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      • Memory and Commemoration in Robert Schumann's Album Leaves

        Carrier, Carolyn ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Indiana University 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In this dissertation, I study Robert Schumann’s interaction with nineteenth-century album practice, in his own inscriptions and compositions, as a means of better understanding Romantic memory. Personal keepsake albums—in which people asked friends and family members to inscribe leaves through which they could be remembered—show the complex ways individuals interacted with and constructed memory. Current musicological research has addressed memory in music as a stylistic topos meant to be recognized by general audiences, and has also brought to light the burgeoning importance of public-facing sites of memory such as monuments throughout the nineteenth century. A study of albums—which focuses on personal and private memory practices—thus provides a necessary complement. The Romantics were concerned with both inner and outer worlds, and though albums foreground what may seem like the quotidian nature of everyday interpersonal relationships, they also demonstrate a profound acknowledgement of the poetic and imaginative power of memory and the ways in which everyday people could access it.Through a series of case studies, I engage with Schumann’s mementos as both cultural objects and musical texts, contextualizing them historically and biographically. I explore a period of time in which Schumann almost exclusively inscribed choral canons, constructing a private legacy which emphasized his status as a pedagogue and his affection for his choral society. I investigate the album Robert and Clara created for their student Emilie Steffens to commemorate her importance in their social circle and celebrate her identity as an up-and-coming musician. I show how some of the conventions of private album practice permeated the public sphere through Schumann’s contributions to published musical albums and anthologies. And lastly, I approach the Album fur die Jugend through the lens of album practice, demonstrating how “Erinnerung,” written for Felix Mendelssohn after his death, stands in dialogue with several other private album leaves created by the Schumanns and their close friends, as well as with the so-called Star Pieces in the Album. My approach to Romantic memory and music thus explains how issues of aesthetics, Robert Schumann’s personal practices, and the very social considerations of album-keeping intersect.

      • Flexible institutional designs and executive politics in semi-presidential European regimes

        Carrier, Martin The University of Arizona 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        I challenge the common assumption in the literature that executives' powers vis-a-vis each other can change solely as the result of the norms and practices consequential of institutional change. I argue instead that a fixed institutional design can also generate changes in power distribution, through informal rules, norms, and practices of an institution, without necessitating formal or constitutional transformation. I contribute to both the literature on institutional change and the literature on democratic regimes by providing a systematic assessment of the factors that explain why there are shifts in the power distribution between political executives in semi-presidential regimes. I propose to test the key factors of power variation proposed in the literature on the power relationship between presidents and prime ministers, through two major studies, France's Fifth Republic and post-1993 Ukraine, and three suggestive studies of Finland, post-1993 Russia, and post-1990 Poland. This study tests those three set of theoretical explanations through historical analysis and develop a model explaining the causes of changes in the power relationship between presidents and prime ministers in semi-presidential regimes. More precisely, I try to assess the importance of the institutional design in semi-presidential regimes versus the impact of non-institutional factors, highlighting the role of the specific national context (partisan politics, non-institutional factors) in shaping political practice between political executives. The examination of institutional practice through the lens of the power relationship between political executives in the semi-presidential regimes demonstrates that this claim needs to be revisited. Theoretically, the results of the historical analysis support historical, sociological, and normative institutionalist theories, which have stressed the need to go beyond orthodox institutionalist theories. Globally, results show the theoretical need to capture the political, social, international, and economic context in order to define and predict the power distribution between political actors in semipresidential regimes. This study highlights the need to dismiss the claim that institutional unpredictability is solely observed in unstable country and showcases the complex dynamic that (a) institutions adapt to their political environment, while (b) the political environment adapts to the institutions.

      • Between being and becoming: On architecture, student protest, and the aesthetics of liberalism in postwar America

        Carriere, Michael H The University of Chicago 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation focuses upon the built environment at four urban universities in the United States, Yale University, Columbia University, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), and the University of California-Berkeley, and documents this relationship between liberalism, modernism and the postwar American college campus. To many liberal leaders - within the university and without - the development of universities and their surrounding communities offered a place for the employment of a new visual and spatial language for America's postwar democracy, and the architecture and urban planning associated with a number of elite universities provided an arena where modernism - which, postwar liberalism, valued rationality, technology, a mistrust of ideology, and an orientation towards the future - could flourish. Government agencies showered such campuses with increased federal funding, and welcomed a turn in architectural style that highlighted the new values of the immediate postwar era. In terms of urban planning, urban universities and their allies even adopted the language of Cold War anti-communism, arguing that university expansion and other forms of urban renewal were valuable instruments not only of domestic "containment" in the war against blight and inner-city decay (not surprisingly, such rhetoric, and the designs this language inspired - as in the discourse surrounding communism - took an incredibly masculine turn), but also in "liberating" such cityscapes from the horrors of urban blight. Within the world of university planning - as in the realm of American liberalism - the city came to be seen as something of a laboratory, a place where the greatest problems confronting American society could not only be viewed, but also conceivably solved. Along similar lines, the architecture and planning behind such universities highlighted the perceived strengths of postwar liberalism, and their robust modernist design, much like that of many of the US embassies scattered around the world, served as a visual reminder of American potency in the postwar struggle against global communism. These structures would also come to be viewed as symbols by other groups of actors, including community activists and student protesters - or groups that came to challenge postwar liberalism in America's cities.

      • Behavioral and metabolic observations of dairy cows in the transition period

        Carrier, Jerome University of Minnesota 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation is about the epidemiology of (1) periparturient ketosis, and (2) parturition behavior and stillbirth in dairy cattle. First, three ketosis cowside tests were evaluated. The KetoCheck powder in milk had a moderately low sensitivity (41%) but a high specificity (99%) at detecting serum betahydroxybutyrate (BHBA) above 1400 mumol/L. The sensitivity and specificity of the Ketostix strip on urine were 78 and 96% at the "small" cutpoint. The KetoTest strip on milk had a similar accuracy at the 100 mumol/L cutpoint. Second, blood was collected and milk production measured repeatedly for 161 cows in their first 2 weeks of lactation. Serum was analyzed for BHBA, non esterified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose and total calcium concentrations. Cows were stratified by peak BHBA concentration: low, moderate and high. Metabolite levels and milk production differed between peak BHBA groups. The short drops in calcium and glucose surrounding the time of peak BHBA in the high group could be related to drops in feed intake. Finally, a daily urine screening program was evaluated using the previous dataset. At the Ketostix cutpoint of "small", 64% of cows with a 2-week average serum BHBA greater than 1000 mumol/L were detected. The specificity was 95%. For the parturition topic, 464 cows were moved to individual calving pens when calving was imminent and were videotaped. The stage of calving at pen move was associated with restless behaviors, with cows moved at earlier stages spending more time standing in their 1st hour in the pen and needing more time to lie down. Stage was closely associated with calving duration, with a median of 4, 2 and 1 h for cows moved with mucus only, envelopes or visible calf feet, respectively. Restless behaviors were associated with longer calvings, especially with the total time standing. Finally, stillbirth was defined as death within 24 h of parturition. Adjusting for dystocia, parity and calf weight, longer calvings had higher odds of stillbirth (OR = 1.3 per hour). Because the increased risk was specifically due to longer down time (OR = 2.1 per hour), restless behaviors were not closely related to stillbirth.

      • Excitotoxicity and bioenergetics in Huntington's disease transgenic neurons

        Carrier, Raeann Lynn The Ohio State University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Huntington's disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disease caused by a polyglutamine expansion (>39 repeats) in the huntingtin protein. HD causes loss of striatal neurons and patients develop progressive chorea, rigidity, and lack of motor coordination. We have cultured forebrain neurons from both the R6/2 transgenic mouse line (expressing an N-terminal fragment of human huntingtin with ∼150 glutamines) and the YAC72 line (expressing full-length human huntingtin with 72 glutamines) to study the effect of mutant huntingtin expression on AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated neuronal signaling and cell death. Using a sensitive and selective neuronal cell death assay our lab recently developed, we found that R6/2 neurons, but not YAC72 neurons, are significantly more vulnerable to glutamate and kainate-mediated neuronal death compared to wildtype (WT) control neurons. Since calcium is a key mediator of glutamate receptor-mediated neuronal death, we measured calcium levels in response to kainate. Kainate-induced (30 second) neuronal calcium responses were significantly greater in R6/2 neurons compared to WT neurons; however, this increased sensitivity to kainate was not seen in YAC72 neurons. When we used a low-affinity fluorescent calcium indicator to monitor longer (15 minute) exposures to kainate, we revealed a subset (∼20%) of neurons that exhibit very large increases in calcium. However, there were few notable differences between kainate-mediated calcium responses in HD and WT neurons under these recording conditions. Similarly, kainate-induced mitochondrial depolarization and ATP decreases were comparable in HD and WT neurons. Collectively, our results suggest that mutant huntingtin expression in young cultured neurons does not profoundly affect AMPA/kainate receptor mediated signaling. This is in contrast to the reports of robust modulation of NMDA receptor-mediated signaling and death in HD transgenic neurons. While we have focused on the short-term effect (weeks) of mutant huntingtin expression on AMPA/kainate receptor signaling, we do not know the cumulative effect of mutant huntingtin expression on both NMDA and AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated signaling over the decades of disease progression in HD patients. Whether the relatively modest potentiation of AMPA/kainate receptors that we discovered, along with previously reported effects on NMDA receptors, contribute to neuronal dysfunction in HD patients remains to be determined.

      • Combustion modeling of ethylene/oxygen and allene/oxygen mixtures: Chemical oxidation mechanisms and numerical solution of the non-adiabatic flame equations

        Carriere, Thierry University of Massachusetts Amherst 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The objective of this work is to improve the understanding of combustion chemistry by modeling the chemical and physical characteristics of ethylene and allene reacting mixtures in a wide variety of combustion systems. This is of critical importance for environmental and economic reasons today: formation of air toxics whose emissions are regulated by the U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments, optimization of engines output, and reformulation of fuels, for example. First, a reaction set containing 731 reactions of 85 species was assembled from the literature and theoretical calculations. The mechanism focuses on the C2 and C3 hydrocarbons reactions but it also includes heavier species up to C6 hydrocarbons such as benzene and phenyl. New rate constants for the reactions of the key system C2H 3+O2 were calculated theoretically and rate constants for the C3H3 recombination reaction were inferred from the recent literature. This reaction set was then used in simulations of shock-tubes, flow reactors and especially flame experiments in various conditions. The predictions obtained throughout the study are generally in good agreement with the experimental data and establishes the overall high-quality of the reaction set. However, in the case of a fuel-lean (&phis; = 0.70) ethylene flame, the predicted profiles of key radicals are not within the experimental uncertainty. The modeling of important reactions involving radicals such as H+O2 in this environment may still be inaccurate. A novel approach to flat-flame modeling is also introduced. External heat losses by radiation are included in the energy conservation equation for the first time. This improvement of the model allows the temperature profile to be computed in the case of real, non-adiabatic flames. The analysis of the predictions shows that temperature is greatly affected by the presence of soot in fuel-rich flames. In fuel-lean flames, insufficient heat is generated by the mechanism at low temperature. Finally, net heat flux analysis is used to demonstrate the very good agreement of the predictions with data of the fuel-rich flame and quantify the discrepancy in the case of the fuel-lean flame.

      • Teaching with Cultural Responsiveness: Foundations, Policy, and Practice

        Carrier, Danielle M ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Geor 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation is a multi-method study that investigates the concepts of culturally responsive teaching and culturally relevant pedagogy in theory, policy, and practice. It examines the roots of culturally responsive and relevant education as originally conceptualized by educational scholars Gevena Gay and Gloria Ladson-Billings. Through autoethnography, critical discourse analysis, and interviews with student teachers, this study brings to light some of the tensions in teaching with cultural responsiveness when these theories come into contact with Whiteness and are expressed through individuals, policy, and in schools. Chapter 2 exemplifies Black excellence in Washington, DC through autoethnography that decenters and replaces Whiteness with Blackness. Chapter 3 shows opportunity for race-conscious policy through a discourse analysis of states’ professional teaching standards’ that shows that states are not explicit enough in directly addressing educational inequality. Chapter 4 describes some of the challenges and opportunities that student teachers in one university-based teacher preparation program experienced learning about culturally responsive teaching. This dissertation is one contribution to the work of other critically-minded scholars concerned about educating all students living in the U.S. and the future of our democratic society.

      • Time-resolved studies of bromine radicals in solution and the effects of solvent on charge-transfer transitions

        Carrier, Stacey L The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        We employ ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy to monitor the dynamics of bromine radicals in solution. A 267-nm pulse dissociates either bromoform or dibromomethane to form Br and a partner radical and broadband transient electronic absorption follows their time evolution. In both neat bromoform and dibromomethane a species absorbing at 390 nm appears promptly and decays in less than 15 ps as another longer wavelength feature appears. The presence of an isosbestic point between the two spectra suggests that the initial feature is the precursor to the second absorber. The initial feature is consistent with the cage recombination of the radical fragments to form either the original molecule or an isomer where the bromine radical binds to a bromine atom on the bromomethyl radical. A large amount of internal energy, leftover from the photolysis, permits the release of the weakly bound Br atom to form a complex with other solvent molecules. The 390-nm iso-bromoalkane absorption does not change upon dilution, but the transition of the CHBr3-Br or CH2Br2-Br complex systematically increases with the addition of cyclohexane. This trend agrees with the predicted dependence of a charge-transfer transition on the dielectric constant of the medium. These complexes live for more than a nanosecond in solution. These experiments provide the necessary ground work for studying vibrationally mediated bimolecular reactions. The barrier for hydrogen abstraction by a bromine atom is similar in magnitude to the amount of energy of a single quantum of C-H stretch, making it an ideal candidate for vibrational enhancement.

      • Homesteads on the purgatoire: Frontiers of culture contact in 19th century Colorado

        Church, Minette Carrier University of Pennsylvania 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The 1870s was a time of great change in the human culture and landscape of southeastern Colorado. Spanish-speaking people from New Mexico were moving north into this area, Anglo-Americans from the east were arriving, and several Native American groups continued to inhabit the area on a migratory basis. While the usual scenario set up by traditional historians and anthropologists is one that emphasizes the assimilation of New Mexicans into the Anglo mainstream, or into dependence upon it, and the relegation of Native groups to reservations and cultural stagnation, there is much archaeological and documentary evidence that this picture is too simple. There has been less attention in the literature to the choices all groups made in the process of mutual accommodation or resistance, or to the fact that in large regions of the West, at least initially, Anglo-Americans were in fact in the minority. The middle and late nineteenth century witnessed intensive trade and interaction between these internally varied groups, accompanied by social interaction, and concomitant changes in subsistence strategies and their affects on the landscape. Thus the material signatures of this interaction and the active choices people made in the course of it remain in material patterning on archaeological sites of this homesteading era, and in the patterns of human alteration of the landscapes in which they are situated.

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