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      • Measuring the effectiveness of waste recycling in reducing municipal solid waste : a comparative studies between Brunei and Singapore

        Dullah Muhammad Adi Safwan 영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 234047

        As a developing country with high GDP in one of ASEAN region, Brunei Darussalam is currently facing an increase of municipal solid waste generations. With the lack of available land space for another landfill and to be in-line with its national development pan for 2035 to have a sustainable development, the waste management agency needs to address this issue. Waste generation need to be reduced or divert its output flow from going to the landfill, using the recycling approach. The purpose of this research is to provide a thorough study regarding the effectiveness of recycling in reducing municipal solid waste by making a comparative studies between Brunei and Singapore. Unlike Brunei, Singapore has a high rate of waste recycling, an indication of their successful attempt at increasing the recycling rate. This is one of the main issues in Brunei, as it has a very low recycling rate of only 5%. This research will mainly gather quantitative data for its comparative analysis, whereas a qualitative approach will be used to support the quantitative data gathered through various government agencies and waste management companies. In conclusion, the right policy and instrument from the government can improve and increase the recycling rate in Brunei with municipal solid waste being reduce sustainably as well as reducing overall waste output.

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