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      • Defining the cellular specificity of the cholesterol-dependent cytolysins

        Giddings, Kara Sue The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) constitute one of the largest families of pore-forming toxins known. The CDCs exhibit several defining features that include an absolute dependence of their cytolytic mechanism on the presence of membrane cholesterol, a highly conserved undecapeptide motif near the carboxy terminus of each protein, and the formation of an exceptionally large pore. The CDCs function exclusively on cholesterol-containing membranes, and therefore, it has been the long-held belief that cholesterol serves as the common receptor for all CDCs. However, one member of this toxin family, Streptotoccus intermedius intermedilysin (ILY), exhibits a restricted cellular specificity that is seemingly inconsistent with this premise. ILY also contains nonconservative substitutions within the conserved undedcapeptide region. Based on these two lines of evidence, a detailed analysis of the various stages in the cytolytic mechanism of the CDCs has been undertaken to establish the basis of their cellular specificity. Specifically, ILY has been used as tool to investigate the role of cholesterol and the conserved undecapeptide in the CDC mechanism. The study of ILY has revealed several novel features that contribute to a better understanding of the structure and function of these toxins.

      • Factors influencing teaching style in block-scheduled science classrooms

        Schoen Giddings, Linda Hofstra University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2590

        This survey study sought to determine the extent to which teachers' personal belief systems, the leadership practices of the principal, and the nature of the organization as a professional learning community influence their teaching methodologies. The data were contributed by 172 South Carolina science teachers from 65 4 x 4 block-scheduled high schools. The teachers were pre-identified by teaching style as predominantly constructivist or traditional. The online survey consisted of two parts. Part I was the CTBA (Torff & Warburton 2005), which examined teacher beliefs regarding critical-thinking classroom strategies. Part II was the short form of the LOLSO Project Questionnaires (Shins et al., 2002), which examined teacher perceptions of their principal as a transformational leader and of their school as a learning organization. Logistic regression analysis identified two significant factors differentiating constructivist and traditional teachers. Traditional teachers were more likely to believe that low critical-thinking strategies were appropriate strategies for use in the classroom and constructivist teachers were more likely to perceive their schools as learning organizations. These two factors, when entered into the logistic regression predictive equation, could predict group membership with a 61% accuracy level. While not a differentiating factor, there was also a strong correlation between leadership and organizational learning (r = .86). These findings are consistent with other research that has found that schools which are learning organizations support more constructivist pedagogy and student-centered classrooms and are dependent upon strong support from school leadership.

      • The Lyrikabend of 11 December 1962: GDR poetry's "Geburtsstunde" as historiographic artifact (Germany)

        Ng, Alan Gid-Mon The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 1549

        The poetry reading organized by Stephan Hermlin at the East Berlin Academy of Arts on 11 December 1962 is recognized as a watershed event in the history of GDR literature. This dissertation examines the formation in East and West of the legends surrounding the reading. Chapter 1 presents a genealogy of <italic> Lyrikabend</italic> reception through 1984. Political instrumentalizations of this poetry reading reflect ideological polemics in the GDR press as read by FRG observers. Literary conceptions of the reading through 1984 ignore the primary poetic texts and take the reading to stand for a nearly arbitrary range of literary developments. A reliance on the “opinio communis” among Germanists leads Wolfgang Emmerich finally in 1983 to conclude that the <italic>Lyrikabend</italic> was “die eigentliche Geburtsstunde der <italic> DDR</italic>-Lyrik.” A survey of trends in Western historiography of GDR poetry establishes a process of critical canonization which reveals Emmerich's thesis as a reflection of trends in Germanistik rather than of knowledge of the <italic>Lyrikabend</italic>. Chapter 2 finds a less fragmented set of views after 1984 which, despite methodological improvements, retain the focus on the reading's political aftermath. Chapter 3 presents new archival research to answer questions left open by <italic>Lyrikabend</italic> commentary to date, particularly regarding the reading's prehistory. The analysis aims to satisfy interest in GDR <italic>Öffentlichkeit</italic> and the process of literary-historical change, concepts which emerge in chapter 2 as major categories of recent <italic>Lyrikabend</italic> reception. Two discoveries are presented: an increase in public, grass-roots interest in poetry in the GDR began already earlier in 1962; and the well-established, massively popular poetry scene in Moscow involving the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko exercised significant influence in the GDR. Pursuing more literary questions, the vanguard role of love poetry during 1962 figures as a crucial and previously ignored forerunner of the poetic shifts historians have identified around the time of the <italic> Lyrikabend</italic>. Finally the sixty-three poems selected by Hermlin are briefly surveyed in order to demonstrate their remarkable literary span. The poems emerge as a complex performance of a dance between the publicly discursive and privately lyrical spheres which GDR poetry inhabited.

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