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      • Design and Implementation of Acoustic Scanner for Non-Destructive Testing Application

        GEBREMEDHIN YONATAN ATAKLTI 부경대학교 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 233007

        Acoustic scanners refer to scanning a sample using ultrasound waves. Due to the nature and capability of sound to go through different materials and in return exhibits distinct feedback as it travels through a different medium, ultrasound stands out in detecting and identifying defects in a non-destructive way. In this research work, the principles of Hilbert transformation along with the gray color contour mechanism is used for data acquisition, Process, and image formation. In order to get the expected result LabVIEW based motor control, scanning function blocks are constructed. For ease of user (inspection personnel), the end-user graphical user interface is developed. System-level development and integration is achieved by using an immersion transducer, Motion control, and OHlabs pulser receiver. Encoder signal is collected using ATmega processor for synchronized tasking between motor driver and pulser receiver as well as National Instrument (NI) based digital oscilloscope. As a result, top surface scanning is conducted, and encouraging output is observed. However, for an advanced and precise result, the writer of this paper believes that further study and detailed work are needed.

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