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      • A Phenomenological Qualitative Study on the Challenges Experienced by International Students in the KGSP : Focusing on the Multicultural Sensitivity in Higher Educational Settings

        Edina Obed Mgunda 대전대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 232991

        This qualitative phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of international students in the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP), focusing on the multi-cultural sensitivity in higher educational settings. The research questions that guided this study were; the main question was what do KGSP international students experience while pursuing their graduate-level degrees in South Korea? The sub-questions included 1. What motivated students to choose graduate programs in South Korea? 2. What are the major challenges/difficulties faced by KGSP graduate students, hindering them in achieving their goals? 3. What are the coping strategies utilized by students to overcome these difficulties? 4. What would students like to see changed? In the existing literature, many studies have explored the challenges experienced by international students in different countries. However, despite the world’s interest in the topic of international students’ adjustment, few studies have been conducted in Korea. This is particularly, international students in the KGSP. Lack of research leaves the government, higher education institutions, community social workers, and other helping professionals uninformed about the needs of international students. Therefore, this study sought to fill the gaps in the existing knowledge about international students’ adjustment. This study utilized a qualitative research approach to gain a detailed understanding of a representation of participants’ experiences. Fifteen (15) international students were recruited using the snowball technique. Using semi-structured protocol with several open-ended questions, participants were interviewed face-to-face for approximately an hour per person, which proceeded until saturation of data. Findings revealed that international students experienced language barriers, lack or limited interaction, cultural differences, discrimination, and financial challenges while adjusting to the Korean culture and environment. The study provides key implication for practice and policies, as well as, future research. Keywords: international student, multi-cultural sensitivity, KGSP

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