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      • Taking Berkeley Seriously

        Evers, John Robert University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        In this dissertation, I develop a line of thought that Berkeley had only started to develop in his published works and in his personal Notebooks. This line of thought concerns the role played by Spirit, or active volitional awareness, in the cognition of everyday objects, and also in the meaning of any given Sign, whether Natural or Artificial. Berkeley began to develop this line of thought in his earliest publication, As Essay Toward a New Theory of Vision (1709), when he wrote of a "prejudice" that must "insinuate itself" into one's understanding. This "prejudice" transforms raw sense-data into 'qualities' or 'properties' of underlying 'objects.' According to Berkeley's New Theory of Vision, it is the active volition of the perceiver that makes this transformation possible; it is also what gives meaning to any Natural Sign. Extending this to Artificial Signs, we may conclude that artificial signs acquire meaning by serving as signs for the regulation of volition according to various sensory-motor expectations, just as with Natural Signs. Therefore, words may me meaningful without calling forth any associated ideas, provided words serve to regulate volition/behavior, which is a view that Berkeley held, but again, failed to fully develop. Several criticisms of Berkeley's overall approach can be addressed with this developed doctrine of spirit. First, Berkeley's treatment of ideas as 'mental images' is required to distinguish ideas from active know-how, which is often mistaken for an 'idea' (according to Berkeley). Second, any claim that Berkeley's "Master Argument" commits him to solipsism can be addressed by pointing out that our knowledge of other minds is an active volitional awareness and, thus, not relevant to the "Master Argument." Finally, the cost of this extension is that Berkeley's argument for God-as-Perceiver must be jettisoned, for reasons already put forward by John Stuart Mill.

      • Improving branch prediction by understanding branch behavior

        Evers, Marius The University of Michigan 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Accurate branch prediction can be seen as a mechanism for enabling design decisions. When short pipelines were the norm, accurate branch prediction was not as important. However, having accurate branch prediction enables technologies like wide-issue deeply pipelined superscalar processors. If branch predictors can be improved further, we can more successfully use more aggressive speculation techniques. Accurate branch prediction enables larger scheduling windows, out-of-order fetch, deeper pipelines etc. It is therefore likely that there will be a growing demand for more accurate predictors beyond today's prediction technology. Previous studies have shown which branch predictors and configurations best predict the branches in a given set of benchmarks. Some studies have also investigated effects, such as pattern history table interference, that can be detrimental to the performance of these branch predictors. However, little research has been done on which characteristics of branch behavior make branches predictable. This dissertation approaches the branch problem in a different way from previous studies. The focus is on understanding how branches behave and why they are predictable. Branches are classified based on the type of behavior, and the extent of each type of behavior is quantified. One important result is that two thirds of all branches are very predictable using a simple predictor because they follow repeating patterns. We also show how correlation between branches works, and what part of this correlation is important for branch prediction. Based on this information about branch behavior, some shortcomings of current branch predictors are identified, new branch predictors are introduced, and potential areas for future improvement are identified. One of the new predictors, Dual History Length Gshare with Selective Update is more accurate than a Gshare predictor using Branch Filtering while having a simpler implementation. Another new predictor, the Multi Hybrid, suffers 10% fewer mispredictions than a state-of-the-art PAs/Gshare hybrid predictor at an implementation cost of 100 KB.

      • Investigating New York: Governor Alfred E. Smith, The Moreland Act, and Reshaping New York State Government

        Evers, John T State University of New York at Albany 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        By examining Governor Alfred E. Smith's use of gubernatorial investigations sanctioned by law under the under the Moreland Act, this work details his efforts to transform New York State government from a chaotic system of boards, bureaus, commissions, and departments to a streamlined cabinet-style executive branch dominated by a strong governor. Hindered by a state constitution which severely limited gubernatorial power, Smith utilized one of the few tools open to governors to draw attention to, and then change, state government: executive investigation. In order to gain control of state administrative, budgetary, and public policy initiatives Smith challenged legislative leaders and unresponsive department heads to enact reform after his investigations uncovered corruption and inefficiency. This study explains how Smith methodically plotted a logical course of government restructuring based on investigation. Smith's efforts exercised a broad appeal to the citizenry highlighting both the need for government accountability and the benefits of government reform. The reforms would enable Governor Smith to push for progressive legislation granting much power to the state's chief executive officer, who in turn, Smith stressed, could be held accountable by the electorate. Smith's fourteen Moreland Act investigations complimented other government reform efforts, his 1919 Reconstruction Commission, the 1925 Hughes Commission report implementing constitutional restructuring amendments, and the 1915 failed Constitutional Convention, and were an integral part of his campaign to remake state government. By the end of Smith's tenure as governor New York State had undergone a wholesale change strengthening the state's chief executive and reordering state government. Smith's transformative efforts enabled future governors to hold subordinate executive branch employees accountable, check the power of the legislature in state administration, and established the governor as the state's leading administrative, budgetary, and policy making official.

      • Playing Church: Toward a Behavioral Theological Understanding of Church Growth

        Evers-Hood, Kenneth Scott Duke University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Just as biological life becomes more interesting and diverse when the edges of ecosystems meet, intellectual life crackles with energy and possibility when leaders from different disciplines collaborate. The recent emergence of behavioral economics, a fusion of economic theory with psychological cognitive theory, represents the best of what can happen when different fields collide. Behavioral economists combine the sophisticated and nuanced anthropology articulated by cognitive theorists such as Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman with classical economic theory to offer more realistic models and expanded explanatory power, giving particular insight into why humans do not always behave in ways that are purely rational and self interested. I show that theological reflection and pastoral leadership, specifically, have much to gain by undertaking a similar 'behavioral turn' and exploring the insights cognitive theory offers. By exploring the nature and history of the behavioral turn in economics and then showing the relevance to Christology and theological anthropology, I lay the groundwork for a 'behavioral theology'. Behavioral theology sheds light on the Chalcedonian full divinity and humanity of Christ and underscores the view of sin as hubris. Behavioral theology also encourages pastors to see themselves as choice architects responsible for making decisions that help busy and tired congregants be the people they desire to be. Finally, I will demonstrate the experimental spirit of behavioral theology in a study of one facet of ecclesial life: church numerical growth and decline, using an approach inspired by behavioral game theory. With the permission of Duke's Independent Review Board I observed sessions, local church governing bodies in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), play two versions of a public goods game to determine whether the willingness and ability of leaders to cooperate, defect, reward, and punish one another correlates to a congregation's ability to sustain membership.

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