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      • 랭스턴 휴즈의 시에 나타난 린치의 양상 연구

        박숙영 전북대학교 일반대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2910

        Langston Hughes is a poet who sublimated lynching into art. What Hughes wanted to show through his poems was racial identity as black. It distinguishes himself from other black poets such as Countee Cullen who wanted to be a poet – not a negro poet. It means that Hughes has a profound insight in the life of blacks under the racial discrimination. Therefore, the history of lynching is a very important factor in the idea of racial identity that Hughes insisted. The history of lynching is not only the history of black slaves who forced out of their own land and then had no choice but to live a painful life in a heterogeneous American society but also the history of black whose identity was denied by exploitation and oppression. By using lynch for the poetic material, Hughes tried to reconstruct black identity and left almost 36 poems regarding to lynching. Hughes connects the imagery of rivers with his lynching poems, and describes the rivers with natural familiarity and fear. They are places that need to be remembered with fear. It is because lynchings often occurred along the rivers, where victims were hung from suspension bridges. For that reason rivers were overlaid with an image of a cemetery. In fact, they are the places where the blood of blacks has flowed from the heart of Africa to Mississippi. Hughes didn’t want to show a racist world but the vision of the better world through the imagery of the rivers in his poems. The Longview Race Riot in the summer of 1919 and the Scottsboro Case in 1931 show us ritual as well as cultural lynchings in American society. Originally lynching meant the immediate execution without legal procedures. On the other hand the Scottsboro Case was the attempt of the execution with legal procedures. The aspects of lynching extended to the ideological sphere in the 1950s. At that time, the craze of McCarthyism swept across America. It was especially harsher on black intellectuals like Langston Hughes. Nevertheless, he declared that the society where people were oppressed must be changed. The suffering he tried to manifest through his lynching poems were not just for black people. Regardless of the race, it was also the suffering of all people who were alienated and oppressed. He was urging for a world where every person is equal.

      • 타자로서의 흑인 여성 : 랭스턴 휴즈의 '여성시'에 나타난 네그리튀드 연구

        김유경 전북대학교 일반대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2622

        Langston Hughes is a representative black writer of the Harlem Renaissance. Unlike other black writers, he was very proud of being a black man. That is why he refused to be supported by white patrons and he wrote about negritude. He was influenced by his grandmother, Mary Langston. She was the first black woman who graduated from university. Although she was very poor, she subscribed to “Crisis” which was published weekly for black people. Further more, she made Hughes be proud of himself as the black man. Hughes started his career as a writer at “Crisis”. After she passed away, he started to live in Harlem, and he never departed from Harlem. It is said that Hughes loved living there. He wrote works about black neighbors. In particular, he wrote about black women who lived from the days of slavery until the emancipation of slaves. During the days of slavery, black women had suffered from their white owners. After emancipation, they suffered from a racial prejudice and economic difficulties. However, they were not frustrated by their condition. In his poetry, the black women were full of love and power. Through his female speakers in his poetry, he expressed not only the difficulties of black women’s life but also the strength of them. That’s why he selected black female speakers to tell negritude in his poems.

      • Characterization of Trace Gases During the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) Field Campaign

        Hughes, Stacey Cristina ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In recent years, hydrocarbon emissions from oil and natural gas (ONG) industries has been an area of extensive research in an effort to reduce air quality impacts from ONG fugitive emissions. In particular, the Northern Front Range Metropolitan. The Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) field campaign was designed to answer the scientific question: " What are the factors controlling NFRMA surface ozone and are current emission controls sufficient to reduce ozo. Specifically, this work characterized emissions from the NFRMA and the Colorado western slope, and determined emissions from the ONG industry are the dominant source of hydrocarbons throughout the study area. Furthermore, from the examination of. In response to the posed question, despite strict emission controls in Colorado, emissions from the ONG industry are still pervasive throughout the research study area. To improve local air quality and achieve NAAQS ozone attainment, the effect.

      • A descriptive study of stakeholder perceptions incorporated into strategic planning in a district threatened with state takeover

        Hughes, Joan Mottola Columbia University Teachers College 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study described a school district in New York on the verge of state takeover that became involved in strategic planning. The planning process was used to meet the state requirements and improve the local education system. Part of the planning process involved surveying teachers (102), students (631), and parents (313) regarding their perceptions about aspects of schooling in the district. The three surveys, one for each stakeholder group, had twelve common sub groups of questions for comparative purposes. The sub groups were: curriculum, climate, family support, teacher performance, computers/technology, class assignment, instructional groups, safety, student grades, library resources, student performance, and principal leadership. The study answered these research questions: “What were the perceptions of teachers and other stakeholders prior to the planning process?”; “How did the teachers agree with and/or differ from the other stakeholder groups about the nature of the district's problems?”; and “In what ways did the district use the survey results in the context of their planning process for the changes required by the State Department of Education?”. Limitations of the study included not being able to match up the responses of particular groups of teachers to their students and parents. A strategic planning model and a political reasoning model were discussed. The study showed that the stakeholders were very positive about aspects of their own performance and in agreement about the lack of resources and technology. They had an agreement about the district's problems for the other survey areas. The survey was used as the basis for the five-year strategic plan developed by the district.

      • Monte Carlo Simulations of Luminescent Solar Concentrators: A study towards improved performance

        Hughes, Michael D Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Luminescent solar concentrators (LSC) are promising devices for low-cost solar energy. LSCs typically consist of a clear sheet imbedded with luminescent specie(s). Through internal reflection, enhanced by luminescent emission, LSCs deliver concentrated light to small-area photovoltaics (PV). The work of this thesis focuses on improving the performance of LSCs through novel design, deployment, modeling, and characterization. A new design of LSC showing enhanced internal reflection is studied and is shown to be a promising multifunctional building material. Next, LSCs are leveraged to exploit the unique optical properties of ultra-thin film solar cells enhanced by plasmonic structures and more than an order of magnitude enhancement is predicted. While these initial investigations are carried out on LSCs utilizing luminescent dyes, the subsequent studies presented investigate the use of inorganic luminescent phosphor powders for a more cost-effective and robust LSC. A novel experimental and simulation approach is developed to characterize radiation transport in phosphor powders which addresses the particulate nature of luminescent phosphors. With this approach, a new LSC design utilizing luminescent phosphor films are realized for the first time and promising results of its performance are presented.

      • Cybernetic cultural art education: A framework for understanding activity in an art-based networked public

        Hughes, Heather Bette The Pennsylvania State University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study is an original exploration of an art-based online social network, or networked public, conducted to understand what is happening in the techno-cultural spaces beyond the contexts of formal schooling. Specifically, this study considers how members of the network negotiated their experiences in community through social media, and what this means for art education in the twenty-first century. As Internet technologies are being used more frequently, in more ways, by more people every day, teaching professionals need a more comprehensive understanding of how and why social media are being used and what this means for teaching and learning. This understanding is especially important for art education as a field that encompasses the study of material and visual cultures, particularly since these cultures have become increasingly digital and virtual. This study was informed by activity theory, cyber-ethnography, and information visualization, as well as by research on social media and pedagogy. For the purpose of excavating characteristics of the social network as both a previously unexplored landscape and cultural group, I collected data for the study on a daily basis over the course of five months through questionnaire responses from members of the social network, observations of the publicly visible activity happening in the social network, and analytics reports of the publicly invisible activity happening in the social network. I then processed these data into visual and conceptual models of community activity over time using iterative, layered, descriptive, inferential, qualitative analyses. The findings from this study characterize the members of the network and their interactions in the network. They include information about changes in the size and demographic properties of the social network over time, as well as trends on when, how, and why members utilized the social network. My discussion of these findings culminates in the definition of cybernetic cultural experience, cybernetic cultural systems, and pedagogies of convenience, relevance, engagement, and possibility, which together outline the novel idea of cybernetic cultural art education. This idea reflects the relationships perceived within the framework of contemporary techno-cultural spaces beyond the contexts of formal schooling, and provides a new model for understanding them. The importance of this study is that it maps a previously unmapped space for networking around art to represent the socially mediated activity through which members of an affinity group participated in opportunities for learning about art. By doing that, this study helps us understand current and potential educational experiences mediated by social technologies beyond school, and opens up opportunities for further exploration of cybernetic cultural art education.

      • Problems in the analysis of complex, high-dimensional datasets

        Hughes, Shannon Maureen Princeton University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In recent years, technological advances have rapidly expanded our data acquisition capabilities. As a result of this greater ease of acquisition, the typical modern scientific dataset has increased exponentially in both size and complexity, and the difficulties of effectively analyzing such datasets have multiplied. This thesis considers a few of the most prominent analysis challenges posed by this new wealth of data. We start by considering the problem of reconciling and fusing information from multiple acquisition modalities. We study current methods that have shown great experimental success in order to identify their most critical properties. We then propose a new, larger class of metrics, which share these previously identified properties, for this purpose. We verify that these new methods capture the experimental success of the methods we've studied, but can also incorporate additional desirable properties, such as greater computational simplicity. We then move to the problem of automatically finding underlying structure in very large datasets. In particular, we focus on the problem of finding underlying manifold structure in high-dimensional data that can be effectively parameterized by a small number of latent variables. We draw a previously unnoticed connection between a recent wave of new spectral methods for this problem and earlier criteria motivated by more physical concerns. Using this connection, we demonstrate the source of a number of typical shortcomings in the output of spectral methods and show how to correct these shortcomings. We also use these methods on fMRI datasets to attempt to characterize the brain's representation of spatial location. However, our experiments reveal that there are several challenges posed by fMRI datasets, which we detail and discuss, that current manifold learning methods can not yet handle. Finally, we look at the problem of trying to characterize an unknown or poorly understood underlying process that has generated our dataset. For this, we look to a dataset of high-resolution scans of paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and contemporaries, and we ask what distinguishes a painting generated by Van Gogh's artistic process from one by another artist. In this vein, we develop methods that allow at least 80% classification accuracy of Van Gogh paintings from those of other artists. We also develop further methods that seem to detect the hesitation of a forger or a copyist in a painting's digital image.

      • Hypothesis building using the Animal Trait Ontology

        Hughes, LaRon Maurice Iowa State University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        With the advent of sequencing projects in model organisms, humans, and domesticated livestock species, the need for storage, retrieval, and analysis of genomics information for these animals has become important. The Animal Trait Ontology (ATO) is an ontology that has been created to store the relationships between farm animal traits for several domesticated farm animals. The Collaborative Ontology Building (COB) editor was used to create and edit the ATO. An online ontology browser has been developed to search and browse the ontology and to view the relationships between the terms. Some of the traits in the ontology are linked to associated quantitative trait loci (QTL) information for each species through a tool called the Comparative Animal QTL (CAQ) tool which allows users to compare QTL experiments in livestock species. The tool allows QTL experiments to be compared based on (1) one trait given one species, and (2) two traits given one species. The effectiveness of the tool is recorded in the form of a data and statistical analysis which demonstrates its use in examining pleiotropic effects for traits in the pig. In addition, the Human and Animal Trait Ontology is discussed and it will form an agglomeration of several different species ontologies, including the ATO, that will form a consensus for describing phenotypes and traits across different disease models.

      • Nihilism and organicism: An ontology of postmodern American fiction (Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Thomas Pynchon)

        Hughes, William R University of Michigan 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study advances a distinct form of ontological literary criticism and demonstrates its application to postmodernist fictions. The approach embarks from Ricoeur's conception of literary texts as possible worlds in which readers may orient their horizons of understanding. The implication in Ricoeur is that fictionalizing is grounded in the capacity of ontological projection, the transcendence of ontological thrownness, which permits the creation of imaginary horizons of Being and alternative modes of Being-in-a-world. Ontological projection, in this light, becomes the defining element of fiction. Since, following Heidegger, worldhood is an <italic>a priori</italic> structure of Dasein's Being, fictional Daseins can be projected only as they inhabit a world, but the kind of world projected also contours the Being of fictional Daseins. Through a method similar to the hermeneutic phenomenology of <italic> Being and Time</italic>, the dissertation analyzes nihilistic and organic structures in text-worlds as they constitute the ground of possibility and examines Dasein as it is influenced by and oriented toward the Being of text-world entities. Both nihilism and organicism are perspectives bringing together a variety of ideas in metaphysics, politics, ethics, and psychology, related ultimately to an ontological stance. Whereas nihilism denies truth or meaning in a condition of alienation between Dasein and world, organicism conceives of a world as a living unity, incorporating Dasein into processes of growth and creative advance. Their dialectic in postmodern fiction takes forms ranging from pure opposition to complete synthesis. In the novels of Mailer, Vonnegut, and Pynchon, the major authors examined in the study, synthesis is most often partial, involving an integration of elements from both ontologies. Mailer projects nihilistic forces as residents in the flesh of organisms, which channel the destructive energies toward increasing vitality. In Vonnegut, the human organism is the source of nihilism, a mental state made possible by the peculiar configuration of the large human brain. Pynchon's early text-worlds display an oppositional structure, while <italic>Gravity's Rainbow</italic> subsumes both ontologies into a Oneness posited beyond the grasp of the human mind. The synthesis of such ostensively incompatible ontologies is among the most profound and surprising formulations of postmodernist fiction.

      • Social class and college choice in an independent school

        Hughes, Erin Purcell University of Pennsylvania 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        High school graduates are seeking access to college in record numbers, and a significant percentage of those graduates are angling for admission to elite colleges. Yet, while there is clear evidence of the benefits of attending elite colleges, there is also an increasing disparity between who has access to elite colleges and who does not. This dissertation examines the college choice processes of students from different social classes who attend the same elite, independent school. It stands to reason that students on financial aid at an independent school might be able to parlay their social and educational experiences into admissions offers from elite colleges. While independent schools and elite colleges are assumed to be vehicles of social mobility, my experience as a college counselor at such a school has provided many examples of how an independent school education has further privileged the already class-privileged students more than it has the financial aid students. My anecdotal observations led me to pose the following research questions for this study: (1) How do independent school students from different social classes manage and make sense of the college choice process? (2) What are the implications of any class-based differences in the college choice process for social reproduction? Using an interpretive approach, qualitative methods, and data primarily from 46 interviews, I studied ten families (five full-pay and five financial aid) as their children negotiated the college process throughout senior year of high school. The data revealed class-based differences in the ways in which families raised their children, oriented students towards school and college, interacted with the school, and employed resources to help children in the college process. As these differences disadvantaged poorer student, these findings highlight the need to explore further the ways in which socioeconomic diversity or class differences play out in independent school settings. The findings also reveal the need for independent schools to: (1) bridge the disconnect between what the schools say and truly want to provide and what families say and truly want from the school, and (2) be open, fair, and transparent in matters of schooling and college choice.

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