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      • An examination of the relationship between participation in academic-centered peer interactions and students' achievement and retention in mathematics-based majors

        Howell, Kadian Marisa University of Maryland, College Park 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This mixed-method study employed quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the nature of first-year undergraduate students' experiences learning mathematics with peers through interactions that have an academic focus and how participation in these experiences (in and outside of math classrooms) relate to students' academic success in precalculus and calculus courses and their retention in mathematics- and science-based programs. Quantitative and qualitative results provided evidence that students have different experiences learning mathematics in-class and outside of class by race/ethnicity, gender, and ability (determined by students' first semester math course). Descriptive statistics and correlation analyses revealed that in both of these contexts first semester math course had the strongest relationship to students' level of participation in ACPIs. ANOVAs and multiple comparisons revealed differences in students' participation in in-class ACPIs by race/ethnicity and ability. Regression analyses revealed that the math course in which students enrolled for their first semester and for their second semester was predictive of students' math course grades during each of those semesters. Students' level of participation in ACPIs did not predict their academic achievement in mathematics or their retention in undergraduate math- and science-based programs after one year. Qualitative analyses resulted in the following assertions (1) When students struggle with learning mathematics their primary resource is the course text. (2) Students recognize the benefit of learning mathematics with other students both in- and outside of class, but they do not do it outside of class! and (3) Formally-organized, out-of-class interactions with undergraduates, TAs, faculty, and professors in math- and science-based programs have a strong influence in helping students to connect with others in these programs. Students report that this can influence their persistence in undergraduate math- and science-based programs. Results of this study provided information about students' learning experiences that can be valuable to undergraduate math and math education faculty and university administrators who are interested in improving undergraduate mathematics education.

      • Everyday mixtures: American mixed form

        Howell, Sharon Louise Harvard University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation identifies, situates, and examines American poetic "mixed form," beginning with the late work of Walt Whitman, continuing through modernists William Carlos Williams and Gertrude Stein, and ending with contemporary poet John Ashbery. After Leaves of Grass, Whitman happens upon an adventitious mixture of prose and poetry that is the philosophical and aesthetic precursor to modernist mixed form: it reinserts the lyric, poetic "self" into the prose of physical reality, replete with sensuous facts, time, and the rich texture of experience inflecting voice and perspective. Using Whitman's example, and the medieval concept of "mixed form" (prosimetrum ) conveying mixtures of philosophical gravity with personality, theory with emotional variation, and chaste with rude (rather than connecting to visual art, French poeme en prose, or nineteenth century metaphysical "mixed form narrative") the study asserts that this particular form helps poets render the "mixed nature of experience." Williams's experiments with mixed form, in Spring and All and Paterson, alternate poetry with prose both to create "repulsions" and disturbances that "dynamize" simple lyrics "into reality," and also re-embed those lyrics in their unrefined sources. In the "Rooms" section of Tender Buttons, Stanzas in Meditation, and Henry James, Stein links the choice between poetry or prose to problems of expressing emotion, portraying everyday experience, combining direct and indirect knowledges, establishing levels of presence, and self-positioning. John Ashbery's Three Poems alternates prose with verse in order to switch points of view, play on perceptions, and create levels of lyric activity by literalizing the status of poetry as "exclusive" or "elevated," and prose as "pedestrian." Ashbery's mixed-form pieces in The Tennis Court Oath, Hotel Lautreamont, and The Double Dream of Spring also variously restore the physical and temporal to abstract texts. In the Jamesian and Emersonian traditions, informed also by Bergson's notions about how we experience time and movement, Williams's daily involvement with anatomical science, and Whitman's struggle with Deistic ideas about transubstantiation of matter at death, mixed form lets poets portray not only the mixed texture, but the mixed nature of our lived experience.

      • Application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to the structure determination of the integral membrane proteins of the Mer operon

        Howell, Stanley Casimir University of California, San Diego 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Efforts at elucidating the structural biology of membrane proteins represent an ongoing challenge to conventional methods of structure determination. The emergence of new methods for the measurement and application of orientational restraints have offered new avenues of pursuing the determination of membrane protein structures. Presented in this thesis is the evolution of experimental and computation methods necessary to extend NMR based structure determination methods to the polytopic mercuric ion transport proteins of the mer operon. Primary structural efforts are focused upon the bi-spanning protein, MerF, using solution-state NMR methods on protein reconstituted into isotropic and weakly aligned micelles and solid-state NMR methods on protein reconstituted into statically aligned bicelles. The application of the methods developed for MerF are applied to a tri-spanning chimeric protein, MerT f, to extend the NMR based methodology toward the structure determination of the principal mercuric ion transporter, MerT.

      • Assessing Resilience in Preschool Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Utilizing Multiple Informants and Evaluating the Impact of the Preschool Kids' Club Intervention

        Howell, Kathryn Helen University of Michigan 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This three study dissertation evaluates resilience in preschool children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV). The first study compared mothers' and child therapists' assessments of resilience in preschoolers exposed to IPV to determine if they were consistent. Results revealed that group therapists' ratings of resilience were negatively correlated with children's externalizing, but not internalizing, behavior problems. Further, findings indicated poor rater agreement between mothers and group therapists on the measure of emotion regulation, but not the measure of prosocial skills. Mothers' emotion regulation scores were significantly lower than therapists'; however, therapists' scores were consistent with national data on high-risk children. Finally, resilience evaluations differed based on specific demographic factors, with the most variability for the youngest cohort of children. The second study assessed whether participation in an intervention program enhanced resilience in preschool-age children exposed to IPV. This study also compared preschool children who did and did not receive intervention services to evaluate change in resilience over time from baseline to approximately five weeks later. Results indicated that children who had the highest prosocial skills scores before the intervention exhibited a significant increase in their post-intervention scores, if they participated in the intervention program. Further, a higher pre-intervention score and less severe violence predicted greater change in prosocial skills for children in the intervention program. The final study examined resilience in preschoolers at a six month follow-up. In addition to evaluating longer-term change in resilience, this study identified protective factors that predicted such change. Hierarchical linear modeling was used and results indicated that neither treatment nor time had main effects on prosocial skills or emotion regulation, i.e. scores remained static in the experimental and comparison groups over time. Further analyses revealed that follow-up prosocial skills and emotion regulation scores were predicted by unique protective factors. Higher prosocial skills were predicted by less severe violence and greater maternal coping, whereas emotion regulation was predicted by fewer child externalizing problems and the use of less negative parenting strategies. These studies offer insight into the lasting changes that may be seen in preschool children who have witnessed violence in the home.

      • Function of the Wnt3 gene is required for mouse gastrulation

        Howell, William Dwight The University of Utah 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Gastrulation is the complex series of cell movements from which the axes and germ layers of the embryo emerge. Mutations in a number of genes perturb gastrulation with respect to cell movements and gene expression. Which genes are responsible for the initiation of gastrulation has been heretofore unknown. However, ectopic activation of the <italic>Wnt</italic>-signaling cascade in <italic>Xenopus laevis</italic> embryos has suggested that components of this pathway may have a central role in gastrulation. Presented in this dissertation are the results of disruption of the mouse <italic> Wnt3</italic> gene by homologous recombination. Mice heterozygous for the <italic> Wnt3</italic> mutation are normal and fertile. Contrastingly, mice that are homozygous for the <italic>Wnt3</italic> mutation arrest in their developmental program at the egg cylinder-stage and eventually undergo necrosis. <italic> Wnt3</italic> homozygotes display neither histological not molecular marker evidence of a primitive streak. The embryonic ectoderm is abnormally thickened in <italic>Wnt3</italic> homozygotes, but exhibits a normal pattern of gene expression. Other tissues in the <italic>Wnt3</italic> homozygotes, the extraembryonic ectoderm, the visceral endoderm, and the parietal endoderm, manifest normal histology and patterns of gene expression. There is a diminished rate of cell proliferation in embryos homozygous for the <italic>Wnt3</italic> mutation. In conclusion, function of the <italic>Wnt3</italic> gene appears to be a requisite for the initiation of gastrulation and formation of a primitive streak.

      • Setsuwa, knowledge, and the culture of reading and writing in medieval Japan

        Howell, Thomas Raymond, Jr University of Pennsylvania 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        In the <italic>Konjaku monogatarishû</italic>, a large collection of Buddhist and secular narratives compiled by an unknown author in early medieval Japan, each story is given with opening and closing formulaic expressions that present it as the result of an oral transmission, even though the stories were actually assembled from written texts. This recourse to simulated orality is not a literary device, but part of a reaction to the complicated legacy of the Japanese adaption of Chinese written culture, and, on a more immediate level, an attempt to open up a new space of general knowledge within the restricted, often secretive realm of canonical texts. The Konjaku monogatarishû attempts to provide a complete description of the world by drawing materials from all levels of the canon and placing them on the same plane of apparent oral derivation. The ideal recipient for this is a general reader, rather than the text specialist. To understand how this attempt became possible, I survey early Japanese approaches to reading and writing, from their use of texts in religious rituals, to the impact of archival documents upon their daily lives. I then examine the <italic>Konjaku monogatarishû</italic>, comparing it to other roughly contemporary works, such as the <italic>Ôkagami </italic> and Ôe Masafusa's <italic>Gôdanshô</italic>, that also position themselves somewhere ii between oral and textual authority. Evoking a powerful image of orality, rather than writing down an actual oral transmission, these texts were experiments in non-hierarchical ways of representing the world, also functioning as proposals for new strategies of reading and absorbing knowledge.

      • Effective use of class Web sites

        Howell, Kevin Ray Vanderbilt University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study had two purposes. One purpose involved an examination of the process of creating and implementing an educational World Wide Web site designed to supplement an existing course. The second purpose measured students' rate of adoption of computer support tools, in particular the model class Web site. The latter was adapted from a study at the University of Calgary by Cote (1998). The Cote study measured students' rate of adoption of the same computer support tools and a computerized histology program. This study provides current and future faculty at the postsecondary level a model to use in supplementing their courses with some on-line content. A complete template is available for faculty use in supplementing their classes with their own content on the World Wide Web. This study also provides some ideas about which type of student benefits the most from using a class Web site. This study concluded that the class Web site is a feature that students use and appreciate. Students use computer resources for things they want to, more than the things they have to, and students want faster access to information. Students are more clearly divided on the basis of their abilities, attitudes, and beliefs than on demographics as to their views of computer support tools and the class Web site. This study shows the importance of knowing what the abilities, attitudes, and beliefs of students are in a class. Just knowing that juniors will be taking a particular class does not provide enough information to justify heavy use of a class Web site.

      • Extended MHD Study of Interchange Modes in Spheromaks

        Howell, Eric C The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Extended MHD effects on pressure driven interchange modes are studied in decaying spheromak equilibria. Equilibria at conditions relevant to high temperature SSPX [Hooper et al., Nucl. Fus. 1999] discharges are ideal interchange unstable. Extended MHD introduces drifts which have a stabilizing effect, reducing the linear growth rate, on the high-n modes. However, extended MHD has a mixed effect on the low-n modes. The low- n modes have the greatest impact on confinement. In some cases extended MHD is destabilizing, increasing the growth rate, while in other cases extended MHD is stabilizing. A cylindrical screw-pinch model that approximates decaying spheromaks, is studied to better understand the lack of stabilization on the low- n modes. The extended MHD effects reduce the growth rate at small Hall parameter, but a second instability exists at finite Hall parameter. The second mode grows at a rate comparable to the MHD interchange mode. The diamagnetic heat flux has an important stabilizing effect, delaying the onset of the second mode. In calculations that neglect the diamagnetic heat flux, the second mode is dominant at experimentally relevant Hall parameters, and its growth rate exceeds the MHD growth rate. However, including the diamagnetic heat flux delays the onset of the second mode. Here significant stabilization is observed at experiential conditions for Suydam parameters D s<1. This is four times the marginal ideal stable condition. An extended MHD dispersion relation for the gravitational interchange mode [Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008] is analyzed to understand the nature of the second instability. The inclusion of the two-fluid Ohm's law introduces an ion drift wave. The ion drift wave can interact with the gravitational interchange mode producing a second instability.

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