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      • Low emission scenarios and policies for the rural household energy sub-sector of cameroon

        Frankline Enow Arrey Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 232991

        In accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement to stabilize global temperature rise to 1.5o Celsius over the next 100 years, Cameroon submitted her Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) seeking to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25% by 2035, based on international support which was changed to the nationally determined contribution (NDC) with a 20% GHG emissions reduction by 2035 in July 2016, upon ratification of this global accord. This paper is an attempt to use the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) model to analyze rural households’ energy demand of Cameroon within the framework of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), climate change mitigation and SDGs. The Technology and Environmental Database (TED) installed in LEAP software was used to calculate GHG emissions. The key assumptions used in this model are the 2015 real GDP growth rate, and population growth rate. Other variables used include the energy intensity of fuel consumption (in Giga joules), time (in years) and the IPCC Tier 1 default emission factors. The base year was 2015 while the target year was 2035. Three scenarios were developed in the framework of this assessment: a baseline or business as usual (BAU) scenario, and two policy scenarios: an energy access scenario and a climate change mitigations scenario. The results show that cooking is the greatest source of energy demand and biomass is the greatest energy source in rural households in Cameroon particularly wood fuel and charcoal. The energy demand for rural households in Cameroon by 2035 for the baseline, energy access and climate mitigation scenario are respectively 692.8 Million GJ, 616.4 Million GJ, and 525.1 Million GJ. The GHG emissions by 2035 are respectively 14.03 Million tons of CO2eq, 11.84 Million tons of CO2eq. Some of the issues involved with rural household energy consumption in Cameroon include indoor air pollution and infectious diseases, deforestation, and mass extinction of species, GHG emission, etc. I identified expansion of rural electrification via grid, mini-grid and micro-grid, the use of solar home systems (SHSs) and solar appliances such as LED lanterns, energy efficiency, sustainable consumption, afforestation, environmental protection, REDD+, and green growth as measures to achieve energy access, NDC and hence SDGs in Cameroon rural households’ energy sub-sector.

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