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      • A qualitative analysis of the Charter and mission statement and its articulation in presidential communication at a historically Black university

        Turner, Kimberley Alexis Howard University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247391

        This study sought to identify core principles of an African-American organization and their discursive relationship with a Black cultural nationalist worldview. A qualitative analysis research design was chosen as an appropriate means of obtaining data relevant to the identification of Black cultural Nationalist values in the Charter and mission statement and the articulation of these values by former presidents of Howard University during the period of 1926--1931 and 1969--1974. Using an African-centered paradigm, this exploratory study identified core Black cultural Nationalist values of an African American organization, namely Howard University, a Historically Black University consistent with an Afrocentric philosophy or worldview in the Charter and Mission Statement and presidential communication. Findings reveal the presence and significance of the collectivist ethos embedded in the underlying cultural values in the Charter, Mission Statement and presidential speeches at Howard University, a Historically Black University. For Historically Black Colleges and Universities during the periods studied, the major purpose was to prepare students to be leaders for the uplift of the African-American community utilizing these cultural values.

      • 하워드 가드너(Howard Gardner 1943~)의 다중지능이론을 적용한 미술감상교육 수업방안연구 : 중등학교를 중심으로

        배항운 중앙대학교 교육대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247389

        This study suggests a scheme of effective art appreciation instruction applying Gardner’s theory in the background of linkages between ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligence,’ and ‘2009 Revised Secondary Art Education.’ The study proposed ‘restructuring’ of integrated appreciation instruction from learners as subjective enjoyers after getting out of directed and structured form’s delivery in the meantime, and then looked into corresponding researches and cases. In Chapter 1, this study considered educational paradigm’s changes resulting in ‘constructivism’ from ‘behaviorism,’ and examined historical performances of educational philosophy at the same time. In Chapter 2, the study reviewed 9 intelligences becoming bases of the theory of multiple intelligence, and then tried to compare it with traditional ones. Through this comparison, the meaning on theory of intelligence can be confirmed as integrated and systematic instruction’s variables. In Chapter 3, this study looked into domestic and overseas cases applying the theory of multiple intelligence, and then investigated application states of the theory and art appreciation introduction’s importance through analyzing 2009 revised secondary art curriculum in the Chapter 4. Finally, the study finished discussions by suggesting a teaching-learning scheme considering conformity with revised curriculum’s directions. Currently overall goals of art curriculum in our county are lied ‘in growing up aesthetic sensitivity, creative expression ability, and critical one through various activities of the art, and also raising competences and attitudes through which the art culture can be enjoyed.’ Specially, meaningful instructions in the integrated experiences and daily life are being emphasized. In this meaning, changes in the art appreciation instruction and exploratory curriculum based on the learner’s positive subjectivity and integration between knowledge and daily life are required. Past instructing lectures on the art and appreciation guides have been progressed mainly with reference artworks presented in the textbook or well-known works to the public. Also, there were many cases of receptive learning rather than student’s positive participations from instructing forms of investigating data and then presenting it. This method had difficult conditions in considering learner’s interests, excitement, and personal experiences. However, in art appreciation instructions applying the theory of multiple intelligence, students set up various minor themes related to the grand thesis and then investigated it. That is, students search for selected subjects in person and collected required appreciation artworks in many ways, and then make their works by applying own experiences and viewpoints after comparing and analyzing it. Also, they rectify, supplement, and deepen the process while continuously reflecting overall plans on the project activity and procedure’s fitness. In case of proceeding it after making small groups, students become to widen understandings on the work through opinion exchanges with colleague friends. Through instructions, learners come to recover subjective viewpoints, and have meaningful learning connected with own life. Teachers become to take charge of roles as colleague learner and advisor within constructivist learning styles, and can make meaningful understanding and affection on the work occurred during the instructing process. Grafting between the art appreciation and theory of multiple intelligence suggested in this study recognizes students’ differences of multi-dimensional knowledge compositions, and proposes a success possibility of own learning plans to all students through ‘customized teaching strategy and activity’s diversification’ of the art considering the different points. 본 연구는 ‘다중지능 이론’과 다가올 ‘2009 개정 중등 미술교육’과의 연계성을 배경으로 가드너의 이론을 적용한 효율적인 미술 감상 수업의 방안을 제시한다. 감상교육이 그간의 지시적이고 구조화된 양식의 전달에서 벗어나, 주체적인 향수자로서 학습자의 통합적인 감상수업의 ‘재구조화’가 이루어질 것을 제언하고 이에 따른 연구와 사례들을 살펴보았다. 제 1장에서는 ‘행동주의’에서 ‘구성주의’로 귀결되는 교육의 패러다임 변화를 고찰하며 교육 철학의 시대적 이행을 살펴보았다. 제 2장에서는 다중지능이론의 기반이 되는 아홉 가지 지능을 알아보고, 전통적 지능관과의 차이를 비교해 보았다. 이를 통해 다중지능이론의 통합적이고 체제적인 수업의 변인으로서 의미를 확인 할 수 있다. 제 3장에서는 다중지능이론이 적용된 국외사례와 국내사례를 살펴본 후, 제 4장에서 우리나라 2009 개정 중등 미술교육과정의 분석을 통해 이론의 적용실태와 미술 감상 교육의 중요성을 살펴보았다. 끝으로 개정 교육과정의 방향과의 일치성을 고려한 교수-학습 계획안을 제시함으로서 논의를 마무리 지었다. 현재 우리나라 미술과 교육과정의 총괄목표는 ‘미술의 다양한 활동을 통하여 미적 감수성, 창의적 표현능력, 비평능력을 기르고, 미술문화를 향수할 수 있는 능역과 태도를 기른다.’이다. 특히, 각 영역의 통합적 경험과 생활 속에서의 유의미한 수업이 강조되고 있다. 이런 의미에서 미술 감상지도와 학습자의 능동적 주체성 및 지식과 생활의 통합성을 바탕으로 한 탐구적인 교육과정의 변화가 필요한 것이다. 기존의 미술과 감상지도는 교과서에 제시되어 있는 참고작품이나 대중들에게 많이 알려진 작품들을 위주로 교사의 강의식 수업이 진행되었다. 자료를 조사하고 발표하는 형식의 수업 형태에서도 학생의 능동적인 참여가 이루어지기보다 지식의 수용적 습득이 많았다. 이는 학습자들의 관심과 흥미, 개인적 경험은 고려되기 힘든 조건이다. 하지만 다중지능이론을 적용한 미술 감상수업에서는 대주제와 관련된 다양한 소주제를 직접 설정하고 탐구한다. 즉, 스스로 자신이 원하는 주제를 탐구하고, 그에 필요한 감상 작품들을 다방면으로 수집하고 비교, 분석 한 후 자신의 경험과 관점을 적용하여 작품을 제작하는 것이다. 또한 프로젝트 활동 전반에 관한 계획과 과정의 적합성을 끊임없이 반성하며, 수정, 보완, 심화한다. 소집단을 이루어 진행할 경우 동료 친구들과 의견교환을 통해 작품에 대한 이해를 더 넓히게 된다. 수업을 통해 학습자들은 주체적인 시각을 회복하게 되고 자신의 삶과 연결되는 유의미한 학습을 한다. 교사는 구성주의적 학습형태 안에서 동료학습자, 조언자로서의 역할을 담당하게 되며 수업의 과정 속에서 작품에 대한 의미 있는 이해와 애정이 생길 수 있도록 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 미술 감상과 다중지능이론의 접목은 학생들의 다차원적인 지식 구성의 차이를 인정하고, 이를 고려한 미술의 ‘맞춤식 교수 전략과 활동의 다양화’를 통해 모든 학생들이 자신만의 학습계획에서의 성공 가능성을 제안한다.

      • Organizational sensemaking: Its application to a university's course scheduling process

        Leiba, Trevor George Howard University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247375

        The major purpose of this study was to gain an understanding on how administrators make sense of the course scheduling process at Howard University (HU). The theory of organizational sensemaking (Weick, 1995) was used. Sensemaking includes seven distinguishing characteristics: identity, retrospect, enactment, social, ongoing, cues, and plausibility. The study also aimed to get feedback from administrators regarding the efficiency of the course scheduling process. Moreover, it attempted to get feedback from undergraduate students on the efficiency of the Fall 2000 course reservation. This qualitative case study used focus group and individual interviews to elicit data from administrators who are involved in the course scheduling process at HU. Administrative participants included those from Enrollment Management (EM) and the academic departments of the College of Arts and Sciences (AS), the School of Business (SB), and the School of Communications (SC). Of the 19 administrative participants, eight were from AS, five were from SC, two were from SB, and four were from EM. Focus groups were used to gather information from the undergraduate students. Of the 37 student participants, 13 were from SB, 12 were from AS, and 12 were from SC. Administrative participants had a negative identity of the overall process. They spoke with great retrospect on the process. Participants described the enactment process in putting together the course schedule. Although the process is a highly social one, many from the academic departments said the lines of communication with EM are poor. The process is ongoing. There were many cues of discontinuities identified. It did not appear that plausible decisions were being made in the overall process. The process was operating under high ambiguity and uncertainty. Administrative participants' mean rating of the efficiency of the overall process was 3.58 (below average and average). The students' mean rating of the Fall 2000 course reservation was 3.92 (just short of average). <italic>Recommendations</italic>. A taskforce should examine the course scheduling process for issues such as planning and execution, facilities and rooms, teaching, technology, staffing in EM, overrides, etc.; based on taskforce's recommendations, EM should take the lead in organizing the course scheduling process; there should be two registration periods in the summer for incoming students; and students need to participate in General Mandatory Registration and not wait for Late Registration. Further research needs to be done on course scheduling and course reservation at HU.

      • Investigating the influence of mortality salience, worldview threat and group identity on perceptions of ingroup and outgroup targets

        Lee, Anna K Howard University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247375

        The focus of this research was to examine the effect of mortality salience, cultural worldview threat and target group identity on perceptions of an outgroup target. Of particular interest was the extent to which mortality salience would influence participants' recategorization processes. In other words, this research explored whether, and, if so, to what degree, mortality salience attenuates recategorization processes. The unique and novel aspect of this work was the focus on recategorization processes. Participants (N = 128) were introductory psychology students from Howard University in Washington, DC. Participants completed pre-measures of group categorization, favorability, stereotyping and social distance. Participants were then randomly assigned to be in the mortality salient versus non-salient condition. Next participants read about either an African American or Arab target person who expressed a threatening or non-threatening cultural worldview. Then participants completed postmeasures of group categorization, favorability, stereotyping and social distance. Results of this study revealed significant differences between participants in the mortality salient condition and those in the mortality non-salient condition regarding the extent to which participants were willing to recategorize the outgroup (i.e., Arabs). Future research should examine the conditions under which and the extent to which mortality salience influences categorization processes and how we categorize different types of groups (i.e., ethnic, social or political groups). In conclusion, this study has added to terror management research by showing that significant differences in recategorization and stereotyping did exist between participants in the mortality salient and mortality non-salient conditions. This research demonstrated some support for the notion that mortality salience influences categorization processes. Findings of this study should be extended in work that further explicates the nature of the relationship between mortality salience and group categorization processes.

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