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      • The Teresian epistolary or the backstage of foundings and reforms: The construction of power in the letters of Saint Theresa of Avila

        De Jesus, Arlette The Pennsylvania State University 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 232063

        Teresa de Jesus is one of the most studied authors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Spanish Golden Age. Studies devoted to her work concentrate on style, lineage, and matters of spirituality. Critical works have mainly focused on her autobiography, Libro de su vida, and Las moradas del castillo interior, but her epistolary production has recently attracted attention from several critics, among them, Joan Cammarata, Alison Weber, Pilar Cocejo, and Barbara Mujica. This study will examine the Epistles of Teresa of Jesus, in particular the letters to King Philip II, Maria Mendoza (a lady of the nobility who helps Teresa in founding the convent in Valladolid), Maria de San Jose (prioress of the convent of the Carmelites in Seville), and Gracian (her confessor and spiritual director). It explores ways in which Teresa, through her letters, seeks a position of power and authority, fashioning for herself a voice within a male church hierarchy. In a society where the Inquisition had the power to impose and sanction the practices of Catholic orthodoxy, Teresa manages to become a noted reformer and founder of Carmelite convents. She writes about her spiritual experiences, knowing that this could very well cost her her own life. This study is a testament to the courage of a woman who opted to use the pen as an instrument of power.

      • Hydrological study of ungauged watershed using global data and SWAT modeling : a case for loes river watershed in timor leste

        De Jesus, Juliao Sungkyunkwan university 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        Hydrological study is the most important in water resource management however, the limited of available data and technical knowledge of water resource and also lack of data management are the challenges for water domains stakeholder. The global weather data such as NASA POWER and Climate Forecast Reanalysis System (CFSR) are the main source to be consider and replace the lack of data to apply for hydrological study. The objective of this study to evaluate water quantity of surface runoff in Loes watershed using Soil Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) modeling with the input data apply using Global weather data include global land use land cover and FAO soil data and compare with the observed monthly stream flow data. The result show that Global weather data is acceptable to apply for SWAT model input simulation. the output of model simulation for NASA POWER based on the statistical method is good performance of model simulated with values R2, NSE and PBIAS are 0.70, 0.66 and 5.00 respectively for calibration and for validation R2, NSE and PBIAS are 0.76, 0.70 and -3.87 respectively and the output of model simulation for CFSR is unsatisfactory in Loes watershed due to the statistical values of for calibration R2, NSE and PBIAS are 0.42, -0.16 and 60.89 respectively and for validation R2, NSE and PBIAS are 0.71, -0.23 and 70.13 respectively.

      • Impact of mutating a single conserved nucleotide between the cloverleaf and internal ribosome entry site on biological properties of poliovirus and coxsackievirus A20

        De Jesus, Nidia Haydee State University of New York at Stony Brook 2007 해외공개박사

        RANK : 231983

        The chemical synthesis of poliovirus was published in 2002. An unexpected characteristic of synthetic poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney) [sPV1(M)] was its high degree of attenuation in CD155 transgenic (tg) mice. In a subsequent study by our laboratory, the attenuated phenotype of sPV1(M) in CD155 tg mice was found to correlate with a marked temperature sensitive phenotype in human cells of neuronal origin. Genetic analyses clearly indicated that the mutation (A103G)---one of 27 mutations originally engineered into the sPV1(M) genome as a means of differentiating it from wt PV1(M)---determined both observed phenotypes and maps to a spacer region between the cloverleaf and the internal ribosome entry site in the 5' non-translated region of the genome. Sequence alignment of this spacer region of various polioviruses and other members of the C-cluster of human enteroviruses (HEV-C) revealed complete conservation of the A residue at position 103. This observation prompted us to explore the effect of this single nucleotide substitution (A103G) on the growth phenotype in vitro and pathogenicity in vivo of coxsackievirus A20 (CAV20), the HEV-C strain displaying the greatest sequence homology to the polioviruses. Moreover, the current climate surrounding the eradication of poliovirus combined with the possibility that a closely related virus may fill the niche left vacant by poliovirus led us to expand our analysis of the effect of this single nucleotide mutation to PV1(M)/CAV20 chimeras. Our observations indicate that the A103G mutation exerts an effect on the biological properties of CAV20 that is less pronounced than that previously observed for PV1(M). Furthermore, in the context of PV1(M)/CAV20 chimeras, even though the affinity of the various genome segments studied is suggestive of a directionality of compatibility, the effect of the A103G mutation remains discernible, Collectively, these findings reveal the importance of the 103 locus in determining the biological properties of PV1(M) and CAV20 and confirm that the overall architecture of the 5' non-translated region significantly influences pathogenesis.

      • Strain-Mediated Magnetoelectric Composites for Cell Sorting and Memory Devices

        De Jesus, Michael Guevara ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Strain-mediated magnetoelectric composites have received considerable attention due to their multi-physics interaction. The ability to control magnetism at the nanoscale through strain induced electric field have made these composite more energy efficient relative to electric current methods. These strains can also be localized to address individual magnetostrictive nano-elements in an array. These feature have made magnetoelectric composites a potential candidate for magnetic-based devices like cell sorting and memory devices. The work presented in this dissertation provides pathways for these applications. The first part presents an alternative to capture and release of superparamagnetic (SPM) particles using FeGa microstructure on a piezoelectric PMN-PT substrate. This work is complemented with material characterization and micromagnetic-based modeling. The second part introduces a mathematical framework to model highly magnetostrictive thin-films under the influence of large residual stresses. This model was tested and validated with respect to polycrystalline Terfenol-D thin-film. The model also suggests a method to partially demagnetize a micro-scale single-domain, which can be of usefulness in cell sorting applications. The third part introduces a novel design of an epitaxial Terfenol-D memory bit on a piezoelectric substrate. This memory bit is actuated through localized electrodes which trigger an OOP deterministic clocking mechanism. This device can provide non-volatile data storage and energy efficient writing capability. Collectively, the findings in this dissertation are used to explore the influence of crystallinity in the magnetization process of highly magnetostrictive thin-films like FeGa and Terfenol-D. The mathematical framework presented in this dissertation expand on previous micromagnetic models to consider the influence of these nano-crystals. Such tools will be practical in future work involving the design and modeling of these magnetoelectric composites.

      • Statistical analysis of transposon sequencing data to determine essential genes

        De Jesus Aneiro, Michael A Texas A&M University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Transposon Sequencing (TnSeq) has become a popular biological tool for assessing the phenotypes of large libraries of bacterial mutants at the same time. This allows for high-throughput identification of genes which are essential for growth, thus providing valuable information about the function of those genes and the discovery of potential drug targets that could lead to treatments. However, analysis of data obtained from TnSeq is challenging as it requires estimating unknown parameters from data that is often noisy and likely coming from a mixture of different phenotypes. In addition, the classification of essentiality is not known a priori, requiring unsupervised methods capable of identifying key features in the data to confidently determine essentiality. We present several models capable of identifying essential genes while overcoming the difficulties that are present in analyzing TnSeq data. Together, these methods provide ways to analyze TnSeq data in one or multiple conditions, confined within gene boundaries or across the entire genome, and while reducing the impact of noise and outliers that are often present in this type of data.

      • The role of fungal metabolic by-products in indoor air chemistry: Analytical considerations for the evaluation of poor indoor environments

        De Jesus Miranda, Victor Raul Georgia Institute of Technology 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Fungal volatile metabolic by-product emissions from inoculated building materials such as wallboard, ceiling tiles, and fiberglass furnace filters, were investigated in this project to examine their role in indoor air chemistry. This was done in an attempt to establish a fungal microbial volatile organic compound (MVOC) signature to aid in the evaluation of poor indoor environments where fungal contamination is suspected. Furthermore, this project examined the effects of environmental stresses such as the presence of ozone and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on fungal volatile metabolite emissions. In addition, the analytical validity of monitoring fungal MVOC emission patterns as a measure of biocidal activity was also tested, thus this approach may be used to evaluate the “as used” effectiveness of various biocides. Experimental results suggest that fungal MVOC emissions may play a larger role in indoor air chemistry than previously acknowledged. The identification of a fungal MVOC signature was not possible at this time, due in part to the similarities between the responses from the tested fungi, <italic> Aspergillus niger</italic> and <italic>Penicillium viridicatum</italic> (p < 0.001). Fungal exposure to VOCs commonly encountered in indoor settings influenced the fungi's volatile metabolite emissions by either enhancing or inhibiting MVOC emissions, with recorded MVOC levels over 100 mg/m<super> 3</super>, with VOCs such as 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and limonene contributing the largest observed MVOC levels. However, biomass determination procedures are needed to validate the observed phenomena. The introduction of low-level (40–200 ppb) ozone concentrations in the experimental chambers was shown to possibly exacerbate fungal contamination problems. Recorded MVOC levels after ozone exposure were lower than control samples (peak MVOC concentration over 200 μg/m<super> 3</super>); carboxyl metabolites were the predominant species identified after ozone exposure. Additionally, fungal MVOC levels were shown to be a feasible biocide-treatment-efficacy indicator, as evidenced by lower MVOC levels after inoculation of treated building material samples (compared to control samples). Overall, this work has led to a better understanding of MVOC emissions by indoor fungal species grown on building materials. In addition, a clearer indication of the most appropriate methods applicable to IAQ investigations where microbial contamination is suspected has also been established.

      • The paradox of promise at a Latino community high school (New York)

        De Jesus, Anthony Harvard University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        This dissertation explores the way one Latino community responded to the failure of public schools to adequately educate young people in New York City. High rates of academic failure and drop-out, lack of representation of community members among teacher and administrator ranks and the systematic dismissal of Latino historical and cultural perspectives in the prevailing model of schooling converged to define the educational problems of Latinos for the founders of El Puente (Spanish for <italic>the bridge</italic>), a community based organization in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn who, in 1993 established their own high school: El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice (Rivera and Pedraza, 2000). Using qualitative and ethnographic methods, this dissertation presents a case study of El Puente Academy, its accomplishments as derived from archival data and statements made by the schools founders and leadership. The perspectives of students and teachers are analyzed and interpreted through a theoretical framework based on reproduction/resistance theories (Bowles and Gintis 1976; Bourdieu 1987; McLeod 1994; Willis 1977). This theoretical literature reveals how the institution of schooling preserves inequality and suggests that contrary to popular narratives; schooling maintains the subordination of communities through complex structural and cultural processes that lead to differential socioeconomic outcomes despite the transformative potential inherent in the educational process. El Puente Academy engages students through a formal and informal curriculum that is based on students' historical and cultural identities, and academic instruction aimed at preparing students for competitive colleges and universities. These practices are based on the Latino values of <italic>educación </italic> (Valenzuela 1999) and <italic>personalismo</italic> (Santiago, Arredondo & Gallardo-Cooper, 2002) which privilege high-quality interpersonal relations as a pre-requisite to learning. Traditionally marginalized students report these conditions, the structural manifestations of cultural values and practices lead to social and academic transformations rarely found in traditional schools and represent a compelling model for understanding, deeper study and emulation. Despite El Puente Academy's success engaging Latino and African-American students; internal challenges, and forces of gentrification and standardization represent threats to the innovative structures and practices created by El Puente's founders and raise important questions for those interested in community-driven school reform.

      • Ethnic community health promotion and well-being: Relational and cultural praxis of Cape Verdean women health advocates

        De Jesus, Maria Boston College 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Health care researchers, policy makers, and providers are increasingly interested in the delivery of more culturally responsive services to ethnically and racially diverse immigrant populations. Important influences include the nation's changing demographics, ethnic and racial disparities in health care access, service utilization and outcomes, and competitive market forces. The present qualitative study explored and analyzed interviews with nine Cape Verdean women health advocates about their perspectives and daily experiences of working with Cape Verdean women on disease prevention and health promotion. It constructed a bottom-up, culturally-centered grounded theory of the women health advocates' praxis with community women with whom they work. In addition, it cast a critical perspective on universalist models of disease prevention and health promotion that privilege mainstream Western/ized understandings and experiences and are premised on the assumption that health-related preventative behaviors operate primarily within the realm of the individual. By beginning with and centering the marginalized voices and experiences of Cape Verdean women health advocates, the present study filled some of the gaps in the literature about the relational and cultural health praxis of culturally savvy community-based women health advocates. The constructivist grounded theory reflected the dynamic processes through which Cape Verdean women health advocates develop mutually engaging relationships with the women in their community. Overall, health and health promotion for Cape Verdean immigrant women were viewed as functions of the women's relationships with the women health advocates. Specifically, the health advocates referred to the effects of psychosocial, cultural, economic, and sociohistorical factors on community women's health as well as the different forms of community and structural violence that the women face on a daily basis. These contextual understandings informed how the health advocates make meaning of health for the women both at the individual and at the community level. The limitations of the study along with the implications of the findings for future health research, policy, and practice are discussed.

      • Natural abundance radiocarbon studies of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the marine environment

        de Jesus, Roman Paul University of California, San Diego 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC), an active reservoir in the global carbon cycle, has an average age of 6000 years and is comprised of biochemicals which may or may not cycle on different time scales. The primary objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between radiocarbon ( 14C) signature and chemical composition of various fractions within DOC. Specifically, this thesis was designed to provide an analytical framework to explicitly explore the relationship between DOC molecular weight, chemical composition, and reactivity. Chapter 2 describes spatial and temporal total organic carbon (TOC) concentration gradients in 2005 from the California Cooperative Fisheries Oceanic Cooperative (CalCOFI) region, which is the main study area for this thesis. Chapter 3 describes a novel solid phase extraction (SPE) method and reports the chemical and isotopic characteristics of fractionated DOC components based on their solubility. These fractions are compared to DOC isolated by the widely applied UF techniques and the results indicate that chemical composition and 14C content were related. Using compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of sugars and lipids, Chapter 4 shows that both SPE DOC and UDOC contain specific compounds with similar chemical and isotopic characteristics and residence times. In Chapter 5, CSIA was applied to SPE samples collected from the Delaware River and Estuary and the terrestrially influenced Eel River Margin to examine whether riverine DOC inputs contribute specific compounds or common components to the coastal ocean. Finally, the final chapter discusses the implications and significance of these results for marine DOC cycling.

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