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      • Uncertainty Quantification for Airfoil Icing

        DeGennaro, Anthony Matteo Princeton University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Ensuring the safety of airplane flight in icing conditions is an important and active arena of research in the aerospace community. Notwithstanding the research, development, and legislation aimed at certifying airplanes for safe operation, an analysis of the effects of icing uncertainties on certification quantities of interest is generally lacking. The central objective of this thesis is to examine and analyze problems in airfoil ice accretion from the standpoint of uncertainty quantification. We focus on three distinct areas: user-informed, data-driven, and computational uncertainty quantification. In the user-informed approach to uncertainty quantification, we discuss important canonical icing classifications and show how these categories can be modeled using a few shape parameters. We then investigate the statistical effects of these parameters. In the data-driven approach, we build statistical models of airfoil ice shapes from databases of actual ice shapes, and quantify the effects of these parameters. Finally, in the computational approach, we investigate the effects of uncertainty in the physics of the ice accretion process, by perturbing the input to an in-house numerical ice accretion code that we develop in this thesis.

      • Examining technology fluency: A window into and a reflection of evolving instructor schemas and practices

        DeGennaro, Donna University of Pennsylvania 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Technology proficiency is essential to successful participation in today's society. Few would disagree with this statement. In response to this declaration and coupled with increased concern that youth are technologically unprepared, various technology-focused interventions have arisen. The ultimate goal of these interventions is to create opportunities to engender technology fluency. Researchers currently define technology fluency as learning discrete "skills" and/or having the ability to use computers to create some tangible product. Ensuring participation in a "digital community" accompanies the latter definition. Yet, technology fluency involves something more. Given that technology fosters dynamic, evolving participation in various diversely populated communities, technology fluency also necessitates knowledge of becoming an active contributor to practices in these communities. This dissertation is a qualitative case study of a self-initiated technology-inspired intervention. Specifically, the intervention merges privileged students from a private suburban high school (instructors) with inner-city youth from an impoverished neighborhood (learners) to participate in a web-design course. The question for this research asks how do technology-experienced instructors bridge local understandings of technology learning to successfully engage technology-novice learners? Using a theoretical framework from cultural sociology, this study draws attention to the transformation of instructor schemas and practices as instructors interact with learners throughout the course. The methodology uses design research to examine observation, video, fieldnote and email data. Design research assists in making visible component parts of the environment so that designers can proactively respond to changes that occur during implementation. The intention is not only to illuminate the "what and how" of change, but also offer explanations as to why. This dissertation makes three arguments. First, the relationship between instructor schemas and practices contribute to the structure of the classroom. Next, the ensuing learning environment structure gives way to particular teacher-learner and learner-learner interactions. Finally, the microanalysis of instructor-learner interactions suggests different kinds of individual instructor change. As a result, this research proposes design principles that assist in providing participants with experience in becoming active contributors to practice in technology fluency learning environments. Study of changing schemas and practices during designed program activities bring to light the relationship between theory and practice.

      • Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for Oral Mucosa Assessment and Patient Teaching in an Acute Oncology Setting

        DeGennaro, Regina M University of Virginia 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Oral mucositis (OM) is a significant problem for persons with cancer receiving radiation and chemotherapy. Appropriate nursing management of OM is hampered by a lack of standards of care for oral assessment and intervention. This project implemented and evaluated an evidence-based nursing practice protocol for OM for hospitalized patients with malignancies in an academic medical center. The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) developed guidelines for preventing the development of OM (Harris, Eilers, Harriman, Cashavelly, & Maxwell, 2008). The ONS Putting Evidence into Practice (ONS PEP) oral care protocol includes recommendations for management of OM, and was selected for implementation. The intervention was designed to increase nurses' knowledge of OM, improve nursing assessment skills, and improve documentation of assessment and teaching through education and use of a validated oral assessment instrument. This project included: (1) assessing documentation of oral care assessment and teaching, (2) teaching acute care oncology nurses the use and benefits of an oral assessment instrument as part of routine care, (3) teaching acute care oncology nurses to implement an oral care protocol that incorporates patient education, and (4) evaluating practice change through documentation audit. Pre-and post documentation audits provided descriptive outcome data regarding nursing assessment and teaching documentation. Findings revealed moderate improvement in documentation.

      • Increasing Primary Healthcare Providers’ Knowledge about Medical Cannabis as an Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain

        DeGennaro, April Lynn ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Background: Chronic pain is one of the most common patient complaints seen in primary care, affecting over 100 million Americans (Carlini, Garrett, & Carter, 2017). Widespread research and awareness for the safest and most effective methods for treating chronic pain necessitate further awareness. Medical cannabis (MC) can perhaps provide a safe, successful, and for some patients, superior intervention for chronic pain management. Healthcare providers have a critical role in facilitating patient access to and awareness of medical cannabis.Purpose: To examine the attitudes, knowledge, intent to recommend, comfort level and beliefs regarding the use of medical cannabis as an alternative or conjunctive treatment for chronic pain, before and after an educational intervention on the topic.Methods: The AANP provided a randomized mailing list of nurse practitioners in the state of Washington that fit the inclusion criteria of this DNP project. A pretest, an evidence-based educational flyer about the use of medical cannabis for chronic pain, and posttest were all printed and mailed to participants, with results then mailed back to the primary investigator. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. Mean averages for each question were determined and compared between pre and posttest.Participants: 100 nurse practitioners providing primary care in Washington state and members of AANP were surveyed, 14 responded.Results: The overall results revealed a positive change in provider knowledge, comfort with, belief in, and intent to recommend MC to patients with chronic pain after implementation of the educational flyer. The average score on knowledge questions and response to the attitudes and beliefs and intent to recommend Likert-style questions increased. The greatest increase in the mean question responses were for the average knowledge questions score which increased by 23.2% and the belief that MC should be recommended as an alternative treatment to chronic pain which increased by 12%.Discussion: This quality improvement project used a pretest/posttest design that resulted in promising findings, which support providing MC education to primary care providers. From a harm reduction viewpoint, this project’s results have aimed to highlight the necessity for more extensive research into the use of MC as an alternative treatment option for patients suffering from chronic pain. Despite the limitations of the survey, important information was gathered overall about the potential effect that evidenced-based education can have on provider knowledge, attitudes, comfort, and intent to recommend medical cannabis for chronic pain. Regardless of the small sample size, this survey gave valuable insight into the role of medical cannabis education, which can be used as the basis for future projects.

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