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      • 조나단 에드워즈의 "은혜로운 정서" 연구

        송준화 호서대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 2911

        The purpose of this thesis is to interpret and understand the “gracious affections” which is emerged in the book, Religious Affections(1746) written by Jonathan Edwards. To scrutinize the above, his religious idea has been conceptualized based on his literature. Edwards’ ancestors were puritans who were armed by the Words of God. So as he grew up, he was influenced by Puritan education and ideas. Influenced by the Puritans, he had looked back on his life in order to offer his entire life to God completely by contemplating the bible in which God’s divine revelation is recorded. He emphasized the faith in personal experience based on the Bible recorded by the word of God. Edwards initiated his theology with the perception that the all human beings are sinners. Since all human beings are sinners, he accentuated the Christ-centered faith, and insisted that sinners can achieve true salvation only through Christ, which is that sinners are able to have complete faith only when they have a spiritual experience that a faith in personal experience. Jonathan Edwards had conceptualized that affection is needed to possess the true faith. According to him, affection is connected with true belief. He asserted that the affection is the gift from God and through the true affection, human beings can reach to the true faith. Affection is the source of human deeds and essential spring to let human beings live their lives. The reason why God gives human beings the affection is to make us truly believe in him and worship him alone with the affection. Edwards suggested twelve affections among true grace when he explained the affection. He claims that the true faith can be achieved by the gracious affections. He also suggests that passion and love toward God can be fulfilled when the love of God is realized. Through this, Edwards argues that all of the Christians should expand the form of God-centered faith based on the faith in personal experience in terms of the church, and expand the form of God-centered faith in terms of the society so as to listen to, learn and practice the word of God. Through this gracious affection, he mentions the needs of God to both unbelievers and believers. Through this study, I really want all Christians to conceptualize the attitude of faith toward the word of God and mature not only doctrinally but spiritually. And through this gracious affections, I hope that the existential parts of God’s works will be dealt with and studied by Christian and unbelievers.

      • Essays in fiscal centralization and economic development

        Edwards, Ronald Alan University of Minnesota 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        In 1400 A.D. China's per-capita output in 1985 dollars was $500 and in 1950 A.D. it was $450 according to estimates by Maddison. In sharp contrast, Western Europe's per-capita output grew from $430 to $4900 over this same period. Why was there such a dramatic difference in economic development between the East and West? In this thesis, a theory of development is proposed that analyzes China's five centuries of economic stagnation. Our hypothesis is that government fiscal institutions played a critical role. In particular, China had a centralized fiscal government arrangement that stifled growth with high effective tax rates while Western Europe had a decentralized fiscal government arrangement where competition across states encouraged growth with low effective tax rates. A centralized fiscal arrangement is characterized by a central government that sets tax policy for all of the regions. A decentralized fiscal arrangement is characterized by a large number of regional governments that set their own respective regional tax rates. There is a mobile factor input that is the key to economic growth. Using an endogenous growth model framework, we consider centralized and decentralized fiscal government arrangements and show that the equilibrium outcomes are different under the two arrangements. In the model environment, under the decentralized fiscal arrangement regional the equilibrium entails low effective tax rates and growth. Under the centralized fiscal arrangement, the brium is characterized by high effective tax rates and stagnation. The key to the different equilibrium outcome lies in a time consistency problem. In the centralized fiscal arrangement, the central government faces a time consistency problem. Under the decentralized fiscal arrangement, regional tax competition acts as a commitment device.

      • Grassroots Social Action and the National Museum of the American Indian

        Edwards, Alison Jane Harvard University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2607

        Museums are educational institutions that, historically, have often reflected dominant-culture biases in their treatment of religious artifacts and human remains from Native societies (Bal, 1996; Bieder, 1986, 1996; Bilosi & Zimmerman, 1997; Bray, 1995; Cornell, 1988; Edwards & Sullivan, 2004). In 1989, the National Museum of the American Indian Act became law after years of sustained activism to protect basic human, cultural and civil rights for Native peoples, including the rights to religious freedom and equal protections for the sanctity of Native graves and Native dead. The Act established the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), recognized Native rights to specific categories of sensitive materials, and required Native participation and agency in the new organization, whose mission includes supporting the health and vitality of contemporary Native cultures. This dissertation is a case study of the grassroots social action of Native Americans that uses Charles Vert Willie's theory of grassroots social action to illuminate how and why the grassroots social action of Native Americans was successful in fulfilling the goal to reform museum practice through the enactment of federal law (Willie, Ridini, & Willard, 2008). My overarching research interest is how public educational institutions can transform themselves in response to the legislative demands and court orders for social justice initiated by grassroots population groups. This historic case, examined through the lens of a well-formulated theory and involving the agency of grassroots social action and the transformation of museum policy, is of value and interest to many types of grassroots movements, both in education and in other social systems. In particular, knowledge of what obstacles activists faced and may continue to face, what strategies have successfully been employed to meet these obstacles, and what lessons have been learned by those involved in this unique case, can be of value to others who similarly seek to transform institutions in order to promote civil and human rights.

      • Evaluation of long-term phosphorus fertilizer placement, rate, and source, and research in the U.S. Midwest

        Edwards, Cristie LeAnne Kansas State University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The appropriate management for phosphorus (P) fertilizer can have significant agronomic, economic, as well as environmental impact. Studies in Kansas have evaluated different management systems to determine best management practices (BMP). The first component of this dissertation is a comprehensive review of tillage system and P fertilizer placement interaction. This review included studies completed in the U.S. Midwest. Results of this review showed greater corn yields with conventional tillage and broadcast applications when soil test P levels (STP) were below 20 mg P kg-1. However, soybean yield was highest in no-till systems with broadcast P fertilizer applications. The second component if this dissertation was a long-term study conducted in Kansas to evaluate the effect of P fertilizer placement on corn and soybean production. Results showed that under strip-tillage, P fertilizer placement significantly affected corn growth, but, seldom resulted in yield response difference among placement methods. Phosphorus application as starter fertilizer at planting showed the most consistent yield response. In addition to the agronomic aspect of this study, the third component of this dissertation consisted of an economic analysis using partial budgets calculated using both fixed and varying prices and costs to compare management practices. With decreased application costs associated with deep banding in strip-tillage system, net returns are greater than broadcast applications. The highest net responses were observed with starter P fertilizer applications. The fourth component of this dissertation included a study evaluating the effects of chelated fertilizer on nutrients, such as P, Fe, Mn, and Zn in soybean. Results from our study showed that both ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)+P and hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (HEDTA)+P resulted in greater concentrations and uptake of Fe and lower Mn uptake in soybean. However, the application of glucoheptonate (GCH)+P had no negative effect on Mn uptake compared to EDTA+P and HEDTA+P. Across locations, EDTA+P and HEDTA+P showed higher yield than GCH+P. The use of long-term studies and comprehensive reviews can provide a unique perspective and better understanding of the most appropriate BMPs for P fertilizer management. Many agronomic and environmental implications of P fertilizer management and the interactions with tillage systems and soils may only become noticeable after multiple years or in a variety of conditions.

      • Crisis of the Republic: Memory, History, and the Hermeneutics of Citizenship

        Edwards, Ross Allen University of Minnesota 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Examining the work of Sheldon Wolin, I contend that his later analysis of democracy and democratic theory suffers because he loses the notion of democracy as a 'public hermeneutic' that I see as key to his earlier work. Taking my departure from Wolin, I use a range of political theorists to demonstrate how thinking about politics hermeneutically helps us to more effectively confront potential issues of power and domination that are central to politics. Ultimately, by bringing Wolin into conversation with French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, I work to rehabilitate Wolin's hermeneutic concerns and in so doing develop a theory that asserts the centrality of this idea of a public hermeneutic to the functioning of contemporary democracy.

      • Elementary school children's strategy use and strategy preferences on multidigit addition and subtraction story problems

        Edwards-Omolewa, Nicola D University of Delaware 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Chapter 1 is a brief history of gender and mathematics education research. Three main perspectives are addressed: biological, socialization, and feminist. The intent of this article is to (a) provide an overview of research on the existence of gender differences in mathematics, (b) interpret the existence of gender differences in mathematics through the biological (genetic predisposition) and socialization (environmental factors) perspectives, and (c) describe the feminist perspective through three mathematics and gender viewpoints (Mathematics is independent of gender, Mathematics as a gendered construct, and Mathematics through multiple identities) that focus on women's way of knowing mathematics. These perspectives recommend near and far term changes for teaching and research practices as they relate to gender in mathematics education research. In Chapter 2, the strategies elementary school children use to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction story problems that require regrouping are investigated in two studies. Study 1 replicates the Fennema and colleagues (1998) study by re-examining existing Hiebert and Wearne (1992, 1996) data on 72 children's addition and subtraction solution strategies. Study 2 is an extension study with new data from individual interviews on 70 third-grade children's multi-digit addition and subtraction problem solving strategies that require regrouping. It extends the Fennema and colleagues (1998) study by identifying children's strategy preferences and the reasons they provide for those preferences. Gender differences in strategy use were not as strong as those reported by Fennema and colleagues (1998). Boys and girls reasons for preferring to use certain strategies reveal different understandings for what it means to learn mathematics. Results support the idea that early gender differences in strategy use may influence later gender differences in problem solving performance that appear in middle school and continue throughout high school.

      • Lorentz-Violating Effective Field Theory and Finsler Geometry

        Edwards, Benjamin Ryan ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Indiana University 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The incredible success of the Standard-Model Extension is demonstrated by the amountof experimental investigations that it has inspired and that have employed its results andinsights. Although a huge amount of data exists that constrains the coefficients for Lorentzviolation contained in the framework, there exists a vast amount of work still to be performed.Indeed, to date the entire framework has still not been characterized and classified.The goal of the present work is to extend our current understanding of nonminimalLorentz violation originating from spin-independent backgrounds. This is accomplished byfirst constructing the scalar effective field theory incorporating general spin-independentLorentz violation. The propagation of neutral mesons is modeled using this theory and theeffects of these backgrounds on observables for CPT violation in this system are derived.Bounds on CPT violation arising from nonminimal effects are inferred. Next, the methodfor deriving the point-particle lagrangian associated with a given field theory is extended.These lagrangians are used to study the Finsler geometric aspects associated with particlemotion experiencing spin-independent Lorentz violation, and a new class of Finsler spaces isderived.

      • Vegetation dynamics and biogeomorphic influences in a highly eroded landscape

        Edwards, Leslie Ann University of Georgia 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study examined the impact of anthropogenic accelerated erosion upon vegetation patterns in Providence Canyon, Georgia. Vegetation and environmental data were gathered for 103 sites, and analyzed with detrended correspondence analysis, cluster analysis and correlation analyses were used to analyze the data. A pronounced downstream, or longitudinal pattern of vegetation compositional change occurs as the distance away from active geomorphic disturbance increased. On the geomorphically active valley-side slopes, vegetation comprises a gradient ranging from <italic>Pinus</italic> species to <italic>Liquidambar styraciflua </italic>. This gradient is associated with a notable increase in stand age, carbon, nitrogen and nutrients, and appeared to be most influenced by disturbance severity, slope angle, soil texture, and slope configuration. Successional seres vary greatly from those found on old fields. Vegetation patterns on the more geomorphically stable valley-side slopes are apparently organized by differential dissection and past disturbance regimes. Slopes further upstream support dry-mesic to mesic species, sorted by slope length, slope angle, and aspect. Downstream slopes appear to have been less disturbed and are markedly higher in nutrients and moisture, supporting mesophytic vegetation. The valley floor possesses parallel downstream patterns, with clear geomorphic and successional trends occurring as spatial and temporal distance from disturbance increases. In summary, accelerated erosion has produced far-reaching, permanent vegetation change in the basin.

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