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      • Aristocratic drag: The dandy in Irish and Southern fiction

        Crowell, Ellen Margaret The University of Texas at Austin 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation examines the ruling-class literatures of Protestant Ireland and the Anglo-American South through the lens of dandyism. I argue that the 19th century dandy, whose strategic gentility masks a destructive modernity, remained an attractive and potent figure for Irish and American modernists. While postcolonial scholars have noted parallels between Catholic Ireland and African America, no study has linked the analogous literary traditions of Anglo-Ireland and the Anglo-American South---traditions similarly preoccupied with the tension between racial identity and the legitimacy of aristocracies maintained by self-fashioned aristocrats. The dandy---a figure poised between a willed performance of aristocracy and suspect claims to noble blood---thus expresses an ambivalence Anglo-Irish and Southern writers recognize in their own cultures. By juxtaposing novels that employ the changing figure of the dandy, this project exposes a transatlantic literary dialogue. I trace the roots of this dialogue through two foundational "plantation" novels, Maria Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent (1801) and John Pendleton Kennedy's Swallow Barn (1832), in which the dandy's cultural and sexual decadence threatens beleaguered aristocracies. I next identify dandyism's resurgence in Anglo-Irish and Southern modernism, arguing that Oscar Wilde's self-aestheticizations as he traveled through the post-bellum South and his literary version of the androgynous dandy in Dorian Gray (1890) reverberate through the modernist period. As I demonstrate in my second chapter, we see the dandy's influence on these traditions in Faulkner's importation of the "Irish poet, Wilde" into Absalom, Absalom! (1936) and in the dandyesque self-fashionings of Elizabeth Bowen and Katherine Anne Porter. By establishing that Anglo-Irish and Southern modernists recognized in the fin de siecle dandy an ideal vehicle for combining revolutionary deviance with reactionary nostalgia, this project establishes nineteenth-century dandyism's centrality to two major modernist traditions.

      • HCV Birth Cohort Screening Guideline Implementation: A Change of Practice

        Crowell, Danielle Salve Regina University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Objective: Hepatitis C (HCV) is the most common bloodborne pathogen in the United States (CDC, 2018). U. S. Preventive Task Force recommends all people born between 1945 and 1965 be screened for HCV. The purpose of this study is to affect change of practice in a primary care setting via provision of HCV screening guideline education to providers and utilization of screening prompts at the point of care.Methods: Interventional pre-and post-test protocol. HCV education was provided, and HCV screening prompt was integrated at the point of care for patients born between 1945 to 1965. Participants completed questionnaires to determine HCV screening knowledge and perspective before and after the educational intervention. Demographic data along with pre- and post-intervention knowledge and perspectives was analyzed to determine effectiveness of educational intervention and to discover themes. Number of HCV screenings ordered during study period were compared with historical HCV screening orders.Results: Increase in HCV screening knowledge across all provider roles. Increased number of HCV screenings post education.Conclusion: Identified barriers to birth cohort screening highlight the need for a universal screening guideline.

      • Assessment of a Three-Year Argument Skill Development Curriculum

        Crowell, Amanda Columbia University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study examines whether middle-school students' dense, extended engagement in an argumentation curriculum promoted development of argument skills, specifically increased use of direct counterargument and improved argument evaluation skill. A total of 56 students in two classes participated twice a week for three years (grades 6, 7, and 8) as part of their regular school curriculum. Students attended an urban middle school affiliated with a large university and were predominantly Hispanic and African-American and from lower and lower-middle socioeconomic backgrounds; 20% were from middle-class Caucasian families. In addition to its central element -- electronically conducted pair dialogs on social issues - the curriculum encompassed a range of activities including small group preparation of arguments and reflective activities. A third class of 23 served as a comparison group; they also met twice a week over the same time period. They addressed similar social issues in more traditional whole-class discussion and wrote essays. Assessments of dialogic argumentation skill and argument evaluation skill initially and at the end of each of the three years indicated that that the curriculum promoted the use of counterargument generally and the direct counterargument skill specifically. Performance of the experimental group increased over time in both respects and exceeded that of the comparison group. Students participating in the intervention also engaged in more sustained direct counterargument sequences than did students in the comparison group at the final assessment. Parallel improvements in argument evaluation skill of the experimental group relative to the comparison group suggest that evaluation skill responds to practice much the same way as does argumentation performance. Theoretical implications for our understanding of developmental mechanisms are considered, as well as educational implications.

      • Using GPS to Rapidly Detect and Model Earthquakes and Transient Deformation Events

        Crowell, Brendan W University of California, San Diego 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The rapid modeling and detection of earthquakes and transient deformation is a problem of extreme societal importance for earthquake early warning and rapid hazard response. To date, GPS data is not used in earthquake early warning or rapid source modeling even in Japan or California where the most extensive geophysical networks exist. This dissertation focuses on creating algorithms for automated modeling of earthquakes and transient slip events using GPS data in the western United States and Japan. First, I focus on the creation and use of high-rate GPS and combined seismogeodetic data for applications in earthquake early warning and rapid slip inversions. Leveraging data from earthquakes in Japan and southern California, I demonstrate that an accurate magnitude estimate can be made within seconds using P wave displacement scaling, and that a heterogeneous static slip model can be generated within 2-3 minutes. The preliminary source characterization is sufficiently robust to independently confirm the extent of fault slip used for rapid assessment of strong ground motions and improved tsunami warning in subduction zone environments. Secondly, I investigate the automated detection of transient slow slip events in Cascadia using daily positional estimates from GPS. Proper geodetic characterization of transient deformation is necessary for studies of regional interseismic, coseismic and postseismic tectonics, and miscalculations can affect our understanding of the regional stress field. I utilize the relative strength index (RSI) from financial forecasting to create a complete record of slow slip from continuous GPS stations in the Cascadia subduction zone between 1996 and 2012. I create a complete history of slow slip across the Cascadia subduction zone, fully characterizing the timing, progression, and magnitude of events. Finally, using a combination of continuous and campaign GPS measurements, I characterize the amount of extension, shear and subsidence in the Salton Trough, one of the most complex zone of active faulting and seismicity in California. I show the implications that faulting in the Salton Trough has for the evolution of the Brawley Seismic Zone, and more importantly, the southern San Andreas fault.

      • The practice and significance of inlay in New Kingdom monuments as a reflection of royal ideology: The evidence from Malkata and Amarna

        Crowell, Brigit University of Pennsylvania 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation represents the first thorough investigation of the innovative use of faience, a glazed material, and other substances as architectural inlays in certain royal cult monuments of the Egyptian New Kingdom dating mainly from Amenhotep III to Akhenaten. These purposeful additions to the monuments reveal concepts of royal ideology specific to these buildings. The inlays, rarely found in the original context, have survived in many collections. My research involved a first-hand analysis of material from early excavations involving the study of thousands of tile fragments and inlays and examining published and archival resources. I have reconstructed the contexts of use and have reassembled the material for the purpose of explaining the appearance, function, and iconography of the inlays in their original setting. My analysis focuses on the l8th Dynasty in order to explore the initial development of the practice, which utilized two trends followed later. The first is the use of symbolically significant blue faience combined with gold based on an Old Kingdom tradition and the second concerns polychrome faience. In the period of Amenhotep III blue and gold inlay embellished royal kiosks used during the celebration of the sed festival at Malkata. At el-Amarna under Akhenaten the extensive use of architectural inlay in polychrome faience flourished. My study reconstructs new forms designed for ceremonial settings in the Amarna Central Palace; their symbolic iconography reinforced royally endorsed concepts of kingship. Tile-clad throne room columns in brilliant organic colors resembled growing papyrus plants. Figurative tiles duplicating painted compositions portrayed the natural world over which the king held dominion. Lotus tiles symbolized regeneration. Plant plaques showed seasonal growth. Inlaid names of the Aten and the king were displayed throughout the palace. Other inlays include large-scale figures of the king and queen worshiping the Aten; these images perpetuated the offering cult, providing a focus for public veneration. I also demonstrate that forms and techniques of architectural inlay established in the 18th Dynasty continued in use with further developments in Ramesside royal monuments: the palaces of Seti I and Ramesses II at Qantir, Merenptah at Memphis, and two cultic temples of Ramesses III.

      • Language environment and positive caregiving climate in early childhood care and education and their relationship to child language development

        Crowell, Nancy A Georgetown University 2009 해외공개박사

        RANK : 2591

        Much attention has been focused in recent years on the skills young children need at kindergarten entry in order to succeed in school. Strong preliteracy skills have been shown to be predictive of reading and language skills in later elementary grades. Previous research has shown that both the amount and quality of language exposure and the positive caregiving environment of early care and education are related to children's later academic achievement. Seldom has the relationship between the language and positive caregiving environments in early care and education settings and their joint relationship to child language outcomes been examined. Teacher background is a potential contributor to the language and positive caregiving environments in early care and education settings. Previous research has found an association between teacher training and education and quality of care, although recent research has questioned that relationship. Teacher literacy level, as it relates to quality of care and child outcomes, has received little attention. Mothers' literacy levels have been found to be positively correlated with their children's language and cognitive development as well as to the level of cognitive stimulation in the home. Adult literacy has also been found to be positively associated with language environment in early care settings. These findings suggest that adult literacy of early care and education providers may play an important role in both language environment and child outcomes. Using Path Analysis, Study 1 examines the relationships between language and positive caregiving environments and child language outcomes. It contributes to the existing literature by (1) assessing the joint influence of these two aspects of children's early care environments on language development, and (2) contrasting two models---one in which the environmental influences on language development are mediated by teacher-child relationship and one in which child engagement elicits teacher behavior. Study 2 adds provider literacy as a predictor of quality of language environment for a subset of providers. The studies find evidence of a relationship between language and positive caregiving environments. Their association with child language outcomes is mediated by adult-child relationship. There is some evidence that provider literacy affects child language outcomes directly.

      • Healthcare utilization among persons living with HIV with attention to the influences of hepatitis co-infection and elite control

        Crowell, Trevor Adam The Johns Hopkins University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        HIV infection has evolved from a consistently fatal diagnosis into a chronic condition that requires lifelong medication and care. These do not come cheaply. In 2015, the United States government is expected to spend $17.5 billion on health care services and treatment for persons living with HIV (PLWH). PLWH are living longer than they were earlier in the epidemic and beginning to experience age-related complications of comorbidities, such as viral hepatitis. Chronic co-infection with hepatitis B virus and/or hepatitis C virus is common among PLWH and plays an increasingly important role in the morbidity and mortality observed in this population. Understanding its impact on healthcare utilization can help to inform the allocation of limited healthcare resources, improve the cost-effectiveness of HIV care, and guide clinical decision-making. Understanding factors associated with healthcare utilization and costs has become especially important as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is poised to dramatically alter the way healthcare is delivered in the United States. Optimism about improved access to care as a result of the ACA is mirrored by newfound optimism about the possibility of someday developing interventions to achieve a functional cure of HIV, or HIV remission. Elite controllers are a unique and rare subset of PLWH that demonstrate spontaneous virologic control without a need for antiretroviral therapy. In these patients, investigation of healthcare utilization provides insight into the clinical outcomes of elite control that may then inform not only our understanding of costs of care associated with elite control, but also the wisdom of trying to induce a state similar to elite control as a means of achieving HIV remission. The first study investigates the potential role of hepatitis co-infection as a risk factor for hospitalization among adult patients receiving longitudinal HIV care at nine clinical care sites. In 2010, a total of 2,793 hospitalizations were observed among 12,819 patients. In this study, PLWH who were co-infected with hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C had hospitalization rates that were about 50% higher than those seen among persons with HIV mono-infection, after adjusting for factors such as age, CD4 count and HIV viral load. Hospitalization rates for non-AIDS-defining infections were almost twice as high among PLWH with any hepatitis co-infection as compared to those with HIV mono-infection. Hepatitis B co-infection was associated with more hospitalizations for gastrointestinal/liver disease and hepatitis C co-infection was associated with more hospitalizations for psychiatric illnesses. The second study investigates the associations between hepatitis co-infection and utilization of primary HIV care, mental health, and hospital services at four sites from 2006-2011. Outpatient HIV visits did not differ by hepatitis serostatus and decreased over time, likely reflecting evolving professional society guidelines that recommend less frequent monitoring for patients with well-controlled HIV. Mental health visits were more common among HIV/HCV co-infected persons than among HIV mono-infected persons, emphasizing the important role of psychiatric disease in this population. The third study investigates hospitalization rates among elite controllers as compared to persons with medically controlled HIV at 11 sites from 2005-2011. With 149 elite controllers, the data from this study represent one of the largest published cohorts. After adjustment for demographic and clinical factors, elite control was associated with higher rates of all-cause, cardiovascular and psychiatric hospitalization than was medical control. Hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease were disproportionately common among elite controllers. These findings represent some of the first data on clinical outcomes in this population and are consistent with prior studies demonstrating high rates of inflammation and a high burden of apparent cardiovascular disease on radiographic screening. Care providers may consider these findings when deciding whether or not to initiate ART in patients with elite control. These data also suggest that elite control may not be an ideal model for the functional cure of HIV, since patients treated with ART appear to have better outcomes in terms of hospitalization. These studies have each been published in medical journals and are reprinted here with permission. They provide insights that can guide the clinical care of PLWH who are co-infected with hepatitis or who demonstrate elite control. They also improve our understanding of factors related to healthcare utilization and, therefore, costs of HIV care. At a time when access to care is expanding, it is essential to understand and manage costs of care. At a time when functional cure of HIV has become a realistic goal, it is essential to understand precisely the goal we wish to achieve. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.).

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