investment, technology transfer and development experiences. There was no way for Vietnam except the way that connected with capitalism world. From 1986 Vietnam government started to carry out the open-door policy that brings the country back to the international society and attracting foreign capital investment that help developing domestic economy. Law of Foreign Investment in Vietnam was first promulgated in 1987, in year of 1989 Vietnam completely withdrew the troops out of Cambodia, and in 1991, 1995 normalized relations with China and United States. The normalization between Vietnam and Republic of Korea also in the same atmosphere. The relation between two countries started very early in the 13th century when one Vietnamese prince named Ly Long Tuong went to Ancient-Koryo and naturalized there. During 16~19th century the exchange between the countries was only through the ambassadors while they were in China. In the 20th there was nothing except the unfortunate war that gave both the countries a very serious torment. But in the age of globalization, after 1992 two contries exchange had developed on many areas. Republic of Korea now(1998) is 5th in big investment country in Vietnam and two countries trade exchange also increase by 30~40% per year(till IMF). The cooperation between two countries, one is the central nation of Northeast Asia and one is the central nation of Southeast Asia, will help both of them on the way to 21st century of challenge and competition.

      • Topics in Conditional Inference

        Hung, Ka Kin Kenneth University of California, Berkeley ProQuest Disser 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2607

        The modern data analysis process is rarely one-step, but instead paved with iterative exploratory data analyses and choices. Often data analysts are tempted to peek at the data before choosing the hypotheses to be tested. In other times, the vast amount of data is screened and not all information is accessible to the analysts. In either case, data analyses have to be carried post-selection, as a consequence of even the most innocuous exploratory data analyses. A particular method to conduct post-selection inference is conditional inference, with a few instances detailed in this work.Chapter 2 - based on Hung and Fithian (2019a) - explores a scenario where the choice of null hypothesis is dependent on the very same data used in the test. Using conditional inference, we provide a test that adapts to the data, for whichever hypothesis is most sensible. As a consequence of the adaptivity, our test is also much more powerful than the classical approaches.Chapter 3 - based on Hung and Fithian (2019b) - describes a meta-analysis where the data itself has been selected, but meaningful inference is nonetheless desired. Through conditional inference, we modified classical methods to provide post-selection inference.Finally in Chapter 4, I present unpublished work investigating an optimal method of combining information from a post-selection original experiment and a replication experiment, a current common concern in experimental psychology.

      • Reliability analysis of deflection criteria for road bridges

        LE XUAN HUNG Department of Civil Engineering Graduate School, K 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 2605

        In bridge engineering, serviceability limit state (SLS) relates to deflection, vibration, cracking and stress of bridge which affect to the durability and stability of bridges. Among them, deflection and vibration play an important role in the serviceability of bridges. Their limits are specified in design codes either for consideration or as requirements. In order to evaluate the safety level of bridge due to live load deflection, reliability analysis of deflection of bridge due to live load is performed. Firstly, A comprehensive literature review is presented and comparison is made to propose the rational methods to control bridge vibration for human comfort. To investigate the vibration and deflection criteria and applicability for bridges, actual bridges to represent typical bridge types are selected for experimental tests and theoretical study. Comparisons of the experimental results of deflection, acceleration, and frequency with the theoretical results are performed to verify the validity of the theoretical models. To ensure the applicability of the design code, bridges are redesigned so that they have minimum capacities as required by the design code. The vibration parameters of actual bridges and bridges using minimum sections are compared with current design limits and proposed criteria. To conduct reliability of deflection criteria, the verified bridge models are used to calculate the deflections due to trucks in single cases and side-by-side cases which are recorded in available weigh-in-motion (WIM) data. Mean maximum deflection for different time periods are determined by extrapolation method. The statistical parameters of deflection are also obtained. The limit state functions are established based on proposed deflection criteria. Finally, the probabilities and reliability indices of deflection criteria for fourteen bridges are calculated and compared to target reliability.



        RANK : 2604

        This thesis, titled “Essays on International Asset Pricing”, is written by Timothy Kwing Hung Chue. The thesis committee consists of Professors John Y. Campbell, Andrew Metrick and Nicholas Barberis. The first essay investigates the relationship among investor home bias, market segmentation and the correlation of international stock returns. First, we show that home bias helps to confine the effects of country-specific movements in investor risk aversion to the local market, lowering the correlations of international returns. Evidence from the predictability of returns is then presented to demonstrate that there are country-specific variations in the price of risk, supporting the hypothesis of partial segmentation. Finally, estimates of how the correlations of returns will vary when markets become completely integrated are obtained. The second essay studies the exposure of equity returns to real exchange rate movements. Following a shock to the real exchange rate, we investigate the subsequent movements of foreign returns denominated in the home currency. There does not seem to be any additional mean reversion in local currency returns on top of the mean reversion in real exchange rates documented in the PPP literature. At the same time, uncovered interest parity seems to hold when the real exchange rate is adjusting towards parity, suggesting that there is no excess return on holding the currency. From an asset allocation perspective, these evidence shows that entering a market right after its currency has depreciated does not generate superior returns. From a currency hedging perspective, this evidence suggests that investors with different horizons should hedge the real exchange rate exposure of their equity portfolios to a similar extent. The third essay examines how US monetary policy innovations affect stock returns in the G-7 countries. We find that the response of foreign returns to a US monetary contraction is negative, and the average response across countries are rather close to the response of the US returns themselves. A monetary contraction in the US tends to bring about higher foreign nominal interest rates, although not necessarily higher real interest rates. Finally, we document that the adverse effect of monetary contractions on stock returns acts primarily through their negative impact on the future cash flows of firms.

      • Nexus Between Economic Growth, Energy Consumption And Carbon Emissions : The Case Stduy In Vietnam

        Hung, Tran Thanh University of Seoul, International School of Urban 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2591

        본 연구의 전반적인 목적은 에너지 소비 및 환경 악화가 베트남의 경제 성장에 미치는 영향을 판단하는 것이다. 이 목적은 두 개의 세부 목적으로 나눠지는데, 하나는 에너지 소비가 경제 성장에 미치는 단기적/장기적 영향을 평가하는 것이고, 다른 하나는 탄소 배출량이 경제 성장에 미치는 영향을 평가하는 것이다. 단기 및 장기 탄력성을 정하기 위해 본 연구에서는 오차 수정 모형(ECM) 및 벡터 오차 수정 모형(VECM)을 채택하였다. 결과는 탄소 배출량의 경우 장기적으로는 베트남의 일인당 GDP에 유의미한 정의 영향을 미치지만 단기적으로는 유의미한 부의 영향을 끼치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 경제 성장 측면에서 보면 총 자본 및 노동력은 베트남의 일인당 GDP에 장기적으로 유의미한 정의 영향을 준다. 다만 단기적으로는 이들 인자가 유의미한 부의 영향을 미친다. This study has general objective of determining the impact of the energy consumption and the environmental degradation on the economic growth of Vietnam. This general objective is translated into two specific objectives, including the assessment of the short- and the long-run impact of energy consumption on economic growth and the assessment of the short- and the long-run impact of carbon emissions on economic growth. The error correction model (ECM) and the the vector error correction (VEC) are employed in this study in order to determine the short- and the long-run elasticities. Obtained result shows that carbon emission has positive and significant effect on the GDP per capita of Vietnam in the long-run but its effect in the short-run is negative and significant. In addition, the ecomomic growth of Vietnam received the positive and significant long-run effects of gross capital and labor on the GDP per capita of Vietnam in long-run although the effects of these factors in the short-run are negative and significant.

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