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      • The conditions that facilitate the implementation of technology and process innovations: A comparison of K--12, higher education, and business/industry using the Implementation Profile Inventory

        Ensminger, David Carl University of South Alabama 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The Implementation Profile Inventory (IPI) was designed to measure the perceived importance of eight conditions that facilitate implementation. No research has been conducted on the IPI's ability to measure differences between occupational groups or the accuracy of an individual's profile. This study compared three occupational groups K--12, Higher Education, and Business/Industry. Eight, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to compare the mean score of the three occupational groups for each condition on the technology and process forms of the IPI. Results indicated that both forms measured differences between the groups. Five of the eight ANOVAs for the technology form were statistically significant. For the condition resources, the K--12 group was significantly different from the Higher Education group and the Business/Industry group. Additionally, the Business/Industry group was significantly different from the Higher Education group on the condition resources. The K--12 group differed significantly from the Higher Education group on the condition skills and knowledge. The Business/Industry group was significantly different from the K--12 group on the conditions participation and time. For the condition commitment, the Higher Education group and the Business/Industry group differed significantly from the K--12 group. Seven of the eight ANOVAs for the process form were statistically significant. For the condition dissatisfaction with the status quo, the Higher Education group differed significantly from the K--12 group. The Higher Education and the Business/Industry groups were significantly different when compared to the K--12 group on the conditions resources, participation, and time. For the condition commitment, the Business/Industry group was significantly different when compared to the Higher Education group and the K--12 group. In addition, for the condition commitment the Higher Education group differed significantly from the K--12 group. For the condition rewards and the condition leadership, the K--12 group differed significantly when compared to the Business/Industry group. Most participants reported that the IPI accurately assessed their view of the eight conditions. Negative comments about the IPI seemed to address the design of the inventory and the repetitive nature of the questions. Rating scores of the IPI indicated that participants thought the IPI reliably assessed their view of the eight conditions.

      • The Absorption of Proteins by Clay Minerals and the Properties of the Resulting Complexes

        Ensminger, Leonard Elroy ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Illi 1941 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Soil organic matter has long been considered a very important constituent of soils. Since the nature and abundance of organic ratter greatly influence the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soils, the relationship existing between the organic and inorganic fraction of soils deserves further study. The fact that organic substances have a tendency to react with inorganic clays is not new, but the exact mechanism of the reaction and the properties of the resulting complexes have not been fully studied. Much of the beneficial effect of organic matter is probably due to its tendency to combine with the inorganic fraction of the soil. Several investigators have observed that humic substances were more strongly absorbed by clay in an acid medium which may be explained on the basis of the amphoteric nature of the humic substances. (Shortened by ProQuest.).

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