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      • Percussion in Music Therapy: Techniques and Clinical Applications

        Evans, Daniel T. The Florida State University ProQuest Dissertation 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2607

        Percussion is a music knowledge used extensively in clinical music therapy, with an average use frequency of 61% of all music therapy sessions and an average use duration of 43% of total session time (Evans, 2022). Despite high reliance on it as a therapeutic tool, there are major deficits in the pedagogical approach to percussion training across the field of music therapy. Evans (2022) found that the majority of music therapy students received percussion training from non-music therapists (79%), and from non-percussionists (55%).The purpose of this treatise is threefold: to serve as a pedagogical tool to teach the competent percussion skills to be an effective music therapist; to provide information on common diagnoses found within the most served music therapy populations and examine the literature on the use of percussion activities for specific therapeutic goals; and to provide transfer of information from research to specific percussion-based clinical applications in music therapy by client area. Such in-depth focus on percussion performance combined with evidence-based clinical applications for specific populations is designed to improve music therapy services received by clients.

      • Polarons and Polaritons in Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Tyler James Swenson Evans

        Evans, Tyler James Swenson Columbia University ProQuest Dissertations & These 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2607

        Lead halide perovskites are a class of soft ionic semiconductors characterized by strong excitonic absorption and long carrier lifetimes. Recent studies suggest that electrons and holes in these materials interact with longitudinal optical phono.

      • Southern rural black women's explanatory models of heart disease

        Evans, Laura K. Briant University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 2009 해외공개박사

        RANK : 2591

        Background/significance. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) kills more women than any other cause of death. However, black women are more likely than white women to underestimate their risk for CVD and less likely to participate in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA). Increasing LTPA can potentially decrease the risk for CVD. The purpose of this study was to explore black women's explanatory models (EMs) of the etiology, risk, and prevention of CVD. Methods. An ethnographic design was used to explore EMs of CVD of 20 southern rural black women with at least 1 modifiable risk factor for CVD. Participants were recruited using convenience sampling at monthly staff meetings at a long-term care facility [n=14]. The other 6 participants were recruited through snowball sampling. Individual in-depth semi-structured audiotaped interviews were conducted primarily in women's homes. Descriptive statistics, content analysis, and constant comparison were used to analyze data. Results. Participants were 40 to 58 years, and 19 of 20 were overweight. Other risk factors included: hypertension [n=14] and dyslipidemia [n=7]. Ten reported walking 1 to 2 times a week; only 3 reported LTPA at recommended levels. Although participants were queried about CVD, they focused solely on heart disease. Qualitative data revealed 3 factors of the "Causes of Heart Disease": (1) Lifestyle- "[E]atin' a lot of greasy food." (2) Physiologic Causes- "[P]eople that have diabetes will have heart problems." and (3) Going to Get It- "[A woman] can't prevent it if it's hereditary;" and 4 factors of women's "Thoughts about Physical Activity": (1) Thoughts about How Exercise Affects the Heart - "I would say it [exercise] wouldn't help them not to get it. I feel like it wouldn't be as bad." (2) Barriers to Exercise- "I just don't have the energy to exercise." (3) Reasons to Exercise - "It's a stress reliever for me to be able to walk." and (4) Taking Action- "I don't do it [exercise] as often as I should.". Discussion. Misconceptions regarding the inevitability of CVD, incongruous thoughts about the role of LTPA, and lack of personalization of CVD risk indicate that further education is needed, as is the development of interventions to assist women to increase LTPA.

      • In their own words: Polynesian students' perspectives on persistence in an American university

        Evans, Norman W University of Southern California 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Tinto's interactional model (1975, 1987, 1993) has been the focal point for student retention research in higher education for over two decades. Despite the volumes of quantitative studies attempting to explain student dropout using Tinto's model, results have been inconclusive and only moderately supportive of the theory's postulates. This is especially true of research on minority student populations. What is more, qualitative research on Tinto's model is almost non-existent in spite of the foundational insight such research can bring to theory, and despite Tinto's and other critics' appeal for it. This study examined persistence patterns of a cohort of international Polynesian students that had an unusually high attrition rate. The study is based on two premises: <italic>Understanding</italic> fundamental issues is prerequisite to <italic>explaining</italic> dropout behavior, and second, that understanding is best gained directly from those involved. Data were gathered from 89 participants through in-depth interviews and focus groups. Tinto's postulates were then evaluated against these students' perspectives of the departure puzzle. Results of this research suggest that other factors not accounted for in Tinto's model influence these students' persistence in college. Predominate among these other factors are “new-found” freedom, and relationships.

      • Dialect contact and the Northern Cities Shift in Ypsilanti, Michigan

        Evans, Betsy Erin Michigan State University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This research aims to explore the nature of dialect contact by examining the extent to which the speech of Appalachian migrants in Ypsilanti, Michigan is affected by an ongoing local change in pronunciation called the Northern Cities Shift (NCS). This work will chart the specific influences of age, gender, social status, and social network on these respondents in their adoption of this new pronunciation. Although there are sociolinguistic precedents which suggest that upper-middle class young women adopt these changes more quickly than others, there is debate about which of the above factors is most powerful in influencing the adoption of features of varieties of language in contact. The community investigated here, Ypsilanti, Michigan, in southeastern Michigan, is distinguished by its large population of migrants from the southern region of the United States. Interviews were conducted with members of the Ypsilanti community who were born or whose parents were born in southern states. An acoustic analysis was carried out on the low-front vowel /æ/ from words read from a list by the respondents to determine first and second formant values. These formant values (or index scores derived from them) were then subjected to statistical analysis in order to determine the degree to which this vowel reflects participation in the NCS. The two major hypotheses of this study are that: (1) the linguistic details of Appalachian participation in the shift will not differ from those of the local population or from those of other populations which have acquired or are acquiring the shift, and (2) the migrant inhabitants and their children whose social network ties are dense and multiplex (Milroy 1980) will not have accommodated or will have accommodated least to the NCS. The results indicate that social network affiliation is the strongest predictor of retention of Appalachian pronunciation in Ypsilanti. Strong family, employment and friendship networks limited to the Appalachian in-group predicts that individuals do not acquire the Michigan pronunciation norm. The results for sex support the sociolinguistic generalization that women are first to change in the direction of a new norm. Age and social status do not predict acquisition or lack of acquisition of the local norm by Appalachians in Ypsilanti. In addition the effect of linguistic environments on the NCS are explored with regard to the effects of linguistic environments on the NCS that have already been documented (Labov 1994, Ito 1999). These patterns were found to be quite similar and thus support the notion of a “universal” like pattern for such changes.

      • The lessons of experience: Developmental experiences of mid-level female administrators in higher education

        Evans, Cheryl Columbia University Teachers College 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are similar developmental experiences shared by both the corporate and higher education worlds, thus allowing for the possibility of applying business management development theory to higher education administration. This study builds directly on research findings from the corporate world that indicate how on-the-job experiences relate to management development. McCall, Lombardo, and Morrison (1988) documented four broad categories of experiences that executives indicated were potentially developmental: assignments, hardships, events and other (mostly people related experiences). The authors then detailed 33 types of developmental lessons that executives reported emerged from these experiential categories. The following question guided the study process: Do the developmental administrative experiences of mid-level women in higher education administration agree with, refute, challenge, or extend the four Lessons of Experience “categories” as outlined by McCall, Lombardo, and Morrison based on their studies of business executives?. A mailed critical incident survey was used to collect data from women administrators who had participated in past summer management development programs given by the National Association of Women in Education's (NAWE). Institute for Emerging Women Leaders in Higher Education. A total of 104 surveys were sent out, and 61 were returned, for a response rate of 58%. Of the 61 returned surveys, 9 were eliminated because they did not fall into the parameters of the study criteria. The analysis of the data included tabulating the frequency and percentage of responses of the demographic data given by the respondents, as well as a content analysis of the qualitative data from the critical incident stories. The primary outcomes from on-the-job experiences appear to be growth in personal and interpersonal leadership skills, knowledge, and values. Additionally, these experiences further developed administrative/management knowledge and skills specific to context, as well as broaden one's perspective about the organization. The findings of this study are consistent with the McCall et al. (1988) study, which also reported that the key to on-the-job management development is to provide multiple opportunities to assume responsibility for challenging assignments and to reflect on the meaning of these events for accomplishing future management responsibilities.



        RANK : 2591

        A primary objective of paleoclimate research is the characterization of natural climate variability on time scales of years to millennia. The goal of this thesis is the systematic, objective, and verifiable reconstruction of the sea surface temperature (SST) field from coral δ<sub>18</sub>O data, using reduced space objective analysis. In this approach we seek to reconstruct only the leading modes of large-scale SST variability from a sparse observational network. The development of a proxy record of SST from the central equatorial Pacific and solution of the observational array design problem for coral data suggest that a few well-located sampling sites may be sufficient to resolve the leading modes of global SST variability. Cross-validation of available coral δ<super>18</super>O data and historical SST analyses indicate that three modes of variability may be reconstructed. These are the oceanographic signatures of the El NiNo-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), a global warming trend in which the eastern equatorial Pacific cools, and an ENSO-like Pacific decadal pattern. These modes are reconstructed for the 1607–1992 period using the coral data. Verification exercises indicate the reconstruction is useful back to about 1800. Analysis of the NINO3 SST index computed for the reconstruction suggests that ENSO frequency in the early 1800s was similar to that observed in the late 1800s and in the last few decades. Additional longer coral time series will improve the resolution of these large-scale SST modes, given that the observations are unbiased and appropriate observational errors have been prescribed.

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