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      • Empire and emigration: The representation of the indiano in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Spanish literature (Antonio Machado, Rosalia de Castro)

        Conlon, Joy Margaret Ann Stanford University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        From 1880 to 1930 Spain witnessed the largest mass emigration to Latin America in its history as Spaniards left to make their fortunes in the Americas. Writers from the Northern Spanish regions most affected by emigration agonized over the future of their agricultural countryside left with no young men to work the land. These writers were often suspicious of the foreign-bred modernity represented by returning wealthy emigrants, called “indianos,” who encroached on traditional rural values and encouraged young boys to emigrate as well, perpetuating the cycle of emigration. Indianos were largely portrayed negatively in contemporary literature as ridiculous social climbers who replicated and conserved the social hierarchies and bourgeois mentality of Restoration Spain. At the beginning of the twentieth century, though, members of the Generation of 1898 transformed the indiano character from a prodigal son of the old Restoration Spain into the prodigious son for a new modern Spain. This radical change was due to the intersection of the intellectuals' personal history of emigration and the indianos' socio-political endeavors. Machado, Maeztu, and Unamuno all had indiano fathers or grandfathers, and their representation of emigration to Latin America demonstrates the indelible mark this personal history left on their lives. Emigrant mutual-aid societies first established abroad to help arriving emigrants successfully effected agricultural, educational and labor reform measures in the emigrants' hometowns in Spain. I trace this change in the representation of the indiano utilizing the poetry of Rosalía de Castro and Antonio Machado as exemplary models. Castro's poetry offers a female perspective of the largely male exodus from Spain in the mid-nineteenth century at the moment of departure and writes the history of those who stayed behind, while Machado's poetry reflects the potential for social change effected by returning indianos. The emigrant who abandons Spain in Castro's poetry becomes the indiano to save Spain in Machado's poetry. Injecting new capital and new ideas brought from the “New World” into a stagnant, backward Spain, the indiano would create a New Spain out of the Old Spain.

      • Anticipated work-family conflict and the life style expectations of female and male undergraduate and graduate students

        Conlon, Amy Lynne University of Minnesota 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study explored anticipated work-family conflict among a sample of undergraduate and graduate students. Counselors have been encouraged to address work-family integration issues with students as a means of facilitating the formulation of concrete, realistic future plans. However, few studies have systematically examined the prevalence and types of conflict students anticipate. Moreover, recommendations in the counseling literature assume that a heightened awareness of future work-family difficulties will facilitate the development of career and family plans that are congruent with students' life aspirations, but this assumption seldom has been tested with empirical data. According to social-cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994), anticipated work-family conflict may be perceived as a barrier to career attainment that decreases students' involvement in planning for future roles and ultimately dampens career aspirations. Conversely, within the multiple role realism framework (Weitzman, 1994), anticipating work-family conflict is viewed as part of a mature approach to the future that should relate to the formulation of concrete strategies for work-family integration and an increased likelihood of attaining goals. The current study was designed to examine these competing predictions by investigating the relationships between anticipated work-family conflict and attitudes toward multiple role planning and career aspirations. Additionally, the associations between anticipated work-family and personal characteristics, family background variables, and gender role orientation were explored. The prevalence and types of anticipated work-family conflict were explored using both quantitative and qualitative data. Correlational and hierarchical multiple regression analyses examined the associations among study variables, with a particular focus on whether anticipated work-family conflict accounted for unique variance in planning attitudes and career aspirations. On average, participants anticipated moderate levels of future work-family conflict, with concerns regarding childcare and time commitments cited most frequently. Consistent with social cognitive career theory, higher levels of anticipated work-family conflict were related to less knowledge of strategies for work-family integration; however, career aspirations were unrelated to anticipated work-family conflict. Factors related to levels of anticipated work-family conflict varied depending on the domain of conflict examined, and different patterns of correlations emerged for women and men. Counseling implications and directions for future research are discussed.

      • A study of ergonomic risk factors and interventions among aerospace engineers

        Conlon, Craig Fertig University of California, Los Angeles 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation describes an ergonomic study of engineers at an aerospace firm. The first paper is a cross-sectional study intended to investigate the risk factors associated with entrapment neuropathies at the wrist. The second and third papers describe a randomized controlled trial designed to determine whether a forearm support board and/or a neutral forearm posture mouse, when used by engineers with heavy computer usage, would (1) reduce the incidence of upper body musculoskeletal disorders, (2) reduce discomfort severity, and (3) alter the distal motor latency of the median or ulnar nerve at the right wrist. Methods. The cross-sectional study of 202 engineers utilized questionnaires and electrophysiological nerve testing at the wrist. The definition for median or ulnar mononeuropathy required the combination of distal upper extremity discomfort and abnormal distal motor latency. The randomized controlled intervention trial followed 206 engineers for one year. Participants were randomized to receive a conventional mouse or an alternative mouse, and a forearm support board or no board. Outcome measures included weekly upper body discomfort scores and incident musculoskeletal disorders. Findings. The prevalence of neuropathy at the wrist was 10.3% (right median), 3.4% (left median), 1.8% (right ulnar) and 2.9% (left ulnar). Three variables demonstrated positive associations with median neuropathy (body mass index, hours of computer use, and antihypertensive medication) and three variables with negative associations (typing speed, driving hours, total break time). With the intervention study, 42 participants were diagnosed with an incident musculoskeletal disorder. The group that received the forearm support board experienced a reduction of their right upper extremity discomfort (beta-coefficient = -0.35, 95% C.I. = -0.67 to -0.03) in comparison to those who did not receive this board. The group that received the alternative mouse had a protective, but non-significant (p=0.20), effect on incident cases of right upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (HR=0.57, 95% C.I.= 0.24 to 1.34) and a non-significant reduction in neck-shoulder discomfort (beta-coefficient = -0.23, 95% C.I.=-.056 to 0.10) in comparison to the conventional mouse.

      • How do Minnesota school board members learn to do their jobs?

        Conlon, Thomas Julius University of Minnesota 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        School boards in Minnesota largely function as volunteer or lowly-compensated elected bodies whose members are not professionally trained for their jobs, yet the public demands accountability and results from their local public school districts. This descriptive study examined how a random sample of 322 Minnesota school board members learned to do their jobs under such conditions, as largely autonomous bodies with various differences between school districts. A hard copy of a survey was sent to the identified sample, with a response rate of 66.1%. The study found that, while neither informal, formal, nor external professional transfer skill learning methods solely dominated, whereas Marsick and Watkins (1992) believed that 90% of workplace learning takes place through informal means. Skills requiring large degrees of interpersonal interaction, negotiation, or political awareness were learned predominantly through informal (and to a lesser extent external professional transfer) means, while skills in key duties were largely learned through formal means. Demographic characteristics gathered yielded virtually no differences among groups. Challenges faced by formal training providers of school board members included whether or not the training methods (formal versus informal) were effective for certain tasks or duties, if learning improved using formal methods, and if certain areas not currently covered in formal training might be needed. The study concludes with a call for further research into the experiences of learning to be a school board member.

      • Experimental investigation of the vibroacoustic response characteristics of rib-stiffened panels with simple and complex attachments

        Conlon, Stephen Clarke The Pennsylvania State University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This work experimentally investigates the critical vibroacoustic response characteristics of a class of lightweight structures representative of those used in communications satellites. Parametric trends are identified and contrasted for the structures loaded with simple (non-resonant) mass attachments and for complex (resonant) equipment attachments. Unlike related previous works where the attachments' mass was typically on the order of ten percent of the primary structure mass, in this investigation the maximum loaded structure mass is approximately ten times that of the underlying sandwich panel mass. The critical parameters investigated include the average system conductance, radiation efficiency and damping. The transition that the critical vibroacoustic parameters make when the loading is incrementally increased, from an unloaded uniform structure to the maximum loaded complex structure, are also assessed. Parameter trends for the average conductance and radiation efficiency show significant shifts when the attachment mass exceeds the underlying structure mass. The radiation efficiency and radiation coupling results collapse to two nominal radiation efficiency profiles, one for the attachment mass greater than the structure mass and one for the attachment mass less than the structure mass, which can be used to describe the structural acoustic coupling characteristics of all loaded panel configurations investigated. The internal loss factor results show the role that internal and radiation losses play in the total induced loss factor including the effects of both resonant and non-resonant attachments. For the unloaded and mass loaded panels the radiation losses play a significant role over much of the frequency spectrum especially near and above the critical frequency. With just a few equipment attachments the total loss characteristics change significantly showing that over much of the frequency spectrum the induced damping effects of the resonant attachments are the limiting loss mechanism. When the equipment loading exceeds the total underlying structure mass, the loss effects of the equipment completely dominate the total induced loss factor at all frequencies by approximately 10 to 20 dB. One of the recurring themes observed in the results of this investigation is the presence of irregularity in the parametric trends at mid-frequencies. With the structural in-homogeneity present in these loaded panels it is logical that there should be a cross-over frequency region where the modes dominating the response transition from global (the effects of the attachments and stiffeners more uniformly affect the vibration) to local (the non-homogeneous features only affect the local response). (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

      • The stories superintendents tell about gifted education: A study of their narratives

        Conlon, Linda Shaw University of Pittsburgh 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This qualitative study suggests a unique advocacy strategy for improved gifted programming in public schools. A review of the literature reveals that in light of NCLB and other political and economic factors, gifted education is once again, as it historically has been, at risk. Advocacy efforts at the state and national levels have been sporadic and only partially successful because programming is primarily a local proposition. Further, the literature exposes a paucity of research attention toward public school superintendents who are key figures in their district's philosophy toward gifted learners and who control its financial and human resources. To address this omission, the study analyzes lived experiences of public school superintendents who were prompted to recall an encounter with gifted education in any of their personal or professional roles. The Critical Incident Technique (CIT) was used to examine the resulting narratives. CIT posits that selected memories, which have stood the test of time, are meaningful. The gifted education issues embedded in the recalled stories hold key experiential information and attitudinal data that, upon examination and interpretation, can guide the efforts of gifted education coordinators and others charged with the design and delivery of services. Eighteen superintendents were interviewed. Each of their stories was analyzed for perspective, setting, embedded gifted education issue(s) and overall positive or negative affect. Selected stories highlighted the attitudes, feelings or beliefs that resulted from the experience and that potentially could inform programmatic, professional development or advocacy activities at the local level. Additionally, the stories were analyzed collectively for patterns or themes that could contribute to a professional discourse about the role superintendents play in the establishment, quality and maintenance of gifted programming in public schools. The superintendents' stories encompassed major issues in gifted education: identification, acceleration, curriculum, social justice concerns and program models. They were offered from a variety of personal and professional perspectives, from early childhood to the present, indicating the wide spectrum of memorable encounters with gifted education these leaders have experienced over their lifetimes -- encounters that may reveal their mindsets toward gifted education, and potentially its fate in their districts and beyond.

      • One-whole or one-half: A case study of an identical twin's exploration of personal identity through family perceptions

        Conlon, Jill L Iowa State University 2009 해외공개박사

        RANK : 247343

        The aim of this research was to explore my family's perceptions of identity development of my twin sister and myself. As a researcher, who is an identical twin, I have been fascinated by the perceptions that families have regarding their twins. Another important purpose of this study was to look at the perceptions of my twin sister and myself to see if they correlated with the perceptions of the family -- specifically my parents and my siblings. Additionally, this study explored the phenomenon of identical twins to see if the perceptions were grounded in the context of a set or as individuals. Families with identical twins, health and educational professionals, and twins themselves face a genuine interest in this topic. A qualitative approach was used in the research and studied through case study methodology. Interviews with family members, autobiographies, family photographs and review of annual family letters were utilized for descriptive analysis. This data was collected, coded, and analyzed. Themes emerged which offered insight into the family perceptions. My parents were concerned with making sure that individual identities were preserved, while my siblings, my sister and I were not recognizably concerned about this; constellation and birth order in my family had an impact on perceptions of identity; my sister and I were often compared; the family aligned our identity within the context of a set while we viewed our identity with individual context; and the family did not discuss our perceptions, resulting in low communication about identical twin identity development. As a result of this study, insight was given to my family's perceptions and recommendations for future research. This is significant to navigate healthy environments and perspectives toward identity development for identical twins, from one family's perspective.

      • The lessons of Arnold Schoenberg in teaching the Musikalische Gedanke

        Conlon, Colleen Marie University of North Texas 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Arnold Schoenberg's teaching career spanned over fifty years and included experiences in Austria, Germany, and the United States. Schoenberg's teaching assistant, Leonard Stein, transcribed Schoenberg's class lectures at UCLA from 1936 to 1944. Most of these notes resulted in publications that provide pedagogical examples of combined elements from Schoenberg's European years of teaching with his years of teaching in America. There are also class notes from Schoenberg's later lectures that have gone unexamined. These notes contain substantial examples of Schoenberg's later theories with analyses of masterworks that have never been published. Both the class notes and the subsequent publications reveal Schoenberg's comprehensive approach to understanding the presentation of the Gedanke or musical idea. In his later classes especially, Schoenberg demonstrated a method of analyzing musical compositions using illustrations of elements of the Grundgestalt or "basic shape," which contains the technical aspects of the musical parts. Through an examination of his published and unpublished manuscripts, this study will demonstrate Schoenberg's commitment to a comprehensive approach to teaching. Schoenberg's heritage of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century music theory is evident in his Harmonielehre and in his other European writings. The latter include Zusammenhang, Kontrapunkt, Instrumentation, Formenlehre (ZKIF), and Der musikalische Gedanke und die Logik, Technik, und Kunst seiner Darstellung (the Gedanke manuscripts), written over the course of several years from the 1920s to the early 1930s. After emigrating to the United States in 1933, Schoenberg immediately began teaching and writing in an attempt to arrive at a comprehensive approach to his pedagogy. The remainder of Schoenberg's textbook publications, with the exception of Models for Beginners in Composition, were left unfinished, were edited primarily by Leonard Stein and published after Schoenberg's death in 1951. Preliminary Exercises in Counterpoint, Fundamentals of Musical Composition, and Structural Functions of Harmony complete his ouevre of theory publications. An examination of the Stein notes offers contributing evidence to Schoenberg's lifelong pursuit to find a comprehensive approach for teaching an understanding of the musikalische Gedanke. With the addition of an analysis of the first movement of Mozart's G minor Symphony, K. 550, which Schoenberg used often to illustrate examples of basic concepts as liquidation, transition, neutralization in the minor key, the role of the subordinate theme, retransitions, codettas, melodic and harmonic overlapping, and motivic analysis, this study focuses on Schoenberg's comprehensive approach to both analyzing the musical work and teaching methods of composing.

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