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      • Myo2 regulation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

        Friend, Janice Elizabeth Yale University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Cell division requires complex molecular assemblies, which are regulated by diverse signals. Proper segregation of genetic material during cell division depends on a contractile ring positioned between the separated nuclei; this ring includes as essential components actin and myosin. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, myosin (Myo2p) localizes to nodes in early mitosis, then condenses into a medial ring which constricts and disappears. Myosin assembly is controlled primarily through its tail domain, which determines if it will form coiled-coil dimers and/or higher order assemblies such as minifilaments. With this in mind, I performed a series of in vivo truncation experiments to determine the minimal portion of the myosin tail necessary for function. Overexpression in live cells causes severe phenotypes, which are proportional to the length of the fragment present; 81 C-terminal amino acids do not localize to the contractile ring, but 165 amino acids do. I subsequently used purified recombinant myosin tail proteins and native Myo2p protein to characterize assembly properties. These proteins all form large aggregates in low salt, instead of filaments or minifilaments. I investigated phosphorylation of the fission yeast Myo2p heavy chain; it is phosphorylated in vivo on serine-1444. Like myosin-II from other species, Myo2 has two heads and a coiled-coiled tail 68 nm long. Phosphorylation does not change Myo2's enzymatic or actin binding activity. A large screen of budding yeast protein kinases found that a type I calmodulin-dependent kinase phosphorylates serine-1444 of Myo2p. Deletion of the fission yeast gene for calmodulin-dependent kinase 1 cm1l + caused dramatic delays in ring assembly and constriction compared to wild-type cells and made more variable the progress of cytokinesis, but the cells are viable, so other kinases may also act on serine-1444, albeit in a less coordinated manner. Our findings indicate that Cmk1p plays a role in coordinating cytokinetic synchronicity and timing, perhaps through effects on interactions of Myo2p with other proteins.

      • "Don't Watch This Video!" Online Privacy, Porn, Sutura, and Health Among Senegal's Digital Dissidents

        Friend, Juliana G ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation explores how sutura – the Senegalese ethic of discretion – has transformed within shifting landscapes of digital media use. In historically contingent ways, sutura has predicated one’s moral legitimacy, legible gender identity, and national belonging on one’s ability to shield aspects of life considered “intimate” from public view. Those who disrupt gender expectations may be construed as lacking sutura. This can undermine their claims to moral belonging. What happens when social media allows users to share intimate life with wide audiences in real time? What does digital media use entail for sutura, and for the configurations of gender and moral belonging invoked in its name? I show that fears of non-consensual digital exposure and image-based sexual abuse have grown in tandem with the importance of digitally mediated intimacy as a site for defining oneself as an ethical Senegalese subject. This affects sexually stigmatized Senegalese acutely and paradoxically. For example, sex workers face high risks of non-consensual exposure online. Yet others may accuse them of transgressing sutura through purported “digital dissidence,” indiscreet or excessively embodied online behavior.Rather than provoking straightforward censorship, perceived digital transgressions of sutura produce unlikely collaborations between “digital dissidents” and institutions that seek to align everyday practices with national ideals of ethical intimacy. Drawing on over 18 months of ethnography and participatory action research, I trace these unlikely interactions across multiple sites: from digital sexual health programs, to Muslim youth groups, to pornography production.In this dissertation, sutura is more than an object of research. I argue that sutura challenges the intransigent analytical distinction between “communication” and “health.” Moreover, it illustrates the gendered operation of health/communicative inequities. Magnified by anxieties about social media’s capacity to multiply affective or erotic attachments, sutura may be invoked to conflate communicative excess with bodily excess, and associate both with gendered illegibility. However, digital dissidents reject the devaluing of their communicative practice. For them, sutura is not a boundary dividing the “intimate” from the “public,” but rather, a practice of collective protection. They reframe digital privacy as mutual aid. I argue that digital dissidents’ reimagining of sutura disrupts dominant paradigms in digital privacy policy that emphasize individual awareness and responsibility. If we heed the expertise of those most vulnerable to digital harms, we can better leverage digital health strategies to promote health equity. By reclaiming sutura, digital dissidents gesture to an alternative digital future, one marked by the equal distribution of digital privacy, health, and protection.

      • Evaluating Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Use in Burn Survivors

        Friend, Chelsey ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Miss 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Problem: A burn injury affects both psychological and physical health, resulting in a greater than 50% major depressive disorder morbidity. The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project is to evaluate the use of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) in adult burn survivors, with an aim to increase the use of the screening tool.Methods: A mixed-methods pre/post-survey design with an educational component was utilized to assess nurse knowledge, confidence, willingness, and barriers to completion of the PHQ-9. Aggregate data were collected to determine PHQ-9 completion rates for patients admitted to and discharged from the unit during the two months prior and two months following the educational component.Results: A Wilcoxon signed-rank test found statistically significant differences in median nursing pre/post survey results ranging from z = .93 to z = 3.70, p < .05. Question five was the only non-statically significant result with z = 0.93, p = 0.93. PHQ-9 completion rates before the educational component were 6% on admission, compared to 40% after the education component, a 33.3% increase. Completion rates were 0% at discharge initially, compared to 13% after the education, an 86.8% increase.Implications for Practice: This QI project accomplished the aim of increasing the use of the PHQ-9 in burn survivors and simultaneously increased the nurses’ knowledge, confidence, and willingness in completing the tool, as well as identifying barriers to completion as reported by the nurses.

      • Developmental changes in strategy use while giving directions to same- versus different-gender listeners: A study of speaker performance in a referential communication task

        Friend, Tressa Joyce Hidden Northwestern University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Same- versus mixed-gender dyads in child (10-year-olds), teen (13- and 14-year-olds), and adult groups were studied in a referential communication task. Sixteen speakers (8 female, 8 male) in each group gave directions for traveling through five levels on a picture map to two separate listeners (male and female counterbalanced within the group). Child and teen speakers gave directions to a peer and an adult; adult speakers gave directions to two adults. The listener age variable for children and teens was not significant. Dyad type (same-gender versus mixed-gender) did not significantly affect speakers' performance; however, gender of the speaker or the listener influenced some measures. Age and gender effects on informativeness (message adequacy) were not significant; however, listener success increased across the age groups. In addition, other measures of the message content revealed age and/or gender differences among speakers. Adult males used more strategies per move, resulting in more redundant messages than any other speakers. Directional Orientation (using directional words such as “right” or “left”) was the most-used strategy for all groups, with an increase in use across the age groups. Serial Orientation (using words implying order of location such as “first” or “second”) was used more by male speakers. The Component strategy (describing the object) was used more by adult males, with adult females using it least. In contrast to previous studies finding no gender effects, the present study <italic>did</italic> find gender of speaker or listener to influence some measures. In addition, an examination of group means for same- versus mixed-gender pairings revealed a nonsignificant tendency for child and teen female speakers to be sensitive to gender pairing in their strategy use. Thus, the gender variable should be explored further in RC research. Given the variability of findings across RC studies and within the present study, the need for a standard task and measure in RC research is argued. Implications for clinical assessment of RC skill and potential intervention strategies are presented.

      • Characterization of liver-specific structure and function during hepatocyte spheroid self-assembly: Implications for a bioartificial liver device

        Friend, Julie Renee University of Minnesota 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        A hollow fiber bioreactor containing collagen-entrapped hepatocytes has been developed as a bioartificial liver device. For clinical application, further scale-up of the device is desirable. This may be achieved through the use of hepatocyte spheroids, which are compacted aggregates that exhibit prolonged viability, higher liver-specific function and a more tissue-like ultrastructure compared to hepatocytes cultured as monolayers. In order to gain a better understanding of structural changes in spheroids over the course of their self-assembly, confocal microscopy was used to optically section spheroids and monitor changes <italic>in situ</italic>. Channels within spheroids hypothesized to be bile canaliculi were first evaluated by monitoring the diffusion of a fluorescent tracer, FITC-dextran, into spheroids. Three-dimensional reconstruction of spheroids showed that a continuous network of channels was forming within spheroids. Functionality of these channels as bile canaliculi was demonstrated by monitoring secretion of a fluorescently tagged bile acid, FITC-glycocholate, by hepatocytes in spheroids. Secretion of FITC-glycocholate could be seen in both rat and porcine hepatocyte spheroids. To elucidate changes in metabolism occurring during spheroid self-assembly, metabolic flux analysis was applied to hepatocyte spinner cultures. Glucose, lactate, amino acid, albumin and urea concentration in culture medium were measured and used to estimate intracellular fluxes within hepatocytes. Metabolism before and after spheroid formation was compared. Overall, little difference was seen in metabolism before and after spheroid self-assembly. As the BAL approaches clinical trials, methods of bioreactor storage for shipping and inventory purposed need to be developed. Storage conditions were tested in various hepatocyte culture systems. A protocol for storing reactors for 24 hours without significant loss in function was developed. Further optimization will be necessary for storage for longer times.

      • Helping public child welfare workers learn interviewing skills

        Friend, Colleen Case Western Reserve University 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This research measured skill acquisition with a small sample of public child welfare (PCW) workers. Skills were measured at baseline and post-training intervention through the use of a standardized client (SC). The training emphasized three theoretical frames which also helped interpret the learning that took place: Zull's approach to learning, Bandura and Ford's model of training/transfer, and Bandura's Social Cognitive Learning Theory. It was hypothesized that a brief training employing these theories would significantly improve interview performance. The interview performance was measured by the Child Welfare Domestic Violence Interview Support Scale (CWDVISS). In the core experiment 15 workers identified 10 things they planned to do in the interview. They then were given up to 30 minutes to conduct the interview with a SC who was trained to portray a specific alleged domestic violence victim and mother reported to the local PCW agency. The sample's baseline mean group score was 45.46 of a possible 137 points. Subjects were retested one week after being trained in interview skills about the intersection of domestic violence and child abuse. A paired t-test was used to examine the subjects' pretest and posttest scores on the CWDVISS. The 27.87 point mean score improvement was found to be significant at p = .01. This suggests that the training was useful in improving the subjects' interviewing skills. The CWDVISS scores of the most improved (novice) and the consistently highest scoring (expert) were analyzed, revealing different patterns of skill acquisition and demonstration. Finally, these two subjects' audiotaped interviews were analyzed qualitatively in a conceptual content analysis. This process identified that the independent variable (training) helped the most improved subject develop and execute a comprehensive plan, explain and give options, and respond in a less judgmental fashion. The expert subject utilized the training in a different way; he continued to rely on his rapport building strength, and was able to leverage this to gather information, build a trusting alliance, and move into action. His scores in the last segments of the posttest indicate that he was trying new techniques addressed at the training. Both subjects had difficulty conducting safety planning. Implications for the results are presented.

      • Fiction: From reference to interpretation

        Friend, Stacie Robyn Stanford University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Proper names in fiction and in discourse about fiction generate certain puzzles. How can claims like “Raskolnikov is Russian” be true if there is no Raskolnikov? If fiction involves make-believe rather than truth, why say that <italic>Nineteen Eighty-Four</italic> is about the real London? In my dissertation I argue that the key to resolving such puzzles is by considering the ways in which interpretations of works of fiction generate normative constraints on our imaginings. And I argue that traditional solutions fail both because they operate with inadequate theories of proper names, and because they do not recognize the centrality of interpretation and imagination to fiction-involving discourse. After laying out desiderata for my project in Chapter 1, in Chapter 2 I elaborate an account of the contents communicated by utterances that explains how even nonreferring names can be used to “talk about the same thing.” In Chapter 3 I argue that to classify a narrative as fiction is to link it to a certain historical practice, one whose standards of interpretation and assessment evolve over time. Because this theory does not define fiction in terms of general semantic properties, it allows us to recognize the variety of roles both referring and nonreferring names can play in different works. Chapter 4 surveys some of these roles, developing an account of our judgments of truth and fictional correctness for particular works. In the last two chapters I turn to an analysis of proper names in utterances about fiction. In Chapter 5 I argue that once we recognize the relativity to interpretation of the contents communicated by these utterances, we should maintain that referring names in discourse about fiction designate their ordinary referents in their ordinary way. In Chapter 6 I develop a conception of pretend reference that explains how utterances containing empty names can be true, without assuming that these names have special meanings or that they refer of proper names across a wide range fiction-involving discourse that does justice to our imaginative engagement with fiction.

      • U2 snRNP binds intronless histone pre-mRNAs to facilitate U7-snRNP-dependent cleavage

        Friend, Kyle Yale University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In metazoa, pre-mRNA 3'-end formation occurs via two pathways: cleavage/polyadenylation for the majority of RNA polymerase II transcripts and U7-snRNP-dependent cleavage for the replication-dependent histone pre-mRNAs. An RNA element derived from a replication-dependent histone gene affects multiple steps of pre-mRNA processing (Huang et al., 1999). Here, I demonstrate that a portion of this RNA element, conserved in the majority of histone mRNAs, binds U2 snRNP even though it is derived from an intronless mRNA. Specifically, SF3b, a component of U2 snRNP, contacts the RNA element both in vitro and in vivo in conjunction with hPrp43, a DEAH-box helicase. In addition, I show that U2 snRNP associates with histone pre-mRNAs in viva Functionally, the portion of the RNA element which binds U2 snRNP stimulates U7-snRNP-dependent cleavage. Furthermore, tethering either U2 or U12 snRNP to histone pre-mRNA substrates stimulates U7-snRNP-dependent cleavage in vitro and in vivo. Preliminary evidence also suggests that U2 snRNP may facilitate histone mRNA nuclear export by recruiting an SR protein phosphatase. I conclude that U2 snRNP plays a non-splicing role in histone mRNA maturation. Additional experiments done in collaboration with Dr. Niamh Cahill (Cahill et al., 2002) on the asymmetric distribution of proteins that contact a box CID snoRNA and with Dr. Victor Fok (Fok et al., 2006) on the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling properties of the viral RNAs, EBER1 and EBER2, associated with the Epstein-Barr virus and their protein binding partner La have been published. Briefly, in Cahill et al., I switched the guide sequence of a box CID snoRNA from a position 5' to box D' to 5' to box D to see if this altered protein-snoRNA contacts. In Fok et al., I microinjected EBER1 RNA into Xenopus oocytes to determine whether this RNA is exported to the cytoplasm.

      • The Athenian ephebeia in the Lycurgan period: 334/3 -- 322/1 B.C

        Friend, John Lennard The University of Texas at Austin 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation examines the origin, purpose, and function of the Athenian ephebeia during the Lycurgan period (334/3-322/1 B.C.). The ephebeia, a compulsory two-year long state-funded and organized program of military service for eighteen and nineteen year old citizens called ephebes, did not exist as a formal institution prior to 334/3 B.C., the date of the earliest known ephebic inscriptions. Instead, the demos probably created the ephebeia after Alexander's destruction of Thebes in September 335 B.C. because they needed a standing army to defend Attica against Boeotian raiders. The ephebeia, then, was not a Lycurgan reform of a long-standing institution but founded de novo for a specific military purpose. This explains many hitherto misunderstood aspects of the ephebeia's organization, officials, and military activities. Having entrusted the defense of Athens to the youngest and most immature citizens with no combat experience, the demos turned them into a capable fighting force by subjecting them to unusually strict discipline and by establishing a program of military training under specialized instructors. The demos also encouraged reluctant ephebes to serve by appealing to their love of honor (philotimia ) and rewarded them with many honors at the end of their garrison duty. In addition to its military activities, the ephebeia played an important role in the civic and moral paideia of the ephebes because they were unable to gain the educational benefits from Athens' democratic institutions. The ephebeia, by instilling moderation, piety, and patriotic fervor in the ephebes, sought to make them virtuous citizens both dedicated to preserving the democracy and deeply motivated to freeing Athens from Macedonian domination. This devotion to the state explains why the institution was abolished by the pro-Macedonian oligarchy (321/0-319/8 B.C.) established after Athens' defeat in the Lamian War in 322 B.C.

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