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      • Marketplace of eloquence: Nineteenth-century Calvinism and the rhetoric of oratorical culture

        Fehler, Brian Matthew Texas Christian University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation concentrates on an important but largely unexplored area of the history of nineteenth-century American rhetoric. An examination of early nineteenth-century journals, sermons, and course syllabi written by prominent members of the Calvinist clergy, especially the Bartlet Professors of Sacred Rhetoric at Andover Seminary, shows how an emerging oratorical culture in the United States impacted the rhetorical choices of the Calvinist clergy. Scholars generally tell the story of the history of rhetoric in nineteenth-century America from the perspective of undergraduate colleges, omitting the contributions to rhetoric made by clergy in seminaries. But some of the most important work in the field of rhetoric, especially in the early part of the century, was done at post-graduate theological schools where students were being trained for the oratorical profession of preaching. This study aims to enlarge our understanding of how the theory and practice of rhetoric changed in the face of democraticizing forces that contributed to a distinctly oratorical culture in the Early Republic. Sometimes, as in the case of the Andover Calvinists, this democratic impulse limited the privileges of formerly dominant groups. During the years following the American Revolution, Calvinist clergy saw their privileged place in American public life erode. In order to combat this trend of declining influence and to propagate their religious message, the clergy turned to the study and practice of rhetoric. The rhetorical strategies adopted by the clergy included recognizing the social importance of a series of an unexpected religious revivals that occurred in the decade following the American revolution; institutionalizing the gains they had made in the revivals of the 1790s by establishing Andover Seminary, which became a leading site of rhetorical education; advocating the study of classical rhetoric in order to combat the gains made by popular camp-meeting revivalists; and becoming leaders in the influential elocutionary movement in order to compete with popular orators. All these activities helped to define the New Divinity's position in the Second Great Awakening and to establish the study of rhetoric as central to a minister's education.

      • An ecological analysis of adolescent sexual assault disclosure and help-seeking

        Fehler-Cabral, Giannina Michigan State University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Adolescent sexual assault is a pervasive social problem that can have long-term negative consequences for victims' emotional well-being and physical health. In an effort to prevent these problems, survivors are encouraged to seek formal help from the legal and medical systems. Previous research has provided a preliminary understanding of who adolescents disclose to and when; but how and why survivors disclose to informal support providers and eventually seek formal help remains to be investigated. To fill this gap, the current study used an ecological theoretical framework to study the dynamic process of adolescent sexual assault help-seeking. Utilizing qualitative data from 20 interviews with adolescent female sexual assault survivors who entered formal help systems, the findings revealed the significance of individual-level beliefs, assault characteristics, peer and family microsystems, mesosystem interactions, and chronosystem factors. Specifically, negative anticipatory beliefs about how others would react to risky behavior and being assaulted by an acquaintance hindered how soon after the assault survivors were likely to disclose and who survivors chose to disclose to. Given these beliefs, survivors were more likely to first disclose to peers followed by their mothers/guardians. As a result, the interactions within the peer and family microsystems were decisive in how survivors continued to disclose and how willing they were to enter formal systems. Furthermore, the process of disclosure and help-seeking became more complex when family, school, and peer microsystems interacted. When these interconnections occurred with survivors' consent and produced a helpful response, they were perceived as positive. Alternatively, mesosystems in which survivors had minimal control resulted in unwanted disclosures and greater reluctance to enter formal systems. Finally, the chronosystem played a salient role among adolescents with a prior history of sexual or physical abuse. Those who had been previously victimized disclosed more readily and were more determined to seek justice, even if their prior help-seeking experiences had gone poorly. Overall, the current study suggests that disclosure and help-seeking is a dynamic and complex process involving multiple intersecting systems. The findings highlight the utility of an ecological theoretical approach to study sexual assault disclosure and suggest that future studies become attune to higher-level interactions among ecological systems. Finally, the conclusions bring forth the need for community-based interventions that will improve the response from support providers in order to make the disclosure process easier and beneficial for survivors' recovery and well-being.

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